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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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910615 No.910615 [Reply] [Original]

Considering buying a Raspberry Pi Zero since it's just $5, but I would like some opinions first. Are RPis worth it? What are some neat and/or useful things I could use one for?

>> No.910621

If you need to ask, you dont need it.
If you really want one, just buy the pi 2 B on amazon for 37$

Youll be much better off.

>> No.910628

I actually did think of an idea just now - using one as a home cloud server/torrent box with a 5tb external drive and owncloud or some shit like that. Would the RPi be well suited for this, or is there a better option I should be looking into?

>> No.910630

A lot of people make seedboxes and servers with their RPI.
And again, you want the ram and power of the RPi2 over the 5$ one. You are going to pay triple the price of a Zero buying adapters to get it to run, at that point its only marginally more expensive to get the much stronger one with real HDMI and ethernet built onto it.

>> No.910668

only 3 times i use pis, 1st was to learn linux, 2nd was to do man in the middle attacking, now i just use it to handle smart actions to send signals to my arduino control systems.

tl;dr waste of money

>> No.910688

do some math:
5$ for 1GHz, 512MB ram and 40 GPIO with a power usage of 0.5 to 0.7 Watts peak.

multiply by 200:
1000$ for 200GHz, 100GB ram, 800GPIO, and a power usage of 100 to 140Watts peak.

i guess you can get more and cheaper power if you do the PCB yourself and use a modern 8 core but thats extra work

>> No.910689

oh and that's general purpose 200GHz if you can split the problem into small parallel tasks.
not that stupid bitcoin asics that can only hash partial sha256

>> No.910795

I plan on getting one for an outdoor timelapse camera. The main thing I like about it is it's dimensions. It's almost totally flat. Thought about using one as a remote for my camera, but I already have one.

Portable file sharing, if you are into that shit. Go into a pub with a succrets box, share on network. Gogo juices hairy va-va galore, bounce tit ∆ˆ˙ƒ∫∂˜ˆ foy pleasure. Upload to a few people, you know what they are doing tonight.....

>> No.910813

thought bitcoin was no longer worth it.

>> No.910830

>do some math:
>5$ for 1GHz
>multiply by 200:
>1000$ for 200GHz
anon, pls

>> No.910876

Design a project first. Depending on what the project needs, pick the board (if any is even necessary).

If the project needs a fair amount of computation, general USB interaction, or video out, maybe the Pi-zero is for you, but maybe a $5 arduino board will be better and easier for that project. Maybe a esp8266 will be beter. Or a banna pi, or a propeller chip.

Project first, then choose the board. Not board first, then project.

>> No.910878

Some of the orange-pi-pc boards and some of the banana-pi boards include wifi & SATA. Way better for a seed box than piping everything through USB.

>> No.911306


weather station?

>> No.911309

Every thread like this we have posts like this, just get the better one, or some arbitrary thought.

>What are some neat and/or useful things I could use one for?

Well given the specs it has, it can do a lot. But past the tech specs...It's flat, low weight, low power, and cost's 5 bucks. Which rivals some models of arduino. The one draw back I see is lack of usb ports, which will be used for your Bluetooth or WiFi most likely to communicate with the board. So you will be stuck with using the gpio pins/holes...for your devices. Which you might not like or maybe you want to learn that. It's not so hard.

The Rpi2 is good for general use, play games, desktop (which the pi0 will do too), it can do a lot more or a lot more, further.

This anon gets it.

>> No.911703

Actually you need a dongle, but there is usb on those.

>> No.911706
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why arent these fucking threads against the rules

>> No.911709

I bought a raspi thinking I could set it up for various networky things like DNS, DHCP, RADIUS etc.
It crashes reasonably regularly and is slow as shit. It would be faster to set up a cross compiler and manually copy the bin files into the SD card than trying to install even pre built packages.

But it is VERY quiet.

>> No.911712

I know, I was saying most likely it would be taken up by a dongle. I feel like its better suited for a embedded project.

look at all that bullshit YOU wrote.

>> No.911713
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>> No.911716

I did this for a bit. I would use one rpi 2 for sure since the PHP and MySQL scripts would likely be too much for the pi zero to handle. It would likely just run slow as living shit. In which case the 30ish dollar difference would probably be worth it. I use mine as a samba/nfs share.

>> No.911722

Or I could NOT waste my money and go buy a C2D machine for $50 that will do everything forever 20x faster.

>> No.911723

Last couple of days every tech site is promoting RPI-0. It's shoved all over the place, amazing targeted marketing. They must have sold a ton of those things.

>> No.911724

Rule of thumb: Raspberry Pi is good software projects - like a seedbox, media player, etc. Arduino is good for hardware projects - like controlling motors and reading sensors.

