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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 582 KB, 1024x768, SCS_Sidorovich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1057403 No.1057403 [Reply] [Original]

Bunker-anon give us your progress!

>> No.1057550

Bumping for interest. Come bunkerfag / bunkerbro! Tell us your tale.

>> No.1057552

Bunkerbrobunkerbrobunkerbro, I summon thee! It has been far too long.

>> No.1057569

they all receaded into there bunkers.

>> No.1057592


>> No.1057604


>> No.1057643
File: 43 KB, 636x358, 1813aqov5wc2jjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for bunkerbro update!

>> No.1057645

You must be new here. Lurk moar. Use Google while you're at it, see if you can discern the subject at hand.

>> No.1057944
File: 1.70 MB, 1788x1265, bergrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had much done, currently knee deep in paperwork to be cleared on the other bunkers I'm trying to acquire.

>air command center
Twin bunker to my current one, pretty much the same layout.

>ammo depot
The one in best shape of all I looked at, has a large cool sliding blast door.

>oil storage facility (pictured)
This one is pretty cool;
200m long
36m wide
110m ceiling height

Has underwater tunnels connecting it to the sea. Can either be dry or fully submerged. So either I can have the worlds largest indoor climbing center or worlds deepest indoor diving center. Is indoors drone racing a thing?

>> No.1057948


fucking hell, make that into a dwarven forge

>> No.1057949
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>> No.1057955
File: 158 KB, 848x1308, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut thru.

>> No.1057963


>> No.1057964


>> No.1057965

SUB BRO! and fuck yeah it is mang. Get some water proof drones, dry it out to ensure flat bottom, and flood that bitch 20 ft. That guy in the raft for compasison really shows the size. Thoroughly impressed bro. Keep up the solid work. Dont let us down!

>> No.1057968

I have built 3 foundry's and will assist you in direction from america in any way i can.

>> No.1057969


>> No.1057971

Why not the world's largest indoor deep water soloing centre?

>> No.1057972

I'm jelly as fuck.

>> No.1057995

Holy fuck, i never realized how big that bunker was

>> No.1058015

Not sure where the hell u live or regulations. But zoos and saltwater aquarioums and the like are always breeding exotic fishes. Bunkerbro u may have a goldmine there. Access to legit sea water and a 100% controlled environment. Maybe u should built some partitions and start breeding farm?

>> No.1058048

>oil storage facility
I'm just picturing it full of crude oil, that boat floting around in a sea of crude. Dump it in there to keep it safe from the soviets, y'know.

>> No.1058132

Where the hell do you find these awesome bunkers?

>> No.1058149

are you rich?

>> No.1058186

I think he might be rather poor

>> No.1058203
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>other bunkers

>> No.1058256

>Is indoors drone racing a thing?
Yes, you could make something like this but way bigger


When can I visit for a race?

>> No.1058328
File: 18 KB, 183x185, 1438918654034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other bunkers

>> No.1058347

Please let me live in your bunker with you. I'm a cute tranny and I want to get away from society. I'm a hard worker too and decently /diy/ knowledgeable

>> No.1058353
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>> No.1058357
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, ROV_Mini_03.jpg3cdaef7c-47a3-4d57-be13-fd05f232ae45Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually really cool. But since the tunnels are half flooded already, I wonder how hard it would be to make it a course for underwater ROVs too.

>> No.1058387
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1069, 1468478005403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck that looks cool. Look at these fake titties.

>> No.1058393


That's beautiful, I love the immensity of it

What's the current water depth?

There are plenty rock climbers that do "Deep-water soloing", essentially just climbing without ropes knowing they'll hit water. Your place looks like a goldmine towards that

>> No.1058483
File: 1.02 MB, 814x885, pier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly the Baltic sea is brackish water, so no great whites.

Could be nice, I'd be the only one open all year (since you know -30f winters)

Pretty much what it is, only it's half full in the pick.

Should be some researchers that would love access to a deep underwater facility to test things in.

That's pretty cool.

They won't renovate themselves, someone has to step up.

i-i don't lean that way.

>tiles, it had to be tiles

It also comes with a neat pier which they tied the oil tankers during refuels.

>> No.1058486

Judging by the picture they might be real also. You might have additional info regarding their realness or fakeness?

>> No.1058493


Are you the Swedish dude?

>> No.1058496

Where do you find/buy these?

Can I do it?

>> No.1058499

I've seen a lot of fake ones in """"""""""""""""""""movies"""""""""""'"""""""" so I am kind of an experienced.

>> No.1058613

Is this yours >>1055905

>> No.1058631

>Is indoors drone racing a thing?

>> No.1058643

Is there an archive of bunker-anon posts? Google isn't being helpful.

>> No.1059017

Mr bunker anon, sir!
Are you making living quarters in some of your bunkers?
Are you planning a doomsday militia/cult with brainwashed hot women?
If not, why?
Where can i sign up?
I have experience with diy, hunting, fishing, farming and i got alot of (legal)munitions.

>> No.1059480
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In my case, government auction sites, they go for around $30-300k depending on size.

Got 32 bedrooms in my current one. You'd be amazed how poorly the response is by women after the "hey, lets head back to my dark isolated cave in the woods".

>> No.1059535

>Is indoor drone racing a thing?
Funny you mention that. I've worked commercially with UAVs and there's actually a loophole in the law that does not consider indoor areas as airspace. Therefore you don't have to follow any FAA regulations so long as you are inside.

You can't legally have fully autonomous drones unless they're in doors is the most common example of this loophole in use. That's why every academic video you see of AI UAVs are usually done in doors in a flight arena.

It's cheaper to build a fucking arena for your drones than it is to get certified passed hobby level.

>> No.1059572
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T-That's close to 800 000 m^3


>> No.1059577
File: 187 KB, 2000x1884, knock nevis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Meaning you could fill the world's largest crude oil tanker Jahre Viking/Knock Nevis to the brim, and still have enough oil to fuel your jennies for years...)

>> No.1059778

Make them into refugee camps and accidentally have a gas leak and accidentally have all the doors and vents shut.

>> No.1059881

Fill it with BHO and buy the swedish state.

>> No.1060049
File: 14 KB, 617x296, Robert-Preston-Waterworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That's exactly nine feet and four inches of the black stuff

>> No.1060090

Shite man, I ain't no woman but I'd fall for that "dark isolated cave" part. But for reals tho, when you start recruiting henchmen, I'm first in line

>> No.1060092
File: 217 KB, 600x600, Hench-4-Life_57491-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.1060093
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>i-i don't lean that way.

