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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1122713 No.1122713 [Reply] [Original]

> Warn my gf that if she wants to ue the table saw I just bought she has to be very carefulland preferably use pushsticks
> Fuck up myself

When was the last time you felt like an idot /diy/?

For the record, I always use pushsticks but in this case I was trying to grip the workpiece on the backside of the blade(behind the rinving knife) because it was so thin and pushsticks were to hard to use because there as no wood left on the side(cutting off just 2mm). I'm not sure how I managed to hit the blade but lesson learned I guess.

Be even more fucking carefull

>> No.1122759

that pic is (you)?

>if she wants to ue the table saw I just bought
she'd need someone experienced to supervise so she doesn't end up missing body parts

I have not injured myself with one yet; I do use pushsticks whenever possible, but I've gone a little close for comfort to slice off some thin pieces for knife scales

currently my thumb is bandaged up after nicking it with an angle grinder yesterday....didn't bleed a whole lot at first ,and I guess the pain hit all at once since I passed out a few minutes later while wrapping it up

I should have been wearing gloves, but I was grinding a small awkward shaped object while holding it and gloves probably would have made it even harder to hold

the next day it isn't raining/sleeting/snowing I'll get out my bench grinder and finish the job right

>> No.1122761

if anything op you have only proved you were correct to warn her how dangerous this particular tool can be.
well done.

>> No.1122799

Number 1 personal safety protocol:

Never, ever rush. It's better to take 2 extra hours to complete a project than for those 2 hours to be spent in the hospital with a bill and an incomplete blood-spattered project.

>> No.1122803

>passed out
Just how bad was it to pass out?

>> No.1122804

Why are you using a table saw for small pieces?

>> No.1122810

I don't know why it happened, I've cut myself more time than I can count so I know it has nothing to do with blood

it obviously hurt when it happened, but I guess I didn't realize how badly till a bit after....I wasn't expecting anything like that, the feeling came on in literally a few seconds

the disk didn't seem to have cut relatively very deep either....the tip of my thumb went right into the corner of the wheel
I've only passed out once before and that had nothing to do with an injury....came really close another time when I fell on my hand and bent it backwards, but no bloodshed then either

...and this coming from someone who had a toothpick stuck a good 3/4" in my foot, between my toes....now that was painful (and took professionals to remove)

I tried cutting thin pieces with a hand saw and a band saw, but both left really rough faces....the table saw produced so much smoother and accurate results

>> No.1122825

You need a dedicated hand saw (or few) for small work.

Depending on the job you'd need to use either a backsaw, coping saw, or japanese pull saw and then finish it with more delicate tools like files, carving chisels, sanding or a spokeshave IMO.

>> No.1122829

I have small saws, a table saw is far superior

try and rip a <1/4" slice off of a narrow piece with a hand saw and see how even it comes out

>> No.1122830

If your hand is anywhere near the blade, you're using it wrong IMO

>> No.1122833

>try and rip a <1/4" slice off of a narrow piece with a hand saw and see how even it comes out

DESU for that amount I'd plane it down.

But then I'm also a savage who prefers hand tools in general.

>> No.1122837

Grandfather told me to hold a screwdriver while checking out a torn apart lamp. He just had it in his hand so I thought it would be fine. Brainfarted that he has leather gloves for hands and that lamp was plugged in. Probably grabbed it wrong. He does shit like that all the time so I don't know whether he's fucking with me or training me by giving me trust issues.

>> No.1122841

if you mean to get another piece and plane it to those dimensions, sure, if I had a planer that would be an option...but I haven't seen a used one cheap

(I did try to hand plane some stuff but it didn't come out nearly as well as the pieces that came off the saw)

>> No.1122974

Yeah I fucked up myself and that is my thumb.

The bill is neglible and the last of my worries, this is Belgium.

How else could I do a rip cut on a small 16mm wide piece? I'm quite inexperienced in woodworking and learned some basic from youtube(Matthias Wandel, John Heisz and others). Was trying to create the bottom rail for a crosscut sled.

Yes I know but because of the small rip cut it was hard to use a push stick.

>> No.1122975

>How else could I do a rip cut on a small 16mm wide piece?
you didn't buy the wood 16mm wide, make your cuts in an order that lets you keep your fingers

>> No.1122984

Gramps is cool and training you! Be observant, ask questions, and be very glad you have a Grandfather who can do shit.

I learned by "spicy Crescent wrench" to hover hand almost everything in a welding shop. No burns since and I'm probably as old as your Gramps.

>> No.1122988

If a table saw is giving a better finish than a hand plane, then you need to learn to sharpen and use your hand plane better.

