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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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946126 No.946126 [Reply] [Original]

Not my worst but it fucking hurts because I wash my hands so much at work

>separating disk on my flex shaft

>> No.946130

Cut a chunk of my digit out on a band saw. Didn't hurt. Was sore when it was healing though as it kept opening up as it was right on the end of my thumb. Just an odd looking scar now.

I've had some bad cuts at work on raw sheet metal edges though but a lot of those are just bad luck.

>> No.946132
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Id say this one was my worst. Was drunk and accidentally shot myself with a nail gun

I pulled it out with some pliers and it healed naturally without stiches. Just some Neosporin and wrapped it up. It bleed all over my sheets the first night. Had to throw them away

>> No.946136

>bled all over the sheets the first night

>> No.946138

Fogetta bout it!

>> No.946140

I used a flap disk with an angle grinder to sand down some oak.....when the oak overheated it released some kind of toxic vapour that burned my throat and made me sick for weeks. I don't know if it's related, but now I have post nasal drip and have to clear my throat 24/7.

I was going through the warehouse at work and when I bent down to pick something up I got cut by sheet metal right on the knee, ripped through some nice green dress pants and made me look like a retard stained in blood.

Was assembling a custom tool at work and an air hose wouldn't come out of a pneumatic connector, I yanked on it too hard and when it let go my index knuckle slammed against some angle iron and the skin split open. Luckily the joint capsule didn't rip open, but you could see it was bleach white in color under the skin.

>> No.946147

Nothing too major, my girlfriend had a pretty bad time though.

Highschool metal shop, she was loading some sheet metal into the shears and the person she was loading it for assumed she was done and jumped on the lever.

Cut the ends off all her fingers on one hand. Looks pretty normal unless you look at them up close, kinda funky looking and a bit shorter than her other hand.

Modern medicine is neat.

>> No.946151
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I was using a 4" grinder with a wire cup brush to clean paint off of metal about chest high. I was repostioning and accidentally stepped on the cord and it yanked the grinder down and into my side. It put about a 1 inch wide by 8 inch long deep scratch that later got infected and was total hell. I don't know if scratch is the right word because 80% of the skin was gone. Really lucky that it didn't get tangled in my shirt and go to town ripping me to shreds.

>> No.946154

You dont stitch puncture wounds anyway... Lmao

This thread should be "stupid DIY injurys"

I've grabbed a hot soldering iron multiple times. More then I care to admit.

Grabbed a brick that was lose by a campfire to move it... Lets just say one face of the brick had an orange glow..

Drilling a small piece of metal while holding it with my hand. The drillbit grabbed and whipped the piece into my hand..

Left a lawn mower on and walked away for some water and came back to a burning yard.. I stomped it out and melted my shoes to my feet.

I pulled a deadfall tree with a rope and it was coming so I gave it one more yank and it bounced and fell the otherway with the rope in my hands.

>> No.946159

What do you think would happen if you get shot point blank with a nail gun? It went deep and I cut I wider to with a razor blade to get the plyers deep enough to get the head of the nail. It didn't stop at the skin lol

>> No.946164

those cups and knotted wire wheels are scary as shit when you have to get into awkward positions... or when you're tired

>> No.946186

Burnt myself on the finger with my soldering iron this week, didn't burn as much as I expected it to but the blister is annoying.

>> No.946192

I hope your drunkeness was enough to at least dull some of the pain, sounds like a shitty time.

>> No.946195

Ya It helped a bit. Hurt like hell but I had drank about a half a fifth when that happened. It hurt way more the next day...I barely felt accidentally shooting the nail into my side though. Just the air

>> No.946208

Accidentaly hit my hand with and axe while I was holdin half a log and a huge spinter went sideways through half of it

>> No.946209

My dad was mowing the lawn and left it running to move something out of the way and the blade caught a tennis ball and sent it right into his crotch

>> No.946232

Burned my arm when oxyacetylene cutting.
I've had my fair share of burns but this one was weird, it looked like nothing but it was actually painful as fuck.

