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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1135665 No.1135665 [Reply] [Original]

I posted this on /sci/ but i think you would know better about my question.

I want to protect some electric devices from EMP. The problem is, that i want to protect them from the biggest EMP possible, as an atomic explosion or a solar expel. What ideas and advices can you give me for this problem?

I read about Faraday's cage, but i'm not sure if it can be eficient enough depending on the structure of the cage. For example, depending on metal density, or if the distance between holes is relevant.

Also, a closed and dense protection as a cave it would amplify or limit the emp? It can be a good natural substitute or complement for a Faraday's cage?

What other alternatives do you know?

>> No.1135667

So long as the "cage" you use is well grounded and the metal is thick enough for skin effect, it will work. Solid metal is always better than screen or mesh. Foil isn't recommended since it is usually too thin. Hole sizes for screen and mesh matter for blocking specific ranges. That's why solid metal is better since it blocks everything. But, it needs to be grounded or it may not work properly.

No, a cave will not work 100%. Though, that really depends on how deep it is and the make up of the soil.

>> No.1135675

/sci/ would be better.

But speaking in /diy/ lingo, basically you want to cover something in a metal container without opening, tin foil is basic tier protection, metal cabinet or ammo boxes better, fridges or cars or metal safe are all (imperfect) faraday cages and will give some protection.

A cave deals with mechanical damage and has little meaning in emp protection, you will still need a faraday cage inside the cave.

Wrapping something in multiple layers of tinfoil, wrap in plastic bag, put inside a metal box, put inside a file cabinet, put inside a container, will give you more than enough protection. If some nuke goes off near you, you have a lot more and bigger problems than the emp.

Basically the thicker and the more insulated layers the better.

Solar storm will probably create even more problem than a nuke, but also less probable to happen. If you are venturing that far, you might need to deal with flooding or earthquake first to survive seeing a solar event.

>> No.1135681

...thats a neat smoker idea

>> No.1135689


Thank you, i will do it as you said, made clear my questions and gived me good ideas.

I know i have to deal with other problems as flods or natural desasters, but they are more "predictable", i'm just making sure some useful material will survive to me if it's necesary.

My idea is to protect a little library full of topics and books of every subject, contained in a external hardrive, and a little laptop or a module of raspberry pi. Also my ebook. So, thanks again, i will go to buy what is necesary and hope to survive if something hits the fan!


Yeah, haha, i want to give an idea, as i was asking for one to.

>> No.1135692

only if you want cancer

>> No.1135693

what could cause problems besides the paint & bearing grease, and maybe any plastic parts?

>> No.1135696

Inside each and every file cabinet lies an ungodly amount of dust from an office setting, i.e. human skin, shavings of nylon carpets, all sorts of plastic, ink toners, hair from a dead rat inside the ventilation system, and a family of sewage bred crocroach and other insects. Not to mention high heat and flaking paints equals death. You do not want to cook with a file cabinet.

>> No.1135699

Which is of course why you run it empty for a few hours you dense fuck..

>> No.1135706

>library full of porn
Fixed that for you.

Sounds like a solid plan. Consider having backups across multiple storage media too (hard disk drives, ssd, various USB media.) Do some research on the USB media, a lot of it is the same memory type as ssd.

Also, with emp proof electronics, newer does not mean better. Older computers have larger electrical traces which are harder to burn out. NASA has a lot of research into this topic.

>> No.1135724


I didn't even think about that. It's a good idea having a plan b or c, modern devices doesn't last to long. I will do it with a couple usb i have. My father had an old pentium 144hz that can be useful too.

Thanks for making my wank material bombresistant anon.

>> No.1135730

Hard disks die after 5 years, SSD maybe 7, usb maybe 5, so unless you constantly upgrade the media, your data will die even without an emp

>> No.1135739
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>cleaning is difficult
>sand blasting is difficult

>> No.1135741

Stop buying cheap shitty HDDs and SSDs.

There's also tape backup options.

>> No.1135743

>Hard disks die after 5 years, SSD maybe 7, usb maybe 5

A UPS really really helps prevent this from happening. Proper power filtering and stabilization goes a long long way to extending the life of your equipment.

>> No.1135765
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>mfw I am collecting many gigs of the greatest books, audiobooks, podcasts, films, documentaries, television shows, and music
>books/audio/video pertaining to technologies, medicine, crafts, guns, etc

We will be warrior monks of the next age.

>> No.1135848


Yeah i think in some way, a lot of people is "preparing", even if they don't know exactly why.

4chan maybe helped something in this peculiar feeling, but it was a sure feeling before. As a fulltime reader, i want to preserve what i found important, and i will put a lot of basic, medium and profesional stuff of every subject i can, assays, medicine, maths, fisics, philosophy.... Also basic survival, mushroom, bugs, fishes or plants identification, harvest...

>just in case

I would preffer a physical version of this library, but it's easy and cheap to preserve that way, but has more risk to lose or break.

>> No.1135854

those exact things you listed are the problems

>> No.1135856

It has nothing to do with power, the HDD and SSD with everything disconnected and stored away will still degrade over time, the bearing in HDD will go bad, the memory in SSD will lose charge or degrade, in other words, these media won't even be reliable for ten years in storage, if you want to store data long term, look somewhere else

Like paying big money to store it in the cloud, the data will be duplicated in different locations around the world, when a nuke goes off and kills you, you can still access it with a new computer. That is probably the most reliable way for digital storage unless you have a bunker full of tapes.

>> No.1135857

stop armchair diy-ing

>> No.1135936


I don't need more than 6 years, and my intention is safe this for every posible use, including, transcription and aplication, not just store it for years. If nothing has happened since then, i can change the hard disk whenever i want. Also, it's pretty easy make a source of energy with very few elements, to charge this laptop and ssd.

I can make a cloud storage somewhere to, that's a good idea.

>> No.1135963

Burn your cache to M-disks, store 3 spare readers and some SATA > USB hardware, congrats, your cache is now available on anything to can kludge together that has USB ports. Throw in a PCI-e USB card (in case you need to salvage a mobo but don't have the header cables for the USB ports) for maximum effect.

All of this can be stored in a reasonably sized ammo tin. Bonus points, optical media is EMP proof, meaning you can salvage a drive from anywhere (reads; outside of the EMP zone) and get access back.

>> No.1136119

Listen man, if an enormous EMP occurred, you having kept your iPhone, laptop and blender safe from it is prolly gonna be a very small, short lived victory.

>> No.1136122

>with everything disconnected and stored away will still degrade over time

not within 5-7 years it won't. I have HDDs that are 15+ years and still work find. My SSD lasted 8 years until lightning zapped it.

>> No.1136319

>My idea is to protect a little library full of topics and books of every subject, contained in a external hardrive, and a little laptop or a module of raspberry pi. Also my ebook. So, thanks again, i will go to buy what is necesary and hope to survive if something hits the fan!

Forget all that. Drop all that electronic mumble jumble and replace them all with weights. Barbells. Dumbells. Then start lifting. Not only are they EMP-proof, but when the apocalypse comes, you can use your newly acquired muscles to conquer all the surviving nerds who now horde advanced technology and most assuredly do not lift.This is how empires are established. You take what you kill. Who do you call when Chester the Conqueror comes knocking on your door? The police? Not when phone lines are down. Might makes right in the new world.

So watch out, OP. I am taking your IP and chiseling it onto a stone slab so I know where to go to to begin my new empire.