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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 58 KB, 1280x720, stanley multi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
884414 No.884414 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.884420

Nay. No whoa. Shit son. You crazy.
No no no.

Fuck. Even Gerber and Victoinox make questionable multi tools. They're not a good investment.

Skeletool CX from Leatherman if you really really want one. Knife is good. Pliers are good. Screwdriver is fantastic.

Gerber makes some good pliers and hard wire cutters in the form factor, but their knife and the rest of ergonomics are pretty shitty.

You are tempted to get one with all the features and whiz bang doodads... You ain't never going to use them or enjoy them. They get annoyingly heavy to carry around, and they're not as good as individual tools.

Skeletool CX is nice because it's light and almost as good as dedicated versions of each tool.

>> No.884421

>Victoinox make questionable multi tools

>> No.884423
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>people are going to take this retard seriously

No, its shit

>> No.884425

I can see your point about Gerber, if you apply high standards. Victorinox on the other hand I don't see the problem with. In my book they make one of the best heavy tools if not the very reference for other manufacturers.

But even with the Skeletool, the question is do I want a tool that is so expensive, I can wreck 5 Stanleys and still come up ahead.

>> No.884432

multi-tools like this (any brand) are really kinda man-toys. if you will need real tools, these aint it. and if you just want a folding pocket knife, these are way too heavy and bulky

whatever one you get, try this test:
1. color the tips of the screwdrivers and along the edges of all the knife blades with a black permanent market.
2. "use" it for a few months or a year or whatever
3. after a year is up, go look at what tools have the magic marker rubbed off from use.

>> No.884440
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Yeah. It sure looks like shit. I never bought one but it looks just like every other shitty multi tool I've ever seen. Multitools in general are shit, and I never got anything out of them I couldn't have from just having a pen knife or taking 5 steps to my truck and getting my pliers--someone who tried to carry and love many brands and sizes for almost 20 years.

By the time I'd ever heard of victorinox making multi tools I was getting pretty pissed at the whole idea already so I wasn't about to drop $100 on another shitty tool I wouldn't like.

>> No.884447
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So you hate all mutlitools, but are recommending one you never bought while shitting on others you have never bought.

Interesting, I now understand why your opinion should be valued.

>> No.884451

if the point of having a multitool is that you don't need to go get the real tool... then getting a cheap one that you need to replace frequently is somewhat insane.... also leatherman has a 25 year warranty on their multitools... I'm a big fan of the skeletool, had one for about 4 years now... use it daily... I do appliance repair and it comes in surprisingly handy.. have yet to have it break so have no experience with the warranty yet....

also main point on the skeletool that is usefull is that you don't have to open the pliers to use the knife, you can flip it out one handed and unlock and retract it one handed as well...

>> No.884452

I did get a skeletool. It was fine. still pinches my hands more often than real pliers, but the knife and screwdriver are fine.

Have you ever tried what >>884432

Multitools are useless, you don't use none of that shit.

>> No.884457

Victorinox repairs any sent in tool they ever made, for free if it doesn't show obvious abuse.

The Stanley doesn't break easily. I mean sure, the margin of abuse it will tolerate is smaller with a $12 tool than with a $60 one. But is that margin worth $48?

If you need a one handed pocket blade may I suggest a box cutter? I have carried one all my working life and it is useful every day.

>> No.884458

>skeletool CX better than Victorinox Spirit

Lol no son get out sit down go home.

>> No.884465

Oh look it's this thread again. A multitool is an upgrade to a pocketknife, not a replacement for real tools. (most of) The people that buy and use them know this.

As for op, no the Stanley one pictured looks like crap. It doesn't have even the most basic features that the name brands do, which means it's not even trying to compete at name brand level. Expect Chinese trash that's ever so slightly better then the usual Chinese trash.

>> No.884468

box cutter works great, but every once in a while it's nice to have a pocket set of okayish pliers and a pretty good screwdriver.

also I use the blade to pry every once in a while and boxcutters won't tolerate that.

haven't tried it, but I suspect that I would wear off a decent amount of marker... used all three parts of my skeletool today, opened a few boxes with the knife and also used it to gently pry loose a control panel on a washer, used the screwdriver to pull a flathead screw out of the back of a dryer that some previous service person put in there... most likely they dropped the original.. they haven't made appliances with flathead screws in forever... and then used the pliers to unscrew a water line from the back of an icemaker fill tube... was behind the fridge and didn't want to squeeze my way back out just to get a set of pliers....

also I've worn off most of the black finish on the two bits that came with it...

