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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1121347 No.1121347 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours do you get for sleep?
Do you drink coffee in the mornings?
How many meals do you have in a day?

>> No.1121352

I get about six hours of sleep due to late night projects, wake up, get Biggby because i usually forget to start a pot, when i get to work the ladies of the office usually have a buffet of snacks going in the kitchen area so i live off of that all day

>> No.1121357

620 wake up
700 eat breakfast, feed cat
8 out the door
820 arrive at work 10 mins early like a good wageslave
1230 lunch
1630 leave work
1700 lay on couch, play with cat
1730 eat dinner, feed cat
1800-2000 watch tv, read, play vidya, hangout with lady
2000 bedtime

>> No.1121364

Shit, your life sucks

>> No.1121394
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>8 wake up
>9:15 walk into work after hitting rush hour and paying for parking
>9:16 sit ass at desk
>12 no lunch
>1630 leave
>1700 sit in front of pc, pop beers
>1710 dig around in the empty fridge and die a little more inside
>2000 pass out

>> No.1121402

8am wake up
Shit shower shave
9am breakfast and get dressed
930 in garage or doing chores
1130 lunch
12pm get ready for work
Make dinner
1pm work
930 home and dinner
10 watch news
11 read til 1 and go to sleep.

>> No.1121424
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>How many hours do you get for sleep?
usually 7
>Do you drink coffee in the mornings?
and in the afternoon and any time i can (because i live in Colombia)
How many meals do you have in a day?
5 mandatoty and 3 opcional meals

this is my weekly plan starting usually at 4 am or 6 am

>> No.1121440

no mames cabron, lo tienes todo planeado

>> No.1121441
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>8-8.5 hours of sleep, typically. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

>No, caffeine makes me feel intolerably anxious.

>Usually 3, sometimes 4.

>> No.1121454 [DELETED] 

> 730 wake up, do morning shit: take out trash, clean up for work
> 800 leave to work
> 830 work
> 30min break to eat at some point
> 17-1730 leave work,depending on how much there is to do
> 1730-1800 get home, help wife or finish preparing dinner
> 1815 eat dinner, clean disaster kids made eating while she cleans them
> 1830 shower cuz filthy from work
> 1900 do stuff with kids (play a game, read book, etc.)
> 2030 put kids to bed
> 2035 put kids in bed again
> 2040 put kids in bed again
> 2045 shitpost, work on whatever projects i'm in the middle of, play with wife, etc
> 2330 wife goes to bed. go in room too, watch tv, shitpost, read articles, play guitar or listen to album with headphones
> 0230 sleep

>> No.1121455

>How many hours do you get for sleep?

>Do you drink coffee in the mornings?
I drink absolutely no caffeine

>How many meals do you have in a day?
2 main small meals with smaller ones in between

Maybe half hour after I get up, and then an hour or two before bed, with small things throughout the day. Its a whole lot better than hammering your body with big heavy meals 3 times a day.

Family business so its easy to get enough sleep and to keep a balanced and proper diet.

>> No.1121457

>8pm bedtime

>> No.1121458

> 730 wake up, do morning shit: take out trash, clean up for work
> 800 leave to work
> 830 work
> 30min break to eat at some point
> 17-1730 leave work,depending on how much there is to do
> 1730-1800 get home, help wife or finish preparing dinner
> 1815 eat dinner, clean disaster kids made eating while she cleans them
> 1830 shower cuz filthy from work
> 1900 do stuff with kids (play a game, read book, etc.)
> 2030 put kids to bed
> 2035 put kids in bed again
> 2040 put kids in bed again
> 2045 shitpost, work on whatever projects i'm in the middle of, play with wife, etc
> 2330 wife goes to bed. go in room too, watch tv, shitpost, read articles, play guitar or listen to album with headphones
> 0230 sleep
> drink like 10 cups of black coffee between glasses of water during the day at work
> I piss a lot

>> No.1121459

Sleep is amazing

>> No.1121474

>0530 wake up
>0600 finally get out of bed
>0615 leave for work
>0645 arrive at work
>0700-0800 eat candy bar and drink Dr. Pepper while I plan my day drag out tools n shit
>800-1100 work a little shit post on my phone a little, study if I don't have much to do
>1100 drink nasty protein shake for lunch while shitposting
>1245 leave my first facility for my second
>1315 arrive, drag out tools, start work
>1515 leave work
>1530 get home, sit in chair, watch tv, shit post
>1700 eat supper, watch tv, shit post
>1800 shower
>1815-2030 watch tv, play vidya, shit post, study
>2100 should be asleep

Looks fucking depressing now that I've typed it all out.

