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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 25 KB, 360x360, pb blaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
980096 No.980096 [Reply] [Original]

We're all conditioned to avoid products that look like snake oil. The 'as seen on TV' look is like neon on a frog or blue hair on a woman - it's nature's way of warning us of the inherent danger.

But the exceptions exist for every rule... post stuff you swear by, that also looks like it should be in the dollar bin at Walmart. Pic most certainly related: PB Blaster.

>> No.980100

worst packaging ever

it doesn't even say the name of the product anywhere on the can

>> No.980124
File: 303 KB, 1600x1600, DrBronners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever read any of the stuff written on Dr. Bronners liquid soap? Ravings of a madman. But it's some damn fine soap.

>> No.980135

uhh dead center "blaster" then right next to that in giant font "PB"

>> No.980149

surviving a concentration camp might have had a part in that

>> No.980157
File: 21 KB, 500x500, donteat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff... smells great. works perfectly. great for getting labels off glass booze bottles. and pine rosin off your hands.

>> No.980158

"fabulous blaster" then it says "PB powerful penetrating catalyst"

it doesn't say "PB Blaster" anywhere

>> No.980160
File: 97 KB, 333x500, EngineStarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, some products' packaging is pretty good.

>> No.980168

Oh Straya, never change.

>> No.980170

they took their guns, raised taxes, let SJW's and feminist into office.

straya is dead.

>> No.980232
File: 32 KB, 235x600, general-wire-snake-oil-quart-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with snake oil OP?
If you don't use it your snake gets rusted and fragile and may snap in a drain.

>> No.980238

I have bought and used that stuff.

People rave about how great it makes their hair look, and I have real finicky hair so I tried it.

It was literally the worst shampoo I have ever used in my life.
My hair ended up feeling like straw, and no matter how much you tried to wash it out it leaves a weird film in your hair. Comb your hair and it will have fucking white shit come off in it.

I tried it for like 2 weeks, and the weirdly enough the stuff made my eyes blurry. I went to bed right after a shower and woke up with blurry eyes, and then one day after a shower I got some in my eyes and they got pretty blurry.
Not just need to wipe your eyes because they are watery blurry, like something is in your eyes blurry that takes several minutes of you wiping and blinking for it to subside.

When I found out that old man Bronner used it to wash twice a day since the early 50s, but literally went blind in the late 60s it scared me...

I was having the blurry eyes before I watched the documentary, so its not just in my head.

But hey, it does give your body a pretty good tingle when you are using it. It kinda hurts your lungs though.
Ive never found it to clean much of anything else, and I have a big ass bottle of it.

>> No.980241


>25% ether
this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.980247

They pay less for stuff than we do though.
When you take into account how much the average person gets paid, vs the price of their goods they get off way better than Americans do.

I find it funny that they bitch and complain that a 60$ video game costs 90$ in AUS.
8.2 working hours vs 5.2 working hours at minimum wage to afford the same product.

You would have to make at least 12$ US to equal the buying power of Australias minimum wage.

>> No.980267

these bottles always remind me of timecube.org

>> No.980315

Nowadays $12 isn't even much.
New York and California are going forward with a plan to increase their minimum wage from $8 to $15 by around 2022.

>> No.980317

Thats almost double minimum, and just because a handful of states its higher (where cost of living is higher) doesnt change the fact that there is a ton of low minimum wage states.

>> No.980320

$90 vidya game
And that's if you're lucky it didn't get censored to shit.

>> No.980816

Turtle Wax is a well known brand.
Pardon my ignorance but why? >>980315
By 2022?!
Bullshit, should have been years ago. It should also be tied to inflation.

I think it's shit that the same assholes that tell people to get a job, any job even if it's fast food but then turn around and say if you don't like minimum wage get another job.
I could go on and on about how the poor get fucked over hard in this country.
There have been so many studies proving this. Fuck, I'm all riled up now.

