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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1175463 No.1175463 [Reply] [Original]

How hard would it be to chop down a tree, cut it into cords, and split it into firewood with a regular axe? I can't afford a chainsaw

>> No.1175464

Hard enough that it's worth renting a chainsaw

>> No.1175472

as someone who tried that. just rent a chainsaw. not worth at all.

>> No.1175474

>how hard would be it be to do something men have done with far lesser tools for thousands of years

yeah, you're a faggot.

>> No.1175487

and you go roaming across the continents hunting buffalo with a sharp stick everytime you want a Big Mac, yeah?

>> No.1175488

are you OP? A big mac equivalent would be ordering a cord of wood for pickup.

you want to cut some trees down.

>> No.1175508

Yeah, and it sucked dick. Would you wipe your ass with a leaf or four ply toilet paper given the chance?

>> No.1175532
File: 3.29 MB, 4088x3864, Rocket Stove - Batonning - Upgraded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really isn't difficult, but you should use a crosscut saw to cut it into logs. It is loads easier. I did this for years.

>> No.1175618

What is your time worth? If you can easily make the money it would cost to rent a chainsaw in an hour or two then rent the chainsaw... if you could not easily make the money to rent the chainsaw in several hours, or have no way of getting the additional work hours to earn this money then your time is not worth the cost of renting the chainsaw and you instead need to use the axe and tell yourself that it's cheaper than a gym membership.

>> No.1175631

why not just drill some big holes near the base and burn it in place?
totally want to see a flaming tree fall into the street in a residential area

>> No.1175672

Stick to smaller trees and get a bow saw and you can if its green... if its dead wood, then you're gunna get beat up. Good bit of cardio though!

>> No.1175699

Saws were used for quite some time now

>> No.1175941

Good luck using a fucking rocket stove in winter

>> No.1175996

Splitting wood is actually pretty fun, you'll want a maul though.

>> No.1176002

I do. I don't see your point.

>> No.1176333

dont you have a bro with a saw?
and how big is the tree?

>> No.1176393

It depends on how strong u are.
You can get joint pain, backpain, blisters if u arent used to it
Youll get excited and your muscles wont feel a thing

Dont forget your equipment, the easiest and most exciting part is downing the tree

>> No.1176408


Thats a lot of choppin', good exercise I suppose

>> No.1176433

why wouldn't you just use the dead twigs and branches to start the normal campfire? hello? faulty logic.

>> No.1176453

you will probably die or be severely injured, if you rent a chainsaw you will probably die or be severely injured. but what the hell, make sure you're wearing a gopro for laughs and giggles

>> No.1176464


You need a saw. It's what lumberjacks used, back in the day.

>> No.1176470

He's never light a fire, let alone a rocket stove. He thinks all that snow will prevent any possible fire from being lit.

>> No.1176643

very difficult and without experience, you're very likely to drop logs on something you don't want to drop logs on

>> No.1176644


And to think. I do not have a chainsaw and a log splitter in my camping bag.

Well looks like ill have to ditch my survival blankets to make room for a chainsaw and a log spliter.

>> No.1176648

Around here it's pretty hard to dig in frozen soil, maybe he was referring to that.

>> No.1177051

You'll lose most of your wood in the chips, OP. An axe needs to take big bites to get through, it doesn't just go straight in like a saw.

Look into a folding saw- small and handy enough to do the job, and you'll get fit.

>> No.1177079

You can fell a small tree with an axe. However, bucking (cutting the wood down to length, and splitting that wood requires multiple tools. Saws, sledge hammers, splints, wedges, mauls, etc... It is cheaper to just purchase a chainsaw, a diamond shapped splitting wedge, and a maul. It will cost you around $400.00 for a decent setup. Don't skimp on the saw if you are going to use it constantly. Buy a Stihl or a Huskvarna.

Honestly though, a cord of wood costs 50-100 dollars. It takes a truck, $400 worth of tools, and at least a day of work for one man to get a cord of wood. I recommend the youtuber Wranglerstar, for more information. He has pretty good tutorials and reviews of tools.