>> No.1121506
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student/researcher lifestyle
>9am wake up, make a coffee, have some oats or toast
>9:30am workout and shower
>10am leave for work
>work/class until evening time, breaking for lunch if i have a chance. usually a sandwich or wrap from somewhere on campus
>5:30pm get home, make another coffee, dick around on the internet for a couple hours
>7:30pm cook dinner
>8:30pm work on homework or work
>dick around for a couple more hours
>11pm final round of replying to work emails for the day (some colleagues about 8 time zones away)
>eat leftovers from dinner
>go to bed around 12/12:30

>> No.1121534
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>1 hour a day on homework
Is that enough? Also, what do you do for your morning workout, I'm trying to integrate exercise into my schedule

student/two jobs, looks more or less like this
>6:00am awake, make coffee immediately after hitting alarm clock
>7:00am commute to school
>8:00am class
>12:00pm commute to work while eating k-mart sandwich
>4:00pm commute home
>5:00pm begin homework and work at home while eating microwave burrito
>8:00pm shower
>10:00pm fap and sleep
>weekend spent entirely doing work at home and schoolwork

How am I supposed to fit /diy/ projects in this schedule

>> No.1121537

>6:15 pet kitter who wakes me up for cuddles until I fall asleep again
>10 wake up
>10:30 actually wake up
>11 shitpost
>12:30 eat lunch which is also breakfast
>1:00 coffee, porn and shitposting
>2:45 leave for work
>3:00 rage at fucktards who can't drive for shit
>3:30 start welding stuff
>6:30 dinner break
>12 am come back home
>1 am eat leftovers or something made quickly
>2 am go to bed

>> No.1121539


>> No.1121547

>wake at 3:30
>get ready and leave by 4:00
>get to work at 5:00
>10 minute break at 9:00
>30 minute lunch at 11:30
>10 minute break at 14:00
>leave at 16:00
>home by 18:00
>make lunch for tomorrow, shower, and in bed by 20:00

>> No.1121549
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Just six more months.

>> No.1121552

>wake up, check alarm; fall back asleep
>check second alarm, go back to sleep
>wake up, eat breakfast and get ready for work
>drive to work, arrive at 10:35AM
>first meeting, followed by second meeting if necessary
>go to lunch
>go to site or sit in on meeting
>drive home, arrive at 17:30 and eat dinner
>shitpost, watch animu, read, rehearse lines
>shitpost, listen to music, play geimu

>> No.1121562

>wakes up to alarmclock wehrmarch - Erika
>actually wakes up
>go home
>tries to sleep

>> No.1121661

If its not enough, I use weekends. I also don't study (if I dont understand something i just apply it in the lab until i understand it), so that helps cut down on time.

60s each various planks
Shoulder shrugs w/ a gallon of water
1x8 crosskicks

3x8 bent over rows w/ a gallon of water
3x8 unweighted squats
3x8 diamond pushups
3x8 tricep dips
3x8 crosskicks with ankle weights

Not much, takes maybe 15 minutes, keeps me limber

>> No.1121665

I travel a lot for my work, so I've got two "presets" if that somehow makes sense.
At the office:
Not much different than >>1121394, aside from only 6 hours of sleep.

Out on travel:
Wake up two hours early, figure out where I am (Plane, hotel) and how to get to where I need to. Check email. Review paperwork pertaining to what I'm doing. Get to work, 10~16 hours. Sometime in between attempt to find food that won't kill me. Get back to hotel, check alarms, collapse. repeat until flight home.

>> No.1121671

7:30 Wake up
8:30 Go to work
5:00 Go home
12:00 Go sleep

>> No.1121734

M-f work 10 hours and shitpost / daydream of diy and biz.

Go home. Diy some

Sleep 7 hours or so.

Sat/sun. Find a shop where bros are build hotrods. Shitpost and suck in beer and exhaust fumes.


Comfy life. Looking at trading my shitty rentals in for a new house and starting over with better ones. Have 4 half assed biz trying to autistically run.

