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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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967052 No.967052 [Reply] [Original]

>Impact driver

The greatest tool you never knew you needed.

>> No.967070
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>Power buffer
i've spent my whole adult life fucking about with with nylon and wire brushes, polishing cloths and nasty rubs and noxious liquid polishes. busting my knuckles and ballsack and still ending-up with sub-par work.

finally spent $50 on a HF buffer/stand and don't i feel like a dumbass. i love it <3

>> No.967073
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>> No.967076

Not bad, but it's no Dewalt™ brand Dewalt™

>> No.967209
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DeWalt?? Get of my thread.

Nah but seriously. If you ever happen to find yourself on union contractors job site, take note of their power tools.

Milwaukee as far as the eye can see.

>Shelfed my DeWalt garbage many years ago

>> No.967225

Milwaukee has really stepped up their game in the last few years. i already have like 15 dewalt 20V tools tho so i'm pretty much stuck with dewalt for the time being. been pretty lucky with dewalt and have a service centre about 30 min away so can get things fixed pretty easily

>> No.967233


Contractor here, we don't have unions to fall back on, on our country we are tied to contacts. No 'union' excuses for slow and shoddy workmanship. So we use majors, hilti or mafell.

>> No.967234

Makita rather.

>> No.967325

>Implying Milwaukee is responsible for slow and shoddy workmanship.

Tho hilti is an excellent brand

>> No.967337

yeha I saw them putting up the hungarian border fence with hilti tools and in south africa there is a company that makes booby traps for home owners that use hilti explosive nailgun cartridges as the thing that goes bang when someones trying to sneak into your yard.

>> No.967339


We don't use soft pine for anything other than furniture so I still have to pre-drill every hole to prevent splitting.

Impact driver would be a waste in half the worlds hands.

>> No.967343
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>>>967052 (OP) (You)
>We don't use soft pine for anything other than furniture so I still have to pre-drill every hole to prevent splitting.

So use the drill bits

>Impact driver would be a waste in half the worlds hands.

How so?

>> No.967348

So you frame homes from maple? Right.

>> No.967360

Makita is shit teir. As soon as their batteries are 3 years old, they are suddenly worn out. Read something about the circuitry inside imbalances the batteries cells

>> No.967364


In the tropics

Our homes are either concrete, green heart or purple heart lumber. There is no "framing"

Maple will rot in a year if it doesn't get murdered by termites

>> No.967367

You know there's more uses for this thing than just "framing", right?

>> No.967370


That coon asked if I framed houses in soft woods like maple.

Give me another use and I will let you know how useless it is.

>> No.967379

Driving screws into pre-drilled boards. I'm a cabinet maker by trade, I keep a drill and an impact driver next to me while working.

Why would I waste 3x the time drilling the hole, removing the drill bit, inserting the correct bit, driving the screw in with a device that isn't as good at it, only to repeat the process?

Required? No, but why would I waste my time changing out bits and risk having those cock suckers roll away on me?

>soft woods like maple.

I know you're trying to be a dick and insinuate that Maple is soft compared to purple heart, but it is not a soft wood.

I regularly work with Ipe for outdoor furniture and fixtures. I always use both tools for the job.

>> No.967431
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>how useless it is
It's actually incredibly versitile in real trades like electric and hvac where you find yourself utilizing many different bits and screws.
With one driver I can do anything from boring 1.5 inch holes to driving 4 inch lags to driving the tiny mounting screws into plastic boxes.

But I'm sure it's useless when you're a concrete worker...

>> No.967434

then use drill to drill then grab the impact to drive in the screws. why waste time changing bits and shit?

>> No.967437

Right, I have 4 drills and but only carry 2

>> No.967491
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>Makita is shit teir. As soon as their batteries are 3 years old, they are suddenly worn out. Read something about the circuitry inside imbalances the batteries cells

Mine took closer to 20 years. They worked but I had to always keep a couple charging. And they were weak and had god awful ergo-dynamics. Makita is not shit tier.

Carpenter friend of mine has the Milwaukee drill driver set. He like them just fine.

Drill Driver set! You need both to be complete OP.

>> No.967494

>Mine took closer to 20 years.

Im sure the chinese made makitas rival the 20 year old Japanese and US made makitas!

>> No.967600

The old 7.2 packs are not the system I was referring to. The slide pack 18v do not last. I know several people with 4-10 tools in their kit, and they get 3 years max out of the batteries.

>> No.967606

They must be having bad luck. I've got 5 3ah li slide on batteries that are now about 5 years old and they're all fine.

