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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 210 KB, 1061x762, niggah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1152312 No.1152312 [Reply] [Original]

How many people actually come here? Have I been talking to the same 5 anons all this time?
>/diy/ meta general

>> No.1152313

hello, i'm number two.

>> No.1152314

number two here again, just bumping for you

>> No.1152318

who's number one??

>> No.1152322

I am.

Hello, number two.

>> No.1152324

dr evil

>> No.1152325
File: 130 KB, 1440x1798, 1456906409108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 3 checking in.

>> No.1152329

number 4 here

i am guessing we have less than 10 regulars (posts everyday) and about 30 who checks in at least once a week, but a lot more lurkers and passing bys asking questions, guessing maybe about 50-100 a week judging from feelings

also looking at
is interesting to look at

>> No.1152331

Five here, sorry been down in my container all day. This is all of us

>> No.1152337

I check in everyday, but I don't post everyday unless I actually have something to contribute. Mostly electronics but other topics from time to time.

>> No.1152338
File: 607 KB, 600x638, Indra1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot is an imposter, im number 3. This is probably just number 2 again trying to sully my good name..

>> No.1152342

Number Seven here, Anyone seen number 6?

>> No.1152344
File: 212 KB, 930x361, Flickr_-_cyclonebill_-_Kaneltyggegummi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big red checking in

>> No.1152346

6 here, Sorry, got distracted.

Here daily

>> No.1152347

>Anyone seen number 6?

I'm here. Haven't been lurking much for the past couple of weeks - neither much bunker dude nor much in the way of interesting woodworking threads.

>> No.1152348
File: 317 KB, 600x638, Indra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to him OP. Real number 3 here. This guy is like The Thing, trying to move around amongst us.

Kill >>1152338 before he kills us all!

>> No.1152352
File: 64 KB, 736x600, 4ee8a2193d6bc35f48a631c0befc1490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 8 right here

>> No.1152353
File: 1.50 MB, 700x800, Jijppmg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally post when I have something to ask or add to the conversation

>> No.1152354


in tradition, we will decide by dubs, first to get dubs will be number 3, loser will be number <last>

you two start rolling

>> No.1152357
File: 160 KB, 800x800, Car-Interior-EL-Wire-Line-Glow-Light-Strip-Dashboard-Door-Decals-for-VW-PASSAT-B6-GOLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A wild challenger appears
Fuck both you guys. I'm going to be 3

>> No.1152359

Number 15 here. This is the best board on 4chan imo

>> No.1152361
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, 20170328_161914_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing this. Post daily. Wish it was a little faster board. /biz is horrible. Over 100 eth threads.

Number 9 or whatever. Dickfarming Wormbro Czeching in. Pic related.

>> No.1152363

You the anon that's going to farm worms in his company's pond?

>> No.1152364

It's like /b/ for shitty scammers

>> No.1152371

10 here?

>> No.1152373

11 here

>> No.1152375

just kidding guys. It's all me. I've been same fagging the whole thread. I'm 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11.

seriously though, am I the only one here?

>> No.1152377
File: 19 KB, 325x325, bigred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big red doggo checks ya

>> No.1152385

Somebody should make a version of that gif that cuts to a scary face at around the 20 second mark

>> No.1152386

I am not a number, I am a free man!

>> No.1152391

You are, Prisoner.

>> No.1152395


You are Number 6.

>> No.1152397

No im here. Don't worry

>> No.1152399

Kek. Well, the company has mineral rights and i never did ask the landowner. But today a boss showed up and said they would come work in 3 months. For 3 months. So, 6 months before i can have a bait pond before i even get permission. Moving the operation to my buddy's house. He has 6 ponds.

>> No.1152400

U mean the mods... any thread cslling out the eth scammer is immediatly gone. I may get banned for this comment

>> No.1152401

Only check in a few times a day because this place is dead

>> No.1152402

Getting a fellow autist on it

>> No.1152403

Kek. Land of the free.

Free to theft over 50% of your slave dollars.

Slaves will never revolt if they have never tasted freedom.

>> No.1152448

>i am guessing we have less than 10 regulars (posts everyday) and about 30 who checks in at least once a week, but a lot more lurkers and passing bys asking questions, guessing maybe about 50-100 a week judging from feelings

I'm about a once a week lurker.

