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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1061835 No.1061835 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /diy/ take two. I am pretty angry.I have a renter that broke a water pump on my property because he couldn't follow instructions. I come home and find a note on my door that the pump is turning on and off, he couldn't figure out how to turn it off, and that he's leaving for a while.

The pump was pulling air and over heated. The fucking intake like is fucked for obvious reasons. The foot valve is fine but the hose which I had the foresight to hold down with a stone, is loose. I suspect sabotage.

The point of this thread: Is there a way to program a pump to turn off after it runs for 3-4 seconds or when there isn't water in the system?
I wouldn't be making a second thread but the last one got derailed.

>> No.1061840

Worst case scenario you have something like an Arduino and a sensor to detect water, have the Arduino flip a relay to cut power to the pump.

>> No.1061842

Is my pump fucked though? It was overheating for 12 hours.

>> No.1061850

why the fuck are you making another thread???

>> No.1061854

Does it turn on and work? If not, the yes it's probably fucked, unless there is a fuse in it or something. If it does work, then no, it's not.

>> No.1061858

Because someone said so, and his other thread is a fuckfest.

>> No.1061864

I don't know yet, it was running when I got there but it might not pump water. I'm going to have to take his deposit I fear

>> No.1061898


>> No.1062033

This thread will be exactly as much of a fuckfest because the OP is a window-licker

>> No.1062045

Yes, but you'll need a new pump and no, you can't expect the tenant to be around 24/7. Nor can you use that expectation to withhold his deposit because YOUR equipment malfunctioned, equipment that you failed to install correctly and maintain.

But because you are the same pig fucking Oedipus complex cock sucking faggot OP from the last thread, this will never sink in.

The only thing now I can prescribe is for you to find the biggest caliber gun you can fit into your waste of space cock filled mouth (You might have to remove a few cocks) and pull the trigger.

>> No.1062046

>someone actually has to have this faggot as a slum lord

How awful

>> No.1062053

OP has good taste in anime girls. But he can't expect a loser tenant to grok his artisanal artesian artifact. Your shit is broke, OP. It was shit to begin with. As the old saw goes, if you can't afford to do it right the first time, can you afford to do it over when it fails?

>> No.1062082
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>MFW Slumchan starts a new thread
Only thing better would be if the tenant or OP's mother showed up

>> No.1062100

I suggest you take a look at the sanitation codes on the area again, because I cannot find anything distinguishing cabins from other dwellings and the law is pretty clear. I understand the person dwelling in your "cabin" is pretty broke, and taking advantage of them by charging them money for a place that lacks proper sanitation may seem attractive to you. Hell, he probably can't even afford to take you to court for negligence and even if he could, that means his home becomes condemned and he's got nowhere to live. Good job being a piece of shit and treating a person like they're beneath basic necessities. I hope he finds a lawyer willing to work pro bono, because you'd be absolutely fucked.

>> No.1062111

>I'm going to have to take his deposit I fear
you have to kill yourself motherfucking thief. It's your responsibility to provide drinkable water, which you seem to fail to do. Which will get you sued. There's few people more deserving of living in a box than you are.

>> No.1062115
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>water supply is fucked
>pump is fucked
>renter is fucked or dont care even it is your responsibility
>suspect sabotage means your mind is fucked
>taking renters deposit over own fault
>ask diy, the most tolerant place on 4chin, got fucked
>won't fix the water supply
>won't fix the pump
>want to niggerrig a device to mimic a obeying renter
>won't learn electronics
>won't pay for plumber
>won't do anything diy suggest
>starts a second threat

No, it is fucked, you are fucked

we did what we can

there is no cure

this thread needs to die, op needs to die

end of story.

>> No.1062116

The tenant doesnt even need to take him to court. All he has to do is report the lack of sanitation to the city's health department if one exists, or the county's

The next day OP would have a letter demanding resolution of the sanitation problem within 24 hours or be subject to fines, leins, and even property condemning while being ordered to pay for his tenants temporary relocation.

>housing board director here with lots of properties that my company operates

The only reason slumlords like this continue to exist is because their tenants don't know about these government entities meant to regulate shitstains like this into oblivian.

For the last decade I've tried to champion legislation requiring landlords and property owners to inform new and prospective tenants about their rights and the presence of the legal entities that protect them. Never collects any interest on account of property developers being major donors to political parties.

>> No.1062117

I don't always think OP is retarded but when I do.

It is always a strong case for eugenics being a valid science

>> No.1062118

>I wouldn't be making a second thread but the last one got derailed.
It did not, I'm going to report this one. you're the worst asshole I've ever seen on 4chan. And you should figure that says a lot.

>I suspect sabotage.
You know a Judge won't eat that bullshit.

You are going to fix that pump for your tenant, and provide the shit he's paying for, and you're responsible for. The tenant can NEVER be held responsible for preventing necessities to break on themselves. It's actually your responsibility to provide necessities that DO NOT break on themselves when not looked at in 3 seconds. Like what the fuck are you fucking thinking?
You're screwed in your head already beyond any help, now try to not get screwed financially you fucking asshole.

says enough already

>> No.1062127

You should have fixed the pump beforehand, it's basic maintenence, not something you can take a deposit for. Don't be a cunt, accept that you're at fault and stop trying to blame others. Don't make them pay to replace something that was already faulty

>> No.1062138

>y'all niggas posting in a trollthread

If not trolling, please refer to this:
This guy knows his shit. Especially the anime part

>> No.1062169

Where might I find information on my right as a tenant?

>> No.1062171

any respectable country will have a government website that has at least the basics of this topic

>> No.1062195

If you wanted help without derailment you shouldn't have mentioned the renter in this thread.

i can't believe you shitted up this board with your last whingey bitch thread because you were too retarded to actually do something properly yourself in the first place.

stop blaming others for your own failures and stop making pointless threads.

>> No.1062205

>says enough already
This is an anime repair subforum