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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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111138 No.111138 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy, /diy/.

Do any of you have any experience with Zippo care and repair?

I got this Jimmy Carter Zippo a few years ago, but the wheel barely turns. Is there any way I can clean the wheel or something so it can turn properly?

>> No.111139 [DELETED] 

Buy a new wheel and grindstone. Also get some new screws. yours look kinda rusty.

>> No.111140

tried kerosene or wd40 to clean it? use a tooth brush and get in there.

>> No.111141

also make sure you have a flint in there. the wheel is harder to turn if it's just the flint loader pressing against the wheel.

>> No.111143

Buy a new wheel. Be sure to clean before putting the new one in.

>> No.111144

Well, that's the thing. I don't think it's just gunked up. There are a few places on the wheel that look like they've rusted.

>> No.111147

I was hoping to be able to do this without buying anything new (other than flint, of course).

>> No.111148

get a cheap zippo of the same shape and size and replace the insides

>> No.111149

That's the best way to do it. If it's rusty like you said, it's better just to buy a new wheel. And your flint looks fine for now.

>> No.111150

not into that whole buying parts thing eh
Well clean it, take it apart, then use a stiff wire brush to remove the rust. Find out what's causing it to barely turn. Is it just one part of the turn or the whole turn that is difficult? investigate

>> No.111151

That was really my first thought, but if I were to do that, I might as well just hunt for a new one at the flea market or something.

I don't want a shiny new one and I don't want one that is really common (not a single Jimmy Carter one on eBay!) which is why I'm trying to repair this one that I had laying around.

>> No.111153

I'll hunt for an old one at the flea market before I buy a replacement wheel for this one. There really is no sentimental value or anything, other than the fact that I haven't seen another like it anywhere but one on eBay now and then.
I'll try this. Not now, of course. It's four in the morning.

>> No.111156

Zippo repairs EVERY lighter free of charge.


>> No.111207

this! send it to them and they will replace the full internals

>> No.111214

Wait, really? Not just the wheel? I'll get new innards?

>> No.111220

>Jimmy Carter
>the wheel barely turns

im not suprised

>> No.111230

>wheel is hard to turn

Your flint is out. Put a new one in.

On the off-chance there's a full flint in there and the thing is actually broken, just mail it to Zippo. They'll fix & return it no questions asked.

>> No.111239

I lol'd

orpay 79-81

even the Captcha knows

>> No.111325
File: 61 KB, 620x414, curly-Red-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send it to zippo

see their website

i've sent half a dozen in before and they all come back good as new

>> No.111422

new flint bro. ur grinding metal thats why it wont spin...

>> No.111427
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>> No.111567

Fucking send it in
it's free, they replace everything

I've even had one successfully uncrushed by them (the design still looks like it's been crushed before, of course)

>> No.111573

Rust? WD fucking 40.

>> No.111717
File: 55 KB, 412x282, zippoguarantee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do any of you have any experience with Zippo care and repair?

Just send it to Zippo, they'll fix it for free;

"Caring for Your Windproof Lighter. It works or we fix it free.
We don't make that promise lightly. We know that behind every Zippo product sent for repair
is an owner depending on our promise to get it back in working order. Whether a lighter is five
years, 25 years, or 50 years old, it will serve as a dependable source of flame for years to come.
We guarantee it.
Note: Please do not attempt to perform repairs yourself as it could damage the lighter beyond repair.
Your lighter will be repaired at no charge and returned promptly to you usually within 4-5 weeks."