I'm not DIY savvy enough to contribute but have learned a lot from you autistic faggots. ;)

In my opinion, slow but one of the better boards here.

>> No.1152580

That would be telling..

>> No.1152584
File: 23 KB, 236x465, number 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the slow comfy board

>> No.1152585
File: 26 KB, 320x320, IMG_20170116_112548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lurking for 9 years, this is my first post

>> No.1152586

Eleventeen here, check in couple times a week. Most knowledgeable about machining and general metalworking. Getting more into electronics lately and I'm a general class ham.

>> No.1152594
File: 458 KB, 2191x771, IMG_2201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garage anon checking in. I browse all the time and I post when I can. Here's some of my more recent stuff. Finished the backyard, restored a bench, painted the garage, fixed my bike. I've posted plenty stuff prior, this is just more recent. Love this board.

>> No.1152597

Yes, you're the only one. Actually, I check this board daily, and post at least every couple of days. I'd say two thirds of my posts are shitposts, but the other third are helpful, or at least are intended to be.

>> No.1152603

sup, im yet another of your personalities, just like the remaining "people" our keep talking to in here...

whats the deal here? are you gonna leave just cause this is a slow board? shouldnt you be more concerned with talking to yourself repeatedly using an online chinese cartoon board, instead?

>> No.1152608
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x1840, berylco-pipewrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so meta

>> No.1152627
File: 9 KB, 100x90, Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 3.14.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#35 here. I wouldn't call myself a regular but I do come by and post sporadically on /diy/.

Also protip, check the top and bottom right corners of each thread for these numbers. That way you don't have to rely on the honesty of samefagging 4chan trolls.

>> No.1152638

holy shit i have been on 4chains for years i never knew this exists

is this new?

>> No.1152646

you are new

>> No.1152648

I'm another cheapo fucker that posts here. I post in 3dpg, ohm, the odd project threads here and there, and also post about vinyl printing, adhesives, and lamination having worked in a print shop as well as a large scale vinyl plant.

>> No.1152649

Angry faggot who's always telling people to fuck off and google it reporting for stocktake.

> How many people actually come here?
Google it faggot. You have an entire Internets worth of resources, and you come to 4chan of all fucking places.

>> No.1152666

nice post
t. number 21

>> No.1152688

I don't know my number, i got distracted

>> No.1152691

Well I'm 41, so you must be 40.

>> No.1152697

Number 42 reporting in. I love the board but I dont shitpost here enough, mostly lurk.

>> No.1152702

I browse this board 1-2 times a day and help/ask questions if I can, its usually devoid of all the trump shitposting of /pol/ and no shills. You guys are now probably my favorite board of all, most have become pure cancer like /fit/.

>> No.1152709

Whats wrong with /fit/?

>> No.1152713

My first time here, I was wondering the same thing.

>> No.1152715

i do. pls no h8

>> No.1152736

Every year is an influx of new years fags that "just want abs like zeeezz" or don't want to follow a correct linear progression plan and complain when they make no gains after not changing their diet for 6 months and ask if they have bad genetics/ need to go on gear. It's all very tiring including the low grade height trolling and general levels of beta males that inhabit that place reminds me of a younger, less mature and unsure version of myself. That place is cancer and hold back anyone that continues to go on it.

>> No.1152740

This guy's pretty much spot the fuck on.

/fit is for shit posting. It's only ever good around 3 in the morning when the normies and kids are asleep. The shit part about it is that there isn't just a summer influx, it's all year round. Everyday, I delete 6 or 7 posts made by faggots who don't read the sticky. They'll type out their life story, maybe post a picture, and ask for the "best ab routine" when they're 20 percent body fat.

>> No.1152750

42.5 here. I just lurk.

>> No.1152752

I used to browse back when zyzz actually posted and the board hah gotten really bad around 2013 or so, the influx never really ends you are right.

>> No.1152758

x anon here, I make threads for big questions, post in QTDDTOT when I have small questions, and try to answer others' questions when I come across something I know about. I also follow bunker anon senpai

>> No.1152770

43 I suppose, you can call me the brownsmith.
(i make cardboard armour, wooden swords, and leather sheaths (also i'm arab))

>> No.1152773

Number 44 reporting.
I lurk. been building wooden lamps for a while now. Not gonna post them yet. Their still shit.