I've got 4 5ah that are just creeping up to 3 years old and there fine.

I bought 2 more 5ah a week ago brand new and they are still comparable to the older ones I have.

>shit tier
I'm sure selling shit tier tools is why they're so popular among trades people and contractors, not to mention their production specific tools. You're talking utter bollocks.

>> No.967676

>old, outdated shit
No wonder. You bought old pawn shop budget-tier Dewalt™ brand Dewalt™ stuff. If you work on stainless and don't have 10 minutes to spare getting one self tapper in, then Dewalt™ brand Dewalt™ 20V© Impact© Driver©®™ is the only way.

On a serious note, I used a harbor freight impact when I was making 14 an hour buying my own tools. Now they supply me with what I request, and all I need is the 20v impact and regular. That combo will do any job I need, and last all day with 2 batteries. I also tried a black and Decker, it just doesn't have the torque that the dewalt does. My dad swears by makita, but I can't justify switching brands, as I have never had so much as a hiccup with 20v dewalt stuff. I've heard their 18v is nothing special.

>> No.967679

Ho Lee shit. I was just harassing a guy at work for still using that old dildo handle makita. He loves it. The fucking bearings or something have just been worn to shit, so it wobbles, but still runs. No power like modern drills, but it gets the job done.

>> No.967693

Doesnt anyone have anything to say about hitachi they make good impact an normal drill especially in the higher voltages I work with stainless an the loads u can put on them is impressive nothing will ever beat electric but when ur up a ladder twisted arse about power leads inthe way are thelast thing u need

>> No.967707

18v hitachi is as good as any. 12v hitachi sucks cocks.

>> No.967724

Type "18v makita problems", and the whole first page is battery failures. Nothing else.

>> No.967733

The only hitachi stuff ive seen has been big and heavy. It feels like it will last forever but I dont want to be hefting about a 2Kg drill to punch holes in 1mm aluminium sheet. I use tiny makita stuff for that.

Ive used the hitachi impact wrench on suspension gear and it just smashes through stuff. My breaker bar hasnt been touched for years.

>> No.967740

Point taken it doesnt matter wether ur a tradie or jus a home hacker we all have bought shit tools cawz they look good or so an so sed they where great but in the end we make do with what coin you can spend or how far we can go on company accounts . I had an apprentice once who hated the company he was indentured to so would take imense pride in destroying cordless drils, of course after the first couple he had to get smart an make it look as tho they jus died hitachi an metabo used to give him the most dramas

>> No.967743

>soft pine for furniture

What kind of back water country do you live in?

>> No.967748

Rural Au

>> No.967910

>Give me another use and I will let you know how useless it is.
any bolt on a car.
take care of 20 years of rust.

>> No.967913

The only Hitachi tool I own is their battery stud cutter. It's great for when you're using all thread rod but their drills always look unerganomic and cumbersome.

I did and the newest date is 2014. The earliest being 2009. And any tool manufacturer will have problems with products, one page doesn't convince me that the millions of products they make and sell age flawed by default.

Again you're jumping to the conclusion of people who have had some bad luck and using that as a basis to talk utter bollocks.

>> No.967919

I have Dewalt stuff and it's always worked fine. Batteries last long enough, good power, bright yellow do I can see where I left it. What's with all the Dewalt hate? Sour grapes?

>> No.967922

It's not as good as dewalt owners think. I've had dewalt in the past and it was good but a target for thieves as it was easy to sell. People thought because it was black and decker it was the be all and end all of power tools.

As I said it was always good but never as good as some other brands which I now use but dewalt users have a massive fanboy mentality.

>> No.967931

Yep, that's why they're one of the most commonly used brands among contractors, you absolute dipshit

>> No.968015
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Batteries are sensitive creatures. If you smack em around, pull them off the charger mid-charge, store them on the charger, don't properly cycle them (i.e. let them discharge almost all the way and let them fully charge) then you're going to hurt the life span.

I've had my Milwaukee batteries for 4+years, they see heavy use (I'm an electrician) and the batteries, 18v slide packs, are still strong.
But I baby the fuck out of them.

Don't think I don't know it. But since I've bought my impact driver, my drill has been getting more breaks than before

>> No.968024

>(i.e. let them discharge almost all the way and let them fully charge)
This depends on the type of battery. NiCD, NiMH, Li-Ion, all have different characteristics and things they 'like' and 'dislike'.

