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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 47 KB, 468x484, 1322709160382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
85905 No.85905 [Reply] [Original]

I see that my last thread has 404'd

Just leaving this here for anyone to ask any questions. If someone screen cap'd the last thread or otherwised saved it please post it for others. I didn't bother saving it myself.

If you had questions from the last thread and I didnt answer them, it's because I didn't get a chance to read before the 404. Please ask again

and GO

>> No.86018

Wow. Did the mods get rid of it? Anywho, I was wondering if you can submit the same article to the different websites. You mentioned that you could but I am asking how soon do you have to submit them. Do you just submit them at the same time?

>> No.86040

Hello, IMFag.

I read your tutorial. I was wondering, on AC how does one go about the upfront payment option? In the FAQ it's not very detailed, nor are any links given.

I have rewrote many articles in the past, so that's no problem, actually I'm rather skilled and can manually spin really fast.

>> No.86090

I'd recommend if your going to do that for any form of payment (or any other submission where they get manually reviewed for uniqueness) to do them all at the same time. Waiting between periods means one website will publish it and google can index it before the other website reviews it themselves. the entire point is to beat the google index

and no clue why the last one dissapeared

i havent actually been on AC for a year or two, since they changed to yahoo voice give or take. as stated in my previous thread they MAY not even give upfront payments anymore (though i doubt it). just sign up and check your accounts ettings, you should have a payment option somewhere in there letting you link a paypal.

if they HAVE changed and dont offer upfront payments, my recommendation would be to follow the guide like i previously wrote only work directly with squidoo/hubpages/helium (i didnt mention the later, another poster did, but its a good addition to my information)

>> No.86333

>I have rewrote many articles in the past

I lolled - and English is not even my first language

>> No.86650

How many articles did you write a month when you started your website? how long did it take you to build up to the 100$ a day mark?

>> No.86653

I have it saved in a txt, if you want me to post it back up.

>> No.86657

So I've decided tonight I will share something with /diy/.

I've seen many "how can i make some money online" threads. I've responded in bits and pieces here and there with general answers, but decided I'll sit down and spoon feed anyone who's interested a few thoughts.

Who am I? Who cares. the only thing that matters is to know I've played with internet marketing (IM) for years, had great success and great fails. The following information will be meant as a series of stepping stones to get anyone who is genuinely interested in IM into the mix, get their feet wet, and learn the basic principles. This is not a "become a millionaire" guide. This will teach you to make money online and help you learn the fundamentals.

PS: This picture is being used because another anon quoted my response in another thread to answer another person asking for IM advice, he used this pic, and seeing that someone took what i said and kept it is what has motivated me to do this.

>> No.86662

1. create a pen name and sign up to the previously mentioned areas. You do NOT want to use your real name or an online alias you already use. You do NOT want anyone that decides to cheat you/play dirty in your niche/etc finding anything more on you than they can. I would recommend for future IM projects (consider this Project 1) to keep everything seperated. there are dirty players in the IM world and they will do anything to make you less competition.

there are 3 main styles of internet marketing:
-White Hat (Completely legit, by the book methods)
-Grey Hat (somewhat legit, "they MIGHT ban me if they notice" methods
-Black Hat ("Proxy up and use throwaway accounts, this is something they dont want me to do" methods)

>> No.86660

What you will need:
-new email account (to segregate your work to its own area)
-Hubpages.com account
-Squidoo.com account
-Associatedcontent.com account (now Yahoo Voices)*
-text editor (i like microsoft word)
-Google Adsense account

*I have not used this site in years, last i heard they still worked the same, if they no longer pay upfront for things then fuck them.

>> No.86663

1. create a pen name and sign up to the previously mentioned areas. You do NOT want to use your real name or an online alias you already use. You do NOT want anyone that decides to cheat you/play dirty in your niche/etc finding anything more on you than they can. I would recommend for future IM projects (consider this Project 1) to keep everything seperated. there are dirty players in the IM world and they will do anything to make you less competition.

there are 3 main styles of internet marketing:
-White Hat (Completely legit, by the book methods)
-Grey Hat (somewhat legit, "they MIGHT ban me if they notice" methods
-Black Hat ("Proxy up and use throwaway accounts, this is something they dont want me to do" methods)

We will be diving into a bit of all 3 categories here. Primarily staying in Greyhat territory that shouldnt yield any bannings as long as you follow along.