>> No.980928

>they took their guns

And they don't have mass shootings since, how is 'murika doing in that regard. Oh yes, mass shootings every fucking day. Well done 'murika.

>> No.980933



Bernie 2016

Not even shitposting.

>> No.980937

Yeah. No shooting of ANY kind and gun owners are made out to be literal rapists. Australia has no gun culture and no car culture because they murdered both of them. I'd hate to live there because it means I have to give up IDPA and 3-gun, as well as the right to self defense. Australia has those full-retard "equal force" rules designed to give the criminal a chance to kill you.

>> No.980943


8hrs x $15 = $120 USD/day

>$2,400 USD a month to flip burgers

>> No.980989

Ausfag here and we deffo have both gun and car culture. The 2 other guys in my office are both gun freaks with multiple weapons and I was passing a Holden on a trailer yesterday that had a massive supercharger sticking thru the bonnet with a nice pair of holleys affixed to it. I see custom cars every weekend as they have a regular thing at one of the beachside carparks.

>> No.980996

Where they will do nothing but sit and look pretty.

>> No.981012

>>$2,400 USD a month to flip burgers

When rent is $1,600 a month in Cali for a shitty apartment $2,400 a month ain't shit.

>> No.981031

I'm feeling the bern.
Who knew a Jew would care about poor people?
Inb4 I'm told to fuck off to /pol/

>> No.981033


>tfw I was just there in LA and I was running across $500 and $600 apartments.

>> No.981035
File: 58 KB, 350x350, strikehold_350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Shit. Strike-Hold CLP
Its like franks red hot sauce "I use this shit on everything"

They have some pretty silly claims and misuse the term dielectric strength WAY WAY too much on their videos, which makes my engineering brain fritz, but

god fucking damn son, it works.

It is usually marketed as a gun cleaner and gun oil substitute, but...

It is the BEST light oil substitute I have run into
>Typewriters work like magic.
>sewing machine works like magic
>once it is on a part, it doesn't make you all greasy
>cleaning action is good too
>it doesn't attract dirt
>it repels water off of metal like fucking MAGIC

>> No.981037

23 million vs 318 million people

Yeah everything will seem exponentially higher.

>> No.981047

Acetone and ATF instead, tyvm

>> No.981049


People choose to be poor.

t. a poor nigger.

>> No.981073
File: 24 KB, 355x355, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who swears by this stuff.

It is the absolute best rust preventative for tools I've used. A thin, invisible, non-greasy layer is sufficient to keep your tools rust free for many months. I put some on my cast iron table saw top months ago. It totally halted the rust while WD-40 lasts only days in comparison. All I do is keep a rag soaked with Fluid Film and rub my tools with it every now and then.

Plus it's got a wonderful, old timey scent that doesn't give me headaches like other crap laden with volatile hydrocarbons.

>> No.981081

WD-40 also leaves shit greased which isn't very good for tools.

>> No.981082

First off, I don't even use Dr. Bronners because I don't support radical religious nuts.

Secondly, you're fucking crazy. Perhaps you are allergic to something in the soap, or you've just never gotten soap in your eyes.

The ingredients in the soap are: water, coconut oil, lye (which is used to produce pretty much every soap), olive oil, mint, hemp oil, jojoba oil, pepermint oil, citric acid, vitamin E.

What on that list is going to make you go blind other than lye, which is not present after the saponification?

>> No.981093

Sounds interesting. I think I'll check it out. I need something to protect my tools.

>> No.981108
File: 24 KB, 238x500, 41Lflv5bifL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /diy/ think of this, is it a meme oil or is it actually useful.

>> No.981111

Its worth having around for how cheap it is.

>> No.981115

If you dump shampoo in your eyes, it burns until you clean it out.

It doesnt make your eyes turn blurry like you are looking underwater for a good 5-8 minutes.
You can call me crazy all you fucking want, I just found it to be a huge coincidence the fucking guy went blind and when it was causing abnormal eye blurriness.

