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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 55 KB, 500x477, dontuseladderslikethat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1244842 No.1244842 [Reply] [Original]

Have fun falling down the stairs, dude.

>> No.1244846

I would do this. The angle of the picture is exactly where I would look from to determine if this is safe. Feet firmly planted against railing, immobile object, leaning against textured wall, immobile object. Estimated time on ladder, 3 min max to cover that unpainted spot.


>> No.1244848

Well, if he slips he gets crushed by a metal ladder.

>> No.1244851

That happens anytime you slip on a ladder.

Brother just broke his arm and wrist on a step stool.

>> No.1244852

sucks to be him, ladder slippin' aint no joke.

>> No.1244862

The helper should just pull at the bottom of the ladder, then it would be perfectly safe outside of getting a roller with a long handle

>> No.1244884

He's fine except its a piece of shit ladder
Get your ass up there and cut in...get down and roll it out. I painted water towers, wish we had camera phones back then

>> No.1244896

You two are Stump dumb. It's a wooden ladder, and they are far sturdier than your 1/32 thickness aluminum ladder with a plastic hinge cap at the top. Do you even own a wooden ladder?

>> No.1244901

that would actually be OK if he rigged the latter to the surface of the uppfer floor.

nothing makes me angrier than an employer that ignores OSHA requirements.

>> No.1244902

I should say
>retarded independant contractor

>> No.1244912

its because of idiots like this that everyone who works anything remotely construction related in ontario needs to take a 'working at heights' training

>> No.1244913

>This Is Not Safe To Do At Work

lots of things arent safe for work but are safe off the clock

>> No.1244965

That dude holding the ladder gets his fingers removed when the ladder without a doubt fails.

>> No.1245030

holy fuck I normally avoid work at all costs but I got hired to take down Christmas lights for my buddies company "electircal independent contractor" I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing on a ladder but we were throwing up 30-40foot ladders into giant fucking trees over parked cars reaching for rediculous shit and I felt the ladder shift over like 3 times in my first two hours there. I just stuck to the aframe after that while my neighbor kept yelling at me across the block "STOP BEING A PUSSY, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB AND CLIMB THE FUCKING LADDER" while also yelling at me to be professional and not drop leaves and bits onto car roofs. at the end of the job after five days, they're all telling me how their ladders were twisting and shifting all the time and they just decided they wouldn't be scared. I remember my neighbor throwing a ladder up in sjetchy as fuck looking places and saying "dude, just try it"

>> No.1245031
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Safety thread?

>> No.1245033

Sounds like my kind of dudes. What kind of muscle cars and music do they listen to? I got a 93' Mustang and I fucking love Rush, Toto and Men @ work

>> No.1245034
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>> No.1245035
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>> No.1245036

4x4's, this dude is good to go.

>> No.1245061

Even a broom handle or any long stick like object and some duct tape. This is so unnecessarily difficult and dangerous.

>> No.1245141

That's the only dangerous thing I see here. He's not helping at all anyway.

>> No.1245143

I like the subtle one more, welding the gas tank. I mean, I'm sure it's drained, but I would definetly take it off the truck and make sure there are no vapors left.vapor is more than enough for a nice flash over.

>> No.1245165
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>> No.1245166
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>> No.1245171

>That's the only dangerous thing I see here. He's not helping at all anyway.

correct. but that's a painter thing. when someone is doing something that seems scary, they'll ask someone to come foot the ladder, or in this case hold on, when the helper can do nothing except get hurt as well if disaster strikes. It's sort of a moral support thing I believe.

>> No.1245173

It's safe if the railing the ladder is propped against doesn't break. Which it might. It wasn't designed to have force applied concentrated at that point.

>> No.1245182

is this really that bad if they made sure no one manned the lift

>> No.1245203
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>> No.1245206
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>> No.1245222
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I would do it, as long as I know it cannot move or bounce. I'm fine on scaffolds and scissor lifts, but I didn't enjoy this boom lift. It's quite bouncy, and the cage is already beaten up from other people tipping it over.

>> No.1245227

>came into work on a saturday (building is normally closed)
>saw our maintenance guy in the back lot doing this
>turned 360 degrees around and moonwalked out of there.

I wasn't going to be the only other person at work during off-hours when the maintenance man got crushed to death.

>> No.1245228

its basically impossible to tip a boom lift on flat ground unless youre trying to

>> No.1245230

Off the top of my head:
Hydraulics can fail. You shouldn't put yourself under the load on a forklift. The car is not designed to be lifted with a forklift and thus has no hardpoints for the forks - if part of the car breaks the load may become unbalanced and fall on you, or more likely the car will just be damaged.

Oh, and no hi viz, no hard hat, no eyepro.