>> No.884469

Blade Type SwissTool
Weight 7.3 oz

Skeletool CX:
Weight: 5 oz | 142 g
Blade Length: 2.6 in | 6.60 cm

B-b-buh my 22 toolsss
Nah. I don't need a screwdriver shaped like a can opener and a bottle opener shaped like a screw driver and have them both counted as 3 separate tools.

>> No.884484

Fine. Be a faggot. No one is forcing you. To each their own.

>> No.884491

Im not sure what this post is trying to convey

The skeletool is better because it is lighter and has less tools?

>> No.884495

The young'uns need a chance for someone to explain to them that multi tools are actually a terrible waste of money. I'd respect an actual swiss army knife vs a swiss tool.

Just fuck multitools. They ain't worth the hassle. but like I said, if you really think you could do with pliers that much, then skeletool-cx. It doesn't have any competitors last I looked (years ago)

>> No.884496

Does the Skeletool have the diamond file?
It's the only reason I'd consider Leatherman.

As for comparing the Skeletool to the Spirit, you are confusing categories. Victorinox only makes heavy and the heavy Leatherman is the Super Tool 300.

As to gimmicks, the parts of the Spirit are well thought out and have been used in folding knifes for decades. The scissors are the best folders you will find. The can and bottle opener parts not only have screw driver tops nut also wire bending notches, and they are a favorite tip to modify if you have exotic needs. A real treat is the chisel, with it and the awl and the superb saw you get a basic woodworking kit that will go a long way. And unlike the Super Tool the blades fold out so that the grip isn't in the way of the working surface.

>> No.884499

Each post you make is more baffling than the last.

>> No.884532
File: 69 KB, 550x412, Sog Deluxe Pocket PowerPlier Model S45-N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, a SOG Pocket Powerpliers S45 is my EDC.

>> No.884533
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Along with this sweetie.

>> No.884542

Multi-tools have their uses, especially when travelling light. I have a leatherman wave that I regularly use when motorcycle travelling.

It is heavy though, not good for carrying around in a pants pocket. After years of using it, I have identified the best tools for my needs - the bit driver, the drop-point blade (I hate those useless half serrated blades), and the pliers. One of the skeletools has those three but it is expensive and I can't justify the price when I already have a wave.

>> No.884550
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Got issued a SOG in the army. Knife was single bevel and could just about cut butter, file was crap (warped), and the pliers were impossible to use on larger nuts because you have to open the handles so wide you couldn't get your hand around them. Started rusting around about 2 months (it was the black oxide model). D-. It was such shit I turned it back in. Not a single person kept it after we got issued our next tool in Iraq.

Later got issued a Gerber multi-tool. The ones with the sliding plier head. It was decent. Carried it for about 3 years. Sliding head was cool and it deployed fast but it also tended to break and you had to open it to fold out the tools. Tool quality was so-so. Everyone I knew had broken the screwdrivers on them. Knife, file and pliers were good. C+ overall. Still got it somewhere. Its about like a Leatherman Sidekick, but not quite as good.

Victorinox Swisstool, paid for with my own money. Shit was awesome. Lent it to someone and they walked off with it. Great tools, great knife, good pliers, standard fold out design. Rock solid stainless steel. Never rusted (same environment and care as the SOG) and required zero maintenance. Ergonomics weren't great though and you had to open it to fold out the tools. A-. It was about 10 years old but I wish I still had it.

Current carry, pic related. Leatherman Wave. Got it as a birthday gift after someone walked off with my Swisstool. My Swisstool was several years old by that point and the Wave is a much more modern design than what I had. Ergonomics are better and I think its lighter (can't compare, sadly). Tool quality isn't quite as good but you can open several of the tools one handed without opening it and the accessories are great. Its also cheaper. A-. Still wish I had the Swisstool but its just preference at this point, not because one is objectively better.

>> No.884551

What about the MUT? Any point in having AR specific tools?

>> No.884557

That was before my time. It hadn't been released yet.

>> No.884565

if you regularly shoot an AR... then a MUT isn't a terribad idea... if you don't then why bother?

>> No.884567

SOG also makes specialty versions if that is your thing...

I have a PT-540 (made by SOG,) and that thing has been a trooper. Though, I really only use it for data work when my other tools are out in the truck or too much of a pain to be bothered with.