>> No.1123005

You sound like a pussy. I once pushed an angle grinder wheel a quarter inch into my thumb, noticed it was a problem when I hit the bone. Took off my glove, wrapped with gauze, got a new glove, and finished the last eight hours of my shift. Drank a few beers after work and went back at it the next day.

>> No.1123055

This, if a cut isn't safe, think of a different way to make the cut

>> No.1123101


Thanks, I'll try.

>> No.1123104

Hot glue it onto a bigger more stable piece of ply before cutting it.

Last time I royally fucked up was with a table saw. Workpiece started to bind to the blade, dragged my hand through with it, saw went through the middle of one of my fingers. It's healed up fairly well but there's a chunk missing out if my finger tip and I've got no feeling in it.

>> No.1123133
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1. don't work angry, excited, or rushed
2. no music while on big powertools where manual effort is involved (table saw, jointer, belt sander, bandsaw). chopsaw and thickness planer are whatever.
3. always always always envision your movement path before you do it. (the way i'm holding this piece, will my finger get closer than an inch away from the blade as i push?)

This coming from someone who got kissed by a table saw on the index finger just 2-3 weeks ago. It was light enough that I walked to the hospital and only got 3 stitches, and there was no pain the entire time.

When you do get a booboo, keep the fucker clean. I don't care if it's a month old and the scab is closed and dry, if you're going to keep working in the workshop, wrap it up. Until the scab is gone completely and all you have is a scar, there is still the risk of a peel and entry point for dirt.

My mistake on the table saw was getting too comfortable, forgetting to envision actions, and reaching for an offcut without waiting for the blade to come to a stop, while talking to an idiot.

>> No.1123139

I play music on my phone's speakers. I can't hear it over any of my power tools so it's never a distraction and I don't have to bother with turning it off when I'm ready to make a cut or whatever

>> No.1123155

Why were you talking to yourself?

>> No.1123196

we're talking about a finished piece that is the same or smaller size than the plane itself

doing it by hand for the sake of doing it by hand is not worth it

>> No.1123431

You sound like a moron. You could've easily lost your thumb from infection.

>> No.1123438

he presumably rinsed it off before gauzing it up

>> No.1123446

The other anon is correct, we had a first aid kit that included antiseptic spray, which I used. I'm a "tough guy" not an idiot.

>> No.1123476

It takes very little time to put it in a vice and stroke it down with a smoothing plane. It's not doing it by hand for the sake of it, it's doing it by hand because it's a better finish, it's more accurate and it's safer.

>> No.1123485

obviously it was a dumbass belgium who couldnt use a table saw

>> No.1123488

use a utility knife

>> No.1123489

I tend to drink too much and tinker on shit.

Thrash on bigblock with hand on throttle leaning over radiator.



Waaaaaaaaaaaaabsnap. V-belt snaps

Whipishhhh. My name is Toby

Go around with purple arm for week.

Fucking shoot me.

>> No.1123677

the jaws of a viSe would not have enough surface area to grip to hold it firmly

>> No.1123708

old story, but yikes


>> No.1123811

>circular saw blade attached to an angle grinder
This is beyond the realm of safety protocol

>> No.1123819

I see people making these mini circular saw blades for dremels and improvised tools and shake my head

I don't see the reason for taking a risk on something like that breaking and flying off, when a hand saw would be just as effective

>> No.1123871

People want things done fast and cheap, I guess.

>> No.1123888

Is there much difference when it comes to the inner workings of a grinder/circular saw in relation to speed/torque?

Different kind of motors?

>> No.1123897
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Here's a pic from 5-ish years ago.

Table saws, man; I could touch my bone and everything.

>> No.1123901

about double the rpm speed....circular saw runs around 5,000 while a grinder would be more like 11,000

with a circular saw you're moving in one direction (away from you); if it kicks or binds you usually are not in any danger (unless it grabs a piece and throws it back) if you are holding on to it properly
(there is also a guard that automatically covers the blade when it finishes cutting)

when you take off the grinder guard off to mount a much larger and heavier, and sharper wheel, who knows what that would do to the balance...I can see how that much more weight could cause it to whip around if it caught on something....even with the handle, you wouldn't have nearly the same amount of control as with a grinding disk

>> No.1123938

OP here

I need to make more of these small strips but don't intend on doing this on my table saw anymore.

To cut off about 2mm, would I be able to do it easily with something like this:

Just use a really coarse paper and a bit off patience, or would it take forever? Say a strip 18mm*4mm and 40cm length and it needs to be only 16mm.