It doesn't have to be a sex or relationship thing. I'll be your maid / chef / security guard / personal assistant or whatever you want. I'll paddle the boat and hold the flashlight for you in the cave too

>> No.1060199


>> No.1060254

if he wanted a maid, he would hire one, if he wanted a bodyguard, he would hire one, if he wanted an assistant he would hire one, what makes you think you can do all these better than someone who does those for a living? are you attractive or very intelligent? if no, why bother? if yes, why bother?

>> No.1060285

I know you've said before that you don't want to start a blog. But could you make a Dropbox-folder or something, just so your pictures are gathered somewhere?

In any case great bunker. In ten years hopefully I can afford my own.

>> No.1060286

Not OP here. Gonna dump some old pics.

>> No.1060287
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>> No.1060289
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This was the automated air valves that would slam shut to seal the bunkers air supply from a possible pressure wave following a detonation near the bunker.

>> No.1060290
File: 483 KB, 1571x1046, 1465745993817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One entrance, and the blastwave tunnel it sits perpendicular in. This is done so shockwaves can pass by the entrance without damaging the interior.

>> No.1060292
File: 1.73 MB, 730x1141, 1464526901206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air shaft/emergency exit leading to surface

>> No.1060354

godspeed bunkeranon.
you are an inspiration too us all.

>> No.1060478

> loophole
Oh come on! Why would anyone care if someone flies drones indoors!

>> No.1060481

Tell them you have a 32 bedroom private property built into the side of a mountain.

>> No.1060509

>I'm a cute tranny

Nobody who has made that statement has ever been cute.

>> No.1060972

>setup a giant tarp outdoors as a 'roof'
>by law you're now in doors.

>> No.1061061

it is a tranny

>> No.1061322
File: 118 KB, 918x902, ammodepot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An update.

The military has agreed to ownership transfer of two bunkers, the ammo depot and the 2nd air command center, they are still debating on if they will allow me the oil storage facility.

So great news for me. Really looking forward to the ammo depot facility, it's in decent shape and the large sliding blast door will be fun to get a new motor for.

>> No.1061325


you gotta keep us posted man, also what is your end game? a fully kitted bat cave of some sort?

>> No.1061338
File: 31 KB, 465x331, putin-thumbs-up[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunkerbro - Congratulations! on the new additions - you deranged fucker.

shame about your million m3 oil puddle, however, I doubt thats going anywhere, to anyone else, anytime soon either.

do they have a key handover ceremony or anything? or do you just pop round with a stick of TNT, blast your way in?

greatly looking forward to updates, cheers.

>> No.1061342

Laws differ from area to area you know?

>> No.1061347

The curious ask: why several bunkers? Coolness factor or maybe you want to have a collection?
"I'm a hoarder, I hoard bunkers"

I don't think I'd really want to have a bunker with lots of work but I easily understand the fascination! Cool work man. Kämpa på!

>> No.1061447

Approximately how much is thus project costing you so far?

Do you got any pics of your new bunker? Love to see that shit

>> No.1061491

Depends on who's asking >:)

Nah, no ceremony, only paperwork, I just need to hire a wrecking crew to open up the concrete seals.

I'm still hoping they will let me have the oil facility, it's a very interesting property.

I don't need any more than one, but I'll rather take the opportunity to own these than not. Worst case I'll renovate and sell them.

A lot. No pictures yet, I'll get some to post later.

>> No.1061590

Woah. That's great.

>> No.1061634

>cute tranny
There's no such thing you disgusting fuck, also kys degenerate.

>> No.1061641

>mfw Sweden (and half Europe) will be burning down to rapefugee influx and bunkerbro will laying back in his comfy apocalyptic structures
Hope that you have plenty of blonde, blue eyed Scandis and Aryans to fuck and reproduce so you can be the savior that Europe needs but doesn't deserve.


>> No.1061751


You're the envy of everybody who ever made forts as a kid, good luck.

>> No.1062584

>its not really a guy in a raft, its a toy his kid uses in the bathtub.....

That's what my brain keeps trying to tell me.
Straight up mythical dwarve halls here...

Congrats bunkerbro.
How's the original doing ?

>> No.1062634

search the archives for "bunker"

>> No.1063348
File: 333 KB, 1600x1236, mole people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end game
>why several bunkers
I just had a terrifying thought. We've always just assumed Bunkerbro is one of us. But what if he is really a Mole Man? What if the reason he is buying all these fortresses is to secure beachheads for the oncoming Mole Man Wars?

>> No.1063660


>> No.1063786

You are an idiot

Great whites can't be put into captivity

That's why you don't see them in aquariums

It's not because they are violent or difficult to feed or anything, it is because in captivity they continue to run into walls until they kill themselves

They have an instinctual need to migrate around the world that they can't ignore

>> No.1063843

Fortunately that scenario is untrue.
Life will go on and society will accommodate. Earth will revolve at it's leisure speed, as always and life will go on.
We live at interesting, not the end of, times!

Such a relief isn't it, anon?

>> No.1063910
File: 47 KB, 790x494, Penumbra-Black-Plague-penumbra-30846920-790-494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bunkeranon is gonna go full Penumbra on us

>> No.1063928

Not this one. Assuming you're in the US since it's a federal law.

>> No.1064365
File: 40 KB, 225x350, yotsuba suprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This all seems very expensive. How are you funding this? How much does a bunker cost? How much are you planning to invest in fixing them up?

What are you gonna do with your bunkers? Live in them? Set up a business of some kind?

>> No.1064376

I am guessing bunkerbro is at a stage where he literally is not concerned with tossing a few millions for pure hobby

damn, living the dream

>> No.1064378


These bunkers are so damn cool.

>> No.1064633

I believe he said before that he "came into some money" whether that was inheritance, or or some kinda lottery, or maybe he was even on who wants to be a miyyonare. the details don't matter, but the point is that he is independently wealthy.

Also as to his overall plan, he has suggested selling them off for profit more than once, and I do think he wants one for himself, because who doesn't want to live in their own personal batcave. But at the same time he has expressed how living in a bunker has fucked with his personal life(ability to bring women home for sexytime) many times, so I don't know if he wants to fully devote to the moleman lifestyle.

>> No.1064649
File: 54 KB, 365x428, 1472773671909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of fuck i saw that picture and thought wow it must get claustrophic in those small tunnels.

then i saw the boat

>> No.1064762

He worked on early internet casino stuff and got paid in shares.

>> No.1065058


>> No.1065060

It's a pretty standard rags to riches tech start up story. What's to elaborate?

