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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 64 KB, 800x600, BUNKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1172001 No.1172001 [Reply] [Original]

I've been designing a bunker. For no other reason than working out the logistics of an EMP proof self sustaining bunker. That could provide a comfortable post nuke living habitat. I believe all ideas deserve scrutiny. So I am posting the design here for discussion.

It is 1600 square feet, the units are built from 40x8x9 shipping containers, this would be buried in the ground and encased in concrete. Power would come from a small solar farm with a grounded fuse box to protect against surges.
There would be a filtration system for pulling air from the surface and removing radioactive particles.
Water is filtered for repeat use, the system is fed from a tank, with a pump for pressure.
Food stores should last 2 people 2 years, but as long as you immediately begin utilizing the hydroponic garden, you could stretch supplies out further.

All together i feel I've accounted for most, if not all, contingencies and comforts. As well as spending several days considering fabrication challenges. So please ask questions.

>> No.1172028

Do you have spare water and air filters as well as spare bulbs for the garden? Also, do you live near any major cities or nuclear targets?

>> No.1172040

Yes, yes, and the garden will use relatively low wattage LED grow lamps. They will outlive the rest of the bunker. As far as location, this will be built in a rural area, outside of approximate damage ranges for nuclear priority targets. This bunker will not take a direct hit, but should outlast an EMP. And even the immediate fallout, due to oxygen stores in the safe room. I even have multiples post EMP communication solutions established. Including a sat-comm uplink, and Ham radio.

>> No.1172056
File: 1.15 MB, 2016x1512, 20161207_123558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would recommend setting aside a room for air handling. Quite a lot of space needed for 3-stories, ducting, filters, scrubber, heater, de/humidifier, etc. I'd recommend you have all the switchgear, power panels in the same room? So a utility room is needed. Might as well throw in the control system for pumps and water there to save space. Also, I'd recommend having a deep bored well instead of trying to reuse the all the water, it will make things easier and cheaper than advanced grey-water filtration.

Just my two cents from moleman experience.

>> No.1172065

That's definitely something worth considering, I have concerns over ground water contamination with nuclear fallout? Is that something worth worrying about?

>> No.1172095

>shipping containers
Why would you? Are they enough to be your faraday cage(s)? Because if you're planning on using them as any kind of support to prevent cave-ins you're in for a shock. The containers are ok for providing a framework for your building, but I'd rather use something a little sturdier.

You had also better invest in some wicked radio technology spanning shortwave, CB, marine, and whatever else might come in handy, an extendable antenna array would be useful provided you could isolate it from EMP risk. Considered tubes anon? Environmental monitoring equipment would also be useful, just so you know if there's radiation or nuclear winter out there. Good luck.

>> No.1172137


Consider aquaponics and raise worms for composting and feed fish.

They fry and eat mealworms in other countries.

They easy af to raise. Hell, i got a few trays hid in my filing cabinet at work. I am told they eat styrofoam and nobody has done this commercially. Gonna make millions. Breed till i have a giant mealworm pit with catwalks. Dump truckloads of styrofoam ina hole and get rich off grants alone.

>> No.1172141
File: 26 KB, 400x393, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shipping containers, this would be buried in the ground and encased in concrete

>> No.1172174

Shipping containers are relatively cheap building material that can serve as a faraday cage to minimize EMP damage of more sensitive equipment..
I doubt I will be concerned about cave-ins, as the depths I'm considering are only deep enough that radiation will attenuate before penetration the bunker, which takes surprisingly less depth that you would think. Especially when considering this wont take a direct or even an approximate hit.
I have accounted for an extendable antenna that would only be set up after an EMP to prevent damage.
And environmental monitoring is an excellent addition to consider, Thanks for that..

>> No.1172179

How many goddamn bunker threads...

>> No.1172180

Should just do a general.

>> No.1172182

Why not? Steel and concrete are excellent at blocking Electromagnetic waves, especially if the concrete is reinforced. Only roughly a foot and a half of concrete is needed to attenuate high levels of nuclear radiation down to survivable levels. A combination of steel and concrete would work fairly well as a shallow depth solution for post nuclear survival. Like I said, as long as is isn't within the immediate range of a nuclear weapon. Which can be accounted for with nuclear priority calculations.

>> No.1172190

Haven't you heard, its the end of the world.

>> No.1172215

>shipping containers

stopped reading.

>> No.1172248

Okay? If you have nothing to add, I don't care.

>> No.1172267


It's not very safe. If you want it with concrete, than it would be cheaper just to use reinforced concrete.

>> No.1172360
File: 2.63 MB, 1320x990, cont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1172363

Everyone who wants to bury a container should do so! Follow your dreams and ignore the haters. Your initiative will be rewarded with success!

