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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1189971 No.1189971 [Reply] [Original]

Diy i need some help im currently trying to figure out the most efficient way to build a large room underground that has water electric and a carbon filtered vent any advice welcome inb4 no shipping containers

>> No.1189974

Wing it and go very slowly.

>> No.1189976
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>> No.1189984

first of all you find some ground.
then you dig a hole.
anywhere that doesn't get narrower as you go deeper by a slope of like 40 degrees or something you have to support from collapse. that shit ain't fun trust me. anything deeper than 4ft can and will kill you if you give it an opening.

>> No.1189987

don't forget to call 811

>> No.1190005

I recommend a device like the one in your image. I assume that's why you've used the image? Should you start by designing and building that in a modular format allowing you to disassemble and move downward slowly?

>> No.1190013

>quarry instead of tunnel
I mean... It's safer, but it's a fair bit more effort.

>> No.1190017

Alright, just kill yourself with some bucket method then. I don't care. It's a super simple device btw.

>> No.1190030


>> No.1190079

Find a better place to grow weed.

>> No.1190192
File: 73 KB, 400x515, 811_fullpage_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's toss efficiency for a second and start with something that works.

This guy used a bobcat digger and made a big fat scene, so everyone knows he's got a bunker in his backyard. Not the best idea, unless he's got a second one in the mountains or something.

Feel free to replace the digger with a band of Mexicans, you and your shovel, or your limp dick, keeping in mind that your time is probably worth something, but probably not worth digging a bunker by hand, and that it is also unreasonable to dig through bedrock.

Remember to call before you dig.

And yeah, there are cheaper ways to grow weed.

>> No.1190193

For example, if you're not a dumbass, you'll contact the city and convert old, abandoned shelters that no one's using. It would surely be easier than making a bunker yourself.


>> No.1190199

I doubt Colin could tolerate being underground for long with his extreme tinnitus.

>> No.1190227

Weed or Doomsday bunker or both?

>> No.1190232


And as i miner i highly suggest u find a retired or not busy structural engineer to babysit you.

Seriously more dangerous than being droped in the arctic naked if you dont do shit right.

I have been buried underground twice.

It's a pretty dark feeling knowing you are gonna die alone ina hoke and mayne never found...

Safety is key. However. Mines are the shit

>> No.1190306

Story time

>> No.1190312

mng another bunker thread
whats your budget?
also wana build the bunker on your property or geting used one

>> No.1190323


>> No.1190336

Shit. 1 foot might do it. Shit is heavy.

>> No.1190337

Cant be safe enough bro. Luckily if u hit rock you can screen it and get about 10 bucks aton out of it. Dont get caught tho. Uncle sam will fuck u hard

>> No.1190338

Leave radio or tv on.

Not go insane that way.

Is what i do

>> No.1190339

Sorry. Not much of a story.

Got some tunnles where i worked at. Pretty sketchy part wasnt scaled. Just gottakeep an eye out.

Some retard dick drove over it and part of it colapsed and blocked me in.

Other time a oart sluffed off on it's own.

Both times i figured hand digging was dangerous and useless. Nobody knew i was in there. Just walked to the back and laid down and tried to stay calm or take a nap and conserve air. Hope everyone isnt stuoid and notices im gone and get dug out.

Got lucky both times.

Scale your shit or fuckoff and go in there yourself. Never again.

>> No.1190381

I would use a shipping container.

>> No.1190409

why is that bobcat red?

>> No.1190599

I have seen your pic irl. Jarden zinc, in Tennessee. Did some work there. So god damned many pennies, kinda surreal...

>> No.1190606
File: 44 KB, 600x450, Corrugated-Pipe-127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use large diameter corrugated pipes, and weld some steel plates on as end caps, dig a hole, drop it in, and cover it. put gravel in underneath for drainage, If you really want to get crazy with it, you can coat the outside with tar to prevent rust and leaks, and pour some concrete over and around it to sure it up.

>> No.1190612

Im a special Civil engineer. How lange is your room gonna be? Multiple rooms? How deeply is your groundwater?

Theres some easy methode or you make it the Hard way. Easy methode is to get a Container for like 5000, nur it into the groundwater and Isolation it all around from water.
The other way is like lydia more expensive but you habe controll over how big everything is gonna be dimensioned, also if you need to do it in secret Theres also Differential Option just Hit me up

>> No.1190632

How do moleman anons get rid of all their excavated soil?

Ive been emptying bags around the place but its taking longer to dump it than it is to dig it.

>> No.1190788

Lol good luck with your pot farm anon. Keep in mind that extreme changes in electricity usage is the number 1 way people get fucked over.