>> No.946258

I shoved a screwdriver through my finger. I somehow managed to miss any bone, major blood vessels or nerves. So almost no bleeding or pain.

>> No.946261

I forged an axe, then promptly stuck it into my knee while dicking around.

>> No.946263

I was running 7018 beads on practice scrap pipe at 125 amps for about 45 mins bc I was bored at work a while back. I went to shit and smoke and grabbed it without thinking when I got back. It burnt my left hand down to the white meat and to this day I have no fingerprints or feeling in my thumb, index finger, and middle finger.
Also I was cleaning slag off a pipe with a wire wheel and a splinter from the brush went under my safety glasses and into my eye. Not fun.

>> No.946266

I tried to remove the locking collar from an opinel (anyone who has done this without snap ring pliers knows what a bitch it is) with a needle nose pliers but they slipped out and I basically scooped out a trench of skin between the cuticle and first knuckle of my index finger.

>> No.946279

tell her she can become the next guitarist for Black Sabbarth.
(no, seriously. Tony Iommi, their guitarist lost the tips of his fingers the same way.)

Worst one I've done myself was using a linisher/belt sander with wood working, with a facemask and goggles. Normally, fine, I use beech and ash. But that time, was working yew. Yew is toxic as fuck... about an hour later my eyes were swollen and I couldnt see a thing. ended up in ER and eye problems for two weeks.

strangely enough, I threw away the safety glasses and mask, and bought a full-face mask with filters soon as I could see again. Worth it.

>> No.946290

Restoring an old steamer trunk,in basketball shorts. I was doing the unside, cleaning it out, stood up and went to lean forward to grab somthing off shelf, trunk lid slams down and pinches the soft ass skin behind my knee. Huge blood blister.
Shit hurt.

>> No.946296


>> No.946335

gave myself a welders tan, literaly one minute of solid running 6010p+5 rods in short sleeves and shorts, i had fans and a good body position not to get taggged but i still got a a little burn on exposed skin

>> No.946375

Never suffered anything too bad but other than freak accidents that can kill you like falling from a ladder, table saw injuries must be the absolute worst, because when they injure you they handicap you for life. My uncle has a stub for a left thumb because he ran his hand over the table saw.

>> No.946376

Stubbed my toe while barefoot on an axe

>> No.946389

Chainsaws I think are the worst. A guy I work with has a big chunk missing from his leg from falling out of a tree with it

>> No.946393

Was forging with a hammer that was just a touch too heavy for the anvil I was using (100 lb anvil, 4 lb hammer). Accidentally struck the edge of the anvil face, and a chip of steel flew off the edge like a bullet into my thigh. Had to dig it out with pliers. Worse than that, it ruined the pair of jeans I had on, which I borrowed from my brother.

>> No.946394

this gives me chills

>> No.946395

What kind of axe was it?

>> No.946408

>not wearing your sisters skinny jeans while metal working

>> No.946432
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This is it

>> No.946445

>>not wearing your sisters skinny jeans while metal working

Blacksmith aprons aren't just for cosplay.

>> No.946547

>be me in high school welding
>cutting up pieces of plate steel to practice welds on
>one retarded ADD hick in the class always acts like a dumb fuck
>about to cut metal, foot on the pedal
>comes up behind me and does the grab push to try and freak me out
>tip of right index finger no longer attached to rest of finger

Luckily it caught it at an angle so I didn't hit bone or even the nail

Fucker didn't even get in trouble for cutting part of my finger off. Strangely enough his gay ass truck's windshield got a rock through it.

>> No.946550

You could've sued his ass, no?

>> No.946578

I was learning how to use a solder iron in high school when I was 15. Clumsy hand movements led the tip to touch my thumb and the skin came right off, took a month to get it back. No blood, you can imagine this to hurt, but was mostly a nuisance because I couldnt play games.