It looks like a large enough forklift that the car is within the weight limit, so that's good.

All in all this would probably work fine most of the time, the main concern I'd have would be damaging the underside of the car, and hearing loss from the volume and duration of the lecture you would endure from the safety officer when he sees you doing this.

>> No.1245232

That'll go with time. I started out a bit nervous in them but after a few months I got over it, now I enjoy going to full reach on 120+ ft booms for the view.

>> No.1245270

Really just the same reason you use jackstands at minimum for working under a car rather than just leave the hydraulic jack in place. Plenty of people do it but leaks happen.

In terms of work safety, I work in manufacturing and I see a lot of shit regardless of how much effort and posturing the company puts forth to act and seem safe. Nobody can prevent somebody from doing something stupid if they really want to. Thankfully nobody's died where I work, but I have seen somebody nearly lose an arm (easily could have been worse) by working on the electrical side of a hydraulic system

>> No.1245288


It's an Ali ladder. Just a really dirty one

>> No.1245291


I had been tempted to do that with our generator emergency shutoff.

But instead we implement an insta-fired policy and a security camera because all too often when we had a black out the Genny wouldn't automatically start because some cunt in security, laundry or landscaping pressed the emergency shutoff. A few hours before hand.

>> No.1245295

>no proof
>non-reflective like wood, unlike aluminum
>thick back wrungs like wood, not like aluminum
>Guy over 200lb, would obviously be torquing aluminum ladder without all 4s on the ground

No one here actually owns any tools or does anything themselves. It's like /o/ where like 10% of the user's own cars.

>> No.1245296

How is that different from an extension ladder?

>> No.1245299

>How is that different from an extension ladder?

the angle is a lot lower than recommended, but that's ok as long as the handrail does not give way. that clown holding on would actually be helping if he stood directly behind the guy with his feet pressed firmly against whatever the ladder is braced on, so that his weight would have to be shoved as well.

>> No.1245301

It looks like wood but that doesn't mean your aren't retarded because you think all Al is reflective and Al ladders are weak.
I love Al ladders but get stuck using fiberglass most of the time because the retards that make OH&S regs think they know electricity better than the guys that work with it every day.

>> No.1245310

I scrap a lot of metal and pick up aluminum ladders >10' all the time. They are always the folding kind like in the image, and always twisted, torqued. Wood has very low reflectivity and a different reflected light color than aluminum. You should be able to tell the difference if you frequent this board.

>> No.1245313

>the scrap I pick up doesn't fore-fill it's old role anymore
That is why it's scrap, how many perfectly fine ladders do you scrap? This is also a case of a huge difference between industrial and home gamer, I have never broken an industrial Al ladder but I have fucked 2 consumer ones.
As for the color I have never seen a painters ladder that was anything close to the original color or even a solid color.

>> No.1245318

Nigger I been doing this kind of work over 35 years...you dont know dick

>> No.1245323

That makes me cringe...what a dumbass

>> No.1245325

Holy cow OSHA would own your ass for something like that

>> No.1245328

vapors are what explodes not the fuel itself

>> No.1245339

We had to put "DO NOT PRESS except in emergency" signs on all of our 'break glass to open door' pannels.

You would thing that having to break a glass panel would tip people off that it wasn't for regular usage, but apparently not.

>> No.1245351



Which should be self explanatory but people are fucking stupid.

We went through the whole process and yet fired two people before word got through the ranks that "don't touch that or you'll get fired" even though we took everyone, team by team, to the button and said "don't press this unless there is an emergency and an emergency includes yada yada" and had them sign the procedure update.

>> No.1245357

It's not like the car is gonna come off. And It's a FWD, what's there to harm? Especially if the pinch welds extend below anything relevant.

>> No.1245358

I'm actually curious if at least the brakes are on

>> No.1245379


>> No.1245528

what. you could easily reach that spot with a roller and a fucking extension. what fucking painters don't have a fucking extension if they did the rest of the wall.

>> No.1245535

or even a broom handle and some duct tape if they find a handle that mates to the roller

>> No.1245575

>you could easily reach that spot with a roller

It's hard to see what they are doing based on the paint on the wall and the absence of tools, but quite often that technique is the easiest way to cut in the ceiling because it's simpler than putting a ladder on the stairs. And yes, there are lots of ways to put a ladder on stair steps, but the technique shown is sometimes the best choice. The only major error in that pic is the moron holding on who thinks he's accomplishing anything.

>> No.1245577

Not sitting like that. Look closer.

>> No.1245611
File: 45 KB, 2000x1220, 03804520_01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they not sell telescopic rollers in the US???