>> No.1190797


>> No.1190799

Its a bitch. Miners use conveyor belts.

Ive pondered about making a 55 gallon drum shop vac on a swivel or electronically controlled to dump and fire back up when it's full.

There just isnt an easy way unless build some belts.

>> No.1190800

Use pink and blue spectrum LED and not the traditional grow bulbs and for a minor up in initial cost you end up saving on electricity and anyone who sees your electricity use spike up will only see it spike up about as much as buying a chest freezer or another TV.

>> No.1190802

For anyone who says I don't know what I'm talking about btw,
t. Guy who grew large quantities out of a studio apartment and hid everything so well that he could just let the landlord come in for bug spraying or plumbing and not have to worry about him finding shit

>> No.1191444
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>spend tens of thousands making underground grow op.
>shit gets legalized right as I'm finishing.

>> No.1191465

>living in a state with draconian marijuana laws.

Oregon reporting in. people just grow it in their backyards.

>> No.1191556
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It's time to cook

>> No.1193111

Turn it into a meth lab.

>> No.1193145

electric bill triples..BUSTED!

>> No.1193150

The guy that actually got caught because of the electricity bill was stealing directly off the grid.

>> No.1193152

>>shit gets legalized right as I'm finishing.

>get licensed, sell legally
There you go

>> No.1193395

Not to mention anon if u keep costs down large retailers will rent food storage space or build frozen distribution centers.

Be sure and dig it 15 feet tall and leave tons of room for trucks to wheel around and you'll likely die in some equipment of old age while expanding.

God willing I do the same.

>> No.1193897

dont get caught what exactly

>> No.1193930

>dig into earth
>sort rocks out.

Congratulations, you are now an active mine site and held accountable by MSHA. it's like OSHA but far more cucked.

>> No.1194413
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GOTCHA ! Thanks Anon!

>> No.1194531

what the fuck?
Ok, say I happen to own a hil that I dig the fuck out of. I place debris on another part of my property to deal with later.
While dealing with it later, I use the dirt in a garden and I happen to be left with a pile of rocks which I sell.
Does this still count as a "mine site"

>> No.1194602

Yup. 100% does anon. You shouldn't have to worry too mich and if some random faggot shows up in a car or truck, gets out, and chocks his wheels be prepared for a bad day.

You might get lucky playing dumb.

I would just get a small screen and hide it well. Make a cash deal with a local dump truck operator.

You actually need to be more careful mining than growing the pot.

It's a fucked uo timeline aint it.

>> No.1194607

s-sauce ?

>> No.1194620

lol yea it is.
Kinda has me wondering though, because I may have a lot of hills and and a fair sized field that I might play around with.

Sorta want a bunker or a leveled area on a big ass hill, and I also just happen to want(need) to raise the field significantly but do not want a fuck ton of rocks in the dirt.

>> No.1194639

Well, you probably won't get found out bit its utterly deceiving how much effort it takes to haul dirt. Also you can buy or build a "rock bucket" for a skid loader.

That will sort most of the rocks and keeo it at a level of operating cost most of us can afford.

If u wanna go bigger get a how and a dumo truck or 2 and a rock screen.

>> No.1194640

Fuck I can't type....

>> No.1194645

Thanks for the info. Im not in any rush. It will probably turn into a decade long thing where I pretty much go out and play when I get bored.

Ill look into the rock bucket thing, and the rock sccreen thing you were talking about.
I dont know if youd know much about this but I kinda like the idea of getting some old equipment like a backhoe, the kind of stuff that is old and looks its age but still has years of use.
Am I an idiot for thinking the shit has "years" of use left or am I setting myself up to get fucked like the people that buy a decrepit 1960s boat as a "project"

>> No.1194717

Eh, could be both.

The last place I worked at litterally bought shit at auction scrap metal price and rigged it together. We were all the time welding frames and making hydraulic hoses. It sucked a lot of ass but we pushed shit hard also.

If you're not in a hurry and buy an old backhoe or something you should be fine.

Just make frie d's with a good mechanic and always be prepared for a break down.

The rock screens are pretty high but a beer is so slow you'll just have to do some homework.

I'm in the same boat. Start a bunker next year.

I'm getting an old loader with a spade bucket and teeth and hiring out the blasting that I am sure I will need.

Good luck to you. I highly suggest checking out auction sites or estate sales to start.

>> No.1194960

Will do, and thanks, good luck to you too.

>> No.1195194

also might as well put a greenhouse above your lab, too. Thats how the marijuana cave in Virginia got caught, plane had thermal image, and noticed this huge amount of heat, for no reason.

>> No.1195319

Interesting. What project you working on?