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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1078154 No.1078154 [Reply] [Original]

>He didn't add blinker fluid

>> No.1078167

Where does the blinker fluid go???

>> No.1078168

Line 8 of the invoice

>> No.1078170

My invoice on line 8 just has a long list of things like "Brake line clamp clamps" and "fuel injector rejector valve"

>> No.1078177

Check if they've refilled your gearbox sand reservoir. It's right next to the gearbox interior lighting switch.

>> No.1078180

They told me synthetic sand is better than natural sand but I'm not sure

>> No.1078184

Oh, sure on an old beater you can use any old sand you like.

But the more torque your engine revs, the more stress is applied to the sand.
Rule of thumb:
If you have cylinders four, get sand from the shore,
five and higher, you're a synthetic buyer.

>> No.1078193
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>> No.1078202


Don't forget to check if wiper juice is still fresh.

>> No.1078295
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delete system32 when reading OBDII fault codes

>> No.1078336

no sawdust in the transmission and differentials?

>> No.1078597
File: 452 KB, 1195x1593, IMG_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>factory calls for 5w20 antifreeze
>this moron tells me he runs straight 40 weight antifreeze all year

>> No.1078636

>Take car to mechanic because it's not shifting right.
>Turns out all I needed to do was add some photon fluid.

>> No.1078651

Wife calls me, SUV is overheating, all kinds of warning lights, alarms, steering is "broken", brakes aren't working right, lots of fluid on the ground, smells really bad, window is all greasy, cant roll up side window, seats are sticky, been like this for a few days, "What should I do"? " Can you cone home and fix it"?

I am 2500 miles away for my 2 week reserve duty, "Can you still drive it"? "Duh, been like this for 4 days", OK take it to our mechanic, tell him to call me, "No, I need the car" take it.

Next morning, get wake up call, mechanic tells me front end is destroyed, left front wheel is gone, along with suspension, left side is scraped and dented to hell, door is permanently shut, frame damage, engine and transmission are shoved back and sideways, side window is gone, windshield has a hole, blood and bone all over, tells me to call insurance, he called police.

Call my kid, she is 10, what happened, "Mom hit a deer, and thought you would be mad, so we cut it up and put it in some totes".

Police call me, doing tests to see if you're is from a person, tell them about the totes, the ask permission to enter garage. Calls me back, yep, deer in the totes, says you have a lot of bugs in the garage now, pretty bad.

Wife calls back "Are you mad"?

>> No.1078659

but were you mad?

>> No.1078662

SRSLY, dude, are you mad?

>> No.1078663

Don't piss your wife off.
That's terrifying.

>> No.1078672

This, plus
>the deer proximity sensor may've gone berzerk and needs recalibration

>> No.1078687

Like the reserves?

29 no prior. Y/n?

>> No.1078695
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>He doesn't know how to spin a piss gramophone

>> No.1078708

> take it to our mechanic

Only faggots take their car to mechanics, especially when you do it enough to "have" one

>> No.1078730



>> No.1078740

There's a point at which it's more economical and more reasonable to have someone else do it. You're also less likely to get fucked by your insurance.

>> No.1078742
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You married a child

>> No.1078750

>There's a point at which it's more economical and more reasonable to have someone else do it

At what point would that be?
Basic routine maintenance takes very little time or effort. Big jobs can wait for the weekend.
You sell your car before it becomes a basketcase.
How could paying a premium on parts and labor ever be more economical?

>You're also less likely to get fucked by your insurance.

Make no mistake, you get fucked by insurance no matter what you do. Where you have your work done has no bearing on your insurance whatsoever.

>> No.1078760
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Finally a serious comment

>> No.1079220


>Dont forget to check the muffler bearings, they go out all the time.
>halogen fluid, and gaskets.

>Also they need to fill out an Id10-t form.

>> No.1079344


I agree that the insurance part is stupid.

But the economical cost of sending it to the mechanic is based on how much your spare time is worth.

I used to like working on my car because i knew i was saving money and keeping it in good shape but now i dont have much time to work on my car and have had to do one too many repairs at 11:00pm so it can be ready for 6:00am to find it enjoyable anymore.

I would send it to a mechanic if i werent a poorfag then i can finally relax after work for once

>> No.1079444

Don't you care what brand and weight of the air going into your monthly air change in your tires? If you don't, then you deserve the fuel economy you get.

>> No.1080199
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>mfw the infidels let their women drive

>> No.1080857

>"can you still drive it"


did you marry a child with downs

>> No.1081001

>At what point would that be?
Probably around the time you realize your wife would rather dispose of bodies and drive around in a totaled car like it's no big deal just because she doesn't want you to get mad.