>> No.1152774

I'm a large soda

>> No.1152793

Those were the golden days it seems. Fit was never good, but at least it was entertaining.

>> No.1152797

fucking /r9k/bots took over the board a few years ago, it went downhill fast...

>> No.1152821
File: 123 KB, 543x600, WojackDark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... you are number 6.

>> No.1152836


>> No.1152841

I come here but I just lurk and read the cool projects and laugh at the autists. Might come here for advice sometime. At least I know enough not to try to get spoon-fed.

>> No.1152844

Call be Mr 69. what's up? my first time here

>> No.1152856

I look out for mechdude, bunkeranon, and the shopping cart guy. Also, haven't seen a decent Falcon guide in a while

>> No.1152864
File: 83 KB, 952x637, to be alive to walk this earth that&#039;s the real curse right there robbie rotten lazytown sad why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1152973

I thought 7 8 9

>> No.1152974

>5 anons and 0 mods
Best board.

>> No.1152975

Another anon here, used to check it daily, now 2 or 3 tines a week, this board is slow by nature, you come and show something and then a month later show another thing, or someone has a question about it, ohm is kind of fast since thise are things than can be made faster, is not line woodworking or welding, farming, worm farms, a bunker, a mech simulator etc.

>> No.1152985
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, IMG-20170323-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, it's me number nine. Been here often to learn some random new stuff.

>> No.1152991
File: 986 KB, 2272x1704, DSCN5934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#60 here. People were calling me cartfag for a while because of the LED shopping cart I did when this board first opened. I mostly do video synthesizer stuff now. I check the /ohm/ thread for good questions a few times a week and start a thread if I've got a new project finished.

>> No.1152994


I do remember that...was impressed...hows the studies going?

>> No.1153001
File: 952 KB, 2272x1704, DSCN5941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished school several years ago; I just lurk around universities for the delicious old oscilloscopes they throw away.

>> No.1153005

has there been word from sex robot anon recently?

>> No.1153015

I was number 3 all along!

>> No.1153019

based 64 here. I'm pretty sure sex robot anon was a casualty in the sex robot uprising.

>> No.1153021

do you video dj? or what's the underlying purpose, other than funsies. You should stack up a grid of your different screens and get a 4k stream going on them

>> No.1153036
File: 31 KB, 526x394, LTTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing an art residency with a group called Signal Culture right now. They liked my stuff and gave me a free place to stay and electronics lab. My life goal is to get some art grants and build whatever I want all day. I also did this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhoqS5sP0P4

>> No.1153047

>plays with crts all day
>onwatching audience of raptly-gazing qts
livin the dream, dude.

>> No.1153098

I just want to chime in here (number 65 I think?) and tell you that when I'm posting I always appear as a new poster as my browser preferences are gone on every shutdown.

I find this board the best that 4kinks can offer, but it always isn't much. On really tricky problems you can't get help, only on a quite general level. I do mostly contribute to other people's threads, don''t need that much of your "expertise" (says the arrogant fuck).
I know about cars and construction.
I do have two shipping containers, will sell those and buy eight new ones.

And I try not to shitpost. Shitposting make shit boards and shit threads. Shit boards and shit threads attract shitposters and shittiness ensues!

>> No.1153133

Hell of a work room. And i saw u got the nes controlled one done. U win that contest?

>> No.1153138

JUST came in from the homepage. Homeboard is /fit/. Completely forgot we even had a /diy/ board. Only entered because I was curious about the question myself.

...What even goes on here?

>> No.1153148

I'm here almost every day but I don't do or know anything so I rarely post.

>> No.1153153
File: 629 KB, 990x829, diybanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1153169

#69 reporting in
>aka, crippled cutler #3

>> No.1153178
File: 235 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170327-083857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crippled u say?

>> No.1153182
File: 548 KB, 1600x1200, PB080029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#1 has arthritis
>#2 had something wrong with his leg

I'm missing a chunk of my right shoulderblade and have a back full of shrapnel.
Its the life of a knife maker, you're usually fucked up in some kind of way

>> No.1153189

I'm just here because this board genuinely has the best bantz.

>> No.1153191

I come here, I mostly stay in /ohm/ but if I see another thread I will be insulting or condescending for fun. I do contribute.