>> No.1065131

You found the location of the Stargate! Good job Anon

>> No.1065148


He was getting screwed out of his pay with worthless shares until dumb luck said his employer's website got popular and suddenly his shares got valuable.

Very standard story of riding the wave in.

>> No.1065224

>first time on /diy/
not disappointed at all
btw its /k/ as hell

>> No.1065727

so when does immigration start oh King Under the Mountain?

>> No.1065761

>King Under the Mountain
That should be the new name for bunkeranon.

>> No.1065767

There are a lot of people who browse both

>> No.1065787

>Assuming you're in the US


>> No.1065978


>> No.1065985

just needs some Cheyenne Mountain lettering

>> No.1066006

...are you franchising?

>> No.1066377
File: 1.70 MB, 2576x1932, 1422981996141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this bunker doing?

>> No.1066397
File: 369 KB, 1594x896, 20150604_133820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting pretty nice, only cosmetics and the large switch gear to go, had the fiber networking installed this week, installing the cctv system next week. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

>haven't taken a picture of that part in over a year

>> No.1066450

>Not living in a little cuckshed innawoods for pussy and owning a litteral batcave.

U be buying up 40 bunckers. Whats 40k for a shit house?

>> No.1066453

And you're a flaming faggot. I've never looked into caring for a great white because i don't own a goddamn lake u asshole...

Nvm bunkerbro. Raise a million pirana so i can dig a moat around this faggots house and fill it.

>> No.1066454

I had the same though. Working at a quarry we had a few little tunnels that always made me feel cramped. Then i saw that fucking boat. Sweet jeesus...

>> No.1066455

Chyeanne wyoming nigga. They say it. I have seen all 10 seasons and all shows.

>stargate is life.

>> No.1066468

you dumbfuck cheyenne mountain is in colorado

>> No.1066474

I'm the faggot for not being an uneducated idiot like you?

Stop trying to kill animals because of your retardation you cock mongler, op already said it's brackish water so you can't put piranha in it either without killing them

>> No.1066648

Please get a trip so I can filter you

>> No.1066676

Fantastic. Looking forward to it

>> No.1066677

It's not a real boat, it's a children's bath toy

>> No.1066740

fuck you. you egregious fucking cunt. obviously he would make sure it was even legal and then do a 5 minute google before deciding. Just not sure why you have to be... SUCH a fucking cocksucker. bunkerbro is chill af and shares this awesomeness looking for ideas and you blow up in an autistic fit of fucking rage.

eat the biggest of dicks anon...

>> No.1067670

are you doing it all by yourself or do you have a crew or few friends?

>> No.1067717

>society will accommodate

Yeah, "accommodate"... that word describes the middle-east pretty well, huh?

>> No.1067722

Unflinchingly, he laboured tirelessly upon fledgling gambling enterprises on the world wide information superhighway. Subsequently, he was remunerated in stocks and shares of the same, and thusly did bunkerbro become the recipient of a not inconsiderable sum of monies.


>> No.1068023
File: 1.78 MB, 4140x1504, smallupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it is now the third airlock. Two doors, three meter thick concrete walls per set.

Mostly by myself, whenever friends stop by I set them to work, which is probably why they don't show up to often >:)

Funny because it was built pretty much the same way. The Swedish army traded Ericsson radar tech for the know-how in 1966 to build nuclear proof bunkers, the engineering corps visited the Cheyenne facility.

>> No.1068026

then you really should build a stargate rep in one of the rooms and call it the gate room
>the gate leading to the master bedroom

>> No.1068047

Fantastic. Great job

>> No.1068048

I love looking at the pictures you post

>> No.1068074

i'm so fucking jelly right now

>> No.1068111
File: 742 KB, 3354x1206, update2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already decided to make one room look like the dr strangeloves war room, that's enough work as it is.


>some progress, this room needs about 20 more buckets of plaster before I can paint and put in carpet.

>> No.1068122

Hey mister! Awesome!
Although as you are swede I have trouble understanding this carpet, you mean heltäckande matta? It went out of fashion luckily in the eighties. Because that shit is disgusting, don't do it.

>> No.1068127

Your humor is childish. You've contributed nothing to this thread. Please leave.

>> No.1068132

where can i start buying these?

>> No.1068139

Bunkeranon, I might have missed it but what is your endgame?

>> No.1068142
File: 70 KB, 740x460, vinylmattor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vinylmatta. If the bunker ever gets "abandoned" again, any wooden floor would rot, same for paint. Not much survives 99% humidity over long time. As such I went with rubber-based carpet.

How much you got? Was asked if I wanted to buy a 3000m2 bunker for $210k. New ventilation and power gear, so set to go from day one.

>> No.1068147

They really only cost as much as a suburban house? Is that USD? Not that I'm gonna find any US bunkers in New England.
Did a lot of European countries go bunker crazy or was it just the swedes and the swiss?

>> No.1068148

When you are neutral with no NATO allies, you are on your own.

>> No.1068151

In Discworld he would be the Low King.

>> No.1068253
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>> No.1068262

England has a couple k 2 room observation bunkers (ROC) so... Yes Europe went bunker crazy

>> No.1068312

110m ceiling? The water level in that picture must be relatively high, cause the ceiling height in that pic can't be more than 30m.

So... for the amount of air I see above that guy in the boat, there is 3x more water beneath him...

that's terrifying

>> No.1068360

Albania has lots of bunkers, and knowing the place it must be dirt cheap.

99% humidity

>> No.1068476

>whenever friends stop by I set them to work, which is probably why they don't show up to often

I might be crossing norway next summer with a few friends,
if you're willing to host us for a night or two max we can lend our hands for any work you need.
A few of us even have experience working with heavy machinery if you need.

>> No.1068477

After acquiring all these bunkers? Maybe...

>> No.1068479

Can we just go ahead and start the cult of bunker bro? Here's the plan; we sell all our earthly possessions and live out the rest of our lives toiling to refurbish bunkers and prepare for doomsday.

>> No.1068480

>living in a bunker with 99% humidity
>in the nordic winter

Nah, also as much as I like the community life I don't like the idea of living in a half empty 32 bedrooms bunker,
or worse... a crowded 32 bedbrooms bunker.

I just need a place to crash for a day or two while I'm crossing europe on a bike trip with a few friends.

>> No.1068485

He means that it slowly fills with water if you stop ventilation and pumps. Normal humidity level is lower. Capt. Obvious out.

>> No.1068502

Underground so it wont get that cold.

>> No.1068626

any one fancy turning that 1920 1080 for a background?

>> No.1068663


>> No.1068676

Would you post more pics of your bunker for us? Its always one of my favorite things on the chans.

