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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1207704 No.1207704 [Reply] [Original]

I live in a small one bedroom apartment. Upstairs unit. 2 windows that slide sideways (not up and down like normal windows) and a sliding deck door. All windows and deck door face the east. Basic window blinds on the 2 windows and thick blinds on the deck door.
The ac takes its sweet ass time to cool the place down. Have 2 Lasko fans that help a lot.

Thinking about getting curtains for the windows but don't know what kind I should get. Any other things I can do to keep cool?

Inb4 foil on the windows or any trashy shit.

>> No.1207716

>Thinking about getting curtains for the windows but don't know what kind I should get.
Anything that's both thick and white. White will reflect the sunlight (and heat), and the thicker it is the less sunlight will "bleed" through.

>> No.1207724

Yeah, you want professional grade curtains. I got some made for my townhouse by Lincraft (not sure if they do them anymore - this was over a decade ago).

Anyway, you need the curtains that have "blackout lining". This is a thick coated material that is stitched against the thin curtain fabric.

I'm also thinking that if you have access to the roof space you could shove a heap of pink batts in there?

>> No.1207753

>not making an air conditioner out of the toilet tank, some copper/rubber hose and a box fan
its not that hard.

>> No.1207762


>> No.1207784

>not using an exhaust fan to steal cold air from your neighbors

I haven't used my air conditioner in years. Step your game up, m8.

>> No.1207833

Curtains let light in. You want to reflect the light back outside before it gets inside.

>> No.1207834

Vertical blinds unless they are too trashy for you

>> No.1207875

Thank you
Sounds like its out of my budget and no I dont
That's what I have for my sliding deck door.
Doesn't work in this building.
Hmm....... no
And no

>> No.1207877

Drinking tons of ice water will allow you to keep the thermostat 3-4 degrees hotter than you can stand otherwise.

I usually just fill up my trucker mug with ice water and drink until I feel hypothermic, then repeat as necessary.

>> No.1207889

I drink a shit ton of cold water from the fridge everyday. Besides today because I caught my gfs cold so now I'm drinking hot green tea.

>> No.1208023

Don't you fucking dare post that man in here

>> No.1208292

It seems like he's got you really... TORN DOWN.

>> No.1208298


>> No.1208616

Tape aluminium foil to the underside of your window blinds. Shiny side towards the sun. Normally blinds act like heaters, on sunny days they are 50 - 60 C. With foil no more than 30 C.

>> No.1208628

If you have two windows opposite one another (even if in other rooms) then open both up and put a fan on one to get a cross breeze going. It'll cool the place down.
Also, fill your bathtub up with cold water and ice, and let it fucking sit overnight with the cross breeze going. It'll significantly reduce the temperature.
I had NO ac in my car during a Chicago summer one year, so one thing I can suggest is a wet towel on the back of your neck or strapped to your head. Have a fan blowing on the towel, and then the towel acts like a heatsink making you effectively a water cooled meat computer. Fun!

>> No.1208639

>Inb4 foil on the windows or any trashy shit.

>> No.1208783

Wrong you want thin black curtains

>> No.1208797


>> No.1208803


From the article:
>Curtains and drapes.

>On summer days, keep your curtains closed. "Particularly on the side of the house or apartment where the sun is coming in," says Allen Drury, a representative of Con Edison.

>The ability of curtains and drapes to reduce heat gain depends on fabric type (closed or open weave) and color. Studies show that medium-colored draperies with white plastic backings can reduce heat gain by 33 percent, according to the DOE. Hang the curtains as close to the window as possible. For maximum effect, install a cornice at the top of the draperies, seal the draperies at the sides, and overlap them in the middle using Velcro or tape.

>> No.1210781
File: 42 KB, 611x1024, eevlog FA profile pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find EEVlog's fetish account

>> No.1212148

please tell me that's not him

>> No.1212152

Unfortunately, it is.

>> No.1212160

I can hear his fucking obnoxious garbage-pile accent just by looking at that pic.

One time I heard him say the word "no" and it somehow had 5 syllables and ended with the letter R.

>> No.1212387

jesus h christ, it's been a long time since i recoiled this hard

>> No.1212402

>Once again the internet tells me things I don't need to know. /thread

>> No.1212403
File: 39 KB, 512x384, dragonball z hercule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1212404


You lie, this can't be fucking real.