>> No.1153193

72nd poster.

>> No.1153195

damn. Australian internet speeds strike again

>> No.1153199

I think the numbers are incorrect, I posted with different IP and it counted me as two persons, it is only counting unique IP but some people posts from different IP addresses, the actual number is maybe half to two thirds of the reported

>> No.1153225

Shit man. Yup. Thats why i got rid of my shit. Uncle almost cut his hand off.

No thanks

>> No.1153227

Also, nice work there. I have been considering making epocy resin and wood blanks and using them as trading material. Can hook you up if interested?

>> No.1153231

73th here

>> No.1153261

> U win that contest?
Finalists are announced Monday. They get invited to a music festival in May where the winners is chosen.

>> No.1153271

Eleventyone here. Closing on a house tomorrow, and will be posting my progress in painting, installing garbage disposal, a shower stall, and other repairs and improvements.

Wife and I are hella excited to finally own a proper home, and not a creaky old mobile home that costs more for lot rent than we'll be paying on our home loan.

>> No.1153281

Cool mang

>> No.1153282

Grats brother. I have 2 shit holes and im sick of it. Trying to get another hone ina woods but sadly the house isnt in great shape. Bonus points for some land and like 15 full outbuildings. Its a diy wet dream. Over 1200 sawblads. Almost 100 chainsaws. 20+ snapper mowers... fuck, there is a house thats just a futted 4 wall box with 30 push mowers in it.

Really hope the family lets us move in and leaves most of it.

>> No.1153297

76 here

>> No.1153300

I mostly lurk, but I'll ocassionally post if I have something worthwhile to share. I'm still largely a DIY noob so usually I just read and learn.

>> No.1153306


>> No.1153310
File: 14 KB, 250x250, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, this one doesn't cut to a scary face?

>> No.1153427
File: 182 KB, 1024x697, C2xLwmNUoAAbV7v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red 80 standing by.

>> No.1153452
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, 1489400560574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice double.
Also 81 reporting in

>> No.1153466

82 here. Don't bother checking them, no dubs for this post.

>> No.1153468
File: 4 KB, 208x155, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, 81 reporting in again from another computer

>> No.1153469

>meta af

>> No.1153524

All of a sudden, I feel very comfy with my /diy/ family

>> No.1153588

84 reporting in.

>> No.1153665
File: 74 KB, 478x250, Mexgangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85 here stay sharp boys

>> No.1153668

86 or 87 or something

>> No.1153684

Yoy can tell they're all art students in this pic

>> No.1153687

Number Potato reporting in.

>> No.1153692

I'd take up your offer but at the moment I'm in the middle selling two units, getting a new house, moving cranky wife, even crankier baby and assorted family. So its going to be many months before I'm settled down to make anything again.

>> No.1153697

Fuck you fucking Nazi scumbag.

I'm very occasional poster n°89.

Thread stats : 124 / 28 / 88 / 1

>> No.1153745

Shit man thats funny. Same boat bit replace the kid with 2 dogs. Lol. Good luck to ya

>> No.1153811
File: 18 KB, 462x579, ebqs9wf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to tell everyone here that I love them, this board and these mods. Best board by far.

>> No.1153815

poster 90 or so here, been on /diy/ fora few years now, but rarely post

>> No.1153837

I guess I might be coming here more often. Don't know if I'll be posting though.

>> No.1153875

Number whatever we are on now. I used to make some threads for blacksmithing and leather, and I did give some suggestions in other threads. My new thing is a smelting steel in a bloomery. The last thread on that got derailed to the bamboo in my backyard though which lead me to homemade bamboo charcoal thanks Anon for suggesting that.

>> No.1154069
File: 1.36 MB, 1885x1060, 2017-01-31 09.40.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

91 or so here. Browse /o/ and /g/ but have been coming here for a few weeks or so waiting for a thread that encompasses my project because I have not wired anything like this before. It's not worth it's own thread and I've not posted here enough yet to ask for help.

>> No.1154085

We have a "questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread here.

>> No.1154094

Thank you, I may do that. Will look around a bit more as I'd rather do it myself then ask for help. Stubborn like that.