>> No.968064

generally li-ion and li-po dont have to be discharged all the way.
Using 20% of its capacity then charging it and then using another 80% and charging it again will just count as a single cycle
With nicd, they do need to be discharged or you get "memory effect" and will hold less charge

>> No.968073

Fanboy mentalities don't spawn from nothing. There's a reason why fanboys love Honda, fanboys love Intel, Fanboys love Klein.

>> No.968114

>one of the largest power tool manufacturers
Hell no, Milwaukee and Dewalt have much more market share. You want to talk absolute shit, the pre-li-on slide pack Bosch. I've got a set in my work van, and if the drill jams against something while drilling holes it flexes so bad the trigger sticks on.

>> No.968141


No, no, and no.


Ex-EV fag here.

The "memory effect" as consumers knew it NEVER EXISTED. As NiCd started becoming ubiquitous in cheap electronics. so did shitty, timer-based chargers and trickle chargers. You had to fully discharge the battery because, if you didn't, the charger would just keep going after they were full, causing crystal formation that limited electrode/electrolyte contact. This resulted in high ESR, and the battery could no longer supply high current without an unacceptable drop in voltage. Similar effects can crop up from over-discharging, shitty chargers outright not working properly, and plain-old aging of the cells.

The problem is that there IS an actual memory effect in NiCd cells, but it only arises in EXTREMELY specific use cases. If you repeatedly discharged a cell to very close to the same DoD (but not to under 1V), then recharged it fully without overcharging. My cursory Googling to make sure I remembered this correctly also turned up that this only ever happened to larger cells with sintered plates. No consumer cells had sintered plates. But the myth got passed around as fact, regardless, and persisted long after "smart" dV/dt chargers were the norm. The irony is that the cell that mostly replaced it, NiMH, was advertised as having "no memory effect", even though it did (albeit to a lesser degree).

Lithium cells don't exhibit any sort of memory, but they come with their own set of issues. But again, now that timer-based chargers don't really exist anymore and trickle chargers are never used with lithium since they don't tolerate overcharge at all, none of them are a particular issue. The only interesting one is that lithium cells have the longest shelf life at 40-60% DoD, rather than full charge or empty.

And as a last point, no, a 10% discharge and an 80% discharge do not both "count as one discharge". Depth of discharge shares an almost direct relationship with cycle life for all but one or two exotic chemistries.

>> No.968162

Yeah. You're right. It's commonly known as branding. Quality is a plus but not a factor of fanboy mentality.

Fanboys love Minecraft but it's fucking shit.

>> No.968163

They don't.
Stanley, black and decker have a good market share in the US. Makita has its market share on a par with SBD's US share, globally.

Ask hilti, other than festool and mafell, makita is the biggest global competetor.

>> No.968190

Minecraft is one of the best sandbox games of its type.

What a weird thing to say.

>> No.968249

>Stanley, black and decker

These are the same company. Its like saying Ford sells more cars than Lincoln.

>> No.968253

a lot of batteries suffer from low temperature problems. i live in canada and i see this a lot, any input?

>> No.968322


What about Porter Cable?

Looking to get me some tools and from what i have gathered porter cable makes good tools for a decent price.

Might not hold up to every day, day in and day out use but will be fine for a fixer upper home and projects around the house.

>> No.968351

Love Hitachi. Reasonably priced too.

>> No.968353

Yes, they'll be good for homeowner use. PC actually made really good saws and routers. They then got bought out by Black and Decker and supposedly quality suffered (hmm, I wonder if thats a trend with B&D....). There is no need for top of the line tools for homeowner use so they'll work just fine.

>> No.968355

same company, not same product.
Its like saying that a chevy cobalt is the same thing as a corvette.

>> No.968365

I bought the corded PC impact driver, because I have everything else I would ever need corded and didn't want to jump into battery powered.

It's worked very well, it feels like a quality tool. With that said it was one of the higher priced Porter cable tools. They have some 30 and 40$ stuff that feels really cheap.
The high line Porter cable and low line dewalt cost the same, I'd bet they are about the same on the inside

>> No.968371

I cant speak for their drill quality but if their drills are held to the same standard as their dildos then i highly recommend them

>> No.968375

Has any one else got experiences with ryobi? I bought a chordless drill for 133$ ive had it for 2 months it work super great for hobby use. Ive used it for minor modding on a pc cabinet and putting up shelves on brick walls only problem i had was that the bit locking mechanism locked up super tight once and i had too open it with a pliers

>> No.968390

They have a following on here, seem to be good for the price

>> No.968417
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>> No.968421

I wish i had one.
Unfortunatelly in Polandfailia noone sell them, noone i ever asked knew such thing even existed... I even phoned Metabo, Hilti and Makita regional reprs, they don't have such item...