>> No.86664

2. we will begin our focus to try and get a bit of quick change to fund our work.
-come up with a niche you want to toy with. Dont put much thought into it. Like video games? we will do video games. Like wood working? we will do wood working. Been broken up with and its on your mind? We'll look into breakups.

Decide on something you want to "help" people with. Go into google and search "top 10 ways to _____", "how to _____" "Tips for ______" etc etc.

"Top 10 tips for getting over your ex"
"5 easy ways to make pudding"
"how to become a carpenter easy"

Whatever you choose, we want to focus on finding How to, Top 10, and other "informational" articles.

after typing it into google, you should find plenty of articles online over that topic. Pick the 3rd one (it doesnt have to be third, i just say that cause you never want to pick the first one). Copy and paste it into a text document.

Does anyone actually want this?

>> No.86666

3. Begin creating your own content.

open another (blank) word document and allign the copied text on half your screen and the blank on the other half. Read the first paragraph once through. Start over. Read the first sentence. Stop. Re-write that sentence in the new document, changing it.

For instance.

you read:
"So you want to learn how to forget your ex girlfriend?"

you write:
"If you have read this, It's safe to assume you want to forget your ex girlfriend."

Repeat this process until you have completed the entire article.

Spellcheck this article, pretty it up any way you can.

The first time you do this it will probably take 30 minutes to an hour. Once you get good, you shouldn't take any longer to build it than it takes to read it twice. On average I can re-write a 700 word article in about 5-10 minutes.

Submit this new article to AC for upfront payment and wait. They will probably offer you 1.50 - 3.00 for it. Take the offer.

Repeat this process until you have around 20-30 dollars. With a bit of devotion you can accomplish this in a few days time.

This is called article re-writing or manual spinning. You now have the basics of creating fast, cheap and legible content.

>> No.86668

Sorry guys, but that'll take too long, here's the Dl for it


>> No.86709

by the time i got to that level I was no longer writing them myself, instead i outsourced the workload for pennies (look around IM forums and find non-US residents, interview them and get test articles to make sure they can speak english) I couldn't tell you how many i've gone through on a monthly basis, but its by no means a small number if you stick to adsense/AC methods. the more you publish the more you make so you never want to stop


thanks for posting. I find it ironic that you were one of the first to accuse me of scamming and now your reposting my work :P

>> No.86716

when did I ever accuse you of scamming? that was my first time posting in the thread. who ever accused you was someone else. I think this is a great idea!
^My first post in either thread, thanks for sharing castro!

>> No.86725

o my bad, i figured you were >>86653 and just un-namefagged

>> No.86726

a bit of graphical motivation. shut things down today for tinkerings

>> No.86727
File: 64 KB, 938x312, DEC6n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im an idiot and forgot to put the pic

>> No.86790


Keep posting here OP. Very interesting.

>> No.86792

You brought up white hatting but never really detailed it, I'm assuming it's obviously slower with money income but is completely illegal. Is it simply not article spinning/mass accounts? or am I missing something else?

>> No.86800


I think OP is sleeping, but yeah, I would like to see some short white hatting examples. I brought up my professional license in the old thread, but he gently steered me to grey hatting, regardless. I took his direction to imply that the upside is so rewarding, that you should consider gray hatting, regardless of the "consequences".

>> No.86993

white hatting is going completely LEGIT. not "legal". blackhat is the opposite of htis, and is not ILLEGAL as for laws etc (primarily)


>> No.86995

hat methods are methods that have NO chance of revenue companies (ac, google adsense, etc etc) being mad at you and suspending/banning you for the methods you use. IE article spinning is a blackhat method to generate articles, and nothing is legally wrong with it, however AC would deny articles, and possibly ban your AC account if you were caught red handed.

