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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 109 KB, 2000x1213, pipe_bent_cognacclassicbent_204_SKU_70610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1013839 No.1013839 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here woodwork pipes or know some good pipe resources?

>> No.1014401
File: 34 KB, 378x264, MagrittePipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1014410

Not really, I know Briar and Bog oak where popular woods to make them out of though.

>> No.1014420

Not that I know of more than you, making a wood pipe is basically wood carving. The biggest thing about wood pipes is proper usage, care, and maintenance while using it. That way it doesn't get destroy or has it lifespan shortened.

>> No.1014470

I have never thought about this before.... but if pipes are made of wood, why don't they burn?

>> No.1014480

they do, only very slowly
they can transfer the heat to tobacco, which burns better
same reason why you can boil water in paper cup on fire

plus, it's not that much heat produced to start hardwood on fire

>> No.1014490
File: 1.02 MB, 1836x3264, IMG-20151106-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made two pipes myself. It is pretty easy.

Briar wood is used in 99% of pipes but bog oak is also possible but it is harder to get in in a good and consistent quality.
There are preworked biar wood pieces which already have two wholes drilled and a mouthpiece fitted. If you want to start right away and just want the pipe in your design, I'd say get one of them.

>> No.1014495
File: 47 KB, 640x427, Hobby_bent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one of the preworked pieces. They cost like 20 bucks and safe you the hassle of making the mouthpieces.

Another material for pipes is Sepiolite also called Meerschaum. When it is wet you can cut it like soap but once hardened again it is like stone. Getting it in its raw form is a bitch tho because the Turks who have the biggest deposits of it aren't really selling it.

>> No.1014744

yeah the meerschaum pipes are cheap as fuck if you go overseas. All hand carved and amazing. Then you go online and try to find one and the cheapest one are shit and like $300

>> No.1014755

You can use pretty much any fruit wood for a pipe. They won't last as long, but chances are you'll be able to find materials for cheaper if you can find some locally.

>> No.1014759

Fiddy bux on eBay. Block, not pressed.

>> No.1014763

I meant a finished one, but I get your point.

>> No.1014770

B-but anon, this is /diy/. That said, finished meerschaum pipes can be found pretty cheap on fleabay too...but I'll bet they're pressed, not block.

>> No.1014772

>These are authentic high quality solid block Meerschaum and have been cut into easily manageable sizes for use on a lathe.
Is that a normal method for making pipes?

>> No.1014839

I like wooden pipes that are flat/straight. and they are very easy to make. its just a hole for the bowel, and then another hole for the stem to attach too. the flat pipes are best if you carry around in your pocket, and make you seem less like a hipster faggot out in public. because from the sides/front it just looks like about the size of a cigar.

alternatively if you smoke and aren't looking for a large investment. rolling your own tobacco can be had for pretty cheap, a 5lb bag cost like, what? 40 bucks? a little rolling station is like 14ish bucks [but you can DIY your own very easily] all you would need is to find some sort of vintage cig tin, to store them inside of.

>> No.1015139

Sounds like you're describing the turd-shaped one some anon posted here in a previous pipe thread. Besides, aren't vapes the new hipster thing or is that too mainstream now?

>> No.1015143
File: 9 KB, 354x354, x354-q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Like pic related.

>> No.1015144

That just looks even more hipster.

>> No.1015145

But the one I'm talking about has a little lid/cap to hold in your packed tabacco. And to extinguish any burning tabacco so you can quickly stick it in your pocket during a smoke if you have too.

It makes sense for someone who wants to have a small wooden pipe, and be on the go.

>> No.1015213


I bought a cool small pipe from a smoke shop one time. It has a little spining lid on it, so I can carry it in my pocket.

I love smoking weed out of fancy pipes like a supreme gentleman.

>> No.1015214
File: 45 KB, 800x342, wooden-pipe-with-lid-length-ca-85mm~2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks like this.

>> No.1015304

Is that oak?

>> No.1015313

looks like oak

>> No.1015315

Why would someone make a pipe out of oak?

>> No.1015389

Because he's a weed smoker.