I have cut myself of old computer cases before, nothing serious, mostly because my work isn't that dangerous.

>> No.946602

Diy or work? I've almost been seriously hurt twice in the past year due to fucking trades hiring retards.
Both times I was told everything was checked out and ready for us, one was a high pressure steam pipe had never even been screwed into a 90. I was opening our valve actuator box and it wiggled the pipe loose and spewed steam maybe 4ft from my body. It was scary as shit and I basically jumped off the ladder.
Other time was a VFD that had been running. I bumped line side flex, which jiggled the wire and shorted it out, blew it up. It charred a good circle around it but I was clear enough and not looking at it, so I was fine. Some Mexicans almost shit themselves though.

>> No.946604

They charge a premium for pre torn jeans at the store so you probably did him a favor.

>> No.946627

Crushed my index finger with big hammer/small sledge when hammering a nail too hard while holding it (on my defense, I was dumbass 12y).
10 years later, it's still bit flatter than the unharmed one and although I have sense in it, its less sensitive...

Other time, I got thumb on my foot pierced by a piece of wire. All the way from one side to another. it honestly looked worse than it felt.

>> No.946751

> Be out in garden, cutting cable ties with knife. Upwards.
> Knife slips
Unrepairable retina detachment, cataract, permanent anisocoria

I think I win this thread.

>> No.946776

To bad you learned not to cut zipties with a knife.. Always use some form of shears/scissors.... > guy who grabs hot shit on a regular basis with bare hands.

>> No.946790

Yes, but then my parents would have had to lawyer up ( was 14-15 at the time) and sue his parents (who are both farmers). Plus there was no major long term damage. Fully regrew. Fingerprint is different now. Slightly more sensitive to temperatures.

>> No.946805
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I fell through a roof once. 110 year old sarking snapped under my foot. I was very fortunate that I only fell sideways instead of straight through.
That's not the worst thing I've done to myself though. I drilled into my leg and severed an artery once. That was a fun trip to the hospital... Never prop a workpiece against your body to use a power tool on.

>> No.946968

Nail through the foot. Stupidly wore sneakers while I was demoing at home and stepped on a nail sticking out of a board. Got badly infected and took a month to heel. Get it?

>> No.946974

Grabbed a brick that was lose by a campfire to move it... Lets just say one face of the brick had an orange glow..--------made me laugh

>> No.946985

>no fingerprints
time to commit some crimes

>> No.946986

some criminal in i think the '40s took off his fingerprints so he could get away with whatever it was he did, turns out all the cops had to do then was look for the guy with smooth fingertips

>> No.947005

But how could they prove a guy without fingerprints touched it?

>> No.947014

Robert Phillips, a gangster who went on a crime spree in the 1940s, is famous for successfully removing his fingerprints by having skin from his chest grafted to the tips of his fingers. Unfortunately for him, having no prints was just as unique as fingerprints themselves. He was eventually identified by his palm prints and the glaringly obvious blank spaces where fingerprints should have been.

first source i found


>> No.947016

So the problem was he didn't go far enough. You must also remove your palm prints.

>> No.947156

>too bad you didn't have the ideal tool on hand so you made due with what you had

Yeah, fuck off with your scissors and unable to greentext ass.

>> No.947318


I got a goat horn in the leg while falling out of a hayloft I was expanding, but it didn't go more than half an inch deep. Hurt like hell though.

>> No.947343

Been burnt a billion and one times welding. Got some really bad flash burn two weeks ago because people don't know how to close their curtains all the way. Left some discoloration and theres still a few veins in my eye that didn't go back to normal.

>> No.947351
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ITT fucking idiots don't know how to use caution when working with power tools.

>> No.947570

>Never prop a workpiece against your body to use a power tool on
uhh.. no fucking shit?

