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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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958283 No.958283 [Reply] [Original]

What have you made out of pallets?

I came across some pallets and will probably make a couple stools and a table. But I'm looking for inspiration for other projects as well.

>> No.958284

2 shitty end tables, and many huge bonfires

>> No.958301

>making things out of very low quality wood which by law has been treated with a highly toxic pesticide

>> No.958384

I made two compost bins.

>> No.958412

it's completely pointless to make stuff out of pallets. As >>958301 said, it's extremely low quality wood, and wood isn't expensive, so even if you get pallets for free it's a bad idea. Unless you decide to sell the stuff you make, then you can sell it to hippies and shit with the whole "recycled wood" tag.

>> No.958414
File: 96 KB, 421x1000, 64d92e800c3f87c1836b1f152abfe547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of pallet DIY on pinterest. Try it.

>> No.958419


Says a lot.

I often wonder about this junk. People post bits and pieces of junk they've made out of pallet scrap and put it on eBay for, in some cases hundreds.

Baring in mind you can pick up food sold pine furniture for less than some of these people post their pallet coffee tables for.

That said, I'm not sure if they sell.

As for having it in your own home, I'm forever hearing of people making it to sell for some money, never about buying it to use as furniture.

It's fucking ugly.

>> No.958425

/diy/ - don't make things, just buy them

>> No.958426

Oh hey. It's you again.
Well thanks for that. I guess you missed the other 10~ threads floating through DIY this past week about pallet wood.
You might not find them now though, they all end up the same place.


What would be really nice is rather than seeing this same thread day in day out, is someone put their shitty pallets to use, and post 'hey diy, look what make'.

Instead it's always 'hey diy, pile shitty pallets, what do'

>> No.958574

Make shipping containers

>> No.958588

When I first started woodworking my dad found a bunch of pallets and let me fuck around with them to get used to all the machines. Like several have said before, they aren't going to make for any functional or aesthetically pleasing projects.

>> No.958590


I had made an outside lounge chair out of some and they got hit by termites real hard.

Sometimes I grab some for boxing and using as stakes for profiling but I can't leave them around too often because, again, termites.

What ever "treatement" they get is probably just to kill whatever is in them initally because after 2 days in the rain you can see wood lice and millions of other wood boring creatures crawling all over the thing.

>> No.958599

My local hardware stores charge you $40-60 if they don't get their pallets back.

It's not worth it.

>> No.958602

Why do people keep posting this crap? Not all pallets are treated with anything. I used to get mine from a beer distributer. Why the fuck would budweiser treat one time use pallets that hold kegs or cases on a 150 mile journey and then be discarded?

I've also had solid oak pallets used to haul something really heavy.

Most pallet wood is shit though. I used to use it for crappy outdoor furniture and the odd temporary project. Now I just pick up some $2 cedar fence boards when I want to fuck around and see if I should continue with better wood. I'm tired of breaking down pallets and I'm not broke.

If you're broke and bored I guess it's fine. Otherwise you can save a ton of headaches by just buying better wood.

>> No.958616

Make a pallet and shipping container arduino tiny house.

>> No.958637


>> No.958642

oh god fucking triggered like a damn tumblrina

I hate those things with a passion. Part of the community service I had to do a few years back consisted mostly of hauling wooden pallets around without gloves. My hands were almost constantly bleeding somewhere and were full of splinters.

>> No.958650

>Why the fuck would budweiser treat one time use pallets that hold kegs or cases on a 150 mile journey and then be discarded?

Why the fuck would budweiser be making their own pallets?
Gassing the pallets is by far the cheapest and most effective way of stopping the spread of insects from one region to the other.

Its done because its the law, its not some sort of joke.
There are heat treated pallets made of hardwoods and such, but they are not very common. Used in very heavy situations, but a regular gassed pallet is very strong itself and not needed.

Why is Budweiser going to buy pallets that are twice as expensive and twice as strong as they need?

Oh right, they dont. And neither does any other company.
The ones that do buy plastic and hardwood pallets reuse them.

