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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 158 KB, 814x531, LARGEDOGRUN_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022996 No.1022996 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone think of a way to attach a dog run to the ground in a garage so it can't be pushed around? It's in a rented house so I presumably can't drill shit into the concrete.

>> No.1023000

Stakes/tent pegs would be the obvious solution... I assume you've tried that already?

>> No.1023001

If you mean a fenced run, a cinder block in each corner should do the trick. For a corded run, she concept: drop the cable end into a cinder block and pour in a shovelful of quick-crete.

>> No.1023002

Tie the four corners to four opposing points in the garage, like on eyelets screwed into the studs. Or, put dog cage at very back of garage, pin in place with car.

>> No.1023003

>Stakes/tent pegs
>in a garage

Stop and think about that for a moment.

>> No.1023004

You can push a tent stake through a concrete floor? I'm doubtful, but intrigued.

>> No.1023005

Put against wall and attach vertical bars to it.

>> No.1023024

drill into concrete with sds drill and attach threaded rod . if you move fill with cement or polyfilla

>> No.1023042
File: 70 KB, 500x500, SA28470F-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy tubes of sand put them along the bottom on the outside.
They are dirt cheap, dont take up much space.

If youre worried about your particular dog jumping into the side of the fence, potentially tipping it over, you can use like long cable ties or something to tether the chain link around the sand bags

I cant think of anything else that is easy and isnt prohibited because you are a renter

>> No.1023046

Put a floor in it. No anchors needed.

>> No.1023054

Sorry, I was looking at the picture.

>> No.1023058

this is a bad idea. dog will most likely claw them.

>> No.1023064


>> No.1023070

depends on the dog

but I would fill some buckets with concrete/sand and then cable them to the posts

>> No.1023073
File: 191 KB, 800x600, cinderblock01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use some cinder blocks in the corners on the inside. 1 per corner.

>> No.1023078


through the fence?

>> No.1023083

Electrify fence.

>> No.1023087


just drop some dyna bolts in.

>> No.1023094

I mean it could try and claw it, but those bags are pretty stout anyways
If it did rip, sand isn't gonna kill the dog

>> No.1023097

Can I ask why? That seems like a really shitty place for a dog to have to hang out. Like, maybe on gras it would be okay but in the garage? Hopefully this is short term?

>> No.1023410

Yeah seconding this
I don't know why some people get dogs, and then shove them in a dog house or a small cage in the back yard. Let your pets in your house yo

>> No.1023416

Making some pretty big projections there

>> No.1023418

Projecting what? A desire to not see an animal that requires a bit of legroom, deprived of legroom..?

>> No.1023419

Would it be obvious afterwards, or likely to like crack the foundation or some shit? I don't know anything about concrete.

These won't work because the bags would get chewed and the blocks wouldnt be heavy enough. Might work with big as fuck rocks though, and i also like the "attach it to the wall" idea.

Probably should have mentioned this will be for winter housing for an african crested porcupine, not a dog. He'll be allowed out, but I can't really just leave an animal like that loose in a house for long periods when people are gone.

>> No.1023421

Does it actually matter if it nudges the enclosure around though? As long as it's heavy enough for him not to lift you should be sweet.

>> No.1023425

>Projecting what? A desire to not see an animal that requires a bit of legroom, deprived of legroom..?

Yes, exactly. Listen to yourself and reread your post.
You are fabricating some sort of scenario in your head when you have literally no clue about OP or his intentions at all.

Good job

>> No.1023428

I'm not >>1023410 or >>1023097

There is a difference between projecting malice, and projecting concern. I read both posts as an expression of concern for the welfare of the animal. From the sounds of the angle you chose to take on it however (they must be talking about animal abuse, not the prevention of), I dare say the problem is in your head, not theirs.

But whatever, we've discussed you enough, this is not your thread.

>> No.1023431

>I read both posts as an expression of concern for the welfare of the animal.

Yes, hostile unfounded self-congratulatory projections that shit on the thread.
You shouldnt have to justify anything, you asked for help, not for a lecture from some retards who are inferring things.

> From the sounds of the angle you chose to take on it however (they must be talking about animal abuse, not the prevention of)

The angles are both exactly the same. Either you are abusing your animal, or you clearly plan on abusing your animal.
There is no other way to take it.

>But whatever, we've discussed you enough

We havent discussed ME any. We have had busybodies chiming in complaining about YOU.

>> No.1023439
File: 60 KB, 470x685, Doctor_offering_a_box_of_tissues-s470x685-195583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks i'm OP
> he's this butthurt

Pretty sure you're the one who shat on the thread by making an unrelated post that implied implications. Now settle down before your mascara starts to run.

>> No.1023441

I mean not if it's just a little bit. Just can't have it so it can get pulled to a wall and it gnaws a huge hole in it, or is routinely dragging the entire thing across the room whenever it wants.