>> No.1245677

US contractors usually spend the least amount of money as possible to profit maximum. This often means half assed work because correct tools are not on job site, broken, or quite literally were never purchased. It's very difficult to find good and intelligent laborers for painting, flooring, drywall work and the like.

>> No.1245733

OSHA would be on your ass for not having on 2 condoms and you mother on speed dial for changing a lightbulb.

People need to grow some responsibility, like fuck I work in a union machine shop. I could go into work stick my finger in the band saw and lose a finger; call the ministry of labour/osha and sue the fuck out of the company/supervisor for not babysitting me while I cut something.

Thats the kind of shit that i could never understand how is someone else responsible for someone deciding to do something stupid, like how the fuck do you prevent timmy from deciding to stick his finger into the grinder?

>> No.1245746

jesus christ I was not expecting that end

>> No.1245774
File: 37 KB, 640x514, 13508-A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. You are at least of average IQ. Now, remember, half the people in the world are dumber than average. Most of them work in the trades. That is why they need OHSA to keep them from putting pennies in light sockets.

>> No.1245801

>they work in trades
Not in my shop...

Can't fix stupid. Osha literally does nothing, that's his point. Stupid is gonna stupid, it doesn't matter if theres osha or not. Osha just either gives the Company support to get out of paying him if they all their bixes checked, or let's the poor guy fuck them good because he modified the saw to override the safety before his supervisor noticed.

>> No.1245863

see now the real problem is they just didn't screw the ladder to the wall

>> No.1245870

the cost of even one (1) accident is worth literally every minute of the safety stuff you think is bullshit. fuck it, not your kid though, right?

>> No.1245899

Come visit us in Ontario...the onus has been back on the employee for almost 20 years now...get hurt? Don't have a 'reasonable' explanation? Some beurocrat says...'unh, declined...'
Get caught on site without proof of valid tickets? $300. Per...Extra judicial...there is no court, there is nothing...bunch of beuros driving around sites writing tickets up...and your asking why...
Cause WSIB is still 3B in the hole...which is funny, cause 20 odd years go, WSIB was 3B in the hole then...
AND the provence of Ontario needs a positive cash flow, so now most of this has moved from safety, to infractions...

>> No.1245924


>> No.1245938

And how do you edge with that? I bet you forgot that part. There is no way to paint a wall one color and ceiling another color with only rollers, and not look like crap.

>> No.1245940

William Shatner lives in Ontario now? ...and posts on 4chan...?

>> No.1245942

ladder's feet slip, your neck breaks, all for not spending $30 for a pole

>> No.1245944
File: 14 KB, 360x360, paint-pad-pro-extension-pole__45176_std[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

various paint pads on poles.

>> No.1245945

kek dont quit yer day job

>> No.1245969

Hahaha what the fuck is that

>> No.1245984

>union shop
Found your problem.

>> No.1246016

>I'm actually curious if at least the brakes are on

I don't see any brakes on those wheels.

>> No.1246019

something we use in europe

>> No.1246107

No chance, I work with contractors all the time in England and i've never seen that shit before.

>> No.1246190

Cannot find duckt tape and a stick so i guess i will cripple myself for life.

Dont fucking do stupid shit anons.

Wear your ppe.

I fell 8 feet and now i have a metal plste and a bunch of screws

>> No.1246193

Shit anon i never seen some crazy shit. Husband and wife show up ina van.

Husband climbs tower and tosses a metal swivel pole in the top, pulls up paint gun, takes off booking it around and back around the tower while his hife feeds him line.

Like 4 hours of work. They paint 1 or 2 a week and make a stupid amount of money

>> No.1246194

Me too anon...

>> No.1246196

Good way to fucking die.

Ffs just rent a bucket truck next time

>> No.1246199

Fuck around. We had a CAT mechanic show up and weld for 3 days without a helmat. Mutherfucker is master race immune to uv rays or blind soon. Time will tell

>> No.1246201

>bet my life on a 5 cent O-ring.


>> No.1246203

Thats the thing man. Leaks mean it bleads off slowly. Instead of quick crushing death you dont realise till it is to late and probably cant reach the handle so u get slowly and painfully crushed or even worse pinned and unable to breathe.

>> No.1246204

LOL right?

>> No.1246210

This. And if you think Osha is bad try MSHA.

They litterally just cooied the OSHA book and shoved a bunch more stupid rules up our ass and it takes an actual act of congress to fucking change 1 word of it.

