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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1233405 No.1233405 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way I can /diy/ one of these. I need to use my printer, but the cable got stolen (was using it for the laptop charger).

I don't really want to kill myself so...

>> No.1233406

Yes, get two pieces of wire, stick them in each end, done.

>> No.1233408

Holy fuck it's literally $5. Is not burning your house down worth $5? We have to assume that since you asked that here you're underskilled for the task already, so you'll probably fuck up.

>> No.1233410


>> No.1233411

I need it now to print a resume for tomorrow

I know I'm retarded for not preparing. I mean I got the special paper and everything just me power

>> No.1233416

alligator clips man

but do kill the power first by switching the breaker. after installing you switch the breaker back on. If it doesnt trigger = profit

worst could happen is frying your PC or yourself

>> No.1233417


it depends on what you have.

do you have a power cord you can chop off? if so you are halfway there. then strip a half inch or whatever off of the two wires, wrap them around something so that you make a tube, and wrap some tape around that tube. stick the two tubes in and make sure that they seem to grip the pins inside the printer. you might have to experiment here. also it might be important to make sure that the hot wire is on one side if that part that plugs into the printer is keyed so that it only goes in one way. but then if you don't have the original then maybe that is impossible.

modern equipment tends to be made of plastic so maybe polarity is not real important. hopefully. worst case it kills your printer.

>> No.1233419
File: 639 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_122750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a power strip that I can use so I can mess with it without it being hot

Pic related us the power supply to the printer and the cord is what I'm gonna use.

>> No.1233424


well now that changes things. your original pic has two wires so we know they have to be hot and neutral. with three pins wait for someone to tell you which is ground, or find the info by searching.

>> No.1233426

Yeah I know I messed up with that. However I would assume the top one is ground because it would make sense to have hot and neutral on opposite sides.

But I'll look it up anyways

>> No.1233429

>those round fuckers
always wonder, usually every time I'm crawling about somewhere in a confined and dark space, exactly who first thought this needless 'lets make it roiunded, for the lulz' improvement was a good idea.

OP, no offense, but, your incompetent af, and in grave danger of being shortly deceased. Give it up and go buy one, or go give your resume in interpretive dance format or some shit. They'll remember your application then, no shit.

>> No.1233438
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I proceed until I deem it unsafe.

Also if the plugs on the big power cord line up with the power supplies plugs could I just shave of the plastic until it fits?

>> No.1233439

>However I would assume the top one is ground because it would make sense to have hot and neutral on opposite sides.

I would assume that as well, but we might wind up with a dead printer. wait as long as you can and hope someone has a similar design and can check the continuity for you. I tried googling it but this is a pretty odd thing to be discussing, so I'm not optimistic.

Also, if you have a multimeter, someone might suggest tests that can narrow it down.

What did you mean by "special paper"?

>> No.1233440

The big cable says 7 A and the power supply says .7 A so I don't think it will work

Thick resume paper

>> No.1233441

>could I just shave of the plastic until it fits?

the insides of that standard cord will be for flat contacts. make tubes like I said up there, while we wait for someone to tell us which is the ground.

>> No.1233442

did you never get that 'round blocks and square holes, etc' toy when you were a kid? would have helped both your spatial judgement and general intellectual development no end. No, was actually pondering that idea myself, till I seen your photo - the earth pin aint gonna fit, and, be (vastly) easier buying the fucking thing new, but, respect to your determination, RIP.

>> No.1233444

I can't find my electrical tape any where so I don't think I could do this

>> No.1233447

sorry, missed this - cant believe you faggits are debating which is earth in this setup, but, always thickest longest pin, so makes contact first, breaks last - on these, always middle pin.

you got no tape, no solder, no wago, no hope, no job, no future..

>> No.1233448

Ok Eminem

>> No.1233450

im almost certain you could force fit it if you shave enough plastic away.

but BUT

Those Round fuckers are for Plugs out of higher grade plastic /ceramic, a "hot" device plug. the PSU is gonna get hot
there is a chance of your diy plug melting in the socket if you keep it plugged for too long
The pinout is the same as the socket

>> No.1233454

How long we talking because I don't even have the printer USB. Got to hook it up to the WiFi and I don't know how long it will take.

The cord said 125 V 7 A and the power supply says 100-250 V .7 A (0,7) A

>> No.1233455

>there is a chance of your diy plug melting in the socket if you keep it plugged for too long

this thread is starting to go places. I just hope OP has a shot of black lying around somewhere.