I guess it boils down to intended use.

>> No.884649
File: 1.15 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20151006_142742590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldie basic leatherman supertool is part of my edc. It suits almost all of my needs

>> No.884680

Which Leathermans have the saw/diamond file?

Is it just the Surge?

>> No.884681

Anyone, thoughts on Leatherman?
I have a Wave and imo it is pretty solid.

>> No.884694
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> 200 series master race

My brother got this for my 18th birthday 16 years ago, has been on my belt for every roadie gig I have done till the beginning of this year when some meathead tried to undo a nut with the pliers perpendicular to the shaft, resulting in twisted and loose as fuck jaws. Nearly punched the guy out, then realised It had become such a sentimental tool the thought of loosing it/someone else fucking it harder killed me. Replaced it with a Supertool 300.

Have the tools become so loose they flop out on yours as well? Does anyone know if this is something leatherman can fix? Until I got a replacement the thought of being without it turned me off checking this out, now I have the 300 it's no biggie, and I'm kind of tired of getting knifed everytime I swing it open.

>> No.884695

Leatherman covers quite a spread. You can't compare a micro with a wave or a super tool. Weight, price, and utility differ a lot. a handbag sized accessory is not and EDC knife is not a heavy gadget aiming to replace a few serious tools.

As a general rule, Leathermans are pretty solid. A few things they have going for them:

Some models feature one handed opening.
The knife blade is heavy for a pocket knife and available in carbon steel on the bigger models.
They have 5 different scissor designs, and 2 of them are quite good (the heavy duty one with the grip and the one in place of mini pliers).
Most models fold the blade out when the pliers are closed so that the working surface and the grip do not interfere in front of the blade.
A few models feature bit holders for long bits that can get to recessed and obstructed screw heads.
The exchangeable wood saw or metal file with diamond coating both work great and can be changed when worn.
One model line has exchangeable wire cutter blades.

The downsides are few:

Not as solid a construction as say the swiss tool, a Leatherman holds but it doesn't inspire confidence.
Some models feature plastic parts.
X+ gimmicky finish options for 0perators
But the worst thing is that they don't make one tool that features all the things I want from different models of their lines. They keep getting close, but then spoiling it with some marketable feature I don't want to carry or some price lowering lack which I absolutely want.

All in all, if you buy the right Leatherman, it will be useful to you for the rest of your life. And only Victorinox seems to be of comparable quality, although their philosophy differs. Gerber makes toys by comparison.

>> No.884699

Send it in within 25 years of purchase.

>> No.884707
File: 179 KB, 732x732, IMAG2042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One model line has exchangeable wire cutter blades.
That would be the Supertool line, my 300 has them, and I giggled a little when I spotted them. After 15 years, and despite only cutting copper wire and low gauge fence with it, my knob is now sharper than the my 200's cutters. The now misaligned jaws really don't help either.

Yes, I am aware of their warranty. My question is do the cover what would be considered "wear and tear" by most manufacturers, or will they come to the party on the jaws and tool pins?

>> No.884713

This warranty covers only the original/primary owner and does not cover abuse, alteration, theft, loss, or unauthorized and/or unreasonable use of your Leatherman product. This warranty does not cover sheaths, accessories, imprinting, color finishes, cleaning, or sharpening.

Our warranty program covers tools purchased for personal use only. This warranty does not cover bulk purchases from auctions or flea markets with the intent to resell repaired or refurbished tools.

Leatherman Tool Group is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

>> No.884767

I enjoy mine but I having been using it heavy duty. Its not a tank, specifically the pliers have a little bend when you put a lot of pressure trying to grip something.

>> No.884768

^ same anon, sorry I mean't I HAVENT been using it heavy duty you fucking autists

>> No.884783

Nah. Multitools are worthless. There's literally no situation you can concont that has any advantage to them.

>> No.884875

Nope, mine is the previous series. No numbers encarved on it

>> No.886185

I have a Gerber. I have had the sliding action ones like anon mentioned. They're tits. Handy. Some models have exchangeable wire cutting inserts like mentioned before. They replace any broken Gerber just pay postage. I was concrete worker, a framer, now I'm a handy man. They're just nice. Maybe I'm just bias because I've had one for so long. But I've tried the craftsman kobalt Stanley folder safety blades. I have a regular safety blade and a scraper but this fits the in between moments.