>> No.947599
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Do psychological wounds count?
>Be me in woodshop in Highschool
>Using a tablesaw to cut a bigass piece of wood
>slowly feeding it into the blade
>Some autistic fuck throws a bigass chunk of wood at my shoulder
>I slip on the tablesaw
>my thumb goes within a fucking eighth of an inch of the blade and my face ends up about 4 inches from the blade
>"It's just a prank bro, why are you mad? You didn't even get hurt"
>Never been able to use a tablesaw since

>> No.947623

Should have brought him over to the saw and shown him how it feels to have your face and hands inches from a table saw blade.

>> No.947641

I have lots of scars on my fingers from working with barbed wire and saws.

Hit my knee with an axe. While chopping some big pieces of firewood I took a mighty swing, it somehow bounced off the piece of wood and it hit my knee. Thanks to my pants it made no cut, it just really fucking hurt.

>> No.947689

Grabbed a soldering iron like a fucking pen. I was a dumb ass kid. Now that I'm a dumb ass adult I own a stand so that kind of thing don't happen so often. Didn't even hurt at first just felt weird and smelled like bacon.
Jokes aside I had do ware bandages for a week or so. The pain wasn't too bad but it was annoying enough to not let me sleep.

>> No.947697

Or you know... gloves...

>> No.947709
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Working with lashing wire.
Wearing these safety glasses.
>tink right in the lens.
Gotta go change muh pants.

Other time, on ladder on pole 20' up, working fine. Belt moves, but holds fine. It was just the clasp moving through the d ring and settling.


>> No.947713

>multiple red-hot iron burns
>alcohol burn on hand
>cuts everywhere
>no really noticeable scars

lots of burns but i never drilled through my hand!

>> No.947805
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Out of sheer laziness lately I've been using a lighter to melt my hot glue.
Few weeks ago I used it and set it down.
Then i realised I'd put it in the way so I picked it up to move it.
My finger sunk into the freshly melted hot end of the glue stick and and panicked shaking my hand to throw it off instead of pulling it off like a regular person would.

>> No.947857

Holy fuck all of you are retarded.

That being said, yesterday at the end of a 10 hour shift I almost put the side of my palm into the metal bandsaw cutting a 45 into a piece of square tubing too long to use with the sled.

>> No.947867

Picture of knee now!

>> No.947873
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A small but a pain-in-the-add scratch on my bird finger. Was lifting a small log that had oddly shaped branches. Picked it up, was gently swinging it towards myself to cradle it in my left arm....and one branch that I was holding onto broke, gashing my finger.

It is small and insignificant, but I couldn't go to the gym today and do anything that require gripping things with my hands.

Also was using a table saw for the first time in my life about 2 years ago, using my bare hands. Board went up against hte blade wrong and I cut the pads of my ring and bird finger on my right hand. Thankfully, I didn't cut the pads right off, and everything healed without a scratch. THe pads were half cut off, but still healed. Would have probably healed faster with stitches though.

>don't know if scratch is the right word because 80% of the skin was gone.


>> No.947874

I was using an angle grinder with the sparks hitting my chest. The shirt caught on fire and I got blistering burns all over my torso. It could have been a lot worse if the grinder hit me when I dropped it as this happened.

When I was a little kid I watched my grandfather getting sprayed with sparks from an angle grinder while he worked. He told me, "don't worry, the sparks are cold, you can't get burned by angle grinder sparks".

>> No.947877
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>retinal detachment

You're throwing out buzzwords.

I can see these being caused by blunt force trauma, but with a knife? You'd be missing an eye. Or is there more you're not telling?

>> No.947879

Diesel injector injury.
I lost the arm.

>> No.947880


That's terrible. Did you find it afterwards?

>> No.947883

I got hit in the head by a falling box, severe concussion and a retinal detachment. Now I've got a silicone band around my right eye, and glasses that have one really thick lense and one not so thick lense. I keep meaning to get contacts, but the thought of putting anything near my eye freaks me out, after the eye surgery and recovery.

On a side note, I can tell when the air pressure rises or drops without consulting a barometer.

