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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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117912 No.117912 [Reply] [Original]


I have recently just come back from Google after searching for "do it yourself mousetraps" and "LETHAL do it yourself mousetraps" only to return with links for NON-lethal and HUMANE traps. I have a family of RATS, not mice, fucking football sized hungry RATS. so if anyone out there has any info on making an at home LETHAL RAT TRAP please do share.

>tl;dr /r/-ing diy LETHAL traps for HUGE rats

>> No.117914

bear traps, elephant gun, c4

>> No.117917
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or this :How can i make a homemade Rat trap?
i have loads of rats in my yard a want to make a bunch of traps
4 years ago Report Abuse

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Take a 5 gallon bucket and drop a handful of dog food in the bottom. Place a short piece of wood against the bucket like a ramp. The rats will smell the food and climb in to get dinner and then not be able to climb out. Disposal of the contents of the bucket will be up to your imagination!

and then smash. or poison. or whatever.

>> No.117919

Mix in some arsenic with some table salt.

Mammals fucking love salt.

>> No.117927

obvious solution, call professional when rats look like raccoons

>> No.117932

It's simple. Stuff the ratholes with steel wool.

>> No.117933

Get a normal commercial trap, copy the design.

>> No.117938

you can't buy arsenic in the USA, the EU and quite a few other first-world countries anymore.

and you can't trap a rat in a 5-gallon bucket, they can jump in and out of full-size trash cans. they can jump straight up like three feet in the air if they have to.


you can feed them cement.
what you do is get some portland cement mix and some flour, mix them in a bowl 50%-50%. then next to that you put another bowl of water.

the rats will eat the cement/flour mix and get thirsty, and drink some water. the cement will solidify in their digestive tracts, killing them in a week or so.

it is a cheap, ancient method that works well,,,,,,,, problem here is, you have to make SURE no other animals can get to the cement/flour bowl

,,,,,,really though you need to block however they are getting in. if you can't block it, then you can try spreading mothballs in the path/hole. mothballs are cheap, easy & clean to try, and [slightly] give off formaldehyde that the rats won't like.

>> No.117946


if you have mice or rats in your house, it is best to use non-lethal methods to kill them. the reason is that they always have fleas, and if you kill them in your home, the fleas will jump off them as the body cools, and then be in your home.

so it is better to either drive them off (get a cat?) or block the way they're getting in, and then catch the ones inside LIVE and just throw them outside.


also--for rats in your YARD, you don't get a cat, you get a dog. they have these dogs called rat terriers.... but a lot of dogs will go psycho on small animals.

and this involves more money than normal for the dog, because they need more vet care than usual. keep them up to date on the rabies/distemper shots and frontline flea/tick protection and they need blood screening 2-3 times a year, plus occasional testing and deworming. a dog will pick up diseases often if they are regularly slaying rats.

>> No.117958

I have pet rats, and they can jump straight up about 3-4 feet so, make sure that's a tall bucket.

>> No.117965

I remember seeing a good trap that was a 5-gallon bucket half-filled with water, a dowel or something similar across that which could rotate, and food suspended immediately above? Something like that.

The premise is that the animal attempts to reach the food, falls into the water, and is forced to tread water until drowning due to the steep slopes of the bucket.

Pretty shitty way to go, but I guess that's what you get for causing the plague and stealing my cheese.

>> No.117971


>it is best to use non-lethal methods to kill them
>non-lethal methods to kill them
>non-lethal kill


>> No.117986
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When I first read OP's post I thought he said he started looking into rat traps and decided he wanted to build lethal rat traps to kill his whole family.

It's fucking hilarious when you read his post like that.

>> No.117994


he means kill their spirit, make sure you play them a recording of Vorgon poetry on loop OP

>> No.118036
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no money hence my posting here
spend money on a trap just to build one myself? what?
fucking lol
good suggestion
cement rats, interesting thinking but impractical
but thank you for informing me about the fleas

>> No.118048

Source; western Canada, where we have a hate-on for rats like you wouldn't believe.

1) Put a hay bale or three, plus a bunch of rat bait (dog food, table scraps, whatever), in the middle of an area that won't catch on fire.
2) Leave it overnight, maybe two nights. It will collect rats, who will also notice what a fantastic nest the bales make, and stay there.
3) Surround this with a thick ring of more straw from another couple of bales.
4) Douse all the straw and the bales in diesel or kerosene.
5) Light the outside ring first. I cannot stress this enough. LIGHT THE OUTSIDE RING FIRST.
6) Once the outside ring is fully caught, toss a burning rag onto the bales in the middle.
7) Watch in grim satisfaction as the diseased chewers of human flesh panic and burn.