>> No.1154101

I don't know what number I am but I often reply without pictures my main board is /o/ I also like /g/

I like tools, wood working, construction, masonry, landscaping

I've worked in construction, I've done roofing and framing, I've worked also as a landscaper I went to school for electrical engineering, I also more recently worked in a shop that builds high voltage electrical panals for climate control systems

I don't really post much I have some pictures, i really do a vast amount of work, I recently refinished someone's hardwood floors.

>> No.1154237

greetings from the east of the earth :3

>> No.1154242

I check through the catalog once a day or so. My main focus is on pottery / functional ceramics, but that comes up rarely on any board, so here at least I can glean the occasional bit of craftsmanship and ingenuity.

>> No.1154657

I like to read through the threads here every 2 months or so. I think you fags are cool, definitely my favorite of the small boards.

>> No.1155432

Topkek. Pretty much the same boat. I left biz. Fucking shit coin pump and dump scam...

>> No.1155434

Meh, lay it on us. This bored is alow as fuck and i know basic low voltage shit.

>> No.1155448


mostly here for /ohm/ for discussion and lurking other threads
visit daily, post perhaps a couple times a week

i love slow/quality boards

>> No.1155492

mostly just keep a few regular threads updating

>> No.1155493
File: 92 KB, 500x666, 1483036037855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

101 here, plumbing fag, so try and chip in on uk plumbing related issues and general tool talk. I do have a bit of a soft spot for bunker anon..... also lurk/b/ and /pol/ but never post

>> No.1155562

103 here.

Been on 4chan for way longer than I'd like to admit. I usually lurk for a few weeks, disappear for a couple of months, then repeat.

Bought my first house recently, built in 1915, lots of little projects hidden within. Also do a lot of gardening. Starting to get more into woodworking, just bought my first miter saw.

Mostly active on /diy/, /tg/, /n/ and occasionally /lit/.

Was anybody else forced to watch This Old House/New Yankee Workshop as a kid, but now watches it intentionally? Dang, I need to call my dad...

>> No.1155612

I am the new number two.

>> No.1155804

I've been posting about once a month since 2012 with stupid questions for sqt and no answers for other anons. Thanks for all the help.

>> No.1155823

I am 105. Or am I? Or AM I? OR AM I?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

>> No.1155826

Irrigation anon here

>> No.1155829
File: 1.68 MB, 4128x2322, 20170101_003416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Light and tube autist checking in.

>> No.1155832

I was into restoring early 80s Suzuki motorcycles, then some anon got me hooked on boatbuilding. Now my garage is a huge mess and my friends are both laughing their asses off.

>> No.1155845
File: 1.49 MB, 1600x1200, fc6_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EE anon checking in

>> No.1155865


I mostly swap between the refined autism of /diy/ and the chaotic autism of /pol/

>> No.1155869



>> No.1155884

Kek. Its cool man. Just build useful shit to sell like cedar chests and quilt racks and biyba shitty old pontoon to fix up

>> No.1155886

Wtf. Did u make this???? How/why? Im impressed

>> No.1155888
File: 217 KB, 470x640, 1480624480990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1155930

Words cannot express the awesomeness.
>This "in construction page" for the next one.

>> No.1155936

Sweet jesus, I was too light headed to even check out his other projects. Fucking diamonds. This guy MUST post some videos.

>> No.1156164
File: 1012 KB, 153x323, groove 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#115 here. Have been here from the very first day or two. Refurbished a couple shaving brushes and my grandfather's safety razor, posted some clay/wax sculptures, asked for help a few times and generally tried being helpful and take part in the bantz. I frequent other boards more but this is my favorite - slow and comfy and people know their shit, it's not just shitposting and empty memed discussion like most other activity-focused boards.

This place and people's handywork always make me want to pick up more hobbies I can be mediocre at. Never change, /diy/, you're fantastic. The closes 4chan gets to rational easygoing adults discussing their craft.

>> No.1156176

Its a shame nobody took a cap of that guy who locked himself out of his parents en suite bathroom with a penis pump left in the sink

>> No.1156177

No idea what i'm number so lets say 851

>> No.1156209

118, usually just lurking.

>> No.1156234
File: 634 KB, 640x360, U5eVbeB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the page, I'm number 119.
Lurk several times a week, almost never post, unless i have something to share/ask or i have a truly useful or funny thing to contribute.