>> No.1068697

>You wanna get out of this bar?
>Sure Anon!
>*drives for hours out of the city on mountain roads in the middle of nowhere in pitch darkness*
>*pulls off the highway to a barely noticeable hole in the wall that turns out to be a bunker entrance*
>*opens his window and punches in access code*
>*huge ominous steel doors lurch open*
>*rolls into the dark cave as the door closes automatically behind him, the way ahead being lit by nothing but his car's headlights*
>*stops in front of a man-sized corridor, gets the girl and him out of the car*
>*footsteps echo in the barely lit passageway as he leads the girl past dangling wires, boxes of tools, tubs of unlabeled chemicals*
>*finally reaches a damp tiny room with a locking steel door devoid of all furniture except a single sleeping bag in the far corner, a laptop, and a box of condoms*
>So this is my place :D

>> No.1068716
File: 2.31 MB, 2656x1494, 20140914_1005031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw having a laugh but they are spot on

Got some material deliveries coming in tomorrow, will try to remember taking some pics.

>> No.1068723


>buys bunker
>sleeps of the floor.

Topkek lad.

>> No.1068728

What do the delivery guys even say about it?
>Yeah I'd like a pizza... my address? I live in a bunker out in the woods, you know the one, right?

>> No.1068732

I love all your pics and desu I would be happy if I had a small cabin in some secluded place like that.


>> No.1068935
File: 92 KB, 800x502, bahnhof-data-center-isp-in-former-nuclear-bunker-from-cold-war-stockholm-sweden-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had the fiber networking installed this week
you should make pic related

>> No.1068947
File: 114 KB, 1546x1159, DSC00695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The base was fairly active, so most "close" truck companies know of the "military mountain". The rest I have to guide over the phone when they get within a few miles.

It's not really a wood cabin, just made to look like one, the concrete base might give it away. Made to withstand a direct hit from a 250kg bomb drop, glass is 3 inches thick and should hold for rocket propelled grenade.

Already ahead of you, this room can hold 3 times that data center. Friend of mine convinced me to set a room away for data center.

>> No.1069053
File: 897 KB, 500x281, 1431232417194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made to withstand a direct hit from a 250kg bomb drop, glass is 3 inches thick and should hold for rocket propelled grenade.

>> No.1069086

I always wanted a comfy bunker with a data center.. b-but s-such is life..

>> No.1069090



what data?

>> No.1069094

Nah, that's a shoop. Or somebody had a helluva big yellow chalk to do that line midway down the wall on the left.

>> No.1069095

>where do clouds live?

>> No.1069103

Is that going to be a theater?

>> No.1069123

It's probably spray-painted.

>> No.1069127

what cloud are you gonna run in your private little datacenter with your little 100MB/s connection?

>> No.1069131

since it's an enormous bunker that can house even hundreds of people, a storage device of some kind is mandatory.. entertainment, informations/documents, utilities.. might as well put the entire humanity knowledge down there

This makes me think, bunkeranon, is every zone of the bunker connected each other? Since it was a military building I except intercoms of some kind, but what about networking?

>> No.1069151
File: 79 KB, 1000x500, s02-ep18-thewoodshop2-1000x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ron Swanson's house

>> No.1069189
File: 915 KB, 1195x2125, 20150408_120633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's spray painted, don't think chalk would be able to stay on very long when submerged.

No, that is the new operations center, you can control the bunker from it. There is a home theater room tho, I posted a few pics back when I sound isolated it.

>tfw 172 fiber pairs, 96 channels @ 40gbit = 337 920 000 mbit/s
(tho only using one channel, so 40gbit)

Fiber is very cheap, ~$2 per meter for a 172 pair cable, bought via Alibaba.

Reusing the old telecom piping in the concrete walls, so protected for the most part.

>> No.1069198

>tfw 172 fiber pairs, 96 channels @ 40gbit = 337 920 000 mbit/s

holy fucking shit, well you could start hosting 4chan I guess

>> No.1069199

You could literally rent the datacentre space out to companies. Pretty sure many people would love to store their backups in a nuclear bunker for maximum security.

>> No.1069202

>tfw 172 fiber pairs, 96 channels @ 40gbit = 337 920 000 mbit/s

so when does immigration start?

>> No.1069220

>>tfw 172 fiber pairs, 96 channels @ 40gbit = 337 920 000 mbit/s

By my math, 40Gbps*96=3,840Gbps=3,840,000Mbps.

Nearly 4Tbps of bandwidth is still ridiculous, but yeah.

>> No.1069230

So you support pisslamist republics? SHAME ON YOU DISGUSTING

>> No.1069234

I hope that comment wasn't made by bunkerbro.

>> No.1069238

That would be if it was one pair, not 172.

>> No.1069242

Guys im the freshest newfag here and I need answers. What is this, and why do i feel excited?

>> No.1069246

Every child dreams of a secret base.
Every man wants a secret base.
Bunkeranon now has 3 secret bases and is living out every child's dream.

>> No.1069247

A rich Swedish guy who refurbishes ex-military bunkers for fun.

>> No.1069249

it's a oil storage bunker, and bunker anon will try to buy it and become the first King Under the Mountain

>> No.1069250

Can we contribute and join?

I think thats the veritable question here.

>> No.1069252

Nah sadly he's said in the past he's not letting anyone join.
Which is both upsetting but a good idea at the same time.

>> No.1069267

I think we should set up our own bunker with blackjack and hookers, and then go to war with his bunker. We have more people. We will win.

>> No.1069270

Why am I just imagining a hole in the ground filled with people sniffing paint?

>> No.1069272

Because you lack hope. It happens a lot here.

>> No.1069321

You ever thought of taking one of those massive chambers, installing a fuck ton of grow lights, and creating an underground jungle?

>> No.1069718

WTF BUNKERBRO. U ANIMAL! Here i am in the middle of the US and i can't beat .4mbps. This guy in bumbfuck sweaded get fiber.

Brb buying a gun and 1 bullet...

>> No.1069722

LOL, just copy this bitch and spam the info. Bunker anon could single handedly get rid of all the fucking banafag trap/mental disorder faggots once and for all.

Blatantly call it 4chan2.0 and not let thos faggots in.

We bring back moot but not let him be a mod for abandoning us

>> No.1069723

Yeah no shit.

He really should resell us one off site and come visit sometimes. We can all have an aloted speace like a minecraft plot to build our own shit on. Would be legit.

>> No.1069724

Essentially unlimited bunkers, internet, and money VS 4 autists with homemade weapons.


>> No.1069727

thanks to bunker bro i now have a dream that will never come true

on an off note, how much do you pay on taxes for these bunker bro?