>> No.1123940

I /think/ a belt sander would do the job pretty quickly, but I'd wait for other opinions before buying

>> No.1124009

Well Toby, I have had the exact scenario happen. You are not alone. I have felt your pain and will always manipulate the throttle from the side.

>> No.1124012

It's called a "meat axe" and is common for cutting aluminum in shipyards. I have been using them for years and they are safe if the user is not retarded.

>> No.1124020


>> No.1124021


My opinion would be "stop being a little bitch, learn from your mistake, and go back to the table saw". But that's just my opinion.

The sander would work fine and wouldn't be terribly slow, but you'd at least need to make a jig if you wanted a particularly straight edge. You'd struggle to get it perfectly square/parallel by hand, if that's what you need.

>> No.1124022

>but you'd at least need to make a jig if you wanted a particularly straight edge

Scratch that, was thinking "disc sander" for some reason. Belt should do a straight edge if it's long enough for you.

Still a little bitch, though.

>> No.1124023

I would probably go back to the table saw but do the hot glue >>1123104

>> No.1124065


Thank you for the advice.

The glue thing seems like an option but the I would need a glue that sticks well enough for it to not be pushed off by the saw but still easily removable by hand?

Sorry I'm really new to woodworking....

>> No.1124120

Come to think of it maybe I'll just buy some alumlium bars and put a new top over the saw and use a router to cut out the new grooves. I need to put on a new bar at the front anyway because this one it too short to put a fence any further then 20 cm away ....

>> No.1124193

This. the issue wasn't the type of blade, it's the size, and that he was trying to cut down a stump without any ppe.
one of the chainsaw discs would have worked fine. Or a 3-4 inch saw blade.

bigger blades going at the same rpm = MUCH faster fpm speed at the edge.

For the record >>1122713
two of the standard safety rules are never put your hand within 6 inces of a moving blade, and never grab a piece from behind the saw until its fully cut through.
what you want to look up is thickness sander.

make some simple screw down clamps and clamp to a board. block of wood slightly thicker than your piece, thin strip, and a bolt running up through the wider board, through the thin strip, and a thumbscrew. Basic 3rd class lever.
clamp the strip down carefully, and use the rip fence to run the board through. since the clamp is wood and the screw should be at least 3/4" from edge, no danger of hitting metal.
after the first one, you'll have an index because you'll have ripped the board flush to the cut line.
If the previous cuts were consistent, you can glue strips of paper to a block of wood to create a guage for a repeatable amount of wood removed.

also, if you do go with sander, spray adhesive or tape or clamp a bunch of strips and do the edges at once. you'll get more consistent results.

hell, if you have a router, build a jointer jig.

>> No.1124281

i went to high school with a fuckwit that lost the end of his thumb to a fan belt dicking around under his hood while drunk

>> No.1124771

This video shows another safety aspect of table saws.


Didn't get the importance of a riving knife before I saw this.

>> No.1124802

the point of using a push stick is so your hands do not get that close to the blade

using one with a grip pad on it just added to the stupidity

>> No.1124805

Yes even with a pushstick there is still the kickback of the piece itself wich is also dangerous.

>> No.1124818

which is why you're supposed to stand to one side, not directly behind it....unless you're looking for a free vasectomy alternative

at least this is the proper, wrong way of doing it: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c23SqUxDg8

what kickback will do to your egg rolls: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcS0TAabedc

sigh, why they let retards like this into shop classes like the one I was in, I'll never know (at least he remembered to wear glasses): www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8eynhRx1y

poor matthias just couldn't make the carnage happen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeQzIzj3j_Q

>> No.1124819

correction on that 3rd one

>> No.1124820
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oh screw it

>> No.1124834

Then use a dog, or if it's really thin tack a thinner piece of wood to your bench to use as a stop. There's always a that doesn't involve getting your thumb within a couple of inches of a tablesaw blade.

>> No.1124851
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, Micro-Jig-GRR-Ripper-GR-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of these?

>> No.1124855

whats wrong with using a couple sacrificial pushsticks?

>> No.1124857

Nothing, I just got given one for Christmas

>> No.1125166

>hospital with a bill
teeheee silly burger.

>> No.1125170

>warned the new guy on site to be careful when making up hot wire joints

>get zapped right in front of him

>> No.1125174
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>laying 16in block
>setting up block stack and mortar tray for work
>drop the last block i had to stack on my foot
>mfw i wore tennis shoes
>mfw the cinder block bounced
>turned the tip of my toe to mush
>pic related (my toe)

>> No.1125189

If this is recent, you are losing that toenail
I was carrying a glass top table with glass that was like 3/4 inch thick, I couldnt pull the glass off the top so I thought it was attached.
Bumped it into a wall and the glass came unattached and fell about a foot right onto my big toe.
>wearing sandals
Day or 2 later my entire toenail came off. Its been a year and my new nail is just reaching the area where it turns white

>> No.1125194

it's been almost a year since it happened. my new nail came in but it grows weird, which is expected. i now know to wear my steel toed boots.