>> No.1156422
File: 40 KB, 660x488, Lurker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related here
Number 120 I guess.

/diy/ is one of the few board that does not seem filled with absolute retards (even though there are quite a few), genuine advice can be had here, sometimes.

I am ashamed to say my "main" board would be /fit/. What a shithole, but a few good thread here and there still give me hope.

>> No.1156423
File: 53 KB, 420x560, 1488740058010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no: 121

I'm a lurk jerk

>> No.1156427


I mostly lurk when I come here too. Which isn't really often enough. Sometimes I miss how things end, like the imitation crab meat guy.

>> No.1156463

123 here... mostly lurking. Occasional advice or stories.

>> No.1156465

Robbie rotten is

>> No.1156470

pointlessly insulting people

>> No.1156474
File: 218 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_no9ft3ZnXc1r9a78h_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbah 125 reporting in. Mainly lurking.

>pic related not 125

>> No.1156570

Anon 126 reporting in

>> No.1156800

127. I come here when /g/ is ass.

>> No.1156801


>> No.1156802
File: 40 KB, 606x402, macgruber_car_stereo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1156803

one fucking job, anon.

>> No.1156804


are both me

>> No.1156805


>> No.1156814


>> No.1156899

131 here, mostly lurk since VPN makes it a hassle to post.

>> No.1156902

I'm a welder but I couldn't do any other kind of diy to save my life

>> No.1156939

>133 posters in the thread
>people only count to 132

Gotta check the number in the bottom right guys. >>1156465 was actually 124.

>> No.1156958

134 reporting in

>> No.1156963

No 135 reporting for duty

>> No.1156968

#136 reporting in
I mostly lurk here. I'm very curious so when I see the projects here I'm always happy. I study maths and shiet but I like the practical aspect of things.
Also, you guys are very nice. My main board is /pol/ (don't rage please, I never bring /pol/ subjects to other boards) so I'm used to shitposting and redditors, but here people are genuinely interested in what they say and nice to each other. It's a bit slow but I like it.

>> No.1156970

137th person reporting in. i dont make threads i just use the stupid question thread or the ohm thread.

>> No.1156971

138 then

>> No.1156975

Lurker 139, checking in.

>> No.1156979

Isn't it that VPNs get you b&?

Also, 140 here, I'm here because I'm not sure where the best R/C threads are. One here is a bit silent.

>> No.1156980


>> No.1156981


>> No.1156982


>> No.1157060

Mainly wait around for people to be wrong in electrical or telecom threads and yell at them for not understanding how ground works.

>> No.1157061


142...cabinetmaker from Ontario...here to help with most woodworking issues...

>> No.1157088
File: 31 KB, 500x536, over9000baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

143 here, still hoping to start a project, plenty of ideas, but first I need to fix some things in and around the house.

I have time, but I don't spend it useful, also a massive btard and spend too much time drinking in the bar/street.

BUT.. I have always hope and I believe it will be alright. Stopped smoking weed, but I replaced it with drinking, need to reduce that shit and spend my money/time on a cool project.

tl;dr, not really contributing (but lurking)

pic unrelated

>> No.1157095

Number whatever. Mostly lurk but hoping to post more often since I can freely work on projects now. It was a bitch trying to work on anything in an apartment complex.

>> No.1157134
File: 64 KB, 850x850, Alway Rember Happy Day :D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bby. I luv u too.

Anon 145 here

>> No.1157142

Australian. Not a shit poster.
I studied design and I do carpentry semi professionally. I mostly read wood related threads. I like this board cos there's a lot of faggots with weird ideas of how to do just about everything. I love watching you all fail.
Mostly though I like that there's other pros on here with good war stories and dubious advice.

>> No.1157178
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>> No.1157194

Hi I come here, my name is Dave

>> No.1157203

i also come here very frequently, I haven't posted in this thread before either

>> No.1157533

Hey 148 here

Mexican college student.

Would like to have more DIY projects but don't have a lot of time/ money.

Visit this board frequenrly and sometimes give advise in the things i know about.

>> No.1157547

Yo I am 149, I lurk most of the time, like to fuck around with different things and have built some cool stuff, and try to get people to put nazi statues in their yards

>> No.1157592

150. Can I get a prize now? I am a german engineer, specialized in HVAC and public energy supply. Just here to get a moment of usefulness in this useless mess called 4chan.