>> No.968424

Honestly I can't say I have any experience with PC. When someone asks me for a "home owner" recommendation, the first thing that comes to my mind is Ryobi.

I've even seen one or 2 contractors use them. Not saying any self respecting contractor SHOULD use them, but it is a testament to their durability.

They're pretty tough little fuckers, for the price.

The only thing I'm unsure of is how the batteries hold up. I'm sure a quick Google could fill you in on that.

>> No.968428

SBD are DeWalts parent. So when I talk about SBD I mean dewalt and all the other subsidiaries.

I can't get Porter cable in the UK. They don't have a market share here at all so I can't speak of them first hand but again they are a SBD subsidiary so that should give an idea of what you could expect. Think Dewalt on roids?

I consider ryobi to be junk but I know many people like their tools.

>> No.968437

>Think Dewalt on roids?

Porter cable are essentially low level dewalt, high level black and decker. Good tools for the price, but just another US company name that was bought and outsourced.

>I consider ryobi to be junk

Ryobi is on the same tier as porter cable is, with about the same pricing. They are far more popular than porter cable stuff though.
Made by TTI who makes milwaukee (who doesnt have a low line, so its essentially the low line of Milwaukee or Ridgid)

>> No.968526

Kek. But seriously they do make an awesome vibrator.

>> No.968897

Maybe if you're a low-brow dry waller.

>> No.968917

If you're into exotic powertools , look for Metabo. Battery seem to hold the test of time ( 5 years of ownership , using it pretty much every weekend) And they looks and feel well built

>> No.968967

He said "one of", and he's right.

Are you a complete pleb? Sounds like it.

>> No.970143
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Do you even know what you're looking at?

>> No.970146

>with an impact

>> No.970147

he did say low brow

>> No.970164

Dildo != vibrator

Ryobi makes a great quality tool, on par with any other consumer grade tool. I replaced my old dewalt set with a Ryobi one because I got it in a raffle. Works great, plus no one steals my batteries on the job site.

>> No.970184

Ryobi is fine but their warranty is bullshit
Had a sawzall from them and some of the windings blew out, they wanted to send me to BFE to turn it into the repair place myself

>> No.970185

I know that Ridgids warranty took a huge dump, to the point I would never ever buy a Rdigid tool again.

>> No.970488

I love their warranty. Ive got a whole new drill, driver, 2 battery and charger set because one of the batteries went bad. They said they couldnt just replace the battery, they had to do the lot. They also didnt care that I pulled together all the worst tools and batteries I had to make the set.

But Australia has consumer protection laws that mean you only have to deal with the retailer not the manufacturer.

>> No.970536

>job site

Confirmed for troll

>> No.970624

If you know what the fuck you're doing. Why bother being bent over to get "I'm a pro" felstool crap.

>> No.970631

This is bait.

>> No.971300

Ryobi is great for site work. Cheap enough you can lose it, good enough it works.

Plus there are so few who use it when you find another tradie with puke green stuff you get to have a chat.

>> No.971315

Dewalt had a good product 25 years ago, and have only made moderate improvements on it since. Their competitors have far surpassed them though.
I have a new Milwaukee set and compared to the Dewalt equivelant, the Milwaukee is lighter, better balanced, smaller yet more powerful and lasts longer. I find the Mikita to be roughly similar to Milwaukee, but slightly cheaper feeling.

>> No.971326

Poorfags that finally get out of dirtpoordom but are left with a jealous taste in their mouth from their mentors or father figures, and everyone hates a winner/popular/dynasty (more like diynasty amirite?)
Almost every powertool I own is DeWalt or Milwaukee. Both are great, but DeWalt is still better IMO and I buy it over Milwalk when they are nearly identical offerings. I've had both batteries last far longer in both lifespan and charge than they claim to, and you can't go wrong with either ones commercial grade products.
>Consumer grade Dewalts are pretty shitty though. But when you pay shit tool prices, you should expect a shit tool.
Its the same persecution complex AMD owners over Nvidia and Intel.

>> No.971342

How viable is paslode? Do nailguns exist that don't look more like they're weapons designed for mass murder than actual guns?

>> No.971493

Lol. Dewilt is some of the cheapest 'pro grade' gear on the market. So that's your theory about bitter poor fags gone.

>> No.971515


Always fun trying to pull a breaker out of a panel that some retard installed with one of those.

>> No.972818


I appreciate your trigger discipline.

>> No.972833

he must be an A+ tumblrfriend