Its not a coincidence that it is not marketed as a shampoo, and that is specifically says to not get into your eyes on the bottle.

No shampoo bottle says that

>> No.981121

great for putting on squeaky hinges, any women in the vicinity will immediately start dripping like an egg sandwich

>> No.981161

I use it all the time for squeaky shit. I sometimes use it on tools. It's good to have around.

>> No.981167

Quads of truth. Ok, I'll pick some up.
Thanks for your input. I'm interested in seeing how it performs against fluid film.

>> No.981168

It's expensive, but fantastic stuff.

Use it on a lot of the construction equipment I maintain.

>> No.981177

I'm in LA right now and can't find that. Where were you?

>> No.981229
File: 38 KB, 520x210, fluid-film-stops-rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this company-produced image with a grain of salt, but at least in comparison to WD-40 the comparison seems fair. It really works that well.

>> No.981273

those two states make up a large chunk of americas population and even more of its political and economic policy. Did you think that californication was just a chili peppers song?

>> No.981279
File: 37 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff makes that shit look like water

>> No.981282

God damn I wish people would stop using the word "exponential" for hyperbole. It has a very specific meaning.

>> No.981289

>turtle wax is a well known brand.

so is fucking PB blaster you twit. but the product posted I rarely know anyone that knows about it. they think goo-gone is some top-tier shit. WHEN THEY ARE SO WRONG.

>> No.981291

Never used this stuff before..

but I keep a cast iron/steel 1950s delta table saw, outside under a porch, an under a tarp. and basically have nothing on the top surface. as long as you can keep the water out.. it never rust. + I live in Florida.

once your top has blackened/blued fuck it, wont really flash rust from the moisture in the air.

>> No.981305

Notice the "eye opening test" thing where it says it will melt a styrofoam cup in 2 mins is gone from the can now? It also doesn't melt the cup anymore either.

>> No.981306

>he gets soap in his eyes
>this is a problem with the soap
retard alert

>> No.981309

the right way to express it would be "an order of magnitude greater"

The US is also home to a few totally ghetto cities in no-guns states, which are full of niggers that commit almost all of the drive-by shootings that the media classifies as "mass shootings".

>> No.981780

I misspoke. I was referring to the label. It doesn't match what op is talking about.
You're right about goo gone though. It's shit and it leaves an annoying residue.

> you grumpy faggot

>> No.981783
File: 106 KB, 768x576, 1429149009741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw cant get this stuff in florida. best penetrating fluid that ive come across

>> No.981787
File: 17 KB, 450x450, dot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have none of you ever just tried this stuff on a stuck bolt and left it sit for an hour or so? Makes any variation of foaming weasel piss seem like nothing at all.

>> No.981793

>using castile soap that specifically says dont get in eyes as shampoo

Its shit, and the dirty all organic fans of the stuff are idiots.

>> No.981815


Imagination Land.

>> No.981867

>rust inhibitor and deodorant.
haha fucken ae

>> No.981868

>WD-40 also leaves shit greased which isn't very good for tools.

We were literally trained to absofuckenlutely soak every tool before storing it away with WD-40, axes, shovels, crowbars, picks, everything.

One can, every cleanup, every day

I just did what I was told, I have no idea if it was bad for the tools or not, but I can say there are some fucking old tools knocking about in the storage shed that don't look like they've ever heard of rust. and they get used at least weekly, if not daily.

>> No.981869

this guy gets it.

>> No.981885

Yeah it's good stuff, but it used to be in a real metal can that WORKED. They switched to the shitty plastic crap you see here, which is guaranteed to get oil everywhere, every time. Women will not get wet for this.

>> No.981920

You don't need to carry a gun nobody else does either. Why help the criminals commit crimes?

>> No.982563

Are you retarded? Every shampoo bottle has directions on them on what to do if you get shampoo in your eyes.