>> No.1121762

07:30 Wake-up
07:40 Breakfast
08:40 Go to work
09:00 Start working
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Back to work
19:00 Go home
20:00 Dinner
23:00 Go sleep

>> No.1121788

I fill a dripper coffee-machine in the evening which is plugged into a timer outlet set to start when I wake up

>> No.1121792

>wake up, piss, shit, eat breakfast
>feed animals
>check online stuff like email, /diy/, and /out/, nothing else
>turn PC off, turn on tiny netbook and fire up latest audiobook
>clear work area
>bring out tools and materials
>diy the fuck out of shit until lunch
>check online stuff
>repeat until midnight and get about 8 hours of sleep

On days there will be good fishing, I go fishing for food.
On days it is good to be gardening and farming, I do that.
1 cup of coffee 2 times a week max.

>> No.1121812


Wake up when i'm done sleeping
Drink half a pot of coffee
Microwave food from yesterday
Fuck around with diy-projects, pnprpgs and my computer
Make food
Keep up the fucking about
Go to sleep when i'm tired.

>> No.1121832


retiree detected

>> No.1121846

>dawn at 8 AM nigger what

>> No.1121848
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>getting a good night's sleep
>not being miserable all day

>> No.1121991

>720 wake up
>720-815 make tea, feed lizard, feed spiders, feed turtles, eat breakfast
>815 leave for uni
>855-1230 classes at uni
>1230-1420 classwork
>1420 leave for work
>1300-2230 have a blast at work
>2240 get home
>2240-1 watch chinese cartoons and shitpost

eating happens. usually at work or on the road. 2 meals, 3 if i'm feeling hood rich

>> No.1122016

>How many hours do you get for sleep?

>Do you drink coffee in the mornings?
Yes. Usually 3 or 4 more throughout the day.

>How many meals do you have in a day?
I eat lunch and dinner, not breakfast.

Damn. I didn't realise how unhealthy my daily pattern is until just now.

>> No.1122041


2300 - Wake up
2315 - Shower/Shave
2345 - Dress/plan day
0000 - Check news/weather
0030 - Food
0100 - Answer work emails
0200 - Google/Youtube for diy stuff
0400 - Snack/pee break
0430 - Start project on mini lathe or 3D printer
0600 - Grocery shopping/Food
0800 - Office if I'm needed for the day, (things are slow right now, so I'm working about 1/2 day a week while on paid time off)
1200 - Food/Leave for the day
1300 - Home/check status of projects
1400 - Youtube/Watch TV
1500 - Bed
1630 - Sleep

I work offshore, so when I'm on the boat it's 12 hour days 7 days a week. I'm between rotations at the moment, so I'm enjoying some relaxation time. It's cold and icy outside, so going for a walk is taking my life in my hands. I should be working out more, but I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and it's not back to 100% yet.

Keeping busy is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

>> No.1122060
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>Wake up
>Be disappointed I didn't die in my sleep
>unhook feeding tube
>Crush meds, shoot through tube
>Wait 30 mins
>Brush teeth
>Maybe shower
>Return to chair
>Change feeds bag
>Pour in 500 ml osmolite 1 cal
>Hook up tube
>Sit and try to think of something to do for ~5 hrs
>More meds at some point
>Walk back and forth in my basement for 15-30 mins
>Return to chair
>Repeat from Pour
>At some point, decide its time to sleep
>Pour in 1000 ml osmolite
>Grab blanket and pillow

Add feeling fucking miserable physically and mentally every goddamn moment I am awake and you pretty much have my life for the past year and a half, doctor visits, surgeries, and hospital stays omitted.

Normally I get around 7-12 hours

No, I cant drink anything

None, I cant eat anything


>> No.1122074
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Usually 8 hours but I farm cash crops so during the busy times(tillage, planting, harvest) I typically only get a couple hours of sleep a night

Here's a typical day during harvest
4:00am wake up, coffe, breakfast etc
5:00am take wagons loaded the night before to the elevator
8:00am(depending on elevator wait time) get back from elevator and Do daily greasing & general inspection on combine
9:00am start harvesting field
12:00pm take freshly filled wagons to elevator and possibly grab a quick lunch
2:00pm start harvesting again
5:00pm again back to the elevator with wagons
8:00pm harvesting again
11:00pm shut down combine & clean off some of the built up residue from the crop then cover up wagons for the night
12:00am arrive home, eat, shower, unwind
2:00am sleep

Of course there's always days where I have to fix something on the combine or move to another field which can take up half the day. Those are days I often get no sleep at all. If there's rain or I'm forced to wait for a part I'll usually get a couple days to catch up on sleep or more likely do maintenance on the combine.