>> No.1125197

Wasnt DIY. But a few months back I scooped the top of my thumb out on a hydraulic Paper Cutter. 2 Days after I taught the new person the safety protocols..

Bled for 2 days before it stopped. Nail has recovered amazingly and you cant tell

>> No.1125312

>hot wire joints
What's that?

Connecting 2 wires while one is carrying voltage/current?

>> No.1125323

Got an after picture? Curious how that looks now.

>> No.1125812

Apprentice 2 year 10 years ago deburing 6mm plate on a 12" x 4" bench grinder.

Gao between tool post and wheel was to big i was a hero and thought fit it later.

Plate jammed and pulled my hand through. By a miracle of god i only removed the end of my thumb and 90% of nail bed. Recovered ok could have been worse. Right thumb is 6mm shorter and has no feeling at the end.

Safety is serious power tools will fuck you up badly. Please be safe use ppe and always check your gear and make adjustments as required

>> No.1127005
File: 1.84 MB, 480x640, Power drill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this

>> No.1127008

scalps still there...

so the hair + roots were taken out

that wont be growing back right?

>> No.1127009

There's another one with an asian guy losing 2 front teeth

>> No.1127014


...why wouldn't it grow back? Even if you pull a hair out, it's not like you're tearing out the follicle itself. As long as that's there, it'll keep growing hair.

Case in point: The odd, single hair dead-center of my second ring-finger knuckle. Pulled that fucker out a dozen times, still there.

Surprised she shows almost no reaction, though. That had to hurt pretty bad.

>> No.1127037


Other way around; skin is OK, so she'll probably get some/most hair back.

>> No.1127389
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holy shit they came out like nothing

>> No.1127407

If that were the case, waxing salons wouldn't do NEARLY the business they do.

>> No.1127965
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Did this while angle grinding without gloves after removing the safety guard on the grinder. I had to take the plate off to get to the part I needed before you guys judge too harshly.

>> No.1127984
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Yeah, that toenail's coming off. Better hope it grows in right, or you'll end up with ingrown toenails all the time.

My foot, after some dumb bitch stopped right in front of me and I tripped over her.
Full body weight on the tip of one toe, shattered the bone and ruined my tennis shoe with all the blood.

I wear exclusively safety toe boots now.

>> No.1127987
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After I finally pulled the nail off a month or so later. Was flopping around while I swam and walked, attached only at the bottom corner of the outside edge, and was catching on fucking everything.

Soaked my foot for a couple hours, grabbed a pair of pliers, and yanked the fucker off.
It's weird being able to feel the top of your toe where the nail used to be.

>> No.1127989
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Funniest shit I ever saw like that was this old truck diesel engine a friend of mine was doing up, we'd primed her up and ready to go.
He leans on the throttle until its billowing out black smoke, sparks, bits of old exhaust etc
>Motherfucker runs away!
>Cue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I4nZx8UCs
>Running around looking for something to choke the intake!
>He takes off shirt
>Rams it in the intake
>At the whole shirt and he's nearly lost a hand with it

Bang, bang, rods gone and melted pistons

>> No.1128063



>> No.1128065

Herp you sound like pussy why not just stop doing something involuntary. Retard.

>> No.1128084

Haven't cut myself yet but I've smashed my thumb one too many times with a hammer.

>Grandpa and uncle are building a sail boat
>They never follow instructions and never wear PPE
>My uncle scolds me for wearing steel toe boots in my grandpas shop
>They haven't touched the boat in 10 years
>Uncle checks up on boat
>He managed to step on a nail and pierced him
>Had to go to the hospital
>Boat has never been touched since and takes up most of the shop

>> No.1128161

>had to take the guard of to get to the part
Then you are using the wrong tool.
The tool you are looking for is either a more compact angle grinder, or a Die grinder.

Unless the tool you are using says to, there is never a good reason to remove the guard.

>> No.1128232

Fucking table saws. I know 3 people missing fingers because of it. + A new one from a few weeks ago, lost my foreman to it. Only thing I heard is he cut 3 fingers on a weekend, haven't seen him since.

>> No.1128238
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>cutting ram board to protect customers brand new floor
>accidently poke my ankle down to the bone with my box cutter

this is probably the most retarded way that I've hurt myself