>> No.958653

Making quality things, and making trash out of the dumpster are two different things.

>> No.958668

Why do people keep posting this crap?

By law, wood being transported needs to be either chemically treated or heat treated to kill invasive species of insects.

B-but anon, these were heat treated. Unlikely, pallets are only heat treated when they need to be because a chemical bath is much cheaper. Basically only food grade pallets are heat treated and they commonly use plastic pallets anyway.

IT'S STAMPED "HT" THOUGH! Good, so you know that that piece was originally heat treated. Are you buying the pallet brand new from a supplier? No? Well you have no way of knowing that the pallet wasn't subjected to a chemical bath, parts from another broken pallet were used to repair it, or that whatever it was being used to carry didn't leak on it.

In short, you have no idea where that pallet came from, treat like it was treated which poisonous chemicals.

>> No.958671
File: 236 KB, 690x460, pallet-garden-designrulz-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me that using a pallet as a planter in the garden is a bad idea?
But it was free!

>> No.958680

It's either dangerously stupid or unintentionally genius, depending on exactly what stuff they're treated with. Free pesticide!

>> No.958703


It doesn't stop pests in the tropics. Everyone looks at pallets like a pest attractor.

I fact even treated pine doesn't stop termites either once it even gets lightly moist.

>> No.958747

You can make cool things if youre creative enough.i made a base for a fountain with a vertical flower planter.its dark here now.ill post a pic tmrw.it looks great.flowers did great.its not leeching out dangerous chemicals despite what these other fags are saying.

>> No.958752

Not to mention all the work to get a decent finish and the short lengths. Anyone working with paletts must not value their time or they would be buying lengths of planed pine. Around here it would be under 2$ per meter of similar dimensions as from a pallet. And that's planed!

>> No.958758

Good lord.not everything has to a pro style attempt.im seriously suprised at all the pissing and moaning on this topic.

>> No.958761

Omfg you didnt plane it or bullnose the edges or even putty,sand and stain the boards?what about the nail holes???totally unacceptable! (obvious sarcasm should be obvious)

>> No.958778

I generally use them to make fire. They're pretty shitty wood.

Just have to be careful and try to get ones that aren't treated.

>> No.958781

Post something you've made from pallet wood that we will admire and take back all that's been said or shut the fuck up.

>> No.958783


Its not just this topic.

The forum is /diy/ but every thread heavily saturated with either buyfags or "I have been doing this for 40 years and there is only one way to do it" kind of people.

The mods really need to clamp down on this shit.

>> No.958787


>that we would admire

You would never admire anything unless they did biscuit joinery by hand.

You joinery fags are terrible. There is a time and a place for dovetails and mortise and tennons and it is not in rustic outdoor furniture.

I mean you have 4x4 green heart posts and you niggers want to countersink the bolts and nuts in 1" either side so they are hidden. Forgetting the fact that you have turned that 4x4 into something with the strength of a 2x2 and it is holding up the clients fuckinf house you cunt

>> No.958792

>rustic outdoor furniture

Why are you even trying to make an argument when you are willing to give these a side by side comparison?

You're basically talking about stacking pallets and sitting on them.

>> No.958866

>/diy/ - don't make things, just buy them
>don't make things, just buy them
>don't make things
>don't make the wood, just buy the wood
we /lumberjacks/ now?

>> No.958869


This is /diy/. You didn't make trees. >>>/out/

>> No.958877

Clamp down on what?
Peoples opinions and criticisms?

It not like OP made something real nice and is showing it off. He is fishing for projects and ideas for pallet projects. The big problem with that is, anyone who is going to have the skills and takes the time to build something decent isnt going to use fucking pallets.

Using pallets for small projects is trendy and literally pinterest tier where your girlfriend or mom would build something, even though they are not /diy/ at all.

Are you mad that people dislike the pipe and butcher block table threads too?

Does this need to be your safe place from all criticism, and a place to talk about low quality trash projects?