>can't use that fan becaise it was manufactuted without a ground.
>return trough for water, 3" deep and a foot wife. "Gotta wear a life jacket anon, you could fall and hit your head and drown."
>life jaket to start the water pump
>(if there is a risk of falling you must wear a safety harness.)
>well, standing on a 1 foot piece of iron.
>better tie off my 3 foot lanyard and wear that shit all fucking day so u can eat sgit with 2 more feet of rope...
>gets telescooing mirror 20 feet in the air and fined for no plate on some sort of electric box.
>anon a rat could get in there and chew the wires and then you have a fire
>yes, Mr. Fucknuts please don't let my metal empty building burn down.
>blinkers have to work in a 100 ton truck.
>mutherfucker you will know where i go because i am larger than most houses
>better chock your tires on flat ground in your personal vehicle so it doesnt roll while it's in park.

Fucj i hate u MSHA so very fucking much

>> No.1246313

anon you must tie off from above you so that it can engage if you fall. I always see retarded people tied off from the bases of shit, or use an automatic spool line.
it's not rocket science.
Aspiring EHSR here, currently studying how people manage to get dead in such stupid ways.

>> No.1246326
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>Have fun falling down the stairs, dude.
>80 replies

>> No.1246340

Not too bad, but I'd back another forktruck up against this one, and tie their hitches together, for ballast. I'm assuming the scissor lift is chained to the carriage.

I'd be fine with this, as long as the forks are long enough to come out the other side, and you put a jackstand/spare tires under the forklift forks.

A reasonable poster.

When I was a young man I worked in a warehouse where I had to climb on top of rail cars often. And the safety advisor would always check to see if you had a harness on before climbing up on top, but the thing was, there was no wire/tether/railing/frame anything to hook on to. Surprise: this place would get mad OSHA fines every year.

>> No.1246592

>Hydraulics can fail.

Keep all your body parts away from a hydraulically suspended load. Usually it stays there. Sometimes hoses fail.

>> No.1246594

It's a convenient thing. You can paint everything from the floor with that.

>> No.1246596
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>Hey Grandad dont you think thats a little unsafe

>> No.1246600
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I miss my Grandad :^(

>> No.1246631

fucking klaus back at it again

>> No.1246632

I go back to work without washing my hands after using the bathroom

>> No.1246635


You do every day.

>> No.1246641


When I was studying engineering and we had to go through health and safety excersises I found it enraging and went out of my way to be as ridiculous as possible.

I scored distinctions left, right and center. The lecturer was laughing when he pulled me up and said that he would suggest it as a career path.

>> No.1246660

Sure, safety is good, and the robber baron ostensibly can't fire you for not cleaning the tuna canner without loto. But he still can, really. They just realize it's cheaper to not turn you into tuna and let you work safely.

Still you're not gonna stop the retarded next shift lead from cutting the lock off if he's only got an iq of 80 and made it up the ranks with seniority and affirmative action.

>> No.1246664

is it being used as a lock out for maintenance?

>> No.1246811


Why was there a chainsaw in a warehouse?

Why didn't he shut the chainsaw off?

Why didn't he shut the forklift off?

Why wasn't his first course of action to take the forklift outside when he couldn't turn it off?

>> No.1246820


>Stihl saw confirmed for Klaus status

>> No.1246834

[citation needed]

>> No.1246882


>> No.1246890

Reminds me of working at a bottling plant. The machine that stacked 2 liters onto trays onto a pallet regularly dropped shit off the sides. It worked by lining up one layer on the pallet, then the pallet would lower down for the next layer, until it was done, then push the pallet onto a belt to let it go get shrink wrapped. Every shift or when the line is down for product change, someone would have to go under the platform that held the pallet up and remove all the 2 liters that had fallen off and below. The closest to a lockout/tagout they used was hitting the e-stop on the machine, and maybe jamming a 4x4 into the track to keep the pallet tray from lowering onto you.
The whole tray couldn't lower more than 3 foot off the ground even if it fell, so you wouldn't be crushed, but it would have definitely cracked your skull and maybe break your neck/back as it knocked you down.

>> No.1246894


Sounds familiar.


>> No.1246896

Yeah, one of those fuckers, forgot palletizer was the name, except a lot more open area since there were only 2 about 40 foot apart and everyone worked on the ground, the only thing up top was a ramp/belt and work platform around the thing. Still pretty dangerous though.

>> No.1246937

>h, and no hi viz, no hard hat, no eyepro.

Oh fuck off

>> No.1246952

this isn't dangerous at all
the ladder is locked in place by the railing.

>> No.1246958

FUCKING THANK YOU. Two people so far in this thread who are not pussy.

>> No.1247007

B-but anon, you have to wear eyepro while using the bathroom, it's a fluid exposure risk!

>> No.1247009

They're painting purple on the ceiling , you do the math

>> No.1247063

Framing Carpenter here, 6 years exp. Every couple of months I have to use wooden scaffolding I personally make myself. Just yesterday I was working 20 ft up in the air because a balloon wall needed some extra work done to it at the top.
>>1244842 isn't too dangerous. It's part of the job desu. If you can't do it someone else will. Painters are fags anyways.