>> No.1069750
File: 132 KB, 2125x1195, färger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, would be easy to host as I already have the bandwidth and power, but I think Hiro is going to sell it.

That was my friends idea. He wanted to turn one of the tunnels into a bank deposit vault as well, but not that into the idea of having too many strangers running around. Maybe one of the smaller bunkers.

>his invitation was lost in the mail

>it starts

Fiber is cheap, and US labor as well, no idea why you don't already have fiber everywhere.

Sadly you have to be a citizen to own one of these (on the plus side Sweden allows dual citizenship).

Don't give up, these are somewhat cheap. The fun things with these are that the bunker facility and land property is X-classed, which mean non-taxable special property. I do have to pay tax for the guard barracks, but it's like $1000 per year.

>will soon start epoxy painting the floor if anyone has any good suggestions on coloring I'm all ears (color coding so people can find levels/rooms)

>> No.1069810
File: 29 KB, 386x393, 1964522_613536218715069_1747687310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i already have italo-brazillian citizenship
>no bunkers

>> No.1069890

>so people can find levels/rooms

How many guests are you planning on having? Is this going to be a private home?

>> No.1069908

Can't help you with color coding, but for figuring out how to get in and out I can provide advice.

I do a lot of caving, wild caves not Luray "we have lights and handrails" Caverns type caves. Typically they're unmapped so it's easy to get lost in them and die so people will paint double ended arrows on the walls

Red end of the arrow leads further into the cave
Green end of the arrow leads you out of the cave

You could do something like that so you don't have to spend a fuckpile-o-dosh on exit signs that would look like poopoo

I dunno how many floors you got but just do ROY G BIV from floor to floor

>> No.1069991
File: 49 KB, 1000x500, John-Goodman-10-Cloverfield-Lane-Character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaked pic of bunkeranon

>> No.1069993


the idea that bunkeranon is a real person and in order of magnitude dozens of time greater than a fictional character still blows my mind

>> No.1070023

for guiding i would look into airports or hospitals they usual have those

main problem is probably to always let the people now what color is for what direction, one legend at the start wont be sufficient i guess

>> No.1070038


>> No.1070040

I have 100mb/s on my phone I'm holding in my hand in the Funnish countryside.... Unlimited data also :/

>> No.1070051

helo bunkerbro i just have two baby questions for you, how much did just the bunker run you? which area of the world is it in?
that's all thank you i'm just interested because it might be an option for me

>> No.1070054

US canot into mobile/internet services...

>> No.1070291

Our city and state laws are fucked and they tax and fine the ever loving shit out of utilities.

Anytime you close a lane to work on a splice. Anytime you run a conduit under a road, anytime you put a cable in a conduit. Anytime you place a pole. Anytime you hang a foot of cable on a pole.

It's all taxed and fine.

Yeah the labor is only a hundred bucks an hour/three hundred counting insurance fees, tooling, etc... But the cities just fuck you and delay you to no end.

>> No.1070625

What's she gonna do? Walk the thirty minutes back to the freeway and hitchhike home?

>> No.1070633

Use bullseyes like the navy, you can grid the bunker same as a ship

>> No.1070641

>It's the implication

>> No.1070725
File: 14 KB, 800x600, arrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start light blue or green on the top levels, and make it noticeably darker each level you descend. Each wall could also have arrows like this or something to point to exits and stairs.

>> No.1070728
File: 305 KB, 2048x1365, tunnel13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my home, but I'm staying true to it, if it ever needs to be a shelter, everything will be ready. I'm keeping it up to spec or above.

That is pretty good, I think I'll do something with arrows on the lines.

>they know

~$230k, Sweden.

Good for mapping, but I can't tell people to 3-2450-36 to get to the toilets.

>> No.1070739

That's an impressive fiber installation, but there's no way you're going to be able to light all of those lines up to 40gb/s without spending tens of millions of dollars on networking equipment alone.

However, there are probably lots of well-paying customers that would love to host data in a nuclear-proof bunker in a neutral country like Sweden. There are lots of underground data centers in the US Midwest in old salt mines and such that are similar in concept.

>> No.1070745


>> No.1070749

Works a bit different in Sweden. You pay a monthly fee to connect to a room with a switch where all the isp peer bandwidth with each other. Bandwidth itself is free. I have 5x 32 port 40gbit switches I bought of ebay for $1000 each.

>> No.1070771

>that pic

you are my hero and inspiration

>> No.1070805

Follow the brown line to the loo

>> No.1070814

What's the rock type?

T. Geologist

>> No.1070846

If/when I get money, I'm going to buy a plot of land on local coal filled mountain, and "start mining" (read as mining is cover for bunker building). When that happens, I'd be glad for some help from my fellow anons, and for those in the US, I'd be less than a days drive for 80%. But until then, bunkernon, you are an inspiration to us all.

>> No.1070896

Do you have a accurate floor map layout? Not really full on blueprints but if you got them, then could you post one that shows the basic layout per floor?

I mess around with graphic design and would be happy to try to design a very simple floor map for each floor, you can print them and post them in the main corridors to make it feel like less of a maze

>> No.1070898

>graphic design
>floor map

this ain't video game, you know

>> No.1070900

Oh pardon me, I didn't realize I said video game model design. I meant to say graphic design, which is a very broad term including many two deminsional forms. Like logos! Or maps!

>> No.1070901


can you give us an example of your work?

>> No.1070950

Could you fit cars or motorbikes in the tunnels?
If so, you should try to get The Grand Tour to do an episode in your bunker.

>> No.1071095

Unless Bunker anon has an extensive ventilation system, like the ones in long tunnels, that would be very dangerous.

In the same vein, what kind of ventilation system do your bunkers have? I would imagine that if you didn't have a really impressive ventilation system even a small fire might turn into Gotthard Road Tunnel V2. And, to a similar extent what precautions do you have installed in the case that a fire does break out?

>> No.1071111
File: 182 KB, 869x1044, airlock2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta keep it simple.

Northern granite, so very old mountains.

Semi, since this bunker is one in a series - of which one is still active, I can't post too much.

Yes, I have the concrete trucks come and go. I posted a few pics where my friends raced around on atvs.

NBC, air scrubbers, ventilation towers. Not too worried that the granite will burn. You have to remember that these bunkers are like ships, with steel doors between spaces, there is no room for fire to spread - or fuel to keep it burning.

>> No.1071115

bunker anon's nordic fortress is needed for the coming race war in europe

>> No.1071116

will bunker anon and friends fulfill their duty as swedes by housing refugees seeking shelter from the rising nationalistic tide?