>> No.1177109

wow, shit advice.
So the biggest issue is the felling and bucking the tree.
Ax is more dangerous because you have to remove more wood, and it's harder to do it the "right" way.
However, yeah, cutting it to length would be a bitch and a half with an axe.
You want to get a bowsaw blade, should be about $5 for a 21" one, and make a bowsaw out of branches that you cut and notch.
You will need the blade and cord to make one, although you could strip bark off some branches and make some cord I guess.

generally recommended that a hand saw is most efficient on wood that is abt 50% of it's length or less, i believe? so a 21" bowsaw would be good up to 1" diameter tree or so.

a bow saw will also make it much much safer to cut down the tree. cut the notch with the ax on one side, straight in on the bottom and angled down on the top, then about 3" higher saw in from the other side. as soon as you hear cracking, run away diagonally from the direction you expect it to fall. sometimes they split and "ladderback" and throw the tree straight back.
make sure you clear a safe path through the brush. use the bow saw to cut some wedges out of branches so if the cut starts to pinch the blade you can push it open by hammering them into the kerf behind the blade.

Once the tree is down you can start bucking it into logs. A sawbuck (x shaped sawhorse) will really help your back.

This is also really dangerous, because I'm guessing you aren't planning on getting a harness and climbing spikes and going up to top the tree first.

When the tree comes down, it's supported by branches on one end and the end on the other. So there's no safe place to cut it. If you can lift the bottom, then you can slide a sawbuck under it and you can then cut logs off the end, so it'll drop a 20lb log that'll roll towards you, instead of a 2000lb one. Trees are heavy.

>> No.1177112

Faggots, be a man and chop that shit.

>> No.1177115

also, if it gets wedged between two other trees as it falls it can build up a TON of tension ready to break you if it gets released by cutting.

also also, found an interesting tip. buck the tree into nice long logs, then split, THEN cut to firewood length. splitting long logs with an axe, a maul you make out of a branch, and some wooden wedges you can also cut out of a branch, 8' logs take very little more effort than doing 2' logs, and because cracks propagate, you will blunt the edge of your axe less.

>> No.1177524

>renting a chainsaw
Don't be a fggt.


>> No.1177676


>> No.1177677

>4 ply tp

>> No.1177697

It's not hard at all, just tiring.
Ask around if you can borrow one for a day.

>> No.1177715

I actually use a rocket stove quite often. When I take it out, I always pack dry twigs in the chimney. That small amount of fuel is more than enough to dry out frozen wet twigs. I've never had trouble starting a fire in the snow or the pouring rain in the dark of night. The packet of twig fuel I bring along is no larger than any other fire starting kit.

The fact that you even mention this stuff is because you have difficulty with it. You are using the wrong techniques and think everyone else has the same trouble. Never project your failures and poor attitude onto someone else.

>> No.1177747

You're gonna be one buff mofo

>> No.1177752

>How hard would it be to chop down a tree, cut it into cords, and split it into firewood with a regular axe? I can't afford a chainsaw
If you're asking this question, that means you don't know how to sharpen or use an ax. There's also a good chance that you don't have the right kind of ax for the job.

These things together? You might get it done in around a week of work. You'll probably give up well before then though.

With a chainsaw, assuming you don't get the bar pinched, you are probably looking at a couple of hours to get it entirely ready to split.

All of that said, fuck, a pickup truck bed of firewood usually only goes for around $100. Work a minimum wage job for a week, and buy two truckloads.

>> No.1177920

>implying you would burn green wood

>> No.1177942

You can, it is easy enough to do. It is just inefficient and not nearly as nice as well-seasoned wood. Normally, you split it and stack it near your fire/stove for a long time.

>> No.1178638

I just assumed since OP doesn't own an axe he wasn't planning on doing such.

>> No.1178688

No, I'm not a paleo-nigger.
I have mastered agriculture and keep my buffalo and cattle penned up so that I don't have to hunt.

>> No.1179924

4 ply?

I jist use 1ply i take from the park bathroom

>> No.1180004

felling the tree alone would make you go rent power tools.

shit is fucking a lot of work.

>> No.1180027

The question is what sized tree? I did the same with a 15ft high tree, you just have to make sure that the tree falls in the right direction. After that it just takes some time to split it but nothing terrible. For the tree I cut it took about 2 hours a day for 5 days. Obliviously if you are doing a very large tree it may become a problem.

>> No.1180349

I may have french blood but most of my family that has attempted to cut a tree has died from them falling on top of them. Plus I'm too much of a pussy to use a chainsaw. Too loud and looks dangerous.

>> No.1180378

you know you can a buy handsaws at the dollar store right?

axe is good for spliting

>> No.1180396

their point still stands.

