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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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101596 No.101596 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start writing and selling E books. Any tips on how to get started, formatting, selling or anything is greatly appreciated.

>> No.101602
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be completely full of shit and study marketing
that's always a great start

>> No.101604


>> No.101611

come on DIY I know one of you has got to know something about this.

>> No.101612

Use amazon createspace if you're planning on anything bigger(fiction or such).

If you intend to write shorter marketable snippets about finance or marketing or whatever then, well, first ask yourself if you're able to tell vile lies and cheat people out of their money with a straight face, if you planned a career of murdering old people to get their spare change before thinking of e-books, then you're straight on track for sucess.

>> No.101616
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Pretty much this. Make a pretentious blog/site where you tell how wonderful your book is and how it helps to lose weight/get muscle/gain height/make you straight/something like that in just 4/6/8 weeks; them make false statements of people who had their lifes changed thanks to it. Make fake accounts in small to medium forums/communities, or in places like download sites about how good your book is but you can't find a .pdf anywhere but the official site, ask if anyone bought it to see if it's legit, etc. Also, put somewhere in the site (really small font optional) that you don't refund. Put in big letters that for limited time you're putting a SPECHUL PRICE from 39,99 to 9,99 or something like that and set a fake paypal account to receive the dosh, another fake (more than one to move the money in small quantities is optional and slow, but less likely to get caugh... for a while) to receive the money from the first one and finally your official account, and wait for the money. This most likely won't give you much, but if you have the time and patience to set up like 4 or 5 of these you're surely getting at least some income.

>> No.101617

I don't understand why I need different pay pal accounts. I understand how to do all that annoying advertising but it's not like I'm doing anything illegal when they buy one.

>> No.101620

Don't forget that you'll be competing with a few million douchebags of similar calibre that's also doing it. I hope you have the worst of luck and get run over by a disgruntled customer/victim.

>> No.101624

If they whine enough Paypal can deny to let you move money from the account. They also get suspicious if they see accounts that are not verified moving too much money at once/moving money constantly to other accounts. I dunno, I just feel it would be safer.

Also this >>101620, except for the bitter "worst of luck" bit.

>> No.101626

What I meant was why do I need to move money at all. Why can't I just leave it in one paypal account.

>> No.101628

Because it can get reported and blocked.

>> No.101633

If you're serious about selling them, hook up with an affiliate site. They'll do most of the marketing work, but you only get a small percentage of the profit.

>> No.101638

reported and blocked for doing what

>> No.101666


>> No.101724

One word: Public domain. That being said: