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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1043384 No.1043384 [Reply] [Original]

Post your most recent projects.

>> No.1043393

hey i'm actually trying to build something like this for rear surround sound speakers right now, but it can't it can't get it even so it doesn't wobble; it stands up okay but it's uneven as hell and ugly - any insight?

>> No.1043396
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My first one did sway quite a bit actually. I opted for MDF over the scrap particle board I was using which made the bases a bit more sturdier. I'd recommend you sand the bottoms and the tops of your bases and both the tops and bottoms of your inner posts to make sure they're flat. It's also vital that the posts are all exactly cut to length. If you're using screws, use more than one on each post as it just creates a pivot point otherwise. Eventually I opted to glue the posts which I probably should have done in the first place. Since these speakers are about 10 kg each, you can imagine that it swayed quite a lot. Hope that helps.

>> No.1043407

Wouldn't it fall due Vibration and stuff?

>> No.1043411

It's on a foam piece

>> No.1043413
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x4188, mics_before_after_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been rescuing and refurbing old mics. It's terrific fun and there's a handsome profit to be made when the right buyer comes along.

>> No.1043419

That's actually pretty cool. Do you also replace the internal electronics?

>> No.1043421

Poor design choice imo. Having only three legs conflicts heavily with the rectangular base, top, and square legs.

>> No.1043428

Yeah, again. It's not the best design. It was more about the look more than anything. It's functional, and as I said before. It's way more sturdier now than it previously was which is all I need it to be.

>> No.1043430

I keep everything as original as possible. When the mic cartridge/diaphram are still working I do everything possible to keep them and just fix the wires or coneectors or whatever else. The 4 mics in that pic are all original electronics except for the Astatic Commentator (second from the top). The diaphram was ripped and the 3-pin Astatic adapter was cracked. SO I put a similar new dynamic element in it and updated the connectors to standard XLR. it's still charming as a refurbed 1944 collectible, but it's modernized. it was the best I could do under the circumstances.

>> No.1043439

It's refreshing to see someone taking care of old equipment. Nice stuff! Do you have anymore pictures?

>> No.1043440
File: 1.66 MB, 3405x2269, IMGP9930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the "mic museum" at its height. I'm in selling mode now, so once I net a few hundred back I'll begin the process all over again.

>> No.1043450

cool thanks, i've got plywood bases now so maybe i'll make a switch

>> No.1043452

Wow this is great. Nice picture too.

No worries, as >>1043421 said it may be not the best design for durability and stability but mine works pretty good.

>> No.1043789

Where did you even acquire all of those microphones?

>> No.1043835

yard/garage sales, ebay, CL, estate sales, etc

>> No.1043838

For how long have you been doing this? The collection is astonishing!

>> No.1043844
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The mic thing only since January, but I've been doing /diy/ music stuff for a long time. It was in January that I semi-lost my shitty job (see >>1043512) so I decided to start just working for myself, and the mic refurbs are one thing to supplement my income.