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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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119964 No.119964 [Reply] [Original]

We've probably all heard the phrase, "buckshot-flavored", for when someone brings back like a deer or something they hunted to butcher and cook up. But what if you could make flavor-infused bullets?

Now hear me out here, because I realize this may not work at all, and don't actually know a lot about hunting or anything relevant to the subject, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could inject the spices into the deer or whatever you're hunting before you even start to prepare it? Would that not allow them more time to soak into the body?

This is kind of one of my throw-away ideas, hence I'm posting it here. It will likely get trashed on a bit (read, a lot), and I'm okay with it, since the concept is unlikely to be viable in the first place. However, I do like the idea of determining how you're going to prepare the meal you're hunting by what type of ammunition you shoot it with.


>> No.119969

Cajun-spiced venison from the moment you blow a hole in the fucker? Sounds like the makings of a refined gentleman redneck. ...Which would probably serve to break down established stereotypes. It sounds like only a god-awful combination of redneck hipster would use them.

I don't know if the world is ready for such a bizarre creature.

>> No.119971

op bump

>> No.119972
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>flavor-infused bullets

>> No.119974

That's a big neg-a-tory good buddy. After you field dress large game like a deer, you hang it for 24+ hours to drain out as much blood and body fluid as possible. Your flavor would drain out with most of the blood.

>> No.119975

I think it's been done, but google isn't really being nice to me in the search effort.

>> No.119976

Been done.

"Season Shot"

>> No.119987


>> No.119993

OP here, thanks for the feedback guys. I figured it was one of those fringe ideas that probably wouldn't work, but still has been done.

>> No.120017


>lol, op's a retard
>mfw this shit actually exists