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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1123187 No.1123187 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so, assume no prior knowledge, tell me how I can hack things, small to large scale, using a simple laptop or maybe even a phone. This shit interests me greatly

Also, anything I could do to protect myself from hackers, like people who can watch me through phone/laptop camera. Snowden showed us what the gov is doing - got me skits guys

>> No.1123268

Stop playing watch dogs.
Also, check out Kali Linux, I guess? It's known for being a penetration testing/hacking distro.
For the camera thing, electrical tape can fix it on a laptop... Maybe stay away from phones, or just remove the mic/speaker (yes you can use your speaker as a mic) and camera modules from the board

>> No.1123271
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>> No.1123275 [DELETED] 

Off topic, do people really hate snowden for revealing the government was wrongdoing American citizens? They call him a traitor, but loyalty to the country means being loyal to the people, not the government. If anything it's the government who are betraying people, but I guess you can't say that because it's unholy to insult the U.S. government.

>> No.1123279

Turn off your television set and go outside.

>> No.1123280

What do you want to "hack"? Do you have a specific goal in mind?

>> No.1123282


Option 1) Go get a 4 year degree in computer science or computer engineering at a good school with an emphasis on systems. Take every computer systems class you're able to:

Computer Architecture (usually required)
Operating Systems (usually required)
Embedded Systems
Real-Time Systems

Plus any security classes offered in the CS department. Security classes offered in the business or IT department tend to focus on how to manage computer security in a large scale setting, not on how to do hacking.

Then spend five or ten years building computer systems at a low level. Now you're ready to start learning how to write exploits- buffer overflows, defeating address space randomization, etc.

Option 2) Download script kiddy stuff from the internet and hope it's not the FBI on the other end.

Good luck OP. Report back with results.

>> No.1123538

Its pretty much git gud, learn system flaws, exploit system flaws, patch system flaws.

Are you going to be a leet hacksaw? Probably not, but you will be competent with some systems.

>> No.1123575

watch the movie "Enemy of the State" and live like Gene Hackman.

don't forget to never look up because of satellites and facial recognition.

also cell phones can send location and sound even when its off. only way to be safe is to remove the battery or keep it in something signal proof

also its been like 10 years since they can tell with reasonable accuracy what you type just by listening to it through a microphone.

just about every physical keyboard nowadays has a keylogger built in

long story short, its going to take more than a tinfoil hat to keep you protected

>> No.1123583

Open command prompt and type tree