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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 45 KB, 722x483, zeltbahn tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1130180 No.1130180 [Reply] [Original]

I am building this shelter with square canvas and some logs. Zeltbahns these days are too fucking overpriced.

My questions are: How to transform the canvas into this pyramid-shaped roof and how should I nail the logs together.

Drawings greatly appreciated.

>> No.1130184


>> No.1130244

Cut square in half along the middle to create two triangles.
Install gromets along triangle edges.
Weave together with cord.
Sew a lip on one triangle and you can imitate military modular tent weaving.

Don't quote me on the cutting part, just thinking out loud.

>> No.1130246
File: 48 KB, 526x598, logcab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wouldn't joinery work better than nails, or in addition to?

>> No.1130248
File: 765 KB, 561x901, diy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1130252

Will it be waterproof after grommeting?
I guess. I'm using relatively short logs, though. I don't want it to be a full blown cabin. Can you tell how it was built by the picture? The logs seem to be nailed to a standing log.

>> No.1130254

Not OP, but can someone help my brain?

If I have a square canvas, why can't I just put a pole in the center to make a pyramid? My brain says I cannot, because it isn't actually a square peice of canvas.

But then, if kind of like >>1130244, could I cut the square into four triangles to ge the require pyramid effect, or am I just cutting canvas for no reason?

>> No.1130256
File: 17 KB, 600x398, diy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my real dillema.
You'd need an angle to pyramid correctly.

>> No.1130257

>Will it be waterproof after grommeting?
No, I was thinking of how military modular tents do it, and trying to find a picture of how they do it, but it is at the same time real simple and real hard.

>> No.1130261

>but it is at the same time real simple and real hard.

I wanna see how this ends.

>> No.1130262

I just tried with a toy broom and a blanket. I don't think it is necessary to cut the square into triangles to get the desired pyramid effect, but I have no idea why I assume you have to.

Maybe the fact they cut it into shelter halves and triangles for ease of transportation and multiuse is giving the brain a false positive when it don't need to be.

>> No.1130264

Does it pyramid though?

>> No.1130266

I cannot tell because I cannot secure the corners. I just tried it with a square of paper and it didn't seem to work. Time to find a hankerchief and a pen.

>> No.1130269

Between the centre and the two corners of each triangle you have a 90 degree angle if the centre point is at the same height. As you raise that centre point that angle decreases.

>> No.1130271

You can do it by cutting a single wedge out of the canvas, but you'll end up with odd excess aroudn the edges.

>> No.1130272

Basically the wider the angle (or higher the center grommet), bigger the canvas?

>> No.1130274

Not OP again, just the guy trying to figure out why squares don't seem to make good pyramids, but four triangles made from a square can. This thread is hurting my head. I'm going to bed and hoping someone writes a simple explanation for when I wake up.

Not the best spatial visualizer.

>> No.1130277

OP going to schleep top.
Those of you who think you can help please do respond, the post may get archived and all.
I really want this shelter.

Good night, /diy/

>> No.1130282

Get a piece of paper and cut some circles out of it. Cut a radius out of a circle and wrap it into a cone. Not how the overlap increases with the angle of the point of the cone. If you would like, tape it so it stays as a cone and make four creases one by one for the four edges of the tent. You'll get the picture.

Chances are you know this already and have just talked yourself in circles until you were confused.

>> No.1130293

You're wondering why a 2 dimensional shape doesn't make a good 3 dimensional shape.
Think of all that space underneath a perfect pyramid, between the square base and the apex. Then think of that perfect square at the base of the pyramid.

The distance from any corner to the center of the square is much shorter than the distance from a pyramids corner to the apex (if the base is the same size as the square). Because of that 3rd dimension, there is greater surface area, which requires more material or disfiguring the square (if rubber or plastic it could "stretch")...

So while a pyramid can be made from triangles cut from a square, the pyramid will have a smaller square base than the square you started with.

Like trying to make a bowl out of a paper plate

>> No.1130780

kek at that pic

>> No.1130803

Make it a dome!

>> No.1132154
File: 96 KB, 500x245, 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not make a dugout shelter?

>> No.1132176

That looks comfy.

>> No.1132233

Given a pyrmid Width and height,

The 4 layout triangles have a base of W
the height of the layout triangle is it's length in the side view.
layout height = SQRT( (W/2)^2 + H^2) )

When you cut a square into 4 triangles, the angle of the layout triangle is 45 degrees.
45 degrees = no rise
as the layout angle increases from 45 degrees, the assembled pyramid starts to rise
greater layout angle = greater height

>> No.1132253
File: 83 KB, 798x918, Pyramid_template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a picture

>> No.1132261

He asked why a square doesn't make a pyramid not why a pyramid doesn't make a square