>> No.1247132


You wanna get on that? feel free. if that shit goes down, youre falling with a ladder onto an uneven surface. there's no saving you from injury.

Other people would just fucking duct tape the brush to a broom handle, and not risk permanent injury,but i guess getting a bum knee or back at 35 from a stupid shit is what all the cool kids are doing.

>> No.1247258

im a painter 3 yrs now
im not a fag, but i know a few who are

>> No.1247406

>try to hang yourself
>fall, break your wrist
>have to quickly remove the noose with a broken wrist to hide the same

>> No.1247480

saw this in the safety training, how the fuck did get it up without a jack?
did he get a few stout men and just pushed it over the curb as leverage?

>> No.1247482

everyone shut the fuck up and post more pictures

>> No.1247624

Probably wedged the 4x4 under it and lifted. Had to have help, or a farm jack that was in the way.

>> No.1247733

>risking your integrity or your life for some stupid detail and some money (yours or that of your employer)
dumb as FUCK

>> No.1247737


The risk on that ladder is tiny compared to setting foot in a car in the USA.

>> No.1247989
File: 982 KB, 750x420, cut.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut this webm short due to this place being a blue board. Aside from the obvious thing that happened, they obviously couldn't lift the forklift so the driver reversed and made things much worse.

>> No.1248013

>He missed the best bits
workplace gore is allowed, that thing (in full) is a regular feature on here. Along with Chinese lathe operatives, demonstrations of why you dont lick the top of utility poles, etc. Been awhile since we had a good gore thread mind.

>> No.1248014 [DELETED] 


>> No.1248069
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>> No.1248113

They are. Thats what those levers are. They lock the rotation of the wheel and swivel when they are down

>> No.1248115

No seriously the MoL is a fucking joke. They can show up on any site/shop and just start handing out tickets for shit. Oh left your bottle of water on the work bench? Heres a ticket for not having it labeled. Oh you arent an elechicken and you put some electrical tape on a frayed wire? Heres your $200 ticket.

Not to mention they are legally allowed to shut down your plant/shop/site if they desire to. So if you are snarky with the old cunt that decides to walk through bye bye 8 hours of time. Shits just fucking mind boggling.

Like my last shop we got fined for not having guards on the back of a couple of punch presses, even though the back of the presses were against a wall and you would literally have to climb inside and lay down to be able to stick your finger into the die. Some real 10/10 commie shit.

>> No.1248201
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Installing a military grade surveillance camera on a client's roof above their 2nd floor deck. $2k, weighed 30-40lbs. Partner and i both on seperate extension ladders. Top rung. Hes on the left side of a rectangular post, I'm on the outside. The deck railing is on the right, im essentially 4 stories up. Holding the awkward camera over my head with both hands while he maneuvers it into place, making sure its level, marking the spots, connecting the cat, and then drilling in lag bolts. Was a good 3-4 min holding it up while he jerked it around.

>> No.1248213
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>> No.1248216


The worst part is that when you want to get all of that and make sure everything is good and you're going to be safe then you're going to have to up your prices even the tiniest bit. Meanwhile, John Smith and his Mexican labourers will be there to undercut you whilst doing it in half the time but with half the quality as well. Yet, people will go to Smith's Painting.

It's depressing.

>> No.1248228

I don't want to get political, but in SoCal I've seen a massive drop-off in day laborers, and the ones who remain are demanding higher pay. A little pressure from ICE and the scales will tip back in favor for the American workers.

>> No.1248251
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Truth. Everyone always goes after the illegals for taking jobs and lowering wages. No one ever goes after the fucking businesses hiring them. I guaranty you if they started locking up more white-collar shitlords that pay under the table and don't check their right to work status the number of people crossing the border would drop substantially. Fewer jobs, fewer illegals.

The farms near me got raided a few years back and they actually put some of the suits running them in jail because of it. The Mexican population in the area dropped by almost a third when that happened and stayed down. Not that we are a huge city or anything. The local farms stopped hiring illegals and they moved on. The only ones left were people with their green cards and citizens. Wages increased too. There hasn't been a big raid in years though so everything is back the way it was.

>> No.1248265

>what is leverage

>> No.1248268

what a badass

>> No.1248323

Certainly go after the companies and enforce labor laws with them. Also stop giving them welfare to support the criminally low wages the companies give them.

>> No.1248325
File: 31 KB, 428x384, 698212202d088dd0ee56f6dee09a8ada--funny-memes-funny-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's Do This.

