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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 598 KB, 1920x1280, 1000-Qubit-chip_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1232667 No.1232667 [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody tell me material or basic the process into making a quibit?

Not looking for the physics\politition answer to drown me out with garbage talk.

Basic question

How do you make this? (pic related)
Or where to buy i guess

>> No.1232669

depends op, do you want a working one or just a black hole for research grants?
put all your hopes of as yet unproven quantum superposition being a real phenomenon in one hand and take a shit in the other. see which one fills up first.
get a normal computer and write the word 'quantum' on it. congratulations, you have equivalent technology to the most advanced quantum computers in existence currently and for the foreseeable future.

>> No.1232671

To buy?
D-wave makes them.
I'm sure shit's patented to hell and up

The hard part comes with the purity of the materials, and the cooling system.
Shit needs to be at like 0.05°K

>> No.1232674

So you saying that quibit chips are not real right?

>> No.1232675

Yea but what materials? I find it strange that there is NO info on ANYTHING with quibits. Sure there are countless shitty youtube vids, pics, lectures.

But no concrete way of making a so called "quibit"

>> No.1232683

Ok make it real simple.
Does a qbit chip exist? Yes
Is quantum superposition a concrete process that can be demonstrated? No
Is it a good analogy used to explain the outcome only, not the process, of particle wave duality as observed in slit experiment? Yes
Does anyone genuinely believe that quantum particles have the ability to break thermodynamics and exist in a state of infinite unbound energy? Apparently!

Has the qbit computer produced any useful or meaningful data or output that uses quantum superposition? No.
Has any quantum computer ever done any quantum computing? No.

Do physicists try to bamboozle and confuse Joe public plebs by contradicting each other at every opportunity and saying things like "if you understand quantum physics then you haven't understood it properly" at all and use quantum superposition as the basis of ridiculous tripe such as many worlds and single electron theory that can never be proven, don't matter for any reason to anyone, are clearly bullshit and illogical, but result in plenty of fame and praise by other idiots? Constantly.
Is it a scam? Probably.

Look at LHC. Billions of billions of dollars spent to build a price accelerator. What did they find? Nothing. Hey, lets build a bigger one then. Ask the good physics is done and dusted. Galileo dropped canon balls from tower of piza. He was wrong but it cost nothing and proved a concrete point. Same with Newton or whatever, closed his blinds one day, boom, discovered rainbows and shit. Didn't need all this bullshit.

>> No.1232690

What are you asking?
A qbit is a quantum particle in a state of superposition.

Take a look at the slit experiment. Fire a photon through a double slit and it interferes with itself to produce an interference pattern. Physicists believe this is because the particle is everywhere and anywhere until you observe it, then its just one thing again.
Quantum particles have properties, how they spin. Until you measure how they spin you just assume for some reason that they spin every way until you measure it, then you know.
Like the cat in the box. Kind of.
So by pretending it's in every state, they believe it actually is every combination until they look at it, then for some reason assume it will take the form of the result they want, somehow.
If you think that's dumb it's because it is.
So how do they make a qbit? Its a quantum particle, like I don't know a photon or electron or some shit they trap in a 0K probably magnetic field or something then they can measure it by measuring it's field or pushing it through a crystal or something when they want to.

But I'm no physicist lol.

Then again what is a bit?
It's nothing, it's a term to describe how we arrange electrons and holes in silicon. You couldn't ' see' a bit in a normal computer.

>> No.1232709

>You couldn't ' see' a bit in a normal computer.
Jokes on you, core memory.

>> No.1232726

Lol what
The LHC has found or verified a bunch of stuff including the Higgs boson.

>> No.1232730

thats because they dont want you to know what they made them of. China would steal and theres nothing anyone can do because they dont obey patent laws. Its made up of whatever is needed.

>> No.1232749

>"or pushing it through a crystal or something when they want to"

Best answer yet

>> No.1232753

So lets say i buy one, whats keeping me from taking it apart and figuring it out? Or google from doing this, or the airports that own them?

At what stage did the public have access to building there own computer in the beginning?

almost immediately following the release.

Its like they dont want the normal plebs tinkering

>> No.1232756

>>1232730 #
>So lets say i buy one, whats keeping me from taking it apart and figuring it out?
The fact that there very existence is an elaborate ruse to get research funding.

>> No.1232767

so your calling google retarded?

>> No.1232768

anyways how would you even start to make a quibit trapped into that chip?

what would you build?

>> No.1232770

seriously think about this. When gooogle was about to buy this -google "So how does it work?"

Slight pause..... d-wave "Not sure"

"Ok take my 15 million with no warranty!"

What would you need to even start to build not a quantum computer, but to harness a quibit?

>> No.1232814

Ok i think the terms of language are getting confused.

Ignore the word computer right?

Pretend your an alien species trying to explain to me how to make pic related.

I have NO knowledge of computers in this scenario.