>> No.1015395

using wood for weed is an awful idea. The tar / thc would gunk the fuck out of it. This is why 99% all weed pipes are glass. Wood pipes are for pipe tobacco which is cheaper and slightly cleaner than cigs bought in bulk

>> No.1015399

Get on my level.


>> No.1015562


Haha, yeah, it doesn't matter to me much.


Sometimes I suck a flame through and burn off the resin from the sides. A glass pipe with a cap would be pretty cool.

>> No.1015595

Why not make a cap for one out of silicone or something? Fill the bowl with something and make it level with the top, then mold the silicone right on there somehow. It'll be airtight and heat resistant.

>> No.1015672


I would like to find something to plug one, but I don't know how it would work. All of the glass pipes I've had were smooth with no indents around the bowl.

>> No.1015679

If the outside of the bowl is tapered enough then a silicone cover might be able to stretch just enough to stay on it.

>> No.1015798
File: 192 KB, 864x590, x12-11-12-Bocote1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NbIxYTObia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely not Oak but I almost certain it's Bocote. I'm not as sure about the other but I think that's Wenge on the lid

>> No.1015815
File: 5 KB, 279x181, Money pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.1015820
File: 159 KB, 220x123, fuck me right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brass pipe
>higher level ayy lmao

it looks god awful. How are you supposed to appreciate it? Is the screw on top, the rubber mouth piece and the dozen of stupid odd shaped pieces the appeal here?

It looks like you smoke your tobacco right off the brass with no brair cake or anything, which I am sure is just dead weight anyway, right!?!?

>> No.1015821

Pretty sure it's not for tobacco.

>> No.1016163

Pipe smoker here.

That looks unwieldy.

>> No.1016292
File: 71 KB, 534x712, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking simple you plebs

>> No.1016841

Now smoke them all at once.

>> No.1017095



>> No.1017115

This is a vintage meme holy shit.

>> No.1017348

Churchwarden or die.

>> No.1017592

How do I make long bent stems?

>> No.1017597

Carve straight wooden stem.
Soak in hot water.
Bend to desired radius.
Clamp in place.

>> No.1017609

What kind of bit should I use to drill the hole?

>> No.1017622

>putting a pipe in a lathe
oh lawd why am i laughing

>> No.1017996
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, Keep it Classy (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke both my hands carving my own pipe shortly after posting this. The pipe is made from fence wood, shaped like BamBam's club, no sanding, rough square chamber, no varnish - smoking dry, leftover Swisher Sweet tobacco.
It was supposed to look like a Poker design, but I underestimated the strength of wood and overestimated the power of my 3$ hunting knife, which I broke. Typing with my left, blisters on my right, my hands hurt like fucking hell I can barely move them - or type.

Don't hurt yourself whittling OP
I might stick to cigars until I have woodcarving tools, a power drill, and sandpaper.

>> No.1018145

How did you manage to fuck up that badly? Also what the heck are you doing carving pipes out of shit you found lying around. Smoking is unhealthy, but that doesn't mean you don't have to care about what wood you're using.

It's a good thing your knife broke while you were doing something unimportant, imagine the trouble you'd be in if you actually needed it for something important. If you want a good cheap bushcraft knife, get a Mora. If you want a good cheap pocket knife, get an Opinel. Learn to maintain and sharpen your knives. Also learn your limits. If your hands start to hurt because you don't do this sort of stuff often, take a break and do something different.

>> No.1018266

Pain didn't start until more than 8 hours later, reaching peak as I went to sleep.
I don't have cherry wood growing dollar bills in my backyard.
I had no clue how strong I am. And I thought it was impossible to break my own hands, purposefully. I don't have that kind of self-harm will-power.

>> No.1018316

Carving is nice for killing time, but if you used an electric or pneumatic die grinder it would be far less effort when roughing. There are many interesting options for smoothing and finishing materials which traditional /diy/ers don't think to use. You can run sanding rolls and flap wheels with a die grinder and mount the grinder in a vise. Die grinders spin faster than most drills and are plentiful used.

>putting a pipe in a lathe

Whatever works if you can fixture it. We used to make chillums in wood shop class. The ninety degree relationship between Eurostyle pipe stems and bowls isn't functionally necessary and chillums are much easier to clean. We used screens instead of a stone for convenience.