>> No.1248326
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>> No.1248327
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>> No.1248328
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>> No.1248329
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>> No.1248330
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 9fd089881c9c987d45991dc460124c89--darwin-awards-safety-training.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248331
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>> No.1248332
File: 36 KB, 240x320, 77b597ff2e64070f7b16877a0e4fc36a--electrical-lineman-electrical-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248333
File: 12 KB, 236x199, 79bd0758808a39a107664973b6aee948--safety-glass-funny-things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248334
File: 79 KB, 564x1002, 89fff7a8f40b74b8af8610b84ac8b65b--safety-fail-darwin-awards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248335
File: 61 KB, 450x600, 25461-hs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248336
File: 72 KB, 577x769, 071511_2104_safetyfails3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248337
File: 74 KB, 451x600, 81025852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248338
File: 1.18 MB, 750x920, 95854803-cb36-4532-8e93-01ea97a02127_750x469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248339
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>> No.1248340
File: 44 KB, 700x673, AAEAAQAAAAAAAA0yAAAAJDFhYmM3NzI4LWQyM2UtNDVlYi04MzUzLWI5OGZmMGQxNjYxMw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248341
File: 56 KB, 640x480, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAybAAAAJDI5NjZkZTA3LTljMTEtNGIwYS1hNmE0LTBlOTMzYzBlODIyOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248342
File: 210 KB, 650x557, ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248343
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>> No.1248344
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>> No.1248345
File: 282 KB, 1023x1024, electrician-unsafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248347
File: 117 KB, 541x720, f2b16747c8be38ce2fa8a8d84defefde--safety-work-safety-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248349
File: 37 KB, 500x375, fail+owned+saw+security+fail1255744631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248350
File: 80 KB, 680x722, ladder-out-of-suv-window-unsafe-work-environment-1475883440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248351
File: 25 KB, 300x224, Lifting-the-Forklift-300x224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248352
File: 190 KB, 650x419, mask-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248353
File: 33 KB, 375x500, olume-ramak-kala--klimacilar-klima-tamiri-1500863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248354
File: 28 KB, 500x362, redneck_engineering_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248355
File: 52 KB, 500x363, safety-fail-kid-slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248356
File: 41 KB, 620x823, safty-first-dumpaday-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248357
File: 11 KB, 219x284, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248359
File: 447 KB, 433x552, unsafe act1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248360
File: 186 KB, 600x611, Unsafe-Gallery-Airconditioner-Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248362
File: 116 KB, 650x866, welding glasses - shopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248363
File: 798 KB, 768x1024, 3b0d1e96b5ce54d83cfeee5887baed99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248364
File: 100 KB, 680x731, worst-antenna-repair-man-ever-ladder-on-roof-unsafe-work-conditions-1478055217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248365
File: 1.20 MB, 768x1024, dd0a6b0867869f5255e7eb3112e8f1b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's kick this up a notch.

>> No.1248366
File: 30 KB, 246x300, IB-Idiots-on-Ladders-winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248367
File: 118 KB, 800x598, ohhqzjdvqqchm37zyjwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248369
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>> No.1248370
File: 31 KB, 630x431, safety_first_means_nothing_to_them_part_2_640_03-W630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248371
File: 33 KB, 700x929, funny-fail-workplace-safety-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248372
File: 265 KB, 640x630, 312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248373
File: 216 KB, 640x597, safety-fail-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248374
File: 44 KB, 500x666, safety-fails-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248375
File: 62 KB, 640x960, pic-dump-107-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1248378

I agree totally with this.

>> No.1248384

I don't fault them for this. Someone has to go out there and setup the shit. They could all be wearing harnesses and you just can't tell from the pic.

>> No.1248395
File: 1.88 MB, 1800x1800, 87891_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They could all be wearing harnesses

They are. you can see the tackle clearly in the image just above their shoulders. It is kind of like a version of this thing, only not as good.

>> No.1248400

I'd use a ladder + genie/cherry picker/JCB/SUV anyday before >>1248364 - now thats just circus shit.

>> No.1248440
File: 1.12 MB, 220x400, 1501616087342.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ladder when

>> No.1248441
File: 1.42 MB, 900x686, 1497706301895.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed he is standing on the paint can shelf.

>> No.1248486
File: 1.84 MB, 480x640, Corn Safety.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1248883

this real?

>> No.1248895
File: 29 KB, 700x495, safety-first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1248918

I used to do this on the 24' in the hardware store I worked in

With me on top, walking it

>> No.1248938

Wow, that is one of the main reasons that was a terrible idea

>> No.1248944

Electrician here this is a common trick when running cables to save moving the ladder constantly, works great.

>> No.1248947

>seat so you don't loose circulation in your legs
I want one of these, my biggest fear when working at heights is it taking too long to get me down if I fall and having my legs amputated.