>> No.1180398
File: 21 KB, 480x360, trashmanb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I recommend the youtuber Wranglerstar, for more information. He has pretty good tutorials and reviews of tools.

post disregarded

>> No.1180420

Wrangler is good when he goes on about fire fighting. For the rest, it's best to ignore him.

>> No.1180423

>looks dangerous.
Because it is FUCKING DANGEROUS. But just keep the sharp bits away from yourself and your friends. It's not very hard.

>> No.1180429

Like every tool, using it in the wrong way will be dangerous. Fortunately Husqvarna put out a video detailing how to use a chainsaw while keeping yourself safe.

>> No.1182141

There's a movie about people who live in the taiga in Russia, I forget the name. A guy shows in the movie how to split a log into timbers with wedges and he was getting pretty even 2" planks then hand sawing for length. Look it up its an amazing skill to pefect

>> No.1183187

I'm doing that right now OP. It's hard, but it's fun and I'm getting /fit/

>> No.1183193

I love this stuff. Have you also seen the primitive technology channel on YouTube?

>> No.1183202

just buy a fucking chainsaw, they aren't that expensive. i suggest Echo but brand really depends where you live and what dealers are in the area. whatever you do avoid Stihl unless you have no other option

>> No.1183385

>avoid Stihl unless you have no other option
Oh boy. Here is an professional. Check out what the people use who work with chainsaws daily. Stihls can be seen...

>> No.1183860

Everything OP and anyone else with a tree felling question needs to know lives here, so never ask on /diy/ again:


Ignore meme Jewtubers. No reason exists to bother with non-professionals.

Watch the series even if you think you know your shit:


>> No.1184583

agree. Stihl makes a quality saw... you just cant START THE FUCKING THING

>> No.1184586

>magical floating dirt

>> No.1184825

Is it bad that i was disappointed it wasn't made in the same style as Staplerfahrer Klaus.

I think this is the one:

>> No.1184832

How big is your tree op? When i was 15 i was cutting down trees 1 foot in diameter with a double sided ax.

>> No.1185153

a ten dollar saw w/ a couple blades is the difference between you hating life and finishing and you hating life and being disgusted at your inability to finish. keep the axe thou its the best tool to de-limb a tree

>> No.1185154

Are you okay?

>> No.1185176

Fuck you I just watched that whole thing

>> No.1185323

I hope everyone realizes this graphic is a joke and was made to be funny.

-Freshly cut trees are wet and don't burn worth a shit
-5 ton gas powered log splitter is a 'survival' tool...
-Batoning your firewood... don't even get me started on how meme level stupid this is

The rocket stove instructions check out, and the last one is called a Dakota fire hole. That really does work if soil conditions are right.

I suppose it's possible that some internet warrior put this together thinking that it was good advice... but column A is just retarded. Don't do that shit.

>> No.1185334

The whole point of that pic is to make the rocket stove the more attractive option.

>> No.1185341

Notice it says "Modern camp fire"? That's because most modern "camping" happens within 10 feet of a car. So the cutting/splitting/etc all happens 12 months before the fire is lit.

>> No.1185518


I still think it was made by some internet warrior that's done more camping in video games than real life.

>> No.1185525

>what is a cave

>> No.1185528

>Freshly cut trees are wet and don't burn worth a shit
Green stuff is great for campfires. It burns slow and hot. Get the end of few long "logs" of green stuff going, and you can keep working them in slowly and they'll last all night. Not the best if it's just light you want, but for heat, enjoyment, and low maintenence for drinking for hours on end, green stuff is the way to go.
You have to have a good pile of coals first though to get it going, and I don't think it would be a good idea to cook over green wood.

>> No.1187117

>Dirt cave
if you see a cave made of dirt don't go anywhere near that shit. A normal cave is caused by water eroding rock. A mine is made from rock and supported by a bunch of large wooden trusses.

>> No.1187153

>Obviously never used an axe before
>Doesn't already have a chainsaw
>Can't afford a 75 buck cheap one at Harbor Freight

OP, you're going to get killed by a tree. Just don't do it and buy some firewood at the grocery store like normies do.

>> No.1188129

High moisture wood has always burnt shitty and produced more smoke than fire, at least that's my experience. You really are the first person I've ever heard say that and I think you're probably trolling me.

>> No.1188130

1/2" 5 ply

>> No.1188213

infect it with Armillaria . it'll be gone in 2-3 years depending on the size, and you'll have a constant supply of tasty mushrooms for the duration