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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 311 KB, 2000x970, dremel®200series-9178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1257903 No.1257903 [Reply] [Original]

so, I bought a dremel because I always wanted one.
what do I do with it now ?

>> No.1257904

You should sell things you absolutly dont have a use for

>> No.1257905

Let it sit in a box. When its time comes, youll know

>> No.1257908

Cut some shit up.

>> No.1257913

bad advice
good advice
exactly my thoughts

I will make some templates and makes my lockpicks and keys

>> No.1257914

>what do I do with it now ?
Same thing everyone does, carve your initials into a bunch of shit and then throw it in a drawer and forget you have it until you finally think of a legitimate use for it. Of course by then you've lost half the bits and will end up throwing it out in a fit of rage when you can't get your project to look like the one in the video.

>> No.1258061

Buy heatsinks in bulk and customize them for individual orders.

>> No.1258067

trade it for a proper die grinder

>> No.1258080

I bought a die grinder a while ago, basically a larger dremel. I'm fairly used to using power tools / drills etc. but it took a little time to get used to using it. I'd suggest you practice keeping your hands steady and moving in straight lines while cutting shit up. Especially if you're sanding shit with it

>> No.1258083

>breaking the edge with grinding head
>tool slips
>ruined the whole part

>> No.1258099

put it in the drawer with your raspberry pi

>> No.1258123

You over paid. These work fantastic.

>> No.1258220

>what do I do with it now ?
A pet nail grooming service.

>> No.1258231

I use mine for carving/stripping driftwood. Other than that I can't think of anything.

Bits are specialty, though. And it'd be easier with a die grinder.

>> No.1258238

The dremels do a better job of staying cool when you're using them under load (e.g. grinding) for an extended period.

The cheapshit ones work fine, but they crap out and get burny hot under that kind of use.

>> No.1258251

Carve a pumpkin with it

>> No.1258258

I use mine to make carvings on bones, horns, antlers etc
You should buy stuff when you need it for something though, or you're going to let it sit in a box for ages

>> No.1258259

Return it and buy a hacksaw and a file.

>> No.1258422
File: 32 KB, 510x465, 1507667821293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this

>> No.1258423
File: 37 KB, 501x492, 1507667899551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then get this

>> No.1258544

Thanks for the help Dremel marketing team.

>> No.1258883

Find rocks and do figurines. It's a peaceful hobby and everyone loves little baubles like that.

>> No.1258891

Meh. Having tried the whole "make your own picks" thing, id say you're better off just accepting your effort is better spent on making the money to buy a proper set. With all the tools(bench grinder, hacksaw blades, dremel, files, etc...) and the time put in(probably half an hour per pick) you'll almost definitely be better off just buying from southord or even some chink site.

Still a good thing to work on, since you'll probably want to customize the ones you buy, but dont go in expecting to actually want to use your hand made ones.

>> No.1258892

Have that model, but with stand I can clamp on my desk. Works fine, just need to get some fiberglass reinforced cutting discs from the chinks. The discs which come with it shatter far too easily.

>> No.1258919

>what do I do with it now ?
Any damn thing you want.
I recently had to drill a bunch of 18" holes through two layers of 1-bys (3/4" thick wood).
I needed to be able to get it fairly straight just by eye, no press involved.
The Dremel worked a lot better than a regular drill would have.
It's lighter, and easier to align vertically by eye.

I've used the cut-off wheel instead of a real die-grinder, once because I just don't have a real die grinder, and once because it was a really small slot I needed to cut.

>> No.1258924

>a bunch of 18" holes
a bunch of 1/8" holes

>> No.1258935

I want a flex shaft, how good is it?
I already have a dremel

>> No.1258936

These are bulletproof

Ive burnt out several dremels and this thing just takes abuse like a champ. I got it on clearance at walmart, but think its worth the full price for sure

>> No.1258940

My dremel comes into handy all the damn time.

Just used mine to polish the feedramps on my new pistol

>> No.1258975

the tool is heavy. its just easier to move the tip around with the flex shaft.

>> No.1258976

chuck makes it so don't need to use that wrench everytime to change tips or change the holder when using different shaft sizes.

>> No.1258985

Trim ur dogs nails, that's all I use mine for

>> No.1259016

Make bongs out of everything, obviously

>> No.1259091

Endlessly polish all small metal parts with it.

>> No.1259140

Use it to build those polymer glock %80 lowers

>> No.1259442

ill use mine to clean fastener threads, sharpen tools, I also make vape juice and I have this metal drink mixing frothing wand that mixes my batches REALLY well, just have to clean it out though.
I also wasted the money to buy the router bits. I made a bootleg routertable out of some plywood and used it to route the sides of my keyboard tray. It worked, but I wouldn't do it again. It's not a router and I feel i've shaved off a good few months of life from my dremel.

>> No.1259557
File: 507 KB, 1213x1595, IMG_5217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grind down bolts or screws that are too long. Cut metal. Sand wood. Grind rough edges smooth. 90% of the time I'm cutting something with it.

Pic related, I used it a few days ago to add a rear light to my boat. Cut some holes with a drill and used the dremel to make one big circle. They have so many practical uses, I wish I had this thing years ago.

>> No.1259559
File: 25 KB, 604x604, 1tv4ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do home gunsmithing on your ar15:


>> No.1260070

you can get a china clone for cheap its the same

>> No.1260071

>wanting to warp your barrel

>> No.1260080

>what do I do with it now ?
Don't even upack it, and leave it on your shelf, looking all fancy, just like I did with mine.

>> No.1260082

I used mine to finish up an AR 80%. Worked awesome for the trigger hole.

>> No.1260246
File: 594 KB, 1836x2448, mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big bucket of nope.

>> No.1260338

The dremel is the wrong tool for every job.

>> No.1260339

Yet sometimes you have to use what you have to get the job done

>> No.1260808

I know, I use my die grinder or dremel for most jobs. They are never really the right tool for the job but you can use them to complete almost any job.

>> No.1260811

Exactly my thoughts.
I once made two picks myself, a diamond and a snake.
Snake took at least an hour, but worked like a charm.
Unfortunately, it broke in my bag. I replaced it with a bought one

>> No.1261359

I've also wanted one then i listened to /diy/ and didn't get one. I don't know if i should get one now.

>> No.1261396

Look into an electric die grinder from makita, dewalt or milwalkuee. They are beast and much better built than dremels.

>> No.1261404

Definitely get a Dremel if you find one on sale / with extra bits.

It is one of those tools that there is a very specific use for it and there is no good alternative.

>> No.1261466

everyone has one for a reason

>> No.1261471

Thanks china knock-off marketing team

>> No.1261507


it makes it much quieter (esp. if you put the body on a pillow or something) and you only lose a little bit of power, very worthwhile for buffing and sanding in particular.

>> No.1261513


When the time comes to use your dremmel you will JUST KNOW, it's is like a divine being.

Your Dremel will have no purpose until purpose presents itself, and when it does by god will you rejoice that you have one.

>> No.1261554

Get the ez-lock ones