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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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89609 No.89609 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /diy/
I've been contributing here since day 1.
I am 15, and will graduate highschool at 17 and a month.
I plan on taking a gap year or deferring from college (Applying to Quest University, Deep Springs, Carleton College, UC Cal).
During this gap year I would like to do something incredible. I recently inherited about 15 acres of land in Adelanto, California. It's about an hour away from LA.
Here's the thing: It's in the Mojave Desert. My land is in the photo at left.
I'd like to take my gap year and build a small house on it. How can I do this with a 50,000 budget, a "can-do" spirit, and a lot of time?

Inb4 someone says it's impossible. It's not. If it'll be harder than it's worth, let me know of a way around this (or something else to do in my gap year.)

>> No.89610

It would be possible for a man to do this. Maybe even a kid.

But you sound like a faggot. And faggots are only good at sucking dicks.


>> No.89614 [DELETED] 

>man who flunked out of highschool and became a trucker pissed at everything with aspirations.

>> No.89617

with a 50k budget I would just backpack. Living on your own in the mojave desert isn't doing something incredible, it's incredibly naive and the only people that live out there do it because they don't have anywhere else to live

>> No.89618

>Mojave Desert
>immediately think of Fall Out: NV
>That is all

>> No.89620

on the contrary, dear anon

being put into the desert with nothing and trying to create something is a great character-building activity, even better if you do it all yourself.

OP, i don't know shit about stuff like this but i wish you luck.

>> No.89623


Nah I'm just pissed at faggots. Faggots like you.

When I get to a truck stop, and I see some queer eying me I wink back at him. Then I take him back to my truck, get him naked like we're gonna fuck then strangle the sonofabitch. Then it's into the woods I roll through next that he goes, never to be seen again.

Nobody likes you faggots. You should have learned that by now.

>> No.89627

Thanks. I'm applying for a construction job in May. Hopefully I learn enough to help me.
0/10. Maybe, maybe 0.5/10

>> No.89633

i live in Hesperia,ca (about 12miles from adelanto. be aware tat san bernardino county has tons of BS zoning and structure codes. do all your research and if possable talk to a contractor or inspector in the area . it would be a good area to build an iso container house, but also be aware that alot of adelanto is kinda known for being a shady tweeker and la gang member retreat.

>> No.89635
File: 26 KB, 350x332, rocket stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I backpack anyway. And also, not really. It's close-ish (10 miles) to a town of 30,000. It's incredible land. Really.

Pic related; it's an easy DIY for the freezing winter there.

>> No.89639

My initial concerns would be the utilities because that could be a bitch... Especially water. You can run a generator for power and can live with the heat, but water...
After that its construction.
So, do you have any idea of what you'd like to build or how to build it... Or, just starting out?
Not to troll or anything but I don't think you could even get a permit to build if you applied at your age.... So, I'm going to assume this is going to be an off the record kind of deal. Which is cool. Fucking building departments barely serve a purpose as is anyway.

>> No.89642


>I'm applying for construction jobs in May.

>> No.89649

Thanks. I was just in Hesperia over Thanksgiving checking out the land.
Also, the land is LITERALLY half SBCounty and half LA County. So.... I'll build on whatever side has more lax codes. thanks!

And I'm fine with Gangsters. And rattlesnakes. Not much better on either where I currently live (in Central Cal)

>> No.89651

I've discussed water with several people in the area. They have an established water tank, and most people use that. I also have experience with using and implementing water tanks that are isolated to only you (Seems ideal, as the land overlaps a hill)

>> No.89669

How do you plan on getting the wood out there? The pipes?
Also, will you be collecting water there at all? What will you do for fires?

>> No.89689
File: 118 KB, 765x295, page-bg-Target.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be as simple as looking at a map showing the depth of the water table and digging a well. Or digging a very deep well. I don't recommend prospecting for water in the desert, this isn't 1849 for fuck's sake. If any of these are successful, then a solar powered pump will do fine.

Dew collection panels are simple. Its a slanted panel of a particular kind of plastic. You harvest it in the early morning. Small amount of water though, and relatively labor-intensive.

The alternative is a water-from-air setup. $4300 for the machine, solar panel and inverter for up to 8 gallons a day. Shit will work on Mars, it'll do fine in the Mojave. This is labor-free but cash-intensive, especially if you buy their shitty lead-acid batteries. Edison cells will last decades, are non-toxic, and store 6.6 Watts per dollar with 80% efficiency.

>> No.89701

Well, ok...
I plan on building my own house one day as well. Personally, I'm probably just going to opt for the same building methods that everyone else usually does - 2 x 4 framed.
I've worked as a carpenter, albeit in the commercial sector, for the better part of a decade and I can tell you the actual building part is very straightforward. And it can all be done with one person... Well, pretty much.... To pour a foundation you need a concrete truck. And to get materials in general you'd need to have it shipped in. I'd wager I could set trusses myself though.
Anyway, to learn, you face an interesting problem nowadays. Building a house is split up into different segments and different crews. You typically have the concrete guys, electricians, plumbers, framers, drywallers, etc.. So working in residential construction doesn't guarantee you can build a house. I'd probably shoot to be on a framing crew. You'd probably learn the most there.
Also, volunteering with habitat for humanity would give you good hands-on experience as well. They let their volunteers go through the whole process of construction (except plumbing/electric).

>> No.89702

Where in Central Cal?

>> No.89706

Before you even get to that point though you need to have some idea of what you want to build. Refine that idea into some kind of floor plan. You can calculate the square footage involved and compare your ideas with costs.
As an example, say you want the cheapest shingle roof possible. That's still a decent chunk of change. You need to scale everything to fit in a budget.

>> No.89733

831... Monterey Bay.

>> No.89755


>> No.89792
File: 191 KB, 512x512, Shotgun Shack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this. Known as a shotgun shack in the South.

>> No.89797

>>18 years old
>>wants to blow 50k on "something incredible"
>>50k is 2 years wages to real people

My advice is get your degree and get out you rich little prick, go get a job from daddy's "connections"

Sage because I would beat you within an inch of your life if I could touch you.

>> No.89801

Holy shit, you fuckers are uppity. I don't recall OP asking for your opinions.

This guy is a prime example of a shit post.