>> No.1071139

>Bunker Anon finishes his bunkers
>Swedish government demands he lets the rapist live in the bunker
>Swedish government has taken people's vacation homes to house refugees as well as churches in the past
>forces Bunker Anon to sell the bunkers for a fraction of the price
>/diy/ rages
>from the distance a voice is heard
>it's /int/ and /pol/
>"we fucking told you about Sweden"

>> No.1071207

Well I'd be happy to make a floor layout for you. If you're interested let me know and we can pm about it and keep whatever info private.

>> No.1071237

Best post of 2016

>> No.1071264

What country are these in? Sweden by any chance? And how much did your cheapest bunker cost?

>> No.1071274

I'm rocking that sweet ass Swedish and us dual citizenship, it's fucking cash.

>> No.1071367

>not leting refugees die of starwation or geting lost forever in dungeon...
>not leting refugees fighting each other for food...
>not having slaves in a dungeon...
what a dungeon are you?

>> No.1071370

*dungeon master

>> No.1071382

I would color code it at a spectrum going downwards so that as you go deeper the floors become lighter and warmer. The top floor would be a dark purple or blue than next blue than light blue. Than follow up with green and so forth so you have sets of levels with each color. Also you should have a room that is solid white as the last room with a black desk and black high top chair, for raisins.

>> No.1071408

okay I now demand Bunker Anon outfit his bunker with a maze of some sort. Fill it with traps and various nationalities. Australians, Russians, and Mexicans come to mind. these will cover as orcs, goblins, and trolls. Film that shit and make it a show.

dungeon keeper

>> No.1071472

Never invite Indians to your bunker, they'd assume a brown line means it's a designated shitting corridor

>> No.1071475


>> No.1071481
File: 1.17 MB, 292x323, canyounot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong board, lugnut.

>> No.1071547
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>> No.1071647
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, KingUndertheMountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon.

>> No.1071850

do you have a lot of problems with pests? or is sweden devoid of things like giant spiders, cockroaches and rats?

i'm assuming since it's a bunker in a mountain these would be fairly common

>> No.1071865

How do you afford all this? I remember you saying in another thread that the cost of buying them wasn't too bad, but what about the time/material/maintenance/etc? Are you wealthy?

Keep up the great work!

>> No.1071875

it was explained countless already, read the thread

>> No.1071894

Learn to read.

>> No.1071926

Bunkerbro shit is starting going south, are you going to accept money in exchange for letting people stay in your bunker for a while?

>> No.1071950

underrated post of the board

>> No.1071959

OP are you Swedish?

Is it possible to visit or is it super secret?

>> No.1071972

Somalis, mostly

>> No.1071986

yeah - sell 'access keys' (valid for 6 months, usable only in mass outbreak of global nuclear warfare, Terms & Conditons Apply) to deranged /pol/acks who've convinced themselves, WWIII is on the doorstep. But all 'habbening, inament' memes aside, def. aint the worst political climate to be investing in bunkers. Prep all you like tho, they'll always drop the bomb while your round the shops getting a pint of milk - its Murphys 1st Law of Thermonuclear Conflict.

>> No.1072005


Is there much work to be done on the complex, Id imagine its a concrete nightmare of maintenance and rust?

>> No.1072027

Not That Man chief, apologies if you got that impression from previous post.. how to tell a(n authentic) bunkerbro post, mostly always an image attached, with usually plenty of concrete (he likes concrete), aint seen much rust tho. I'm just an ocassional Hall Under the Mountain King LARP'er - be way over my head keeping that together desu, utmonst respect for the shit he manages gets done.

>> No.1072050
File: 846 KB, 3511x1755, level1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, already have it covered by someone who has no idea what hes actually mapping out :)

>tfw when you as a US citizen have to pay tax in the US even tho you live and work in Sweden

>implying it's not already a maze

No, as there is nothing in the bunker for them to eat, they generally don't go in there. The only pest I have are bats hibernating over the winter in the blast wave tunnels. But they don't really do any harm.

Friends and family first(tm). But if I ever get the others up and running I can probably house quite a lot in the long term. This command center can house ~100 people, but if its just for a few days (lets say natural disaster) I can fit in thousands. It all comes down to waste management, you can only have so many people flush and the waste plant system can only handle 20m3 waste per day.

I've had a few visitors, from old guards, officers, lost mushroom pickers to urban explorers, but I'm trying to keep it down as I'm nearing its completion.

In the last meeting I had with the department of fortifications they actually said that they were halting the decommissioning of the current bunkers due to the oversea developments.

Concrete is great! >>1072027 it can handle almost anything you throw at it, for metals I use aluminum or stainless steel to keep rust at bay. Took almost a year the sanitize replace all the rusted old crap, this time I'm making sure that it will survive for generations. Everything is built to above mil spec. You could flood the bunker with acid and it would just make it nice and shiny.

It helps to add pics so people don't get too confused - otherwise I like my anonymity.

>entrance one with two air intakes, air conditioning room

>> No.1072053

>that model of the rocket from Tintin

>> No.1072057
File: 54 KB, 315x320, 1474704544114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1072091

Good on you for rust proofing it.
It must be nice to have your evil James Bond/Metal Gear villain lair complete with bats.

>> No.1072093

>and the waste plant system can only handle 20m3 waste per day.
Bunker anon. I'm also interested in building a bunker at some point. What's your plan for waste? Since you have a max output per day it sounds like you're piping it out somewhere and not having a static septic tank somewhere. How/where are you sending the waste out? To the rest of the cave system?

>> No.1072298

When that guy makes the floor maps, is that something you think you could post to show off? I think everyone here in /diy/ would love to see it.

>> No.1072301

How many floors is it? If its more than one, does it use stairs only or elevators too?

>> No.1072322
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1476666718714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this

>> No.1072338
File: 84 KB, 585x800, 1436322635351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you find these properties? what do you do with them once you have them?

>> No.1072349

disregard the second question

>> No.1072355

I think he bunkerfies them anon

>> No.1072357

/wsg/ guy her i/m new to /diy/ can some please fill me in?

>> No.1072361

There's a Swedish guy who bought an old air command bunker. He's been renovating it for quite a while.
And /diy/ has lots of people who want to live in bunkers or at least underground.

>> No.1072362


>> No.1072389

>In the last meeting I had with the department of fortifications they actually said that they were halting the decommissioning of the current bunkers due to the oversea developments.

They know that there is going to be a European civil war

>> No.1072554
File: 66 KB, 600x236, colorblind_palette[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always a pleasure to read your posts, bunkerbro. If you have not already decided on a color scheme for your floors, maybe these might be useful.