>> No.947900

How many pint blood you lose? Scratch look very sore maybe call Dr very quickly?

>> No.947901


>> No.947949

volunteer fire and rescue... was rigging an achor point using star pickets (aka y posts/fence posts)

first picket driven in, about 4 foot out of the ground, driving second one in using picket driver (basically a 2 foot steel pipe with handle on the sides) and drove my hand down on top of the other picket... ended up with 5 stitches, after an hour long drive to hospital, and a 6 hour wait to actually see a doctor... that was a long night... but i have a pretty decent looking scar from it lol

>> No.947973
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Happened almost 48 hours ago, has healed super fast.

Table saw. Im new to powertools; trying to make a guitar. My thumbs are double jointed and bend backwards. I did not account for it.

>> No.948002


Why were your thumbs anywhere near the blade? Return the saw and be glad you still have them. It's really not that hard.

>> No.948119

well yeah... but that is the sensible way. so why?

>> No.948165

>new to powertools
>starts by using the most dangerous of them

You're lucky you still got that finger.

>> No.948176

double jointed is not a thing, you just didnt hold the shit tight enough. you fucked up, not your thumbs.
btw watch a fucking safty video.
always cut with the blade spinning away from you, if the board catches it will shoot like a missile through a wall. your soft body will get wreked.
when you are cutting shit close to the blade, you might want to consider using some shitty push sticks, like with a band saw.

>> No.948178

Google 'grease gun injury'.
Amputations after such an injury are very common.

>> No.948185
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Shitty phone camera. But the cut stretched bout half my finger's circumference. I may be a pussy but it hurt like a bitch.

>> No.948200

Tried Taking a better pic. But what happenedwas I was doing a sewing project and I was too lazy to go find scissors so I decided to just try breaking the thread by wrapping it around my finger and giving a good yank. Needless to say, the thread didn't break and but somehow it sliced my finger.

>> No.948203
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Forgot the pic

>> No.948346

When I was 2/3 me and my brother got intop my dads workshop unsupervised, I managed to turn on one of the machines and put my hand in it. I now have a stiff middle finger from where they re attached it, and a slightly shorter pinky.

also, a year or two ago I was doing some grinding, the grinder kicked back, flew out of my hands, and the spinning disk hit my leg about three inches left of my penis, luckily there wasn't enough momentum for it to go through my jeans, but waaaaay too close for comfort.

>> No.948442
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I can't even remember, I'm usually cautious but my job isn't /diy/ so I'm not doing it every day.

All I can think of is minor nicks and scrapes, welder flash and burns stuff doesn't even make me stop what I'm doing. I do remember the snapping the belt on this and having it whip my arm, no damage just hurt a little.

>> No.948443
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>> No.948512
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>> No.948517
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>takes apart some scrap electronic
>tries to pull of a tiny metallsheet off of a pcb with pliers
>comes off suddenly and in a v shape
>with the force i used it slides on my other hand and sends a chunk of meat above my thumb flying
>a few months later i found the rotten flesh by accident

It's really nothing big but that is okay like that.

>> No.948567

Prick slammed a dolly into my back legs, I was out for a week

>> No.948590

I recognize that it was me and not my thumb, and how lucky I am to not be mangled worse. On the plus side, I've been about 400% more safety-conscious since then.

>> No.948618

>consider using some shitty push sticks, like with a band saw.

who the fuck uses push sticks with a band saw?

>> No.948624
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>push sticks
>band saw

>> No.948634

what's wrong with that
I work with metal and sometimes when the piece is small and/or unwieldy it's ten times easier to use other pieces or tools to push it.

Oh wait is this a "u have no pen0r XD" situation?

>> No.948637

Fell off a chair while building an exhibition and broke my kneecap. Was in a storage area trying to get something and climbed on a stack of chairs because i was too lazy to move them out the way. Chairs slipped over and i smashed my knee into the edge of metal table. Was then stuck behind a bunch of chairs while my buddy laughed at me until he realised it was serious. Luckily it was only a fracture and i didn't need surgery and i only needed a leg brace, not a full cast.