>> No.1023442

Pile some rocks on a dolly with locking wheels.

>> No.1023443

This post is so highly ironic when you look at who its defending

>> No.1023445

>blocks wouldnt be heavy enough

Cinder blocks normally weigh 25lbs each. 4 of them is 100lbs. They are cheap.

>> No.1023446
File: 163 KB, 1440x1490, 1468520105610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the official consensus from the OP and /diy/ is that nothing can be done. No tie down or weight will be sufficient against the overwhelming force that is doggo.

>> No.1023463

>people worry about doggo
>op is being reasonable and explains that it's for a pet that can happily live in the cage
>people are still being outraged on his behalf
Jesus cease

>> No.1023466

More like
>demanding an explanation why someone might actually own a large cage for an animal

This is the definition of todays "sjw" faggots.
The same type of people who will go around to dog parks and start talking shit to someone who has a dog with a cropped tail, not knowing anything about the person or the dog.

Gotta find something to be outraged about.

>> No.1023511

>demanding an explanation why someone might actually own a large cage for an animal

He's keeping a woman in it, not a dog. Which is why the simple stuff like using a few cinder blocks won't work.

>> No.1023637 [DELETED] 

Dude the concept of cages that small for dogs outside is really fucked up considering how we literally forced dogs to evolve to be completely codependant on us

>> No.1023644

Dude the concept of cages that small for dogs outside is really fucked up considering how we literally forced dogs to evolve to be completely codependant on us

It's nothing like the cropped tail. No matter what kind of dog you have, locking them outside just isn't right. If you don't want a dog in your house, then don't own a dog.

>> No.1023660

Glad to know you came into the thread with an agenda instead of trying to help OP

>> No.1023662

Ah yes, the liberal agenda
that thing that totally exists outside of tumblr

his question has been answered. Cinderblocks. Done. They cost like a dollar.

>> No.1023665

>the liberal agenda

Nice strawman.
You literally came into the thread to yell at OP because you have a problem with dog cages.

Yet somehow when I respond to it, I am the one going off topic and derailing the thread.
You can be a loud self serving faggot no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on.

>> No.1023668

Make a concrete block, make dog stand in it before it sets, no need for dog run, very simple solution and probably the best yet

>> No.1023679

You don't even need a fence, just set a chain in a cinder block and attach the other end to the dawg.

>> No.1023732

tl;dr all posts... but as one post said put a floor in it. dog won't be able to move the whole thing if it is standing on the floor which is attached to the walls. or get some of those post jacks. you can set them up at the corners and they will wedge between the floor and the ceiling holding the cage in place. can also attach the cage to these posts with wire or zip ties rope or whatever for extra security. easy to install. easy to remove and won't be damaging anything

>> No.1023766

Yeah sorry I worte that when I was half asleep. I could definitely put a shitload of cinder blocks around the enclosure, that's a pretty good idea.

I thought of a floor too, but no idea what I would make it out of. More chainlink material would work, but would be super uncomfortable. Wood would get ruined with shit and piss and chewed horrendously. I like the post jack idea, but am not sure it'd work in a garage with presumably really high ceilings without being super expensive.

Looks like the shitload of cinderblocks is the easiest and cheapest solution.

>> No.1023806

Oh no, everybody knows dogs are deathly allergic to dirt and sand.

>> No.1023951

How beastly is this thing? 4 cinder blocks should be enough, or do 8. (2 on each side at the corners) tie the cage down to the blocks to keep him from lifting it. If you're STILL worried about your porcupine escaping. Fill the blocks with quickcrete. That'll give you ~200 - 400 lbs of weight with 4-8 cemented blocks. You can also buy solid blocks, which would probably be easier. But hey, if you filled them yourself you could have the rope / chain be part of the blocks then. Also be sure to throw down plenty of straw matting for it. Floor will be cold in the winter.

>> No.1023996

>shitload of cinderblocks

What the hell are your dogs doing, football tackling the side of the enclosure? As little as 2 blocks in opposite corners should work.

>ruined with shit and piss

You are a bad animal owner is stuff like that is happening on a regular basis.

>> No.1024039


>railroad ties
>metal beams
>giant pumpkins
>old furniture
>big rocks
>small rocks in a bucket
>bales of hay
>bales of straw
>deep freezes
>any heavy objects at all

take any of the above and set it outside the cage on each side, cage wont move.

>> No.1024205
File: 135 KB, 960x775, ACPProfilePic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is probably what I'm going to do, thanks!

Again, I'm talking about an extremely powerful 60 pound rodent, not a dog.

>> No.1024219
File: 99 KB, 800x565, Wooden_pallet_with_glove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put in a pallet. Glove optional.

>> No.1024225

A dog run? *Inside* a garage?
why dont you just put the dog in the garage and close the door?