Numerous containers survived direct hits from 30mm A-10 "Warthog" cannon during the Iraq war. The springy corrugations dissipate energy and the projos bounce off. The immortal Corten steel shells last centuries even without paint, which is only decorative. The US Navy has a fleet of containers at the bottom of the Marianas trench where they dock submarines made from containers for underwater replenishment. Hawaii successfully used lava flow to encase containers to make attractive tourist lodges. Transatmospheric scramjet powered containers have been developed into launch platforms for smaller containers to be used in the post-Brexit EU space containerstation. North Korea replaced their old dug shelters under mountains with containers painted like mountains. (The insides are painted with cute anime characters to boost morale.) Elon Musk prototyped an electric container to replace the Tesla since the container is more aesthetically appealing than the car and has a lot more battery room. The mayor of Detroit has decided to replace his decaying city with containers. The old buildings will be demolished and the rubble hauled off in other containers, loaded onto rafts made of containers, and shipped to China via the St. Lawrence seaway where it will be ground up and the metal residue used to make more containers. US Navy SEALS stealthily infiltrate enemy ports using containers cunningly disguised as containers. Israel is solving the Palestinian problem by storing them in containers. (Germany tried to solve the Jewish problem using wooden freight cars, but the container hadn't been invented yet.) Donald Trumps border wall will be easily affordable if built from containers. Any Beaners who slip in by other routes can be detained in containers then trucked to Beanland where containers will be donated as housing.

>> No.1172528

Seems like little more than a fabrication challenge. One I've already considered. Structural reinforcements are of coarse necessary. I wasn't planning to just pile dirt around it. Dirt is not a solid medium, it is unsteady, it shifts, and it I understand it to be quite heavy. I have given consideration to these challenges and I do believe I am capable of overcoming them. That is what this project is all about after all.

>> No.1172545
File: 23 KB, 600x450, shipping-container-roof-crushing-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this meme. But seriously OP, this pic is what happens when you put containers underground without support. If you plan on digging out the entire thing from solid rock as opposed to sediments then go ahead, but I wouldn't trust that thing to keep the odd boulder off your head, especially considering you'll be blasting material out of rock in the first place. Even if you want to just surround the containers with concrete you'll either have to do it in minuscule steps or provide internal stability to the containers. I'm not trying to discourage you, just set the record with containers straight. The point is, at this level of reinforcing it would be easier to make something purposefully built for being constructed underground. You also forgot a container to house your imitation crab meat.

>> No.1172675
File: 45 KB, 500x375, 1478142616927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy he's gonna use shipping containers isn't he
>read on
>he is

>> No.1172689

Structural weaknesses. Use tubes.

>> No.1172711

>Saferoom at the bottom
>good designed

Don't put your room at the bottom anon,you'll die.

>> No.1172740

Legit question, how does one get into the moleman profession? I fucking hate the sun/bright lights due to a head injury. Shit's like permanent migraines. Is there any sort of training for it? Could I go to college to learn how to build things underground or is it only OTJ sort of learning?

>> No.1172742

So, the rain will be the biggest fuckeroo. After the blast a lot of that dust will be floating until the first rainfall, then wherever that shit lands is gonna get fucked up too. Do you know your wind patterns in your area? You could be near a city but on the correct side of it for shit going down and have less worries.

>> No.1172751

Work third shift

>> No.1172769
File: 316 KB, 1280x720, 20170221_211053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunker bro!
Just letting you know I'm saving my shekels to become like you some day!
I bought a condemned house I'm renovating, I feel it will be good practice until I go for the big one!

>> No.1172846

>>1172545 >>1172689
As I've said multiple times. There will be supports, and once you are aware of the structural points on a shipping container (ie: the corners) a fabrication solution isnt hard to come too. The plan starts with digging a hole, lining the hole with concrete giving an approximate work space for the containers to sit in, once pipes have been run, outer pipes and conduits will be surrounded by cement blocks and mortar, after which pre-made, concrete slabs matching the width and height of the walls and one to cover the roof (allowing weight to be distributed evenly across the structural points of the containers), will be placed against the faces of the container to prevent cave-ins while concrete is poured into the cavity in between. No weight will be placed directly on the walls of the storage units, and a happy byproduct will be a surplus of concrete/ rebar shielding to attenuate radiation and block against EMPs. Dirt will only sit on top of a concrete encasement. And the storage containers are simply to have a good medium in which to run wires and lay drywall.

>> No.1172855

Here's how to do it right.

>> No.1172857

At this point you don't need the containers though. You could just build out of two by four and wood and steel and come out ahead and with more square footage available.

>> No.1172863

Sounds like you are building a concrete-lined vault. Why bother with shipping containers? Just build your structure.
Build a raised floor to give you space to run cabling and water under, build a dropped ceiling to pack ducting up there. And you don't need to try to reach the center of the earth so digging a broader hole will simplify all of your construction compared to trying to go more than 3 stories straight down.

