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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1157623 No.1157623 [Reply] [Original]

I work for a solar company doing repairs and maintenance. I get to the house to install animal guard to prevent squirrels and start cleaning it out. To make a long story short there's about 4 squirrels under the array that I jabbed at with a flat bar. Any ideas how to get the out /diy/?

>> No.1157624

Probably just walk your ladder closer to their nest and poke them again and see if they scatter.

>> No.1157625
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Heres up close of the nest. I started cleaning it out and saw 2 more run under after I already had heard some. Figured the noise alone would share them, then stabbed under the array with a pry bar and felt it hit one. They aren't leaving so I left. Just curious

>> No.1157627

It's right in front of it. I poked at them for a while, even went to the top with a stick of 1" PVC and no dice. Ballsy little fuckers

>> No.1157638

I hear sarin gas works well on rodents, just ask Syrian president Assad!

>> No.1157659
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>> No.1157683

Squirrels just remove them

Try to into logical reasoning
>Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

>> No.1157708

>Squirrels just remove them
Not if you 'apply' them with a paintball gun.

>> No.1157727

can you unground the frames and make it float at like 300+VDC relative to a nearby isolated metal rail?

>> No.1157760

While these all sound great this homeowner will be watching me work so I need to be "professional" this one time.

I've read about predator urine. Maybe I'll piss down the chimney?

>> No.1157765

>Maybe I'll piss down the chimney?
>not doing this anyway

>> No.1157767

I knew a guy who shit down one because it was dead of winter and too icy to get down. Not sure how that adds up to dropping one down a chimney but

>> No.1157769

I feel bad though because this will be the third time I come back. First day was raining, second day I did another section. If it wasn't so steep he said he'd do it himself at this point.

>> No.1157770
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>Squirrels just remove them

Put them inside a 'cage' that will slide under the array.
Make the cage out of pic related and attach it to the array so they can't push it away.

>> No.1157773

That's a pretty good idea. The product we use is "Critterguard" and it's the same shit just treated. The problem is that the racking system they used sits low to the roof and the height can only be adjusted from underneath. Not to mention how I would go about baiting them in there..

>> No.1157783 [DELETED] 

>Put them inside a 'cage' that will slide under the array.

I was still referring to the Moth Balls.

>> No.1157791

Doesn't sound like you have much time to wait for them to leave. Usually people just seal off all but a small spot and put a one way door up

>> No.1157796

If I take too long they assume I'm stealing hours. We aren't required to remove the nest or go up if there are animals underneath; I just want to help the guy out.

>> No.1157798

we get them out of a tree with smoke.....
then we shoot and eat them

>> No.1157801

You're welcome to drive to Connecticut for a free meal then

>> No.1157832

Get a couple of smoke bombs, just hold onto them and smoke them out...of course avoiding setting the nest on fire

>> No.1157834

Get a gas powered leaf blower

>> No.1157889

Best way to get these fucks is to trap them in a humane trap and then shoot them. State laws vary but if you trap them you can dispose of them legally which means getting out a pellet gun and throwing them to the foxes.