>> No.959000

>pressure washed with chemicals to prevent transfer of "the beetle that eliminates entire eco systems"
>weathered with factory dust and rat piss+shit
>cannot be stained, chemicals come out
>cannot be sanded down, causes cancer with the 17 chemicals they put in there to kill very hard to kill bugs

yeah nah, these things cannot even be burned the fumes (yes fumes, not smoke) will harm you

>> No.959003
File: 60 KB, 470x685, A13EDE006F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the faggot who posts unhelpful rubbish, then gets schooled by people who actually know what they talk about.

Plenty more websites out there anon, feel free to try them..

>> No.959020
File: 71 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1457523666088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last deployment when we were slow at the jobsite I started making these. Mostly with screws I took out of the building, and started with a garbage dewalt jigsaw. Eventually customers was seeing what I was doing and hooked me up with new screws, clean pallets and a table saw. Doesn't look like it was professionally made in China, but with the supplies on hand, and considering it was Afghanistan, I think they turned out awesome.

>> No.959038

I've only ever used them to make props for photo shoots, window dressing and plays etc.

It's not the ideal material but people these projects are for have zero budgets.

>> No.959040


>kill hard to kill bugs

Then why is every pallet I ever see that gas sat still more than 2 weeks full of termites?

>> No.959041

thank fuck I'm from the EU where they outlawed all the nasty chemicals.

>> No.959051


So you think.

The EU seems to outlaw the most ridiculous shit but you'd be surprised of the shit they let fly

>> No.959054


>stacking pallets and sitting on them
>that'll be $200 Sir

>> No.959081

I currently made a whole fucking kitchen out of EPAL's, took me 2 weeks, isn't completely finished but looks fucking great

>> No.959091

A friend of mine wants me to build him a shed out of pallets (external and internal stirling board, insulation between the pallets) large enough that he can have a warhammer table and workbench inside. Gonna have a insulated raft foundation, monopitch roof and a few power points to have a heater n desk lamp, some basic lighting.

It seems like a fun task, im a builder so its something a little different which is always fun.

>> No.959094


I get them free all the time in the UK as a builder, since it makes no sense for a builders merchant driver to wait around for you to move 400 bricks to get their pallet back. Generally we chop em up for fire wood or give them back with the next delivery though.

>> No.959095
File: 69 KB, 535x951, 20160201_121353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I've made end tables, a coffee table, bookshelves, kid's treasure boxes, a coat rack, and a mail holder.

Some of them I like more than others, but I think I'm getting better. I love rustic stuff and I think I will do an entire set of kitchen cabinets with them. The actual cabinet boxes will be plywood but the doors and exteriors will be either pallet wood or barn siding, something with that look.

>> No.959096
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>> No.959097
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This was one of those things I spent about 15 minutes on since it was for my 5yro kid and he doesn't care about visible screws and stuff like that.

>> No.959099
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>> No.959100
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>> No.959102
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This we use for towels and other bathroom stuff.

>> No.959103
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>> No.959105
File: 154 KB, 1691x951, 20150601_235145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legs aren't pallet, and the tabletop has a sheet of plywood under the boards.

>> No.959106
File: 145 KB, 1691x951, 20150308_210224_LLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same tabletop before I stained and poly. I kinda regret doing that, as A) I didn't do a fantastic job staining and polying, and B) I like the wood colors and you lose them with stain.

>> No.959112
File: 63 KB, 535x951, 20150601_235221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made a matching set of these. Ignore the nasty basement backdrop. They are all pallet except for the sides, which are regular dimension 2x6 and the back, which was pine flooring and siding I got from somewhere. The dimension lumber sides I turned gray with vinegar, rust, and tea.

>> No.959119

just go to the back of retail type stores where there's piles like in OPs picture for anyone to take, I know at least 5 places like this in my area and I'm sure I could find alot more.

>> No.959122
File: 226 KB, 672x553, pallet-project-003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, idiots

Pallets are marked. Check if they are pesticide-treaded before using them inside your house or for growing food

>> No.959124

>"""Build""" shitty wall over nice wall.

I did it myself!

XD so quirky and rustic

>> No.959230
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So rugged and manly.

>> No.959237

Great for making range targets.