Clicking your own ads in adsense, it's by no means ILLEGAL, but google will swiftly ban you for doing so if busted.

in order to go whitehat, you simply create completely new content, if your a good writer this can yield positive results, but for the majority of us article spinning is the best way to get paid. the problem with this is normally you wouldn't -ever- SPIN an article in a completely white hat method, and instaed create an entire new article (same niche, different subject, etc) but theres normally only so much to talk about that even whitehatters normally re-target old topics, creating new articles saying the same thing, and thus article spin without trying to.

secondly, article spinning is by no means "evil" and is a natural process in its own right, some just use it a little more "on purpose" than others. for example, the person talking about the medical profession. there would be absolutely NOTHING wrong with you writing an article, spinning it into 200+ -good- articles, proof reading, checking for spelling, etc, then using it to publish a backllink and quality content over 200 websites on the net, all linking back to your own website for SEO purposes.

this is what even legit websites do. the other option to go 100% whitehat [without anyone being able to argue it] is to manually create 200 fresh articles without repeating any of the same topics etc. It can be done, but itll take 200x longer than it should, and the morality is nearly not changed.

>> No.86996

brown hatting sounds more suitable for you

>> No.87932

I got shot down on my first AC try. I actually wrote an article myself without spin but they denied me. Oh well. Hubpages seems to be working well for me right now.

>> No.88127

read the information they gave you, they explain why you dont get accepted. re-write/edit the article accordingly and re-submit.

personally i never had much trouble getting stuff accepted with AC, but many people I know took about 10 (legit) tries before understanding the do's and dont's.

>> No.88128


also dont forget squidoo. great to work between both and interlink common articles for seo rankings

>> No.88130

Here's a little more graphical motivation.

not much, but this is one of four new endeavors i've taken up and am currently tweaking before opening the flood gates so to speak.

This is ebay, I'm pushing about 1/5 of total products available for this niche, waiting until I open up my ebay store to go full speed on it.

>> No.88131
File: 9 KB, 211x100, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and again im an idiot and forgot the pic -.-

>> No.88221
File: 115 KB, 600x611, fagop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, OP.

Stop. Right. Fucking. Now.

I've been working online for about half a decade now. I know that's not too long, but when you consider the entire life of the Internet, I've been working here for a considerable amount of time. I started as a copywriter, and now I'm the proud owner of a successful content strategy firm.

Why am I telling you this? Well, in order for me to start my firm, I had to learn every aspect of web development, web strategy, general management, and an impossible list of other things... But to stay relevant to this post, two of the most important assets to my company are findability and marketing online (SEO being a decent part of this).

Long story short, I'm tired of shit like you're posting. If there's one thing that pisses me off about the online business world, it's all the shitheads and snake oil salesmen out there saying "hurr durr, make a niche website and use seo! Internet marketing! Be an affiliate marketer!"

Sure, what you're covering isn't entirely "false." But from what I've been reading in this thread, it just looks like the "content farm" variety of content marketing. "Here, write an article loosely based around these guidelines, slap a few keywords on, spin it, post it on a shit ton of article directories, and lol, ad revenue!"

That used to work before Google got tired of your shit, and introduced Google Panda. You might be able to squeeze a little bit of revenue out of your content spinning model, but you content spammers are slowly dying. There's more to success online than "internet marketing" and the crazy distorted version of "SEO" you're incorporating.

I could go on, but I'll let you crash and burn on your own. I'm just tired of you fucks.

>> No.88294 [DELETED] 

lol well this is an interesting post.

no argument, this is working googles system. as for Panda, I'm well aware of what it has and has not done, and to be blunt, its nothing more than what every other major google update has been, it simply changes the rules a bit.

this has happened over and over, and it doesnt stop internet marketers, seo writers, black hatters, or anyone else for that matter. it just makes them change is all.

the method ive shared is by no means immoral, and is by no means outdated. it's used by millions of people every day online. if you yourself are built upon lots of SEO as you said, then theres nothing special your doing that these guys wouldnt be by building there own product, own site, and wirting there own articles from scratch, which is the second half of my original guide. Really what it sounds like is your mad that others work the system in different ways and more than you do, giving you a hard challenge that you simply dont want to deal with.

tl;dr it you mad cuz ppl do it better than you

>> No.88299
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol well this is an interesting post.

no argument, this is working googles system. as for Panda, I'm well aware of what it has and has not done, and to be blunt, its nothing more than what every other major google update has been, it simply changes the rules a bit.

this has happened over and over, and it doesnt stop internet marketers, seo writers, black hatters, or anyone else for that matter. it just makes them change is all.

the method ive shared is by no means outdated. it's used by millions of people every day online. as for you supposidly being mr. whitehat, good for you. nothing wrong with stirring the pot with legal methods to get a boost above people like you. If you yourself are built upon lots of SEO as you said, then theres nothing special your doing that these guys wouldnt be by building there own product, own site, and wirting there own articles from scratch, which is the second half of my original guide. Really what it sounds like is your mad that others work the system in different ways and more than you do, giving you a hard challenge that you simply dont want to deal with.

tl;dr you mad cuz ppl do it better than you

Pic related.