>> No.1248949

Vline is an Aussie company, here you need to have a tag on it saying it's a lock out. It also isn't depressed so it's locked in the on position.

>> No.1249008

Yeah, it is a lock out so that when you stop it, no one can turn it back on and kill someone.

>> No.1249059

how is this unsafe, though?

>> No.1249080

Typically you never fuck around with hydraulic stuff and your body as a rule. All manner of things can go wrong if there's a sudden leak and loss of power. Things that are designed with people in mind are designed to fail in a manner t hat doesn't injure the person if there's a leak and loss of power.

The worst t hat could happen with that image is the device smashes into the cement and he can't get out because cement is holding him in it from front and back.

>> No.1249082

the chance of it happening would be very slim, though

>> No.1249084

Or the operator has a heart attack, bumps one of the levers and the claw twitches and crushes him.

Or OSHA sees this and shuts down the entire site for for the rest of the day while they 'investigate', pissing off everyone immensely, resulting in him and the operator being fired.

>> No.1249086

>firing someone for doing a mistake

this has to be the stupidest thing ever

>> No.1249090

OSHA makes blanket rules like 'no smoking in flammable storage areas' which have to be followed even if there are currently no flammables in that area which could be set off by a cigarette.

Similarly no-one is allowed to be picked up by an excavator except in an approved basket, even if it's 'pretty much safe'.

Its better than the OSHA person having discretion to decide what's safe because then if they were feeling like a dick they could declare all sorts of things to be unsafe and you'd have no way to know what.

>Firing someone for disregarding procedure leading to a situation where their mistake could cost someone their life.

If that's the case they should be fired even if they don't make a mistake since they deliberately disobeyed procedure and created that situation.

Driving drunk is 'pretty much safe' too, but it creates a dangerous situation for yourself and others.

>> No.1249099

I was thinking that firing someone who's less likely to commit the same mistake again after being told it it stupid. He's now more experience than others

>> No.1249104

most industries osha requires fiberglass because theyre non conductive and dont rot. and theyre just as sturdy as wood

t. electrical panel builder

>> No.1249106

leverage doesn't matter when those sacks fall over

>> No.1249108

If it's a mistake? Yes. If it's knowingly going against procedure that you have been trained to follow? No.

They didn't do it by accident, their mistake was getting caught.

If everyone is following procedure to the best of their ability and someone makes a mistake then of course they shouldn't be fired. That's when you have to look at how the mistake happened and whether the procedure should be modified to make it less likely to reoccur.

If someone is pointing a gun at other people thinking it's not loaded and they accidentally shoot someone then it's their fault for not following the safety rules.

If someone is attempting to clear a weapon while pointing it in what they believe is a safe direction and it malfunctions, fires and ricochets into someone then that's a mistake and you need to think about doing something like providing sand barrels for people to point their weapons into while they are clearing them.

>> No.1249127

>chance of it happening would be very slim

Not a chance I'd ever take.

Life is harsh. You don't allow people to make mistakes which can get people killed. People are normally trained for this stuff. They don't make "mistakes" when they do stuff like >>1248330 instead they completely disregard safety training.

>> No.1249128

>Driving drunk is 'pretty much safe' too, but it creates a dangerous situation for yourself and others.

Yeah. Where I live it is common for everyone to drive home from the bar but if you dare drink on the clock it's time to fire people.

>> No.1249132


That pickup would cost more than a house in that country.

>> No.1249135

It costs more than my house in the USA.

>> No.1249136


Yes. I know. But when some cunt hits it for no reason and the power cuts and the back up generator doesn't kick on in 10 seconds the conference room full of prime ministers tend to get upset.

That's why we started to fire people for hitting the emergency stop when there is no emergency

>> No.1249149

Don't be pussies, he's already Said they secured the feet to the railing so no slipping is gonna happen. Unless he swings left and right like a retarded monkey he's not going anywhere but up and down the ladder. I do handy man shit all over Chicago
Ur autism is showing
Extendo-roller ain't gonna help him do the edge where the wall and ceiling meet

>> No.1249156

I was expecting that to make her upper incisors fly out. but that's probably even funnier desu

>> No.1249158

It takes like 2 seconds to put a die jack in the press, and about half a second for the slide to remove both of your arms if the counterbalance decides to fuck off.

Im not saying it needs to be law to do that but the person needs to have some fucking personal responsibility.

>> No.1249163

I can hear it talking...


>> No.1249164

Fresh young minds.

>> No.1249167

>Complaining about having to have blinkers on a huge ass truck
It's dumbasses like you that cause these rules to be made.

>> No.1249226

>Extendo-roller ain't gonna help him do the edge where the wall and ceiling meet

There's like 5 different styles of rollers you can use specifically made for inner corners and inner edges. I use them from time to time and they are great.