Though Rasberry Pi has IO pins, Arduino's IO pins are more capable. Arduino has more hardware PWMs, built in hardware ADCs, more precise interrupt timing, etc. Raspberry Pi's IO pins are fine for LEDs and buttons, but for anything more advanced or requiring precise timing, like building a BLDC motor controller, Arduino is better.

Note: If using Arduino, I recommend Atmel Studio. The Arduino IDE hides some of the hardware capabilities in the name of simplification.

>> No.911733

nope, meme tard

>> No.911780

Isn't that right?

>> No.911783

For $5? Go for it. Play and learn. $5 is less money than most places will take here. Can you still get chewing gum for less than $5?

>> No.911809

It costs more than 5$ to ship it
The 5$ price point is a crock of shit

You you have to get adapters for it too, no wireless or ethernet, it doesnt use standard HDMI, it needs a power adapter.

>> No.911810

You're assuming 200 1GHz cores is equivalent to 1 200GHz core. It isn't.

>> No.911812

I would have thought every camera has a time-lapse option built into it at this stage

>> No.912055

Not OP, but what are some alternatives to the raspberry pi zero? IE small, with GPIO, and capable of running debian

>> No.912238
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Pi Zero seams ideal for making a SUPER thin, long battery life, gameboy/emulator or MP3 player. I wonder how small I could make it and still be playable. I mean you can go REALLY tiny with this thing but you wouldn't be able to see the screen well enough to play games or press the buttons proper. Maybe some sort of clam shell or something that folds out? Need to think about this.

>> No.912241
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If only I could get my hands on some of that rollable OLED displays real cheap you could have large display that rolls up to take no space, stick a battery in the rolled up tube. Fold out clam shell so there's enough button space for fat fingers. Entire thing would fold/roll up small enough to fit in the small 5th pocket of your denim jeans with super long battery. Run it with display rolled/turned off for listening to MP3s.

>> No.912259

Could you build a satellite with this stuff?

>> No.912274

>MP3 player
how2get sound?

>> No.912277


Except buy it from somewhere that's not the Apple Store of electronics.

When you're being a smart device, stick it in PCM mode and drive it like a soundcard; when you're being an MP3 player, give it a playlist, then completely hibernate the application processor. This is what decent phones do, and why they can play MP3s for days.

>> No.912278

not yet

>> No.912293

>post on /ck/ hey what do I do with this ingredient
>post on /k/ hey how does my AR build look?
>post on /vg/ asking how to play a game
>post on /diy/ asking for project ideas/advice

consider suicide.

>> No.912309

Thanks for the link, anon.

>> No.912332


>this nigga doesnt understand the meme with posting these hipster devices and asking "I BOUGHT IT, NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH IT?"

its like going to buy a new car and asking the dealership to teach you how to drive it...

>> No.912396

But we are not selling this to the OP.

>> No.913626

>it's only 5$
>requires adapters worth 25$

>> No.913661

Where do you keep getting this figure from?

It needs:
Power: MicroUSB lead: $1
Video: MiniHDMI/HDMI lead: $1
I/O: USB hub, microUSB/USB lead: $2
PSU: any tablet charger: $5

That's four dollars, or $9 if you for some reason you don't have a USB charger knocking about.

But I guess it also needs a desk, and a monitor, and a mouse and a keyboard and a house to put it in, so the "real cost" must be more like $250,000

>> No.913751


Buy it at a B+M store, microcenter stocks them. If you need Ethernet, more than 1 USB port, or any other accessory just buy a B+ or a Pi2 because shit adds up fast.

>> No.913878

>post on /ck/ hey what do I do with this ingredient

"Hey /ck/ I bought this at the grocery store what do?" threads are equally as annoying as "I bought a RiPi what do?" threads are on /diy/, so thanks for proving his point.

>> No.914314

>You are going to pay triple the price of a Zero buying adapters to get it to run
This. If you just want a single cheap linux computer to dink around with aimlessly, maybe look at the $9 "Chip" computer from Next Thing Co. With pre-soldered headers, built-in wifi, Bluetooth, a full-size USB port and internal storage (Ubuntu preinstalled), it's a lot more plug-and-play than the Pi Zero. Drawbacks are that it's still pre-order until May, it doesn't have the massive community behind it that RPi does, and it has neither HDMI nor an SD slot.


>> No.914347

The remain sending it to space...

>> No.914463

Where can i buy zero for 5dollars?

>> No.914687
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Speaking of clamshell, I was going to get an odroid C1+ (or similar arm board) and try to get it into a nintendo DSI XL shell but I have no idea if I can make it fit or not.

My plan was to place the board in the bottom with a tiny keyboard where the bottom screen went, solder a psp joystick to each side, and then use a teensy 3.1 to make the buttons into a Human interface device so they'd be recognized.

I'm just having trouble sourcing parts and figuring out if the idea is actually feasible or not.

anyone have some input?