>> No.1072619

Invite Kraftwerk to do a concert when you're done.

>> No.1073431
File: 173 KB, 1200x800, 18s10-frida-92__mngl_20101018ab5x010,nyh_1.indd_5356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine being inside that place partying hard surrounded by 10/10 masterrace Nordic women while the rest of the world is being pounded into a parking lot and ashes.

>> No.1073553


>> No.1073561


Aren't you concerned that your encroachments upon the subterranean domain of the Vril-ya will be noticed eventually?

>> No.1073786

i think he got rich in the online casino boom

>> No.1073790
File: 347 KB, 1609x982, wasteplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to get a fluffy white cat.

The system does have a number of septic tanks for waste material that is not water, the liquids get cleaned by a redundant system of two of these in the pic. You could probably drink the water that comes out of it, but I just let it go to a nearby lake like the military did.

No, I'm keeping the full floor plans to myself in case of >>1069267

Stairs and elevators, but the military removed the elevators when they decommissioned the bunker so they are now just shafts where I use electric crane/hoists to move heavy material.

Government auction, in my case the Swedish Department of Fortifications.

Thanks for the tip. Just realized this will suck for colorblind people.

>implying Vril-ya shouldn't be concerned with encroaching upon me

>> No.1073970

God i love these threads. More pictures. Make DIY great again.

>> No.1074293
File: 48 KB, 557x600, serveimage(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Har du någon bunker i västerbottens trakten?
Har mycket erfarenhet inom elektronik, starkström, datavetenskap.
Sen har jag endel kunskap inom carpentry, arkitektur och säkerhet.

Söker inte en jobbplats (men är arbetslös) utan en möjlighet att få mer erfarenhet och kunskap. Så jobbar lätt gratis om kriterien möts =).

>> No.1074301

Hörru du sin svenjävel. Keep it English please!

>> No.1074318

But muh master-language? Just felt easier to elaborate in Swedish.

>> No.1074338

You did well here >>1074318
I speak six languages, including Swedish. Still keep it inklish here.

>> No.1074462

Inklish? Isn't rhat from Splatoon

>> No.1074692

lets not urn into the tower of babble here.
>le mao only spek englis + shite chinse

>> No.1075288

>This one is pretty cool;
>200m long
>36m wide
>110m ceiling height
you could make a fucking submarine base if you black a hole toward the sea

>> No.1075298

Copy stargate sg1 color code. Make all floors white and run highway system of lines with signs. Run intercom system cause bunker is huge af. Also us doesnt allow dual citizenry but its going to shit to the point i may look into it. Maybe i van do business as an illegal and get a tax riteoff on my limo service thats gonna cost money.

Closest thing im getting to a bunker is burying an system of old oil tanks on my land i get in spring. I will post on hwere as i discover awesome shit in all of the full outbuildings.

Keep it up bunkerbro, and godbless

>> No.1075302

Me too. But my best friends grandpa is 99 and lives underground. I break ground in may for my bunker. It can be done on a shit scale if u have too. Sad. I fill like im digging a hole that fails in comparison. I am the cuckshed bro of underground living.

>> No.1075305

Well, i (can) get att at my home but not work. And i have att phone but limited data. I am trying to figure out a plan to get att and mount a booster. I live 6 miles from work and if i can bounce att to one friends roof, and build a phony aparatas that looks official and mount on top of the water tower i can bounce att to work and not need 2 sevices. But networking is foreign to me and that geat is high as fuck. If tmobile gets service at work i will do that.

And my neighbor is my isp so i just use my 4g and bitch... sucks. They cool but their internet sucks horsecock. Got amazone prime for tv and cant even use it...

>> No.1075313

As a miner of many years to day can u tell me how close u are to southeast ks?

Ill come work a weekend day for beer and bullshitting. Will bring buddies i trust.

I can run pretty much anything. My buddy is drill/blaster and he'd be down. I can legally handly dynamite and he has blast liscense. Ud have to be a mine and hire us part time and then fire us. But honestly i would hide that shit the best u can until fucking faggot MSHA shows up and u get a fine for me punching him in his faggot head. Going legit will rape u with legal shit. I can legit help u with the rules and give pretty good advice. Ive worked for a cocksucker hitler and some smooth running folks that know thier shit.

My exoertise is rock mining but if i cant help u i know guys that can...

Good luck.

I will be doing the same thing in may and if there is rock to be had i'm crushing it in the trees.

>> No.1075317
File: 35 KB, 533x415, FB_IMG_1477324127409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is fpv drone torture from an office in the us?

I have access to abandoned rock quarries and a mobile plant. For a price bunkerbro can move to kansas.

I even have a house he can live in or a camper he can borrow until construction is complete.

I will quit my job and run the day to day operations of the digging crews.

Bonus points for selling the crushed rock at a profit and cheap labour because me and my guys want a good job where the boss isnt a cocksucker. I will be sad to quit but i want back in a shovel or a hoe. And i wheel buy front wheel bearing assembies and replace them on my time after i bust them riding wheelies all over the place.

If you have to blow up your bunkers come to Kansas Bunkerbro.

America would love to have you.

I promise we do some entertsining shit for a bunch of drunken rednecks.

And i know a lot of millionairs.

U could be strickly a mpney partner and make a fortune not doing a fucking thing....

>> No.1075321

Just woke my wife up. Laughing i cried for 10 minutes.

Thanks faggot...

>> No.1075324

U know, bunkerbro should considder mining and crushing the inside. If laws allow the free water for washing rock he could have free rock for his concrete and save litteral tons of money. God that saltwater will play hell with your screens tho....

>> No.1075327
File: 36 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1477324681180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some wealthy frie ds that love this shit Bunkerbro. If u bild a motel in the future we are coming to party. You will need that bunker to contain our bullshit....

>> No.1075330

Yo senpai. I got a foundry and can hook u up building one cheap over there. Can make anything from aluminum.

Also picking up blacksmithing if u have an address we can bouncemail u some battle axes and shit to post.

Also got a buddy in town who does bake on epoxy coating of steel parts specifically for the use in downhole oilfield saltwater pump aplications if u want your shit to last forever.

Between the parts and coating and shipoing it may be an ill attempted venture. But he may divulge the process so u can coat it yourself.

>> No.1075341

Interesting thing is, the US DOES allow dual citizenship, but only for individuals who's first citizenship isn't the US.
So if you want to abandon your US citizenship and then apply for secondary citizenship in the US, you can.