Now im more cautious about standing on things / working at height.

>> No.948710

probably. its also just as likely they are some hicks that saw a bandsaw in the background of some video and thought "oh i need one of those"
the same type of people that:
use a grinder with no gaurd
grind with a cutoff disk
work under a car with no jackstands
paint with no ventalation
weld with no mask
use a lathe with gloves
wind up mamed

>> No.948770

>first result is a guy who tried diy dick enlargement with a grease gun

String contender for winner of the thread

>> No.949002

>they hand me a pickaxe
>its not my pickaxe
>head is loose
>head slides through the handle
>ouch fingers

>> No.949099

Briefly forgot that cutting metal with a chop saw heats it up. Grabbed the metal piece and instantly dropped it. I guess the outer layer of thumb skin seared onto the metal, had enough time to wonder why there was a beige sticker on the metal I'd just cut before the thumb print turned black.

>> No.949118

post stump

>> No.949736

Burnt my face and hands when making a black powder substitute of 70% KNO3 and 30% sucrose. A 100 gram batch lit up in my face when scraping that shit out of the pan.
Face was mostly 1st degree and 2nd degree, hand was completely 2nd degree.

>> No.949779

Not DIY, but I was using a pneumatic die grinder at work, taking the burrs off the edge of a plastic injection mold. I turned my head because someone said my name. The die grinder disc bumped into a bolt, shattered, and a chunk about the size of a penny embedded itself in my left cheek.
I'm dumb, I know.

>> No.950836
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Didn't do it to myself, but my j-man and I were installing a hot water tank, and he came up behind me to check what I was doing. he had just finished soldering a couple of connections, and the torch was still in his hand. I heard my skin melt and smelled it before I felt anything, and even then it was just a small itch. hurt like a bitch the next do tho. this pic is 2 weeks and 2 infections after the fact.

>> No.950840

anons right, who the fuck uses push sticks with a band saw? seems far too inaccurate

>> No.950870

Let's be honest, who hasn't burnt themselves with a soldering iron.
It's just part of the fun

>> No.950873

why do you work with idiots?
why did you not press charges?
why did you not kick his teeth in?

>> No.950876
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pushed down to lock the ladder open right at the hinge

cut the webbing at my thumb about half an inch inward

fucking pinch points

>> No.950881

Honestly, shit happens man. I left him to do the rest of the tank himself and charged a full days pay, so that was good enough for me. Also, I'm not an Amerifat or a bitch, so why would I bother to press charges for a burn the size of a nickel? It hasn't done anything to poorly affect my life

>> No.950885

I cut my index finder with wire right to the bone once (was being a dumbass).

More recent one almost cut my middle finger off with an angle grinder (with a cut off disc).

>> No.950895

I've never really hurt myself too bad. So instead I'll share someone else's suffering: so I hand this guy a box cutter, and explicitly tell him the most basic rule is to never cut towards yourself or others. So naturally, an hour later, the blade skips on a box and goes right into his big dump stupid hand and tears it open. He seemed oddly lucid, which is both a compliment as well as unnerving. We get him over to the sink, pour on cold water, and it takes me a second to gawking at how blood is gushing out at the even pace of his heartbeat, staring at the gash running from the base of the index finger and all the way down diagonally. I was not trained for this, what, I don't know, put some paper towels on it and apply pressure? I don't know where the sterile gauze is.

There was also that time I got to see someone stab through their hands with a screwdriver. Like, all the way through. In and out. Surprisingly bled less than the box cutter guy.

>> No.950902

I was climbing over some rocks in some asshole's backyard with my tools. I decided the best way to negotiate the next rock was to hop over to it. Misjudged. Almost ate shit. Landed perfectly on my knee. And I mean perfectly. It hurt like a bitch but nothing permanent.