>> No.1157598
File: 1 KB, 187x51, 152 reporting in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mostly lurk, because i'm too much of a nooblord to ask for help on my failing projects based on ideas i have versus our blue pilled reality. >:3

>> No.1157640
File: 16 KB, 564x423, 1474429383810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

153 Reporting in with bladesmithing
(pic not related)

>> No.1157650

I'm here almost everyday. But never post. Just read or looking for ideas

>> No.1157741

hi, im new here

you guys have a 154 now :)

>> No.1157756

155 here, I left for a while but I missed this place. Mostly just here for booze and electronics.

>> No.1157759

guy who makes all the lowercase posts here. hope you're enjoying my input so far

>> No.1157795

im sure there are more than just one lowercase anon

>> No.1157811

It's just David.

>> No.1157912

number #159 here.
Check in occasionally, rarely post. I have a great interest in attempting new hobbies but always feel I will get laughed at for having no knowledge of said hobbies.
mainly post on /k/ and lurk /wsg/ and /ck/

>> No.1157915
File: 179 KB, 659x750, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General electronics fag and coilgun/railgun/suicidegun enthusiast. Forever plagued by the lack of materials.
>You don't need an arduino to blink a LED. You only need two transistors.

>> No.1158064


>> No.1158069

#162 checking in
mostly coming here for the /3dpg/ threads
but will also participate in others if they pique my interest
oh and bunker-bro is goat

>> No.1158392

Yeah, safe to say he is our guy. The the point i am building my own. Like legit. Have found one for 100k and have the down payment in cash on hand. But i want to dig my own cock shaped bunker. If i ever get rich and can gain his trust i wanna go visit those bunkers. And in return buy him and a couple buddies tickets to my shithole town. We could fuck up a bar and tanke my limo to the best burger joint in the world. And i already got the limbo.

If not i will play shitpost cat and mouse and invite anons over to my bunker to shitpost if they can be cool and not dox me. I would like to think there is nothing 4chan could do to hurt me but i would NEVER challenge yall.

Recent example.

HWNDU flag.
Sun is pointing this way
Geography lioks like x
Planes fly by and flight records checked
Star patterns checked
Apears to be near this town.
Anons confirm we found the town
Autist drives around honking to see if its audible on the flag.
It is.
Horn gets louder.
HWNDU flag is kill
PEPE shirt and maga had raised in its place.

Weponized aurism coulda took down osama bin ladin faster than seal team six if he called us normies instead of bombing towers. Its sad and fucked up. But i honestly believe it.

>> No.1158394


And i have a need for some wax/clay shit for mold making.

U gotta shit email and some pics of your work? Will pay or mail other cool shit. All legal.

>> No.1158395

I dod but 3270 pics in that folder say fuck i aint gonna find it

>> No.1158400

Meh. Went to fit a few times. One autost gave me the advise that changed the way i eat entirely. And if not for the cookout tonight and beer i would be punching new hole number 3 i my belt tonight. Was 280 at new years and like 250-260 now. 0 exorcise cause i hate aeroboc shit. My leg is kill. And real lifting for some reason fucks with my head. So most all is just diet and drinking too much...

Was saying i hated all the diet food and could find shit i liked. He followed with a blogpost of me dying fat and lonely and im not supposed to like it. Quit using food to cope and just plan and stick to diet. Be active and just keeo busy with other shit. Go out and eat last night and skipped a few snacks wirh my diet olan and got grilled chicke. Salad instead of cheeseburger. The day i hit 199 pounds im going on a cruise to celebrate.

>> No.1158406
File: 195 KB, 682x730, 20161130_160601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot mods say r/c is for /toy.

Tell that to my fucking 200 pound robot mower that sliced my leg open and pops wheelies with my 280 pound ass on it.

Mutherfucking tardbro shoved the fender in on my pickup with it.

Built the mutherfucker to mow and pull the kids around and it has sat out in the rain for a year.

Too fucking dangerous. Pic very related. My buddy taking Lawny for a spin

>> No.1158407

Kek. Might save a life tho...