>> No.1122089

Usually sleep from 2-3AM till 11:30-12:00
I drink coffee in the morning every single day
Lunch & Dinner with snacks and shit

>> No.1122093
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>5:00 wake up
>6:00 out the door
>7:15 get to uni and eat breakfast
>8:00 - 17:00 classes and other school bullshit
>17:00 eat dinner and leave uni
>19:00 get home
>19:30 bed
I hate my fucking life. School is shit

>> No.1122227

Wake up with s/o and make coffee with keurig
Kiss s/o before they leave for work
Interwebs on phone until drowsy
When I get sleepy I nap until s/o gets back for lunch around 11/11:30
Make a ham and cheese sandwich and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for s/o and maybe another coffee, eat a turkey and cheese sandwich or bowl of cereal
Kiss bye again, snooze a bit more
s/o comes back, get up from snooze,
internets on phone, laundry, video games, play with s/o
Go get dinner out or eat cup ramen/sandwiches/cereal in room
Go to bed, cuddle s/o till they fall asleep, internets and dumb apps on phone
Snooze till alarm goes off

Just chilling until we move again, might get a job at our next location, I don't like living in a hotel much without a kitchen to make dinner

>> No.1122228


More back story pls

>> No.1122232

Last week was:

>Up between 6:00-6:15
>Coffee and shit posting while preparing breakfast
>6:45 - throw tools in vehicle while guys arrive
>7:00 - drive to jobsite
>7:15-7:30 arrive at site and set guys off with take and mark profiles necessary
>8:15 get back home
>8:30 drop kid to daycare
>8:45 arrive to work
>8:45-3:50 hop between jobsite and work spending most of my time correcting mistakes/fixing shit
>4:00 collecting kid from daycare
>4:10 work again until 6:00
>6:00-7:00 drink at the bar at work
>7:00 cook or play with kid while wife cooks
>7:30-7:45 eat
>8:00 kid goes to bed
>8:10 back to da bar
>11:15 get kicked out of bar
>11:25-2:00 drinking while videogames passing out twice
>2:01 shower
>2:05 bed
>6:00 alarm

There is no standard because there is a lot of variation and big events happening all day long but the above is a good guideline.

I have been trying to cut back on the partying, primarily to save cash, but where I live it is hard to not know someone you need to catch up with. I run the second job just so I can drink with people which leads to more work

>> No.1122238

I'm anxious since the day I born but I drink coffee anyway. Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna explode but I refuse to take any medication (medicinal luddite). Also I got so many panic attacks in my life that today they are boring as hell.

Drink 6+ cups of coffe a day and 2 of toasted yerba mate. Don't get untoasted yerba mate because it is shit.

>> No.1122240

You forgot to say you are dumb as a brick. With this routine no matter if you are in the death row, suffering from cancer or an olympic athlete in your 20's life will be miserable. Get some past time.

>> No.1122243
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Horrible anxiety and depression.

Chug a pot or 2 of strong coffee daily.

Full blown fit of autism while i shitpost and work.

>> No.1122450

Work Graveyards. I get between 4 and 7 hours sleep, 2 cups of coffee optimally, most days I miss the second cup for time. I have one meal before work and one meal after work, so 2 per day.

>> No.1122452

Caught in the same trap. I think the drinking for work i's harder than the working for work.

>> No.1122453

Are you me, anon? Same story, probably shifted back about 6 hours.

>> No.1122465
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What do you do for a living?

As for me, there is no set schedule but it goes like this:
>wake up around 7:30
>get up after 8
>go to work between 9-10
>arrive at office, plan my day, look into what I have to do
>do it, sometimes working outside the office dealing with stuff, sometimes squeeze in some privat appointements
>leave whenever I see fit, sometimes around 16:00, sometimes around 18-19:00
>if I have time left I go to training
>arrive home after doing groceries, eat meal, sometimes cook, internet, listen to music
>go to bed between 23:00 and 1:00
>weep (sometimes)

I moved to a new area (neighboring town), girlfriend who lives here left me, so there is not much of a social life going on right now ;__;

>> No.1122466

In the deep dark hill of eastern Kentucky ...

>> No.1122478

There isnt really much of one.