I'm still young and lucky. If I was older I would've been laid up for months. I just had a nasty bruise for weeks.

>> No.950908
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>push sticks with a band saw

I dont see the issue, maybe were thinking horizontal bandsaw

>> No.950916

I've never used a push stick with them in my life, nor have I seen one used. Hands and caution have always don e me well. maybe others need, idk. just seems odd too me.

>> No.950929

you must be a eurocuck then. you actually let someone else physically assault you, burn your flesh away, for their own amusement.. and you are ok with that. wow. what country are you from exactly?

>> No.950930

I forgot to specify, it was accidental. Just let the tip of the torch get to close to my arm without realising what was up. if he had done it on purpose, or I would have shoved that torch up his urethra. I'm a Canadafag, btw.

>> No.950951

I thought that was your stomach, and he had purposely shove the torch into it.
why the fuck do you shave your arms?

>> No.950966

Ah yes, the scooped out variety of fleshwound on the knuckles. Leaves the best scars.

>> No.950969

>thanks to the pants it made no cut
Hey, you know it might not bounce if you sharpened your axe.

>> No.951052

haha that's another unrelated accident. I don't shave my arms

>> No.951055

place I work at cuts pieces into strips using a bandsaw (we occupy the table saw) before buzzing the sides. So yeah common some places to have them handy

>> No.951161

huh, in the picture it looked like the ends were squared off like if they were shaved and then let to grow back out. owell.. still that sucks with the torch.

>> No.951169
File: 23 KB, 313x361, fsfsfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concussion from a brick falling
>pic related
worst one I saw was a guy fell off a cherry picker

>> No.951193

>Fixing broken Gameboy
>burn the tip of my finger with soldering iron
Man, that hurt.
And something that happened to my cousin
>chopping wood with chainsaw
>hand slipped and cut his leg skin

>> No.951215

sliced my knee on the edge of a computer frame (it was on the floor), had a scar for a few years
I didn't even realize I'd done it until it started feeling wet from the blood, I thought it was just pressed against it kind of hard

>> No.951238

yeah, there's a good chance some of them are a little short from a diesel heater being fired up when I was in front of it lol

>> No.951395

your a nigger for being stupid

>> No.951399

Wow, you guys make me feel very conscientious.

...but of course one time while cutting plastic disks on a table router, my hand placement slowly drifted until on cut #247 (never forget) I pushed the part down onto the baseplate...with my middle finger directly over the router bit. Felt like a warm, gentle vibration--like a text message from Mom--until I jerked my hand back and saw the 1/4" diameter, 1/2" deep void in the middle of my fingernail. Saw a bit of bone before the blood really started flowing.

The lesson: If you're smoking weed in the open at work every day...your boss probably doesn't have workman's comp insurance, so be careful.

>> No.951474
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how in the honest fuck am I a nigger when he's the one that burned me?

>> No.951497

>being under the influence while operating power tools
You fucking deserved it. Doesn't matter if it's weed, booze, or fucking methamphetamine, you don't take anything while using power tools.

>> No.951547

Excess of confidence


>> No.951714

>diesel heater
wouldnt that smell obnoxious, put out gasses that would kill you, and put out an assload of soot?

>> No.951754

also in this thread
people who honestly work with tools on a regular basis and due to the probability of chance accidents over thousands of potential events - eventually get their fingers, arms, torsos, faces, eyes, legs and feet dinged, scratched, bruised, bent, cut, mauled, maimed, crushed, broken, paralyzed or dismembered
im in construction / renovationa / woodworking
i cant tell you how often i've cut, bruised or hurt myself in one small way or another - i haven't had a serious accident yet but i know that the probability of chance will eventually catch up to me :(

>> No.951849

Sheared off the tip of my ring finger when turning the flywheel by hand on a lawnmower engine while reassembling it and my finger somehow slipped under the razor sharp metal frame around the magneto. Also, you know it's a bad thing when you injure yourself and it just tingles instead of hurting. Hurt like fuck a few hours later though. That was like a decade ago, and my finger is still slightly lopsided.

