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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 175 KB, 1200x800, Garfield goes espanol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
112473 No.112473 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some tasty and easy recipes /diy/

Pic not related, I'm in a hurry. Thanks in advantage.

>> No.112477


>> No.112478

>Thanks in advantage.


>> No.112481

er look up bannack. dont have recipe offhand sorry

>> No.112484

I was trying to say thanks before anything.

>> No.112485

Time to be that guy.


Post this there. You'll get more hits fo sho. Will probably be lurking said thread for results.

>> No.112511

can of regular coconut milk
jar of nutella

take the can of regular coconut milk, keep it in the fridge overnight until it turns solid. make two pieces of toasst, put the nutella on one of them kinda thick, then put some of the solid coconut milk on top of the nutella layer. put the other piece of toast on top and tadaaaa sangwich. fast, easy, and tastes like an almond joy. minus the almonds... so i guess that makes it a mounda sandwich...yeah...

>> No.112542


You mean to say thanks in advance.

>> No.112599

Two Eggs
Two Slices of American Cheese (shredded provolone works too)
Dash or two of Brown Sugar
Maple Syrup

Crack dem eggs into bowl and whisk dat shit. Make into omlete on stovetop with da cheese. Candy dat shit with a dash or two of brown sugar. Cook it till it's ready (don't burn it, moron) and drizzle some of dat maple syrup on dat shit. Mutha fuckin' Aunt Jemima shit right there.

Eat dat shit with a fork or somethin'. Good ass breakfast, bitch.

>> No.112857
File: 142 KB, 308x2520, HOW TO HOBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first vertical recipe

>> No.112865

The world needs more of you.

Too many people these days are too afraid to cook, when it is just so damn easy to make something delicious.

>> No.112881

for that im about to make my awesome cheesecake and make a vertical just for you

itll be up later or tomorrow

>> No.112913

in the oven now and im making the vertical

>> No.112958
File: 235 KB, 385x2914, vertical cheesecake resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.112965

This isn't cheesecake. It's cheesepie

>> No.112967

and the difference being?

>> No.112968

>What's the difference between water and ice?

>> No.112969

dont be a dick...this isnt /b/...please explain the difference

>> No.112970

Oh ok I thought you were being the dick. Cheesepie has the crust and cheesecake doesn't.
Anyways I saved your pic and will use it in the future. Thanks

>> No.112973

really basic stew.
Take some bacon, chop some of it widthwise (depends on how much bacon you want). Chop up some onion, potato, carrots, get some corn (doesn't matter if creamed, frozen or canned).
Get a saucepan. Fry the bacon and onion in the bottom. When they are cooked, add water, potato carrot. When potatoes are almost cooked add corn.
Bonus points: replace water with liquid soup stock.
Double bonus points: make the liquid soup stock.
It's not fancy, but good enough food for cold day.
usually what I eat on construction jobs.

>> No.112974
File: 482 KB, 249x208, 1324139999498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very good. i must add that u must leave the cream cheese out for several hours to soften thoroughly, otherwise its a nightmare to mix

cats always relevant

>> No.113038



You're welcome

>> No.113655


>> No.113660

/ck/ man, or they the reddit cookbook, it has a ton of great cheep recipes.

last night I sauteed a some sliced mushrooms in a little soy sauce and olive oil. soaked some ramen in hot water while I cooked them, once they were done I tossed in the ramen and cooked both with a small amount of water and the ramen packets, fed me fore like 2 meals.

>> No.113670


Cutest cat picture I've seen all day.