>> No.1232820

Basically this
>everything is super cooled
>magic happens
>it doesn't use electricity except to cool it down
Boom, there is your simple answer
Oh btw, don't even think of making my dude, literally for what purpose, I highly doubt you get the knowledge much less the manufacturing capabilities to build one as you can't just buy parts for it

>> No.1232824
File: 62 KB, 543x407, Your wrong anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats exactly what people said when computers where like this.

>> No.1232826

Neato but take a look at how much time it took for the average joe to be able to figure it out. Sure, he can do it after 20+ years once it becomes feasible (if at all).

>> No.1232830

Ok follow me for a sec k?

There are multiple companies producing quebit tech, every "machine" comes in a package so high elites can afford.

If one of those companies just sold separate hardware to "average plebs" they would make a killing.

But nobody does, why?

>> No.1232831

you can look at core memory can you and read off the ones and zeroes? idiot. you can build ram from transistors, doesn't mean you can see the data.

to what benefit? hint:none.

this isn't quite correct, crystal lattices are useful for creating opposite polarised entangled particles and collecting or measuring them however the trick to quantum computing results is you just have to do it lots of times and pick out statistically what the answer probably is. which is even more handwavey unless you are one of them statistics weirdos.

no, quite the opposite. the basic principles of 'classic' computers can be explained and demonstrated easily, and are easily understood.
the common line when EXPLAINING quantum computing is "..fucking weird innit?"

>> No.1232834

>"Oh btw, don't even think of making my dude, literally for what purpose"

was just responding to this comment

If everyone thought this way, nobody would be creating or responding to this thread.

>> No.1232843

Except that D-Wave has shitloads of patents and other publications. Their basic technology and materials are public, the exact blueprints of their machines aren't.
OP is just lazy. Or he were, if this wasn't just another troll thread.

>> No.1232847

post blue prints then

>> No.1232848

And none of the cooling shielding.

i want blue prints of the heart of the machine, so you claim.

>> No.1232853

>unproven quantum superposition
>quantum superposition is not real
brainlet detected

>> No.1232864

Bell? Bellend more like.
Come at me

>> No.1232911

www.dwavesys.co m/tutorials/background-reading-series/introduction-d-wave-quantum-hardware

It identifies the metal used for the transistors is Niobium.
There's plenty of information there.

>> No.1232913

Because the chipset is useless outside of a research lab and doesn't perform anything like the motherboard components you're falsely assuming they are.

>> No.1233187

What >>1232913 said, also have you taken a fucking look at the hardware it takes to run this thing? Even if they sold it for a couple thousands (super cheap compared to its price today) it would take a lot to maintain it. You need to run it nearly 0°K, thats extremely difficult to do, you need the correct setup (room) not to mention the insane amount of money to keep it running. And what are you going to do with it? Run your gaymes at 500fps?? Nigga, there is very little you can do with it other than insane calculations, if you want anything thing useful you better fork out some money to have a dev team create software for you.

>> No.1233217

It's proving the unified theory you fuckhead

>> No.1233218

If it actually worked I'd buy it for a million just to pwn banks and cash in. But it's all pipe dream.

>> No.1233928

And please explain how you "pwn banks and cash in"

>> No.1233932

>Not looking for the physics\politition answer
so whats the point of you wanting to answer the question?
>Can anybody tell me material
materials ton of different... from silica to panent aloys
>the process into making a quibit
patents and patents

>> No.1233934

All of that "good old physics" was wrong physics though. And only works for approximation until you really need accuracy like in designing transistors or working with semiconductors.

>> No.1234007

>fast decryption of transaction messages is one way

>> No.1234230


Why can't you just simulate it in software?

>> No.1234237

>to what benefit? hint:none
Well, apart of justify the fucking expending cost, literally saved scientist from a big as fuck headache.

>> No.1234264

Throw a couple of fucking ice cubes on it, it'll be fine. Maybe a cup of that good crunchy ice from Sonic.

>> No.1234813

Qubits aren't that hard to make, get yourself a ppktp crystal or ppln waveguide and build it into a folded machzender type interferometer, pump the crystal and collect the output photons

>> No.1234814

>If one of those companies just sold separate hardware to "average plebs" they would make a killing.
Yeah because every average pleb has a vacuum chamber and 0.0001K chiller just sitting in the back of their garage

>> No.1234830

can you simulate a modern computer on paper?
yeah but it takes fucking ages, probably faster doing the actual sum than the simulation.

>> No.1234836

>0.0001K chiller just sitting in the back of their garage
Literally helium, nitrogen, and a u bend.

>> No.1234840

Helium's only really good down to 2 kelvin

>> No.1234859

The algorithms used for the simulation have real bad scaling problems, with them being something like O(2^n) or worse. So basically, with a large enough problem, like cracking the encryption used in banking, the classical calculations take more time than there is whereas quantum computers could do it in a manageable time.