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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 44 KB, 600x400, 10x12-GT-shed-gable-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
958530 No.958530 [Reply] [Original]

Want to purchase the following https://www.icreatables.com///sheds/10x12-GT-gable-tall-shed-plans.html has anyone used plans they've purchased and if so, was it worth it?

>> No.958536

Go to home depot or Lowe's. Look at the prefabs they have. Why waste money on plans? You can probably Google 'shed plans' and get them free.

Plans are for more complicated things like houses, cars, motorcycles, et cetera.

>> No.958537

A plan is nice to have, but if you can draw and measure it's unnecessary. It's good practice to have a plan when building something more complex than you have before, and a lot of times even if you don't really need one. It's just easier to have something to reference off of.

Now here's the key. The plan you use has to be correctly laid out, otherwise it won't as you intend. If you feel you can lay it out then go for it. The plan is $17, do you think you can make a plan that's as good as the one they're selling? If no then buy it. Is a few frustrating hours of your life worth $17 saved? If no, buy it. The shed is already going to set you back a few hundred to build, is $17 more going to kill you. If no, buy it.

I personally wouldn't, but I have a background in carpentry. I've been doing it for years. If it was my first time I wouldn't trust myself to draw it out. Nothing worse than wasting $400 on something unusable.

One thing about that shed, if you're putting it on the earth and not cement. The 2 bottom rails, make sure you use pressure treated wood suitable for ground contact. I would even go as far as to put a plastic sheet underneath them.You'll have to flatten and level the earth, so the shed sits flat against the ground. This will help prevent unwanted stresses on the structure. And look through the wood pile to find the truest boards of the bunch.

>> No.958543

Op here, thanks for the advice, I'm probably going to buy the plans, was just cautious in case there was some horror stories about them being terrible. I've built timber frames and shutters before but never a complete structure so I'd rather just take some of the headache out of it. Plus it'll make it easier to calculate costs.

I'm definitely going to lay a concrete slab. I was a ground worker for 8 years so the slab will be the only thing I'll be able to do without breaking a mental sweat.

>> No.958585
File: 138 KB, 911x1215, shedbooka copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get these plans. Obviously more advanced techniques are used but I'm sure you can handle it.

Original thread here: http://www.bcsportbikes.com/forum/showthread.php/146566-Build-to-Fail-Fail-to-Build.-What-is-this-I-don-t-even..........

>> No.958618
File: 2.75 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-08-13-11-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought my container for 2200 delivered. Cool shed and I don't worry about security.

>> No.958620

I keked way too much

>> No.958621


>> No.958627

Too overpriced and expensive for what it is, and since we are in DIY.

15 years ago I helped my father to build his on-wheels-work-shed out of old truck chassis and hangar beams bought for the price/kilo out of scrap, 2 weeks in cutting/fitting/welding etc and it was done. around 30 feet in length and as wide as his truck was
>total money spend ~2000
>2 weeks of work with 2 ppl, one of which 13 years old, just a helping hand

Just recently sold it for 15k, money well spend.

>> No.958982

I've managed to source kiln dried tanalised timber (2x4 and 1x4) for a decent price, which seems to make up the majority of the frame and cladding. I've got more than enough roof tiles stored for this very purpose, which I got for free and my dad has got some spare drainage/armoured cable/mdpe water pipe I can have.

I'm looking at less than a metre of concrete so that's around £100.

The only other costs are fixtures and fittings: doors, lights, alarm, sink, worktops and cabinets. All in all I'm hoping sub £600.

>> No.959045

Nigga was it water and air tight?!