>> No.1249230

I'm mostly concerned because they might hurt someone else.
Who cares what happens to people who do this? They knew or should have known the risks.

>> No.1249239

Yeah, that is the main reason I flip the fuck out when someone is doing something stupid in the work place. They are endangering me and everyone else around them.

>> No.1249257


>> No.1249258

Ladder fails, person walking below breaks neck/back, impaled, or dies
I had a piece of something come through a windshield because someone didn't do maintenance or secure the load.
Your random screwups are more likely to injure others than yourself, since the slightly above average person that does dumb shit plans a way out or survival method, but doesn't care about surrounding people.
>you put a shield between yourself and some explosive, source of flying objects or other dangerous shit but anyone in the other directions gets shrapnel
>that forklift on forklift shit. You might tie yourself to whatever you are working on so you don't fall if forklifts do, but other poor fucks get splattered by the falling lift.

>> No.1249291

As far as I'm concerned workers are always compliant with safety regulations. Workers can't be held responsible unless criminally negligent, with intent. Workers are always doing as they've been instructed by management. Workers are always performing as they've been trained. Workers are always working within the environment their employer provides, with the employer's tools.

DESU there is no length to which management could go that would be considered too much of an imposition when it comes to safety.

There's a poster in my work that says "accidents happen because: 'I didn't think' 'I didn't look' 'I didn't know' "

more like
"I didn't have TIME to THINK"
"I was told to look the other way"
"I wasn't trained"

Management is always complicit in the injury and death of workers

>> No.1249301

I'll believe this. We are reasonably safe at work, but we had like ten times as many accidents when they made 60 hour weeks mandatory.

>> No.1249303

you should get some relief straps

theyre a little pouch of straps with loops that you can put your feet in. you attach them to your harness when you need them, and they support your feet so you take on a sorta sitting posture

>> No.1249304

>even if there are currently no flammables in that area
what are spills and vapors

>> No.1249307

What about tools and equipment? Have you ever had to work with machines or tools with outdated or dysfunctional safety mechanisms?

At my work we have a clamping/cutting machine which lowers a large blade to cleave sheet metal. Modern machines of this type use a double lever trigger, such that the operator has to have both hands free of the danger zone before it will come down, but ours is hooked up to a foot pedal. It has guards, but the modern standard should make it impossible to harm yourself during operation, which guards do not guarantee.

Honestly, management is always invested in keeping you in the dark. They don't WANT our operator to know that he's working on outdated equipment because then they'd have to fix it. If they tell you you're safe, never believe them.

>> No.1249308

Honestly why are you smoking indoors anyway. In a paint shed no less. go outside that's why you get breaks

>> No.1249323

I remember there was a compilation vid of these stupid corn challenge fails and one of them had this guy's front teeth knocked out, blood everywhere

>> No.1249340

that is in brazil. A hilux costs more like 1/3 of a house here

>> No.1249341


>> No.1249364

maybe if he sneezes and pushes the lever giving him a little squeeze

>> No.1249367

that's why you should let go of the controls whenever you're about to sneeze

>> No.1249368

That is real.

>> No.1249384

Usually they're leaning against the outside of the to be in the shade, instead of being 10 meters from it.

>> No.1249397

>workers are always ___

lol You've never worked with a crew before I see. The instant the boss is out of sight, all hell can break loose. though, it really depends on the demographic of the person that make up the crew. Some are really fucking terrible while others are fucking ACES. And, that is just the beginning if management is shit.

This is why automation is the best way to go for as much as possible. People are just dumb fucks. Which is fine, until their dumb fuckness kills your ass.

>> No.1249398

>60 hour weeks mandatory.

Why are people so stupid?

>> No.1249402

>At my work we have a clamping/cutting machine which lowers a large blade to cleave sheet metal. Modern machines of this type use a double lever trigger, such that the operator has to have both hands free of the danger zone before it will come down, but ours is hooked up to a foot pedal. It has guards, but the modern standard should make it impossible to harm yourself during operation, which guards do not guarantee.

A friend of mine worked at a place that had a paper cutter like that. It cut like 6 inches of paper at a time. You had 1 foot on a pedal at the bottom, left hand on a lever, right hand on a lever, and it wouldn't work if you let go of one of those things. It also had guards that had to come down and be in place or it wouldn't work. However, for some damn reason one guy STILL lost half the fingers on one hand. Evidently, it happened enough that they had a fridge/freezer, containers, and severed bodypart liquid stuff ready to go. So everything got reattached. Every time that happens, no one else gets to see it happen and the guy that it happens to is mum about how he did it. Stupid people do strange shit.