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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1159275 No.1159275 [Reply] [Original]

Laying conduit for a 220 line to my garage. Because I'm unemployed and have no beer.

>> No.1159277

You mean duct surely

>> No.1159278

you forgot the cable pull, dude.
throw in a cat5 while you at it (and no, IDGAF if thats 'code' or not) - then, you can still watch the game/shitpost from the garage when your house has been repo'ed.

>> No.1159280

Call to get layout of existing lines so you don't cut into a highvoltage line and get electrocuted
Hire a contractor
Bury at least 18" from ground level
Separate high voltage lines from low voltage lines
Hire a contractor
Get the proper permits
All lines must be waterproof
Hire a contractor

Hope that helps anon! Hire a contractor!

>> No.1159282

Regardless of being code or not it's pretty fucking retarded. Even ignoring cat5 not being an available standard it would make more sense to run something that wouldn't pick up interference and provide backbone bandwidth AND have no code issues like fibre

>> No.1159295

yo, because OP here strikes you as being exactly type that has 100 feet of pre-terminated fiber and a pair of media adapters sitting in the back corner of his garage, behind the empty Budweiser can pile? The only valid point you may have, pulling Cat5 along with 220 line, _may_ cause interference.. but, meanwhile irl, done exactly this under gardens with 63A 380v 3phase and Cat5, still worked a treat. Its cheap, ubiquitous, get a roll for $15, dont require perma powered media converters, can also be used for CCTV cam if needed, etc. Horses for courses - and a Cat5 run if you puling anyway is way better than no fucking cable run at all.

>> No.1159336
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>Hire a contractor
>on a DIY board

You sir, are literal cancer

>> No.1159350

Do you have questions anon? Or are you just looking for some positive reinforcement?
You can do it anon, I believe in you, and I love you.

>> No.1159358

Fibre is competitive price wise with copper. Second hand media adapters aren't exactly abundant but they do exist at reasonable prices, at least comparable to copper switches. Sometimes switches will come with adapters in them!

Cat5 is mentioned a lot in this thread, I doubt you will find any that isn't cat5e.

If op was smart he would install reasonable duct to allow pulling cable in the future.

Interference isn't a huge factor for ethernet over twisted pair, that's what its twisted and in pairs for! And certainly not bothered by line frequency, noisy appliances feeding the grid with shit is different.

Of course to comply to most country regulations only the cable insulation must be rated to withstand the largest voltage present, there is nothing inherently wrong running network cable next to power as long as the network cable is rated to handle it.

>> No.1159362
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>shortest path
Pic related

>> No.1159403
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Just taking a break since it's 80 degrees out

I am not running a fiber or digital line. Maybe if it was 2007 and my wifi didn't reach here. I thought about laying copper too but my kitchen sink is only a few feet away. I don't even know if it's up to code to lay conduit and water in the same trench.

New breaker going in. A bit overkill for 3 circuits but I wanted a main disconnect

>> No.1159406

Yeah I fucked that up a bit. changed my mind a few times about where I wanted to enter the house.

>> No.1159435

Why waste money on a Main Breaker?

>> No.1159581

That's pretty dope OP. I have a 2 story barn I'm trying to do the same thing with but haven't found the time.

>> No.1159630


>80 degrees
>need a break

Come on. I bet it's not even 80% humidity.

>> No.1160263

This if its under 300 feet

>> No.1160264

Google wokfi.

Wirless is now 6 times faster.

Git gud

>> No.1160266

Some of us are fat neckbear alchaholics that still try in vein to be useful

>> No.1160377

I dug a trench to get power to my cluck shed.

>> No.1160504
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>when you try to make an edgy post but get foiled by auto correct

>> No.1160521
File: 1.93 MB, 1560x2104, 2013-10-16 16.01.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, no.

>> No.1160522

God is speaking to you, anon.
He's telling you, its time you reared some chicken.

>> No.1160524
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>> No.1160526

>r in the same trench.
well its just dirt isn't it at the end of the day.
there might be guidelines for separation distances but then you just dig a wider trench and its all in the same trench.
use your brain op lol.
fucking top kek
>new panel
they don't do anything smaller?

based on everything else in this thread i'm going to guess the cable you are laying is what, standard house in the wall cable?

>> No.1160527
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>> No.1160537

might as well just lay it on the fucking grass lol
try using a spade instead of a dessert spoon, you might get on better.

>> No.1160544

It's about a foot deep, but I guess you require cable to be buried as deep as your dildos go into your ass.

>> No.1160551

>use a spade
>instead of a trenching shovel, mattock or tre ching how
Nigga have you ever dug a trench in your life and how inefficient were you

>> No.1160665


code for pvc burial is 18", you can run communications wire in your conduit, provided the comm wire has an insulation rating equal to or greater than your power wires.

is the chicken coop going to be where you're installing the panel? or is the panel going into your garage, and you're running a circuit to the coop?

what kind of wires are you planning on running and what size conduit are you using?

>> No.1160819

>cluck shed


>Actually, no.

This was funnier than it should have been

>> No.1161110

the splicing and the network adapters is where fiber gets expensive. Considering even renting a fusion splicer is hundreds a week.


>> No.1161112

>roosters be like "whats goin on in this trench?"

>> No.1161116

No roosters, and they're looking for bugs.

>> No.1161137

I ran NM-B wire. Was I not supposed to bury NM-B? OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE

>> No.1161376

at least two spade depths would at least be common sense even if not up to code
yeah i use a mattock but i don't bother with trenching shovel, i have a stainless steel round mouth shovel with footplate, replaced the fibreglass handle with a length of scaffolding bar. as long as h&s aren't around i can dig down 7-8ft and still fling the spoil to fuck no bother.

best be trolling. try something armoured with pvc designed for the moisture and uv encountered outside.

>> No.1161401
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no i'm not, oh god i'm so fucked. how do i get it out?

I have 3 galvanized nails (used, also not mine), one furlong of twine, and a shipping container. help

>> No.1161942



Not rated for direct burial. Your options are cables listed for direct burial (such as UF) or running THWN (standard stranded wire, but waterproof) in PVC pipes.

At least look up how to do something before you do it, anon. Best start digging that trench back up.