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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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876267 No.876267 [Reply] [Original]

I'm building a digital watch and I need some thin as fuck 7-digit displays, anyone know where I can find some?
Preferrably pretty cheap.
I've been looking at ones like in pic, but they are a little on the small side.

>> No.876268

Is that a bomb?!

>> No.876272
File: 20 KB, 241x241, HDSP-07xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean 7 segment?
If the thickness of the display in your pic is ok, then you can get ordinary single digit SMD displays with comparable thickness.
There's also the option of building segments from 0402 size LEDs. Pic related.
If a fancy alphanumeric display is ok, some of them are pretty easy to open so that you'll have a PCB with a bunch of bonded LEDs. They're less than 1.5mm thick.

Fuck off.

>> No.876274

Yep, durp.

It's not strictly the thickness, but rather the aesthetics. Having thick blocky displays on the clockface would look odd. SMD displays look promising though.

Those alphanumeric ones look really nice, but kinda pricy, I'm using only parts I scrounged from my electronics club (except for the MCU) and it's mostly for learning anyways.

>> No.876276

oh, ahmed.

>> No.876333

No, Mr. President.

>> No.876335


>> No.876451

If you can only find ones that small, why not experiment with a magnifying lens for the crystal?

Post it in the watch thread in /g/ when you're done.

>> No.877682

led bubble displays?

I can't believe this hasn;t been posted.

>> No.877708

OP himself mentioned them.

>> No.877712
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>> No.878485

The one I'm building is kinda barebones, and I'm only using really cheap stuff, I settled on thin 3x7-segment (hours will be shown in hex) in an SMD package I got for 50cent.

If I make another one it will definitely use some nice alphanumerical displays and be decked out with more features.

>> No.878673


The DL1414 is cute!


>> No.878686

>Fuck off.
leave it to the yuroshit to not take a joke

>> No.878693

What's that called and where can I get one?

>> No.878707

> leave it to amerifats to think their interchangeable police/military complex overreacting like this is a joke.

>> No.878709

Bubble display or HP QDSP-6064.
Ebay for example.

>> No.878714

wow, amazing invention u should come visit the whitehouse

>> No.878721
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>> No.878734
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>> No.878952
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>> No.878953
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incandescent 7 seg

>> No.879097

Nifty, thanks. I may have to make my own watch one of these days.

>> No.879126

Do they run on high voltage?

>> No.879156

bomb makers will be banned.

>> No.879160
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>> No.879164
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>> No.879202
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>> No.879218

Looks similar to a VFD's grid when running at a higher voltage, with some of them in an 8 shape you could have a big digit.