>Be me, carefree healthy 17 yr old
>Second week of senior year in hs
>Get sick with what seems like stomach flu
>Dont get better

After that its just a slow decline to now. Lots of doctors and hospitals and tests. No real answers. They still can't figure out whats wrong with me.

Man I've done everything I can think of. Done it all til I was sick of it. I've played thousands of hours of vidya, watched thousands of hours of tv and movies. Made models. Dicked around with electronics and built some simple shit.

Everything I used to love, I can no longer do. I'm too sick or too weak, usually both. This routine isnt something I've chosen. I was forced into it, and theres nothing I can do about it. Shit, there never was. Fucking enjoy life while you can. This could happen to you just as easy as it did to me.

>> No.1122584

2300 inna work
0715 inna house
0730 cum and watch car crashes compilations
0800 sleep
1200 eat crap
1230 sleep something more
1800 wake up and play melodica
1845 internets
2100 eat, more internets
2230 take a shower then leave

>> No.1122586


>watch movies until get sleepy

forever alone

>> No.1123087
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x ray welder
0500 wake up
0530 eat , cofee , 2-3 cigs
0600 leave for work
0700 working
1200 lunch
1230-1240 weld
1730 hit the road
1800-1900 @home
1930 dinner
2000 4chan or internet in general
2200 sleep
top kek

>> No.1123094

>0430 wake up
>0440-0515 morning dump, get dressed, coffee, brush teeth
>0530 leave house. Deice van if required
>0540 pick up labourers travel to work
>0630 arrive on site, second coffee
>0700 start work
>1100 lunch break
>1145 back to Work
>1500 wrap tools up, head to van, head home, drop off labourers
>1630/1700 arrive home, evening dump, shower, get dressed, few cups of tea, often spend time on computer.
>1900 head to gfs place and cook our evening meal
>2130 head home
>2230 YouTube vids in bed
>2330 usually asleep by

>> No.1123225

Nice try FBI !

>> No.1123265

At work:
2330 wake up, shower, coffee, small breakfast
0000 be in engine room for watch
0000-0600 walk the engine room, keep watch, drink coffee, visit galley to eat
0610 in galley for snack
0630 sleep
1130-1200 wake up, clean, eat
1200-1800 watch the engine room
1800-1815 eat, wash
1830-2330 sleep

And at different times mixed up in there fix any broken machinery that happens...

Do this for a month or two.
Go home for a month or two of freedom. Repeat.


>> No.1123269

>thinking the FBI cares
>thinking that your phone and your windows 10 hasnt already painted a picture of what you do and when you do it for the NSA

>> No.1123278

12 noon I wake up
Drink coffee and listen to music until 2pm
Go biking from 2-5
5-6 I jack off
6pm I eat beans and rice
7-10 I shitpost on 4chan
10-2 I watch anime
2-4 I jack off/shitpost some more
4am fall asleep

Planning to go on a very long hike soon, one I don't intend to return from for several decades.

>> No.1123531

07:00 wake up, coffee, cigarette
07:30 drive to work, smoke
08:00 arrive at office, coffee, smoke
08:10 inspect servers
08:30 cruise building
09:00 write terrible code
10:00 smoke
11:00 smoke
12:00 take meds, smoke
12:30 eat, smoke
13:00 sql maintenance
14:00 smoke
14:10 building maintenance
15:00 smoke
16:00 smoke
17:00 go home, smoke
18:00 eat, smoke, get drunk
23:00 watch shit on youtube
02:00 pass out

>> No.1123949


If I'm lucky, I get about 3 every night. Been like that for many yrs. Then like once a week, I'll end up crashing for literally the entire day.

No coffee, I only eat once a day (bigger meal, it's how I like it)

>> No.1123973

I am a fat. Been on a diet for about a month tho and can tell a big difference. Constant struggle to not drink myself into a coma. I did bring doggo to work today.

Little shit was so excited this morning when i told him he could go he couldnt even function. Wouldnt get in the truck. Just whined and shook at me.

I'm a shit doggo dad.

I will do better.

>> No.1123989

3-4 hours sleep most weekdays. 12+ hours where possible for preference at the weekend.

I eat a medium sized meal (small meal if the person reading is American) once a day between 6-8 in the evening. I occasionally snack in the afternoon.

I don't drink coffee regularly, I drink tea some days, but not in the morning and I have a large cup of spiced chai, made with whole milk for breakfast.

