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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1170564 No.1170564 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on wd40 vs bondo

>> No.1170566

both are shit, gas yourself

>> No.1170569

wow rude

>> No.1170571

/diy/ is mean board

>> No.1170602

This guys knows what up. WD40 is seriously fucking horrible at nearly everything people seem to think it's great for

>> No.1170603

what the fuck
>bondo vs wd40
>that webm

what is this thread

>> No.1170611

no thinking, just answering the question

>> No.1170612
File: 217 KB, 460x360, 05f54fd05529fef71b64665e4fe471f1_image-209640-60s-spider-man-know-your-meme-point-and-laugh-meme_460-360[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the year of our lord 2000+15+2
>Not using mayonnaise to improve the connection between your CPU and the socket
Kids these days.

>> No.1170613

>WD40 is seriously fucking horrible at nearly everything people seem to think it's great for
It's good for cleaning grease off your hands if you don't mind the paraffin.

>> No.1170620

wd40 to reduce pin to socket friction is a bad idea, try something else like lps3

bondo might work ok as hsf compound but you're better off using a 10 ton press and jb weld to really make sure that cocksucker gets good heat transfer

>> No.1170622

Does that work for LGA sockets?

>> No.1170631

>jumping on the meme train

WD-40 works great and I use it all the time. Un-squeaking a door or cabinet hinge, loosening rusted screws, loosening the latch of a carabiner that connects an anchor rope to the boat, etc. People just like to try and be cool by copying other people who say it doesn't work. As a lubricant for around the house it works just fine.

>> No.1170653

No it's fucking shit for every single one of those things. There's far better sprays to use most of which are about half the price

>> No.1170655

I use dielectric grease. Excellent heat transfer and it'll never dry out

>> No.1170685

I use wd40 as a cleaner. It's not the same as it use to be. If you need a lube use garage door lube.

>> No.1170690

>wd40 vs bondo

you sir, are retarded

>> No.1170707

After i clean my tools, eg soap/water/windex/brake cleaner, i blast them with wd40 or other light oil and wipe them down.

>> No.1170721


>not using aged semen

>> No.1170822

Lol, someone using it for what it's actually formulated for

>> No.1171370

Reddit fag detected

>> No.1171387


Oh jeez. Anon, get yourself a bottle of general purpose oil. It costs 1/3 what a can of wd-40 does. Lubricates everything household related.

WD-40 is for removing dirt and built up grime from metal stuff. Will help loosen up seized bolts and the like. You spray on your WD, unfuck the thing that is fucked, clean the thing, apply a real lubricant.

>> No.1171551

On rusty or stuck shit only:
WD-40 is a light oil (penetrating oil), it should be only used to set rusty stuff free (bolts and nuts). It will evaporate within the week. As it contains small carbon chains it can damage plastics.

On tool:
Oil for small mechanisms is less volatile and far better to lubricate tools. The best for tools are oils containing PTFE, safe for tools and will not evaporate.

WD-10 is good, but only for its real purpose. There is better stuff far more expensive. WD-10 is not a fucking "do everything, bring your wife back home and make your coffee" product. It has limited applications, like any other lubricant. You would not use a wood drill bit to drill metal.

>> No.1171569

>As a lubricant for around the house it works just fine
It's not even a lubricant, you cunt. It's a solvent.

>> No.1171626

Why? Do you clean off the WD40 or do you let it just pool on your tools?

>> No.1171627

The whole point of WD-40 is it displaces liquid and leaves behind a protective oil coating.

>> No.1171643

DIY's thoughts on CRC-36? I've had good luck with it so far.
I'm particularly interested in getting more Bostik bladecote. I've had some and it really seems to help making blades last forever but it's like 20$ a can. anyone else use a cheaper equivalent?

>> No.1171648

Wd40 is best at cleaning

>> No.1172570

no, but WD-40 is great for LGBT sockets

>> No.1172577

I use it a lot for cleaning tar and bird shit, and for lubricating things I only need lubricated for a short time, but not permanently.

>> No.1172613

cheap WD-40 alternatives:
kerosene, mineral spirits (white spirit if you're from UK)

commercial WD-40 alternatives:

>> No.1173030

wd40 is weak shit.

>> No.1173378

Yes, he's right here >>1171370

>> No.1173379

I have a fine 2012 vintage if you need

>> No.1173410

That guy from /b/ has an even older vintage collection.

>> No.1173527

>I use WD40 as a lubricant
Your life is a 9gag meme

>> No.1174253

I know a guy that uses it for arthritis. He is somewhere near 100 years old so I doubt its that bad for you.

>> No.1174942

... Neither of those should be used for thermal paste.

>> No.1174999

It's true. You have to mix them together first.

>> No.1175038

wd 40 kills the shit out of ants, and they never come back because it fucks with the pheromone trails something fierce.

On the other hand, anywhere you spray it smells like WD-40

>> No.1175092

I have the secret formula for WD 40

It's literally just white spirit plus mineral oil

>> No.1175116

Tri flow master race

>> No.1175135

I for one think we 40 makes an excellent penetrating lubricant. I use it on 40 dollar hollers all the time.