>> No.1075344

Hi, my plans are still a few years off unfortunately as right now, im just re-entering the workforce. My plans are for the eastern coal fields of Tennessee and the Carolina's so a fair day's drive would get you here, but right now there is nothing to do and no land to do it on. If the US is still around in 20-30 years, I'd welcome the help, but until then....
It isn't profitable for big coal to mine any more without surface pit mining, and local governments are very against that, so what resources are still here will stay here.

>> No.1075347

Since your a rock guy, I might add, mostly quartz and granite around here, and aside from coal, there are vanes of potassium, natural potash, and various salts. My childhood home was solid quartz 3 inches down, to dig a hole we litterly used a pickaxe after scraping the dirt off the top.

>> No.1075364
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I might just fucking move and them come get a drivers liscense. I grew up here and if i kep it a secret nobody would ever know. Id never get deported. Ive seriously thought about it but dont wanna be unpatriotic. We are buying a cuckshed in new zealond if the fucking muslims continue the unholy crusade tho...

>> No.1075365

Well hopefuly trump lets yall continue the strip mining. Im bringing the work drill over and makng my faggot friend take 1,000 random core samples. Crossing fingers my land has mineable rock. Its very likely a cointoss around here. Hope i dont blow my house up digging the pit...

>> No.1075366

Lol, nice. Yeah, gamble throwing a post on here if u ever start. We'll load up for a 3 or 4 day weekend and put a couple solid 12's in. Maybe more.

>> No.1075371

How is your legal rights as an owner are protected in case things get crazy?

>> No.1075876

>tfw no rave cave.

>> No.1075877

You doing this jsut as a hobby or are you gonna try to make money of of this in the future.

>> No.1075887

If you're going to play the paranoia game, there's always the possibility that the laws change.

>> No.1075939

Holy shit! You are a genius bunkeranon

>> No.1076941

how was that space used? just filled with oil and pumped when needed?

>> No.1076953

Pumped full when needed, left barren and forgotten at all other times

[Spoiler] a bit like your mother [/spoiler]

>> No.1076992
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>> No.1077017



>> No.1078054


>> No.1078101
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 1469662804144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought of setting up a youtube channel?

Filming your progress and explaining your plans, would be interesting for a large audience.

Hell you would probably get some decent money coming in on the side from it as well.

>> No.1078185

>tiles, it had to be tiles
Jesus holy fuck. I'm a tiler by trade and that makes me physically giddy just thinking about a job that size!

>> No.1078197


>> No.1078219

Any updates bunkerchap?

>> No.1078272

can't make a bunker on my own land. stupid county regulations on basements demand escape windows or a door in all new basements.

they even turned down my proposal or escape tunnel that comes up through the floor of my shack.

>> No.1078279


>> No.1078280

Tell your country to suck a weeping willow trunk sized cock and so it anyway asscuck faggots demanded i make "escape window." Too fat to escape through 3 grand window. Suck my 1 inch dick

>> No.1078372

Hey bunkerbro, any change of uploading an archive of the earlier pics?

>> No.1078388

what country?

>> No.1078570

BUNKER BRO, I live in Finland, any chance I could come take a look at your bunker? It's too far of a trip

>> No.1078657

*not too far. damnit

>> No.1078664

Plan B: don't tell anyone.

>> No.1078857
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>tfw finally get my submarine base
Sadly it is about 1km of granite between the bunker and the sea. The pipeline connecting it is about 50cm in diameter, so RC toy submarine base for now.

Need to find a good intercom system. Been looking at what miners use.

How crazy are we talking about? If you mean war, law will never protect you.

As a hobby, but will probably make some money out of it by renting out some spaces.

Someone has to keep the defense going while the government is butchering it ;)



Don't think there is that wide of an audience.

Would take me years to tile, the thought of all that tiling makes me nauseous.

Sure, have a pic of the control room.

Nope. Gotta catch all them bunker threads as they happen. Watch out for the containers.

Nice try, Skyddspolisen.

>> No.1078917

>Don't think there is that wide of an audience.
1. You never know 2. Why would you need one? If was doing something cool enough to be shared, I'd be happy to have a small devoted audience and you already do.

>> No.1078946

You made me want to have a bunker.
Not like I hadn't such thoughts before, but now I want it for real.

And I'd slap a palace above it.

>> No.1078955

So build a bumker with an escape window and hide that bich in thick bushes or trees.

Fuck the law on what u can build. Long as it only caves in and buries you alive in your cargo container anyway.

>> No.1078957


My dad says im the mailman's kid. Are we long lost brothers?

>> No.1078969

Good idea bunkerbro. Im sure the walls would play hell but if laws allow repeaters u could do cheap cb's. Or use some of you fucking 10terrabit eathernet and skype with shit laptops. Miners thing is a good idea and safer should something happen. Probably more secure too. I'm a miner but im strip mining kansas for rock. And i dont like talking to people so i plugged a broken cb in. Fuckem

>> No.1078971
File: 37 KB, 400x300, 2e80cd2aa85524350a3c2ac90e8074a3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't think there is that wide of an audience.

Nigga. Make 1 anonymous 2 minute video going over this whole deal in a summary and spam it here 1 time.

Adcents be so far up your ass you will have to pay an accountant.

>> No.1078974

KEK. drunk and at home on wifi and samefag myself. Suck my 1 inch cock. Weeping williw sized dick. I crack myself up.

>> No.1079166

Nigga any man would love to see videos of another man working on every mans dream.
I'd love it if you made youtube videos so then I could actually subscribe and keep fully up to date as I've been following this since the first thread.

>> No.1079663
File: 284 KB, 1280x1177, 7 - AfBj1Yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a wiki for bunkerbro?
I need to know how the fuck do you finacne this? Do you work a job and do bunker stuff on weekends?
Do you have a family/SO?`
Are you just filthy rich and do this shit full time?

Also what län/kommun (however specific you want to go) is your main bunker in? I want to "get lost" "mushroom picking" and "accidentally" find it.


>> No.1079692

Not him but from what i can tell he made a shitload in the online poker playing days.

Now he is a rich bachelor buying up cheap bunkers in i think sweden?

Has one or 2 and trying to get 2 more.

He will not let us faggots over to ruin his life.

He seems like a coolbro and is simply living every kids dream living like mole people ina cave.


>> No.1080090

Think there's a bunch in the attr chives but no one seems to ever repost his pictures. Think it's out of respect but the pics are truly awe inspiring

>> No.1080095

So you actually live in this bunker? What do you do for cooking? Have you built a kitchen yet or are you using camping stoves or something else?

Fantastic project btw, it just makes me glad there are people like you in the world.

>> No.1080202
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U good anon.

Although the movie is shitty as hell I like to watch it ~once per year