>> No.886208


I use a Gerber 600 Scout or some such with a replaceable diamond? grit saw blade and a half-serrated knife edge. (Collapsable pliers)

It has the best handle/tool locking system and pliers I've ever found on a multitool. I use it literally every day for something while my $400 fancy Leatherman stays in a drawer somewhere since the pliers are dogshit and the screwdrivers are pathetic on it.

>> No.886209

What kind of steel does Gerber use?

>> No.886210


I don't know man. I found this one in Home Depot for like $90 and bought it on a whim. Ended up loving it. Blade takes a good edge and the drivers have yet to even scratch. No marring on plier teeth or wire cutter edges, yet.

I can't even find the exact model for it online...

>> No.886214


>> No.886216

Naw, man. I don't know how you can be so happy with that.

I mean I don't trust the sliding pliers, but I believe you if you say they never gave you trouble.

However, the blades fold the wrong way. It's like the Super Tool. You can't use it sensibly on a cutting surface because the body of the tool gets in the way.

Basic design flaw.

>> No.886218


Once they lock into place you couldn't push them back without breaking all the things.

Though the handles do get in the way a little with odd things. Like the beer opener and needing to sharpen the lower bit of the blade.

>> No.886219

>breaking all the things
Yes, that is my suspicion.

>> No.886220


I don't think a lone human could put enough force on them to push them back or break them. Unless you're Hafthor or something. I guess the failure point would be the main pins, which are a couple MM thick so you'd have to sheer them off somehow.

>> No.886221

I bought the stanley one for 14$, and it has served me well. It's helped me a few times when I was biking or working in the field. It`s heavy, and not as solid as the more expensive ones, but it's cheap and it beats carrying around a toolbox.
It's not what I would call a "great product" but for 14$ I got more than my money's worth.

>> No.886253

I carry a Leatherman wave around. It is by far not the first tool to reach for almost anything. But shit, when I get fucked and that thing is the only thing I have on me, I can do almost anything with it.

>> No.886343


>> No.886401

i gotta disagree in terms of fuck mutlitools outright. i carry a shitty one myself and my friend had a leak in his engine but he had no tools. i passed him my multittool and he macguyvered that shit in 15 min and we were out of there.

tldr they are good in a pinch but thats it

>> No.886403

Just imagine what Angus could have done with a multitool on his belt...!

>> No.886407
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It cuts stuff and opens bottles. What more could you possibly need?

Also it does a better job of opening canned goods than cheap can openers.

>> No.886430

Fuck Multitool people: Fuck you. They have their uses, and the people that use them know what they are. Nobody (who is not stupid) has ever suggested to replace normal tools with a MT. That's not what they are for.

Leatherman: Good tools, Shit blades. If you want a real knife, get something else, or carry another knife in addition to this. If you want a solid tool that you won't feel bad about fucking up on a job, go for it. B+

Gerber: See Leatherman, unless it's the sliding pliers kind. Those are gimmicky shit, the pliers bend and get jammed. Why the fuck would a manufacturer put a gimmick that weakens the most important part? Stupid.

Swisstool: If Jesus was reincarnated as a multitool, it would be this one. Pliers are rock solid, stronger then some REAL pliers I've used in fact. I mean seriously, this is a Strong Ass Tool. Blade is great (yay for Victorinox steel) stays sharp, etc. The whole thing is precision engineered; you can even unfold it halfway and use it as a mini framing square if you wanted. Only downsides is it's old-school design, you can't open any tools one handed. Plus it's huge and heavy. Also, not having a replaceable Phillips bit is a problem, but the warranty can cover that if needed.

>> No.886432

My Leatherman Charge easily has the best blade of any knife I have (S30v).

>> No.886438

Leatherman Micra. I have others, but I need the scissors the most often and the Micra is the smallest tool with the best scissors.

>> No.886443

Yea. They replace a knife with a heavier version with stupid shit on it.
If you don't carry a basic tool set with you in each of your trucks, its probably because you need the room for your tampons.
If your buddies don't have some tools in their truck, well that multitool aint gonna help dig that dildo out of y'alls asshole either.
There should be no situation where you don't have a toolset with enough in it walking distance away, unless you concont a stupid fucking situation you got your retarded ass in.
Now if your job doesn't need tools and you like carrying the turbofucker leatherman edition to simultaneously tighten up and strip out Phillips head screws to feel worthwhile, both of your dads must be proud.