The only productive thing I do in the average day is take my son to school and pick him up, and general parenting.

>> No.1123994

Not in the same boat, but bed bound for the most part.

I guess the difference between us is I never tire of slacking. I do things obsessively in two week cycles or thereabouts.

So two weeks solid box sets, two weeks reading, two weeks gaming, two weeks limited mobility DIY projects which are broken down into teeny tiny chunks, two weeks digging music all day etc.

I'm rarely at a total loss of something to do unless no phone/computer/Internet.

I dislike people, so being on my own and isolated works for me, though physically it would be nice to have people helping out as I'm moderately unable to look after myself properly.

>> No.1123996

That's less than 4$/h. Kek indeed.

>> No.1124218

>What do you do for a living?
I work in an optics shop. I make really really really flat windows all day.

>> No.1124260

Been sleeping 6 hours or less a night, but I probably need more since weekends I sleep until noon.
Drink coffee depending on how crappy I feel, but I prefer a nice cup of tea.
I don't believe in breakfast.

>> No.1124619

Shit son, thats what happening to me. Just got sick one day, and couldn't eat anymore. Its been a year and I can just barely eat enough to avoid getting a tube. All test except CT scan came back negative, apparently I have something in the small intestine but couldn't be found in the endo. I have another mri due, I couldn't do the first as couldn't drink the 2 litres of fluid in the allocated 40mins

>> No.1125856

wake up at around 10. maid brings me coffee and breakfast breakfast. have a walk around my property and tells gardener what i want him to do for the day. play vidya till around 4pm then go and check that the staff has done their jobs. eat dinner at around 7pm, watch netflix till i fall asleep at around midnight.

>> No.1125861

>How many hours do you get for sleep?
5-8, I have a baby that likes 3-4am wake ups for food and nappy changes

>Do you drink coffee in the mornings?
No, just black tea, 1 sugar

>How many meals do you have in a day?
Generally skip breakfast, something substantial around 10am, lunch around 1-2pm and a large dinner later around 7-8pm

>> No.1126602

0430 wake up, eat breakfast, watch tv
0530 leave for work
0600-0800 work
0840 - get home, play some vidya, masturbate
1100 - eat lunch, shitpost, maybe take a nap
1250 - leave for class
0210 - leave class early to get to work on time
0230-0445 work
0530 get home, eat dinner, play more vidya
0830 - go to bed

>> No.1126750

Overhead doors and loading dock equipment
515-545 wake up brush teeth get dressed
6 leave house
615 coffee and cigarettes from wawa. no breakfast because sizzlis are too expensive.
620 arrive at work
630 clock in
730 pull truck out of shop after coffee smokes and bullshit
Whenever00 lunch, usually don't eat lunch
1600-1800 clock out, no set clock out time
1800-2000 dinner, play with kids or ignore kids depending on their mood
2000 put kids to sleep
2000-2300 watch netflix
2300 sleep

This hasn't changed at all in a year and I'm not burned out somehow.

>> No.1126754

At least 6 hours of sleep. I try for 7-8.
I drink 8-12 fl oz of coffee in the morning.
I always have a good breakfast and dinner. Lunch is really depending on who I'm working under and what's available. One journeyman takes a 45 minute lunch. Two of them skip lunch altogether, one of which lets me eat while I'm working.

>> No.1126765

Wake up
Go to middle school
Play vidya on ps3
Go to bed

>> No.1126770

7:30 wake, breakfast, get ready
8:30 leave
8:50 arrive at work
12:00 lunch for anywhere from 10 min to 1 hr
5:00 leave
5:30 get home
6:00 dinner
6:30 relax, work on personal stuff, play games, etc.
12:00 shower and get ready for bed and wind off for the day
1:00 go to bed
1:30 fall asleep

I imagine it'll change soon once I move projects. By change I mean for the worst. More work, earlier mornings, etc.

I usually sleep about 6 hours, not including the time my mind races in bed while I try to fall asleep.
One cup of coffee in the morning but tea throughout the day.
Three meals

>> No.1126839

i had this shit go down and drinking whole milk helped it even though it was miserable going for the first 2-3 months. try and drink 8oz whole milk a day

>> No.1126858

4 wake up
430 start work
445 have smoothie
5 have peanut butter sandwich
515 coffee
615 coffee
830 lunch salad and chicken/beef sandwich
1130 gym
2 back home
330 dinner
630 second dinner
8 bedtime night night