> and the garden will use relatively low wattage LED grow lamps. They will outlive the rest of the bunker
that sounds like a no. Remember, the lifetimes figured for led bulbs are figured out with calculations, not necessarily reality. That is before you even get into things like bad light controllers burning up or a manufacturer's bad quality boards corroding in the greenhouse.

pack spare bulbs.
spare showerhead.
spare motor(s) for the fans in air handlers.
spare bearings for the fans in the air handlers.
more things than I can think of.

>> No.1172934

have low wattage leds doesnt mean that they won't burn out or have other minor issues. redundancy is your friend and assuming something like "they will outlive the rest of the bunker" is foolish. That kind of mindset will get leave you without food.

>> No.1172935

kek, nice pipe dream.

>> No.1173284

Here's a bargain, ready to move into!

>> No.1173459

>It is 1600 square feet, the units are built from 40x8x9 shipping contain...
Stopped reading there, I hope you die when your shitty bunker collapses.

>> No.1173659

>gun storage room
>next to water treatment
Let me know how it turns out

>> No.1173741

Should have placed the air purification room next to the septic tank, that way when a dividing wall gives way the shit really will hit the fan

>> No.1173769

It never gets old. My wife wanted to bury one. .../diy probably saved my life. Not to mention i put in the time and made the connections. Im building a real bunker.

>> No.1173770

6 inches of dirt will crush a fucking shipping container.

Salvage junk copper wire and make a mesh cage.

Consider making lead boxes.

Some electronics arent really affected by emp. Some new cars wouldnt be kill. Just buy shit that will be immune to emp maybe?

>> No.1173771

At least it isnt a memecoin pump and dump scam board ran by the mods.

Also i 100% am building a bunker now.

>> No.1173773

Well man... if u wont listen and choose to dig your own grave then whatever. We only live once. I am ok with it if u know the rists rather u ignore them or not. Therefore, i will say u need 2-3" clean rock around it. Roughly 6" diameter all around it. This will allow water to run wherever it needs amd les contact points for rust.

Clean means that it is screeened rock about 3" or so. Not washed. Washed is a waste of money. There will be minimal fines in it.

Best guess is that rock is $250 a load deliveted. You will need about 3 loads.

U can forgo this but as anyone who does septic tanks. U need a leech line. And u will essentially be the leach line

>> No.1173775

Also, dirt is indead shit. As is screenings and anything over 1.5 inch rock sucks fat dicks to move by hand...

>> No.1173777

Kek. U mine? We got tunnels just dug into rock with junk metal for a roof. 100 don trucks drive over it and u can hear shit bend. Not fun.

What is fun tho is i made thors hammer.

Faggot ran over a 30 pound sledge so i cut it down to a 1 foot handle.

Pretty fucking handy in a 3 foot box breaking rick

>> No.1173912

>relitively cheap
Like nigga just weld large sheets of metal together, shore them up with wood then pour the concrete and you're set. This would allow you to build on site and cost 1/10 the cost,.
Shipping containers are around 10-14k each (then add in moving cost and craning those suckers in), but 2000 sqft of metal few mm thick transported via pickup and applied on place, people never consider.

Also side thought, all underground places should have at least two exits

>> No.1173915

Also for your roof, you have to make it arched or triangle like so water gets pushed off to the side instead of sitting ontop

>> No.1173916

pretty shit design, just bury a shipping container, easiest and cheapest bunker

>> No.1173933

Actually I'm pretty sure that the best material is one with high magnetic permeability, so soft iron or silicon steel. Rebar or whatever should easily be good enough, and I'm pretty sure that any fully conducting shell will do the trick, which means the cheapest way to do it would probably be thin-as aluminium sheet covering everything. But that's assuming you're not going to use metal for structural purposes. But yeah, something about Gauss's law of magnetism.

>> No.1174558

Bunkerbro! What are you up to? Planning on making an update thread soon? And since I believe I live sort of close to your bunker, how would you react if an anon came by? Are you even there most of the time?

>> No.1174567

it is not a good idea to have an anon know the exact location because he will just tell /diy/, dont ruin it

>> No.1174880

This is a pretty shit design, shipping containers? no shower at the entrance? gun room and a gym?
yeah sure, let me know how it goes.

>> No.1174896

Stop fucking replying to bait threads. Seriously. A "design"? You retards should know right off the bat that half an hour in MS Paint as a highschooler doesn't make you worthy of being taken seriously here.

Fuck off OP. If this isn't bait, please do this. Please. PLEASE use shipping containers, you are a GENIUS.

>> No.1175348

Hello, El Chapo, FBI here, we know you want to escape again, and you want to build a hidden house with a meth lab inside, is not gonna work.

>> No.1176122

What is that?