>> No.982570
File: 18 KB, 639x621, 1456294556344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called the nocebo effect.
>yfw it's all in your head

Also almost no chemicals that cause blindness make your vision go blurry before you go blind. Usually the vision just fades out like a dying flashlight.
Unless physical trauma like chemical burns are involved.

You probably have a film of surfactant stuck to your cornea because you're so shit at washing yourself that you couldn't get all the soap out.

That or you're full of shit, the ladder sounds more accurate.

>> No.982615

How about actually looking at a shampoo bottle?

>placebo effect when you realise something and then it's confirmed later on


>> No.982617

heat will do the same job as this. rapidly expanding the rusted in stud or bolt or whatever will crack the rust.

useless shit.

>buying the bottle with the classy label
you know its half the price for the generic starting fluid rite?

we have inox

>> No.982635

>dedicated starting fluid
just use whatever pressurized flammable garbage you've got.

I've used car interior cosmetics (peach scent) and it worked everytime

>> No.982638

I use propane desu. works great for finding vacuum leaks as well.

but starting fluid will keep a car running even without the ignition system working. that's why starting fluid is used. it ignites on even the slightest amount of pressure. so an engine starved of oil for a while for example, the piston rings wont seal properly because no oil. it will help the engine kick long enough to get oil pumping.

>> No.982646

i guess i was wrong then, sorry

>> No.982653

Have a 5 gallon bucket right beside me. Only way to keep old iron alive in the rust belt.

>> No.982716

I never said placebo, lrn2reading and definitions.

Nocebo is the opposite of placebo. You think something is wrong, so it becomes a problem.

This is why chemtards and "EMF" faggots get headaches from their cellphones.

>> No.982724


That packaging is cool, looks like a nascar kek. Makes the product look way more interesting than it is.

>> No.982735

>I never said placebo
He's trying to say that he didn't expect any problems and only later found out that there were other people complaining about the same shit as him. Thus, presumably, no nocebo effect.

Sure, it might still be nocebo, as the bottle is fucking repulsive. Or comical, but it does not exactly inspire confidence.

>> No.982826
File: 456 KB, 375x800, 1150-PNG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never trusted automotive shortcuts like pic related
>Eliminted all possibilities of leaks except for the lines themselves
>Don'T want to replace all the coolant hoses because fuck that
>Buy this snake oil because maybe it won't gum up my thermostat or radiator and maybe fix the problem
>shit worked fine

Blew my mind. Especially since I intentionally bought the fanciest looking one.

>> No.982858

>Bronner was born in Heilbronn, Germany, to the Heilbronner family of soap makers.[3] He emigrated to the United States in 1929, dropping "Heil" from his name. As his father was Jewish, he pleaded with his parents to emigrate with him for fear of the then-ascendant Nazi Party, but they refused. His last contact with his parents was in the form of a censored postcard saying, "You were right. —Your loving father."[4] His parents were killed in the Holocaust.
He wasn't even in Germany for the war.

Possible, but he claimed it was shock therapy.
>In 1947, while promoting his "Moral ABC" at the University of Chicago, Bronner was arrested while giving a lecture for speaking without a permit and committed to the Elgin Mental Health Center a mental hospital in Elgin, Illinois, from which he escaped after shock treatments.[1] Bronner believed those shock treatments caused him to go blind.[7]

>> No.982859

fuck you, stay away from /pol you kike lover

t. /pol/

>> No.982862

>And they don't have mass shootings since

oh lawd, this meme again

>> No.982864


Why be defenseless and have no means to protect yourself?

You think protecting yourself is helping criminals?

Seek help anon

>> No.982880

The type of people that makes this shit up really don't trust themselves or others.

They're the kind of crazy assholes that are like 'what? If there was no police to threaten to enforce laws I would go an rape and steal ALL DAY LONG. We can't let people do that.'