>> No.959263

I made a doghouse with some, and I also filled in the gaps between planks, tossed plywood over them, and lined them up on the floor of my leaky basement.

It provides a nice little buffer between the occasional water that gets in, and all of my shit.

>> No.959385
File: 60 KB, 600x450, pallet-TV-stand-and-media-cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not gonna lie. i like them. But for fucks sake make them out lumber you know was not sprayed with nasty shit.

>> No.959388

>Hey, idiots
>Pallets are marked.
pallets are also reused and chemically treated between uses

>> No.959397

>get free pallets
>spend a week cranking out crap tier quick turn around projects
>coffee table, end tables, stools ect ect
>sell these to stupid hipsters with too much money
>use that money to buy yourself proper lumber
>make things for yourself with proper lumber

I can find a handfull of pallets through the week and break them down then spend my weekend cranking out sets of coffee tables and end tables with very little sanding, a quick coat of some form of finish and sell them for stupid prices to hipsters.

At least around my area hipsters have money. Money that i can have by slaping together something with pallet boards.

also i keep an eye out at garage sales for cheep shit i think hipsters will like.

>2 boards from a free pallet
>a bit of chain from a 5 gallon bucket of chains i got for $5 at a garage sale
>a $0.10 mason jar from garage sale

That amounted to a $25 "rustic" candle holder on craigslist which turned into a customer who wanted 5 more, a coffee table, 2 end tables and a full set of patio furniture.

Forget how much i banked off him but i know he bought me a new surface planer and a nice pile of oak and ceder boards for my own use.

>> No.959419

im going to spend all my time and effort to make some fucking fancy wood furniture, but because im trashy and lowbrow im going to use old pallets, instead of investing in materials worth my effort

i dont even give a shit about the chemicals,its like, almost always the shittiest wood ever, why would you want to make anything out of garbage garbage


>> No.959420

why use them to haul around all your imitation crab meat?

>> No.960984


>> No.961086

Or was nice to see some actual objects made from pallets for once! Good job. But are they different in the US or what, the pallets I'm used to would give you splinters by looking at them.

>> No.961114
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>>959081 <--- this is my old post

still in progress

>> No.961119

uhg, what is that disgusting pallet kitchen?

>> No.961123
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Hey it could be worse.

>> No.961127

Slap some nice laminate covers on that and you're a true cowboy.

>> No.961148

this one time when the spring flood came around i built a dry path to the shed (firewood) with two layers of pallets

and another time i used a couple to build a stand off to to some maintenance on the drainage of the house

>> No.961157

I've made a lot of fires and use them for sort of a cooling rack for batches of beer, I wouldn't make anything out of them for inside the house I have pets and don't want to kill them

>> No.961160

>get some free pallets
>make some shitty tool cabinet for your garage or whatever
>buy old pallets instead of just lumber
no, what the fuck are you doing?
>make le rustic meme furniture that will be warped to shit in 2 years
Killyourself hipsterfaggot.

Also fun fact: Pallets are holocausted in gas chambers from time to time whenever they go between continents

>> No.961170

You do realize pallets are susceptible to be thrown in various, dirty floors right?

>> No.961178

The only thing in this thread I like and would never look great made from shitty pallet wood. Would look great in clear pine or 'redwood' pine.

Fuck pallets and this meme bread shit.

>> No.961247

Enjoy your $100,00 hospital bill after inhaling poisonous insecticide

>> No.961252

Do the store owners have big noses?

>> No.961276

Also it's going to need an underground school-bus bunker defended by a solenoid operated railgun

>> No.961284

Pallets are treated with all kinds of nasty stuff, even the pressure treated ones. Don't use that stuff where you live, or near food.

>> No.961398

"dirty floors" is really the least of your problems....

>> No.961413


Fires. Lots and lots of fires.

>> No.961422

This. Even if they are properly heat treated before hand. If your stamps aren't 100% clear they will gas them and charge your company whatever their cousin wants.