My bro almost RIP. 480 gathered him up. He melted now like spawn. Has muscle loss and hard times doung even shit like opening drawers. I hired out my ceiling fan replacement. Been hit with 110 a lot. Nothing will make me rage so hard or fast. I break shit every time

>> No.1158409

It is hard to do man. O just try and make a bloody mary or red beer pretty hot and nurse it while working on projects. Quiting is almost impossible

>> No.1158410

Lol. Yup

>> No.1158411

>he doesnt build and ERECT dick fountains.

Fucking get on our level anon. Come the fuxk on man

>> No.1158412

Any books to recomend for HVAC hobby? Wanna build odd shit and also, dangers of torching on fridge/freezers?
Can i just shoot that tank thing with .22 and get to cutting?

Nb4 muh freons.

No. I am cutting like 5 fridges apart to lighten them up and screw shelves into the shell.

>> No.1158419

As a Dickfarmer i appreciate this.

>> No.1158422

Lack of materials.

GB-22 (government buyback .22) invented to be a shitty gun where uncle sam was buying guns for 2 or 300 bucks a pop back when. And peopke would make a dickton of operational shitty .22 and scam the cuck government.

Since became the /diy gun of home builders. People rice then out. Can build with hand tools. Its pretty cool

>> No.1158514

i look sometimes

>> No.1158522
File: 6 KB, 204x186, 1483465862142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

164 here
First post In 3 years
>lurk moar

>> No.1158575
File: 89 KB, 294x725, mylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mostly just me

>> No.1158581

We are, duh.

>> No.1158585

lurkers gonna lurk

>> No.1158627

i am 168 but i dont come here often

>> No.1158653

Not from Sam land. Making guns is actually illegal here. Not that it stopped anyone.

>> No.1158752

Number 115 checking in

>> No.1159137


>> No.1159138

Lurker - sometimes poster.

We need to start a project of some kind.

>> No.1159318

Lurker that only comes here when my home board is unable to answer my questions.

>> No.1159696

#174 lurking

>> No.1159697
File: 100 KB, 1328x747, 20170223_121238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurker here, because I just started doing stuff with wood. And quite irregular at that.

>> No.1159731

Long time lurker, occasional poster.. I'm the guy that built a battlestation chair out of trash, and /diy/ made me clean my shithole apartment

>> No.1159749

I come for a visit maybe every 3 months or so when I'm bored.

>> No.1159750

Lurker from Norway.
Bygg og anlegg.

>> No.1159759 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 544x685, borgnine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-regular here.
I'll browse through about 3-4 times a week, and usually post a little, maybe in one or two threads a week.
I also start threads when I have a problem or question about stuff, mostly woodworking.
I'm currently asking questions in the homebrew general.

>> No.1159760
File: 224 KB, 544x685, borgnine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-regular here.
I'll browse through about 3-4 times a week, and usually post a little, maybe in one or two threads a week.
I also start threads when I have a problem or question about stuff, mostly woodworking.
I'm currently asking questions in the homebrew general.

>> No.1159780

I come here occasionally when I'm feeling curious, but rarely actually build stuff because I:
>lack a lot of basic tools and am too cheap to buy them
>already have basically everything I need in terms of furniture, toys, etc.
so yeah

>tfw wanna build an arcade stick but genuinely dislike playing on stick and massively prefer (360) pad play
fug :DDDDD

>> No.1159782

I fucking hate people who use arduinos to do simple stuff like that.

I understand that much more complexity would mean getting a bunch of ICs, many of which are no longer even being made and the rest being programmable anyway, but goddamn. I've seen people use an arduino to just straight-up power some strip lighting on a bike.

The lighting didn't even do anything. It wasn't interactive. All the arduino did was turn them on and off, manually, through a toggle switch. Not even a push button. Nigga could have literally just used the switch without the arduino.

>> No.1159889


>> No.1159900
File: 191 KB, 2133x913, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad scientist checking in!

>> No.1160254

Shitposting in case my ip changed 188 get!

>> No.1160256


>> No.1160257

Madmam! Hola felloe caster. Make anything cool?

>> No.1160514
File: 1.59 MB, 2560x1920, dung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

183 I don't come here often as this is a slow board. pic related: my last project, replacing barrel on dungspreader.

>> No.1160693
File: 74 KB, 800x450, i-GP3Zn65-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occasional visitor.

>> No.1160713

I've not been on /diy/ in years. It's good to be back.

>> No.1160720