>> No.1233456

im no rocket engineer, id say >60°C above is getting exiting and +70°C i would but a fan nearby...

anyway, please tell a relative to finish the story incase you die

>> No.1233457

How will I die if I don't mess with the cord when it's hot? Like will the power jump onto their printer? The worse I see happening is a fire but I have precautions for that

>> No.1233459

>plugging in a 1000% more powerful cord to the smoldering device formerly known as your printer
1 0 0 % . M A D M A N

>> No.1233460

So the amperage is 100% gonna fuck me?

>> No.1233461

nope, just jesting - the power supply will only use the 'amperage' it needs, always good when your cable can supply more. Post your address, some kind anon bring you a cable by, before you ded and unemployed.

>> No.1233464
File: 668 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_134200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test fit

>> No.1233465


nice. strip plenty of bare wire and jam it in there. as long as you don't short the two together more will help ensure contact.

>> No.1233466

a missing earth connetion could unironically kill the PSU

>> No.1233467

>a missing earth connetion could unironically kill the PSU

how? shouldn't that conductor only be used for protection in case of some sort of failure?

>> No.1233468

Can I use a lighter to shrink the tube size?

>> No.1233469

perhaps but why? it looks very good in that picture.

and as that other guy said, if you can include the green wire for ground it can't hurt.

>> No.1233470

with (proper..) shrink tube? - sure, yeah.
wuth that shit? - only if you livestream it. Its just gonna melt/go fire, not shrink. srsly.

>> No.1233471

the case is protective insulated, it would not need an earth pin, nor would it benefit from having one.
The earth is used in the PSU circuit for leak current/filtering or whatever. Chances are, nothing dies

>> No.1233472

Oh I will

Also I don't know which is hot on the power supply no multi meter

What do?

>> No.1233475

it doesnt matter which is hot, they are both interchangeable and you should treat them both as hot. You never know which one in your socket is hot

>> No.1233477

So just make sure the green goes in the ground?

>> No.1233480

>So just make sure the green goes in the ground?

green is always ground, so if Eminem was right up there, it's the middle one.

>> No.1233481
File: 617 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_140343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green light means good?

>> No.1233482


in general, yes

>> No.1233488
File: 607 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_144155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one bow down to are paper jamming overlords

>> No.1233493

face it, you were destined to die penniless and alone anon. Meanwhile, you could check to see if your printer has a paper width adjustment, even try reading the manual as method of last resort.

>> No.1233495

I'm doing the pin head Larry adjust

>> No.1233496
File: 835 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_150250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I found a USB stick in there

>> No.1233500


my god this thread is destined to go down in /diy/ history

>> No.1233507
File: 718 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_152925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared guys

>> No.1233508


looks like the nano receiver for a logitech wireless mouse/keyboard. the one that you can program to connect to multiple devices simultaneously.

>> No.1233510
File: 735 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_153934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it out but that still hasn't fixed the problem. I'm still doing the auto adjustment tho

>> No.1233515
File: 629 KB, 2048x1152, 20170825_154502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

: )

>> No.1233527

mfw im not in your situation

>> No.1233538

Well I give up guys just going to call and cancel

>> No.1233539
File: 42 KB, 500x333, 120732325_a8e34634a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well fuck. this did not end well.

>> No.1233541

well you can't make dead pixies dance

>> No.1233544
File: 2.66 MB, 640x360, swinging_is_fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well you can't make dead pixies dance

OP if you pjosted that I love you

>> No.1233545

Wait before or after because that just came to my head.

Is that a legit saying?

>> No.1233546
File: 2.19 MB, 468x352, beware_skinny_white_guy_with_moves.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least one of us is seriously fucked up at the moment

>> No.1233548
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1483387392501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait nvm lol

>> No.1235019

Just get one off the PS2

>> No.1235190

50 cents at a yard sale. fuck, just ask your neighbor if you can have a spare. Everyone owns like 20 of these.

>> No.1237018


whenever I need one of those I just grab one from a thrift store's loose wire bucket for like 50 cents.

>> No.1237022

I T S . N O T . T H A T . C A B L E
see >>1233419

>> No.1237031

You can still find those in thrift store bins. Dell used the same terminal for their laptop power supplies for a number of years.

If you live in the twin cities area, just go to the Ax Man.

>> No.1237042

cable in pic will not work with power supply pictured

stop being a fucking dumbass just go to a local thrift store, good will, etc. theres TONS of devices that use those cables, go look for one and will cost u cents.

fyi the white one in ur pic is a c13 cable, and the one you need is called a c5 cable. sometimes called a "clover" cable or "mickey mouse" cable by fucking retards

>> No.1238830

calm down satan

>> No.1238843


that's still a standard type of cable. a bit rarer but it's still completely standard