This is not a particularly humane method, but it is fairly effective. Make sure your outer ring is sufficient, because nothing ruins your day like a flaming rat shooting out of a conflagration and under your deck/house/barn.

>> No.118141
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fucking canadians

>> No.118145

Take some rope and rig up some snares in their tracks/ runs (anywhere you think they'll run). When you catch one you can deal with it however you like, if you have a bb gun or a bow I recemend using it for a little target practice. Leave this rat to bait others and put more snares around it.

>> No.118147


God bless you and your ingenious people.

Keep hating the rats. Hate with all your heart!

>> No.118148

I know you said you are broke op but the easiest way to kill them is with one of those electric traps. They are like 40$ I killed like 20 goddamn mice in my house with one before I lost count. Eventually got the last of them or whatever and havnt had rodent problems since then.

Where do you live though? Are the rats living outside and coming in? That probably means a lot more rats to kill. I dont really see how you are going to deal with this problem without spending ANY money at all. I mean if you see rats regularly you can probably estimate there are 20-40 living someplace around your house right? You going to get them all with some ghetto ass trash can trap? I know this is /diy/ but it seems futile.

>> No.118154
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>>118148 Those are very effective at killing

We bought a electric trap also. $28 at home depot
put it in our attic and killed the 3 squirrels living up there fucking with the romex. Fuck squirrels.

>> No.118162
File: 24 KB, 472x397, Humane-Mouse-Trap-SX-5003-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this one OP.

DIY approach I'm guessing you could make one out of a old pc case if you have one lying about.
looks fairly simple to make with basic tools, some cheap flashing material, duct tape and a hacksaw.
and some rat poison of your choice to finish them off. Those old PC towers could hold a quite a few rats in them.

>> No.118182
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my kind of anon

>> No.118191
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>> No.118195

If I where you, I'd make a simple cage trap to catch the fucker alive.
Then probably establish a rat space program.
And with every live rat cought I would make other DIY ingenious project to launch the vermin closer to the cheese summits of the moon.
The first being some sort of huge slingshot.

>> No.118196

Another advantage of this type of rig is you can slingshot hungry rats at your enemies.

>> No.118374
File: 446 KB, 1143x1586, 1315946105982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how might one make this "simple" trap?
what is this i don't even...
this is what i'm talking about, i might just drop the cash for this if i kill as many as you say i might

>> No.118381

if your murrican, go to /k/, and get a little rutget mk3. load with hollopoints or ratshot. bate teh area

>> No.118402


crtl F and search for 44 gallon drums

>> No.118417

High-five Albertabro

>> No.118513

^5 I prefer Cowtown but live in the Hat, le sad. You?

>> No.118533

Just use regular neck-snapping rat traps. $1 each, set unbaited along walls the rats use, outside. They hug walls when moving most of the time. There is no need for bait as they trigger it by motion.

Some rats need to be hunted and BBs are not nearly enough. .22 with ratshot or similiar.

>> not very DIY but it works.

>> No.118791

a good idea, i know the routes they use very well

>> No.118807

Use the bucket method but put a pressure plate on the bottom connected to a lid that closes when rat gets in. Then destroy the rat.

>> No.118825

Another Albertafag reporting in. Rat free and proud!

Oddly enough I dated a girl a few years back who bought an Albino rat in Vancouver and brought it back to AB as a pet. She was an odd duck.

>> No.118851

This, OP. I have one of these at camp. My twist is that it's filled with delicious, poisonous antifreeze.

>> No.118858
File: 43 KB, 635x424, Disgusting-Food-Rat-flambe-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>117965 >>117917 already posted see link
>>118851 >>117917 already posted see link

>>118374 the pic is of a humane rat trap. they go in and cant get out. Made with a pc case it could actually hold a bunch of rats in one baiting.

I always bait the back snapper types. Rats to an extent are smart little fucks.

>> No.118859

get drunk and smash them?

>> No.118988

>odd duck
mfw you repeat yourself. but yes, I've known a few people who had pet rats. All my why.

>> No.118998

Havent read the whole thread so this may have been posted but I one read in an old book about a simple mouse trap.

Take a block of wood, drill an inch or so wide hole in it a couple of inches deep, then drive a nail through the wood so it enters the hole diagonally pointing inwards, then bait the bottom.