>> No.886447

>shitting on sliding pliers.
But anon, that's the best part and they are more effective at cutting hard wire than any other brand.

>> No.886755

How do I remove rust from gears and blades? I noticed that it's getting kinda rusty

>> No.886756

Fuck off, Victorinox outlasts everything. Your murica is misguided

>> No.886759

I always figure most multitool s aren't built for actual work like in the army. They just don't tend to hold up to near everyday use and nothing will beat actual tools...

I got the mut as I had too much money and liked the look of it - fine for my intermittent use but no way it'd last

>> No.886902

i frequent /g/, and they have buyers guides/infographics on headphones, ram sticks and whatnot.
Couldn't we make a similar infographic, just for multitools?

>> No.886922

>There's literally no situation you can concont that has any advantage to them.
The situation where I don't want to carry a toolbox around with me.

>> No.886937

>leatherman having a rust problem

How surprising!

>> No.887253
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If one was made, it would resemble this one

>> No.887413

I have that exact model and it is a piece of shit. There is no locking mechanism for the tools, and the resistance 'lock' wears out immediately. The plyers are okay if you have an iron grip

Why did I get that one if it's so shit? I got it for free and wore it out in 2 weeks at work

>> No.887416
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOG compound leverage cuts piano wire and coins.

Pic related, my EDC.

>> No.887418


>> No.887419

(quoting myself)
the times that I have been out camping or backwoods mtb riding and I've had to use anything, it was almost always the same thing: i got a splinter of some type (either from wood or a cactus) and I needed to dig it out... and what I really needed for that was a pointed exacto knife blade and a stout pair of pointed tweezers.

None of the blades on any pocket knife or multitool I've ever owned would work as well as a new exacto blade would, and the only tweezers that I've had in a swiss army knife were not fine enough and stiff enough as I'd like.

I have one of the SOG gear-pivot multi-tools I bought some years ago.... the pouch is worn out from me carrying it various places, but the tool itself is still mostly unused. and I don't carry it much at all anymore.

>> No.887420

Only the finest of Chinesium

>> No.887472

>multitools are useless
Ask me how I know you don't work for a living.

>> No.887494

You got a lot of steel coins?

>Piano wire
Not bad.

The dumbest thing I cut with my diesel was steel fish tape.

>> No.887496
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>> No.887507

>in each of your trucks
who the fuck do you think /diy/ is?

>a toolset within walking distance
ahhhh so youre that faggot who has to go out to their truck every 5 minutes for a screwdriver.

>> No.887523

I forgot it was a bunch of poorfag NEETs and bunkerbro. My bad.
For those of you who haven't worked, you grab what you need when you leave the vehicle. If you don't know what the task will involve, you bring overkill or take nothing but enough tools to analyze the problem and come back.
I carry my work laptop, powertools and tools in work truck.
Weekend truck has a socket set and basic electrical tool bag.
Hunting truck has 2 farm jacks and basically full shop. No phone signal on the lease and have had to made it limp home by myself from all kinds of fucked up shit.
Hell even both tractors have pair of bigass channelocks, knife and 11in1 on them. 11in1 is just for fixing random bullshit in cab when I'm in it.
Sidebyside usually has full toolkit similar to hunting truck in back unless I need to completely empty it out for like spraying with an extra tank.
Four wheelers only have a knife.
Tacklebox has pliers/cutters/knife.
I guess I could replace the last two with a multitool? I don't see any value or utility added.

>> No.887524

Oh and ski boat, when I had it, had an electrical kit stashed in it.

>> No.887525

My nigga. The perfect one.

>> No.887564

Of course if you're at home or work you just use your regular tools. They are great when you are neither at work or home and can't be hauling everything with you for whatever reason.

I use mine when backpacking.

Not the guy you're replying to.

>> No.888594

best tool: leatherman wave post 2004 model

i also like the sog powerlock for thier compound pliers

also consider the sog powerlock traveler for schools, airports, other places where knives aren't allowed

>> No.888633

>leatherman wave post 2004 model

You mean when the fit and finish went to dog shit.

>> No.888911

my particular model is fine
my friend's wave is in fact dog shit you are right

>> No.889357

So thats where paperclips come from!

>> No.889794

Jesus H Christ, men are turning into worse consumerist twats than women. Arguing this vehemently over a multi-tool most of you cocksluts will have sitting in a drawer for eternity within 2 months of purchase.