I used to build crates for a company that shipped internationally. Maintaining those stamps was a bitch. If your wood counts were off they'd pull your stamps, if they saw bark on the wood they'd fine you. They saw bark on a pallet that was bought and fined the shit out of the company it was bought from. They take that shit seriously.

>> No.961437

Not saying I'm all for making pallet furniture, but how bad can the chemicals be on them? They are used to ship food all the time. Wouldn't the FDA throw a fit if they we known to be especially dangerous?

>> No.961448

>They are used to ship food all the time. Wouldn't the FDA throw a fit if they we known to be especially dangerous?

Thats why food grade pallets are plastic.

>> No.961459

He's probably talking about the nicer pallets that have to be shipped back to the warehouse, which charges the store if they don't get their pallets.

>> No.961465
File: 716 KB, 1093x2104, IMG_20160313_213516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see this thread when I posted, but I made this door:

>> No.961735

I have build a couple of bridges over some ditches at my summer cottage.

>> No.961739

Literally the only reason the fags can give not to do this is "muh chemicals," it seems like there are a lot of bignoses that want you to buy their wood or something, plus, why the fuck does it even matter? op is going to be SITTING ON THIS SHIT, NOT FUCKUNG EATING IT JESUS MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST.

>> No.961771

I mostly agree with the standard /diy/ rhetoric that it's shit wood and is dangerous, but I suppose that if you encapsulate it with the proper sealer, you could use that.

If you like that kind of shit.

>> No.961772

You're breathing it. It's a bigger problem that you think.

>> No.961776

This is literally the reason I love /diy/. Trash-talking masters of their trades, autists who do things right, and a bunch of faggots to spice things up.

>> No.961777

U serious?

Cause that's pretty nice.

>> No.961938

Literally literally Xddd

>> No.961939
File: 145 KB, 300x375, 1456678303931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spotted the apprentice electrician

>> No.961941

That has got to cost a prohibitive amount to hear for no reason with those high ceilings; what kind of faggot would do something like that

>> No.962653

Shit was awesome.

There's some fucking awesome pallet art on this board. Giving me ideas for next deployment! Can't wait

>> No.962671
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>> No.962678


And warehouse employees don't take breaks on stacks of these things and handle them all day long?

>> No.962901
File: 43 KB, 425x282, 67ef28a1b55a93c788165ac9d037e552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a raft and sail away to another side of the pond.
>dismantle raft and build a tree fort.
>never to return to the shores of your homeland
>establish sniper nest in tree fort.
>shoot any invading nieghborkids with trusty red ryder.
>become sole owner and lord master of local fish pond.
life is good

>> No.963023
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1152, 20160317_151532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog kennel from pallets , some paint and a sheet of galv

>> No.963026
File: 14 KB, 236x177, 1fc1ec6bb1df1297e935476a4692f424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda wanna build a little 3-walled shelter by my camping spot innawoods. Just something to enable me to enjoy being in the woods during pouring rain and snow and such

>> No.963041
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>> No.963165

Good, now put the paper away.

>> No.963168

Pallets are full of pesticides, just buy some wood and use it as you wish.

>> No.963169

If you had a school bus and a container, what makes you think it would be smart to bury the schoolbus and convert the container into a house?

>> No.963171

Woudn't that schoolbus be a biohazard (you know, all the oil and shit inside it) and aside for that in fact, why would somebody bury a schoolbus, it's metal structure would rust after a while, becoming not suitable and even dangerous since it would collapse at any time under the pressure of the ground around it.

>> No.963172

It would be a good idea, do it anon.

>> No.963180

Yes the government forces children to be driven to school every day in mobile biohazards and shipping containers are expected to be lived in from the moment of manufacture so they aren't ever treated with caustic or carcinogenic chemicals, paints, and solvents.

>> No.963210

I once borrowed someones selfmade wharf and sailed around a lake that was near our summer cottage. Parents went mad after they found out and I got spanked, it was epic.

>> No.963212

should have just accepted your fate and never left the barge or huckleberry finn'd it.

>> No.963233

when i worked as a grocery stocker, all food came off the truck in pallets. i even remember getting my fingers pricked by several of them

>> No.963240

Visual interest?