Also once herped my derp and grabbed a super hot glass jar filled with liquid that I couldn't dropped, had to carry it a few feet before I could put it down... got second degree burns on my thumb and index fingers.

>> No.951862

One other thing I forgot:
Took a pickaxe handle to the eye socket (I'm very clumsy). Just clipped the edge and I thought "man, I bet that's gonna leave a bruise" while clutching my hand over the eye for about 30 seconds. Felt something warm on my arm, pulled hand away and found that my palm had filled with blood, ran all the way down my arm, was dripping off my elbow and pooling on my jeans. Next day, it looked like a small scratch. It's amazing how much you bleed out of your face even when it's just a tiny wound.

>> No.951882

It's an 80,000 BTU Mr heater, so it burns surprisingly clean, no soot at all. there is a bit of a smell which is unavoidable, and the gases aren't a problem if you aren't stupid. get two box fans and have an air exchange set up, you're laughing.

>> No.951916

I bumped my head with my trunk door once, a tiny cut, but it bleed so much I looked like a fucking action movie hero.
One of the clerks at the store I was in actually fainted when she saw me. It was pretty hilarious.

>> No.952456

It perforated the iris, enough trauma to detach the retina. Got an artifical lense in place. Iris is absolutely fucked and cases the ansisocoia. The cataract is a result of the trauma and the surgeries. There is stitching over the scar too. Some threads remaining thread came loose over the summer and caused havoc.

There is light in the lower half, but nothing in the top. Can't see Jack shit out if that eye,

>> No.952802

Always blaming other people, that's what niggers do.

>> No.952815
File: 7 KB, 480x360, ouch_damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic trick gone totally wrong. ;_;

>> No.952848

Worked as a machinist, dropped a sharp 25lbs hob on my hand. Bled like a pig and needed stitches on my thumb. My employer gave me three days off paid.

>> No.953027

my glove was grabbed by my drill, I lost half of my thumb's nail

or the time a 10 kg stainless steel window fall on my back

>> No.954653

That shark is done with everyone's shit.

>> No.954696

Anyone else get the little things like a chronic sore back, bum knees from kneeling, headaches from fumes regularly? I worry cuz my great grandpa Tomas dies of silicosis from a motorcycle plant.

Anyway, i've had a zillion close calls and seen some bad things happen in front of me.

My worst isn't that bad. The most serious was probably as a window cleaner I cut my hand open on a 2.5 story ladder (rickety $20 craigslist ratchet ladder - what the fuck was I thinking but I was broke) and had to come back down in the Seattle rain. Shit ladder + cut hand + wet rungs... I let the company go shortly after that.

My most difficult was actually a prolonged disjointing of my right ring finger. Carried too much sheet rock pinched in my hands everyday doing demo. It would slip out of joint while sleeping and wake me up in fucking misery. Lesson: always carry a little less than you feel capable of.

I caulk my luck up to witnessing a lot of accidents. I recall injuries whenever I look at most any tool. Such as my 7th grade art teacher cutting off his finger in the paper cutter. Or my intern leaning a ladder at 45 degrees on a slippery floor.

>> No.954710

Oh man, digital injuries are the worst. I caught a football wrong and dislocated my thumb as a junior in high school, it took nearly three years to be able to grip things properly with that hand again.

>> No.954712

Lost my hand on a bandsaw, don't drink and do woodwork kids.

>> No.954713

No shit, post your stump

>> No.954766
File: 451 KB, 2160x1440, Bendable_thumb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double jointed is not a thing
He means hitchhiker's thumb.

>> No.954797
File: 360 KB, 657x495, gfbAczH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly cut off the tip of my thumb with scissors once. Bled everywhere. Got blood all over my project and was more bothered about that than my bleeding thumb.

>> No.956742
