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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 33 KB, 610x406, tmp_25703-Giuseppe-Colarusso-4-383775074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1159810 No.1159810 [Reply] [Original]

I paid $40 for this electric hammer, did i get ripped off?

>> No.1159812


>> No.1159813

Nope. I bought mine for $320.
Its a bit bigger than the one pictured, but it really helps keep the workpiece at a good workable temperature.

Less time your piece spends in the forge the better.

>> No.1159818

I'd say you got a bargain

>> No.1159842


go back to /b/ with this gay ass meme

>> No.1159847

Depends what you're planning on using it for.

>> No.1159856
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>have friend help me saw some boards for a small project.
>grab up the small crosscut handsaw
>grab up an extension cord and hold in the hand I'm gripping the handle with
>prepare to saw with the blade against the wood
>"hmm...guess it isn't plugged in, hey anon, plug that other end in please"
>he grabs the extension cord and plugs it in
>I start sawing.

It took a few moments but he busted out laughing and couldn't stop.

>carpentry humor

>> No.1159861

Its obvious you browse /b/ also....calm down and enjoy the ride.

>> No.1159865

Was it from HarborFreights?

>> No.1159919

These were made for working under water

>> No.1159928

How did you know?

>> No.1159931
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You need an adapter for it to work underwater.

>> No.1159936

How much do those run?

>> No.1159938

16A/gal is about $15.
Get one with undercurrent protection if you plan to use it in the ocean.

>> No.1159941


so you dont carre if dumbass /b/tards come here and shit up /diy/ with lame ass memes. GTFO son

>> No.1159943
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>> No.1159949

So what are you trying to say?

>> No.1159973

>>1159810it powers an internal refrigeration system so when you smash your fingers, you can stay cool.

>> No.1159982

As a framer, this sounds really comfy

>> No.1160133

Nice meme

>> No.1160222

Only where they forgot to take the rubber coating off of your wire. 10/10 OP

>> No.1160223


>> No.1160293

You should go on shark tank my dude

>> No.1160575

>not buying the 24v cordless model

Fucking pleb

>> No.1160581

>electric hammer
DeWalt or Makita ?

>> No.1160595

Its a Snap-On

>> No.1160663

That appears to be for European DC plugs, is there an American AC version?

>> No.1160671

Oh. Cool. Delivered by the rape van with no fun and all rape. And only 17 89.99 payments.

>> No.1160673
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nope mount it on the wall >:P
better then a sinning fish.

>> No.1160674

Oh i fully plan on it. Fuck those cuxk faggots. U see that giy with the fold down headache rack? Mutherfucking genious. Because of him i am litteraly calling my company Shark Tank BTFO Eternally llc. And every ounce of my being will be put into producing a behind the scenes look at people like that. There is a middle ground between pipe dreams and money and this guy found it. Sharks brfo him. They FOREVER lost a fan and partner. Win lose or draw ALL of my 18 pickups will be self driven down to get an install just as i spent 250 bucks at my bros comic shop the other day. Yes i want to be rich. Yes i will be. No, I WILL NOT be a cocksucker about it. We can al make money. These faggots look at nothing but the bottom line and numbers. Wtf would happen if they handed this dude seeking 100k 1 mill? He gonna biy bloe and hookers??? Fuck no. He would rurn his mole hill into a mountain and his rich rown would lov u

>> No.1160776

Its good, you can beat the shit out of people and electrocute them at the same time

>> No.1161351

this shit actually work?

>> No.1161354

You did

>> No.1161389


>> No.1161396

Just bought myself a nice skirting board ladder today lads

>> No.1161397

Yes. All the people in the thread are acting like it's some kind of made-up object. The original artist who made the image didn't seem to know about that heated hammers are used in smithing.

Traditionally the main hammers are placed close to the forge when in a smithing session. The point of this is to heat it up, and actively work the steel with a heated hammer.

What happens if the hammer isn't heated up is that a) the steel loses its forging heat faster (making it harder to forge) b) the surface of the steel is cooled faster than the inner parts of the steel (which can result in cracking, and c) a cold hammer is actually slightly too hard to work the steel.

Some smiths even preheat their anvils, as most of the heat loss is through there, but it takes a lot of energy to heat it up and then keep it warm. The excess heat also makes the anvil too soft, as it's made of inferior steel (compared to hammers). So most smiths just heat their hammers instead.

In the past only the heat from forges/smaller fires was used to heat hammers (and anvils), but later developments allows smiths to use electric heating pads for hammers as well as electric resistors inside both hammers (like in OP's pic) and inside the actual anvils.

I'm a blacksmith by profession and I prefer to use both heated hammers as well as heated anvils to extend the time the steel has forging heat, and to prevent cracking. It's much easier to focus on the work, and getting each stroke exactly right, once you have a bit extra time. Having both a heated anvil + hammers gives you 10-15 seconds extra to work each piece of steel.

>> No.1161398

Win10 telemetry sucks ass.

>> No.1161412

Interesting. It would be easy to make a hammer heater from an LP gas ring and a shop-made stand. You could check heat with an IR thermometer.

>> No.1161417

Lol. Fuck those desk jockey jews cuck mutherfuckers. Shark tank btfo eternally. This is all i will ever watch. There is a full clip but i cant even watch this. Reeee.


Im gonna shake that guys hand and buy an invis-a-rack soon.

Fuck those cucks. If i ever make it on shark tank its just gonna be to troll them and rip their ass on tv.

>> No.1161419
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>> No.1161791

An ingenious answer. You got a smile from me and even a chuckle! One (You) for you.

>> No.1161901

A friend went on a job to Germany, asked me what I wanted as a souvenir.
Since we were both mech engineers, I asked for a metric hammer and metric adjustable wrench.

He found both.

>> No.1163808

or alibaba

>> No.1164073
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>not cordless

>> No.1164119

a manual chainsaw would be a pretty awesome thing to have though

>> No.1164229


>> No.1164239
File: 63 KB, 990x568, sabercut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manual chainsaws do exist.

>> No.1164269

harbor freight actually used to sell a pretty decent one
Not sure why they stopped carrying it

>> No.1164437

I was kinda hoping it would look more like a hand powered drill.

>> No.1164438

gan members were using it to garrotte and behead people. same reason city wal•marts and home depots don't sell things like cattle prods and machetes anymore.

>> No.1164445

I didn't realise it was summer already.

>> No.1164452

My walmart carries machetes and other perfect weapons.

>> No.1164464

you obviously don't live in a black area.

>> No.1164500
File: 16 KB, 458x458, xkettensaege-tx900.jpg.pagespeed.ic.LzD15vffkQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my model better, allows me more grip

>> No.1164522
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>> No.1164611
File: 139 KB, 720x960, gn8XwjC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to buy a HDMI to garden hose adapter for the new smart tv's OP

>> No.1164847

Give it to your wife
One hell of a dildo