"Wow, we can't let people have guns. If I had a gun I would have murdered so many people that pissed me off. Just murder them. Splat. Brains leaking on the pavement... yeah... mmm...'

>> No.982897


When I was in Florida, I used Zep 45. Easier to find, very similar.

>> No.982999

But how can you read it if there's already shampoo in your eyes?!
Inb4 read it prior to use. Come on now, nobody does that.

>heat will do the same job

And it's faster. My buddy has an induction coil heater and it's way better than messing with a torch.
That's why you turn your car over a bit to prime the oil pump and build pressure. Then spray.

I'm still wary of that shit. Sure it works now but what about later?
I always thought that was to get you home in a pinch. Then troubleshoot and flush the system.

Next time make one post containing your /pol/fuckery

>> No.983002

well, yeah. those soak in rust blaster 9001 penetrating lubricants take overnight to work. what mechanic has that kind of time when you can just grind down a bolt to fit a smaller spanner on it and just turn the rusted shitter? its how I got my brake bleeder out of the calliper. more grip and head of being ground down and it practically fell out.

>> No.983009

Did you dilute it before using it? Because that stuff is ultra concentrated and you are supposed to dilute it a great deal. If you use it straight from the bottle it will cause all manner of trouble.

I won't use the stuff because I'll not be supporting the high order bullshit written on the bottle.

>> No.983011

It is to coat and lubricate the Snake you use to snake sewer pipes. So, having a deodorizer will make the job go a little better from a nose standpoint.

>> No.983014
File: 12 KB, 500x297, 1443659315882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not referring to a rounded off nut or bolt. I'm talking about a fastener frozen on. The heat expands the metal enlarging it compared to what it's fastened to. That relaxes the grip allowing easier rotation. Helped me a lot when I had to do alignments.

>> No.983018

Google Barbagallo Raceway faggot. Dragsters, Demo Derbys and stuff every weekend

>> No.983034

i dont know about all that other stuff the other guy posted but, i used dr. bronners as for soap and shampoo and it gave me the worst dandruff ive ever had, guess some peoples skin just cant handile castile soap

>> No.983039

thats what I mean. how do you think I rounded it? even a six point pipe spanner rounded it it was on so tight. expanded and crushed the rust, then cooled and went back to normie size.

>> No.983059

All this shit does is literally clog everything up.

>> No.983114

I'm confused. You rounded off rust on nut, then heated it up, rust came off, wrench now fits?

>> No.983120

used lots of force banging on a wrench attached to the bolt. it stripped the bolt head instead of turning it. hit the m10 bleeder screw with the angle grinder until an 8mm wrench could fit snug
it just easily rotated, no banging or anything immediately after.

>> No.984200
File: 19 KB, 450x450, 6410004_sef_sf16_pri_larg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic in a bottle. Had some dodgy fuel that the mower wouldn't run on, threw a splash of this in there, and the damn thing started right up.

>> No.984850
File: 52 KB, 320x240, blazemongo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any women in the vicinity will immediately start dripping like an egg sandwich

3 in 1 Oil?

This went right over Mongo's head.

>> No.984854
File: 30 KB, 220x474, No_More_Tears_Ad_1956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this should do the trick

but don't wash your eyes with it like you were doing with the Bronners

>> No.984987
File: 46 KB, 390x731, syb-121208L-thegar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.985000
File: 270 KB, 1200x960, durex_performax_condom_lrg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essential product terrible packaging.

>> No.985014

Most of the country follows California economic and political policy? Are you stupid?

>> No.985123

Based blazing saddles.

Anon was trying to be funny but it was a failure.

What's wrong with it? It's one time packaging and it doesn't look gaudy or anything.

>> No.985132


Dumping regular shampoo into your eyes wont cause you pain for days, and doctors wont tell you that you potentially need a cornea transplant
There is a reason there is an eye disclaimer in it, and that the bottle doesnt call itself a shampoo