Rat will enter for the foot but be unable to back out due to the nail.

>> No.119069

Anti-freeze. The reason dogs and little kids are always eating that shit and killing themselves is that antifreeze is sweet to the taste, tastes like fucking sugar. So put out a pan of ant-freeze the rats will drink it up.

>> No.119085

Why don't you do this, but instead fill the bucket with CO2 which is heavier than air. When rats fall in, they should die fairly quickly in the anoxic environment.

>> No.119116
File: 223 KB, 500x500, 512_KC68_rat_cage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Get humane rat trap (see pic for example)
2. Trap rat(s)
3. Get GPS Tracking Device and attach to rat trap (or duct tape your Iphone on!)
4. Get weather balloon or two
5. Fill weather balloon(s) with helium
6. Tie rat trap with rat(s) to helium filled weather balloon(s)
8. ????
9. Profit

bonus points for designing and dressing the trapped rats in mock astronaut suits (we don't want them to actually survive their 100000 ft. high trip!). take pictures and post results before, during, and after.

>> No.119149
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ohmygod, you made me cum

>> No.119635
File: 158 KB, 800x600, 9LiVn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, fascinatingly simple thank you
are they stupid enough to enter a trap that size? everyone irl is saying they are highly intelligent for rodents
these are win
very interesting, have any diagrams?

>> No.119648

Fucking lol'd.

>> No.119658

dude sick fucking piece

>> No.119674

Nobody ITT think of the shotgun shell rat trap yet?

>> No.119676

so simply

>> No.119685
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what is that?

>> No.120171
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/an/on here..

Step 1- pic related

Step 2(lethal variant)- hammer

>> No.120174

Do these two OP. But make sure you mix in antifreeze with the poison. AND put the traps somewhere that other animals you don't want to hurt will get into it. I think it is illegal to murder your neighbors cats and dogs. But it might depend on the laws of your specific area.

Anyways, rats go into trap, eat poisoned food. Then die from the antifreeze before they can chew their way through the plastic.

Best of all? Every few days all you have to do is dump a bucket full of dead rats in a hole and bury them.

>> No.120223

you guys are over-thinking this...



>> No.120224


this or a terrier

>> No.121152

use human cage-type trap. Make sure it's stainless steel with no plastic or wooden parts whatsoever. obtain a fire of some size (use your imagination!)

when rat is in cage, make a fire, throw cage on. lolololol.

everyone wins, except the rat which dies slowly.

>> No.121157

Most average house cats can not take on full grown new york sewer rats. Those fuckers will claw a cat's eyes out before it can kill them.

Plus, a cat will only kill one or two a week, especially if OP keeps it well fed.

Whereas traps can kill multiple rats a day.

>> No.121170

Depends on your cat. Rescue cats are good bets, especially if they had to fend for themselves early on - I have a rescued Maine Coon mix that goes through vermin like a champ. When there are vermin to be had, he'll hardly touch store-bought food. Cat is still the best answer, but for big nasty vermin get a big cat. Maine Coons are among the biggest; I once saw mine chase a fox off, and in the summer he's taken to hunting rabbits and weasels when he's run through the smaller fare.

>> No.121213

I have three cats. two are good mousers (one is in training still). The oldest one regularly brings me things like rabbits that are as big as himself. I only have mice problems in winter, when they go under my house and the cats can't get to them.

>> No.121218
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here you go op

>> No.121225

Simple rodent trap:

You need:

1 - Bucket
2 - Can
3 - Wire hanger
4 - Peanut Butter
5 - Stick

Fill the bucket halfway full with water, bend the wire straight, poke it through the can, coat half the can in peanut butter, lean the stick along the bucket so the mice can climb it to get to the bucket.

They'll try to get on the can with the peanut butter, it will rotate, they will fall in the bucket, swim until exhaustion, and drown.

>> No.121228

Video example:


Cheap, effective, and catches multiple rodents without having to reset like snap traps.

>> No.121240

Fill the rats with helium. Would be funnier.

>> No.121255
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please do this and post pics

>> No.121269
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This one in super dangerous but works.
>it can you kill you and your rats.

>> No.121274

Place a piece of cooked meat on the floor at night. Sit motionless nearby with a hammer. Smash rat when it comes to retrieve meat.

>> No.122274
File: 49 KB, 375x500, 1302953945654_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I made the 5 gallon bucket trap with the spinning can smeared with peanut butter, the fuckers licked the thing fucking clean without even climbing onto it.