>> No.88301

awesome. for a second, i thought your dupe post was a spun post of your original, then i thought of all the samefagging possibilities!

>> No.88307

to continue on, lets talk about "ethics" since this is such a crazy, distorted version of SEO as you put it.

ad companies - PPC, PPV, PPI, etc (all of them, prove me wrong.) shave up to and including 70% of your clicks, views, installs, etc. Short of google ads. It's widely known they do this, and sadly accepted amongst marketers because there is NO alternative. I can vouche this first hand as ive personally TESTED this.

Article purchasing sites (AC, etc) - shave clicks, views, and even offer as little as 25 cents for articles, legit or not. This has been habbit long before article spinning became popular, and is probably the fundamental reason it even started. They steal your work for pennies, then offer you a few more bucks to let them publish it in a fucking magazine for hundreds or thousands in some cases.

google ads - they charge 5, 10, 20, 100 dollars for a person to post an ad, and pay you 25-10 dollars cents for getting a click when YOU are the reason its being seen, white or black hat.

ebay - lets not even get into the fees this shit charges simply to sell something. 9% final fee? whatever. 25 cents listing fee? whatever. 10 cents per picture? whatever. add that shit all up at once? what the FUCK.

the companies we work for are more sewed than ANY black hatter, why do you think black hat exists? black hat is by no means EASIER than white hat, its just a different approach. (ofc this doesnt apply with "grab n dash" methods that come and go)

>> No.88313

Don't hate tha playa, hate tha game.

>> No.88321

>studied SEO for years
>owns a SEO firm
>complains findability for his site is hard because of black hatters using stronger SEO methods
>wants us to stop because his business suffers since he cant compete with stronger methods

Very american bailout of you

>> No.88322

hmm, my namefagging was removed for that one.

i cant help looking at ur post man, tis funny.

>> No.88341
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>> No.88351
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By all means, I hope your legit, but cant help but doubt it.

>> No.88359
File: 664 KB, 1709x1281, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh that's me, just renamed and resized since you can't upload the same image site-wise.

And that's just from ONE business.

Got several others, all somewhat inter-connected.

>> No.88375

is this pic of an NFT system?

>> No.88404


A HUGE one, yes. You're only looking at a small tiny section.

>> No.88431
File: 275 KB, 1600x1200, lettucefag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you too?

>> No.88432

LED grow lights?

>> No.88434 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 604x483, 13859_186918192454_612422454_3536311_105123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google has released countless updates. The game changes and goes on. Your shitty argument about moral superiority is completely void because you're a fucking marketing, therefore you are already scum. The world would be much better without marketers. You're basically arguing that pond scum is better than toilet scum. OP's method works find. Not as well as before, but it certainly works. Quit being a faggot.

"content strategy"? the fuck? Might as well be a social media expert and lifestyle planner.

>> No.88437
File: 38 KB, 720x540, 205851_10150272337744139_770459138_7774457_7375414_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google has released countless updates. The game changes and goes on. Your shitty argument about moral superiority is completely void because you're a fucking marketer, therefore you are already scum. You push shit that nobody really needs. OP's method works fine. Not as well as before, but it certainly works so quit being butthurt.

"content strategy"? the fuck? Might as well be a social media expert and lifestyle planner.

>> No.88440


Yep, that's me. Higher than anyone else on the fucking planet at that point and time.

I miss that fucking house.


LED, microplasma, and more.

>> No.88484

not trying to hate on you or anything, but I'd like it if we could get back to the IM topic here. From what I can tell your doings are unrelated to said topic.

If I'm wrong though, feel free to explain the ideas behind marketing such a thing

>> No.88526


My initial response was to give them more workable land.

If they are dead-set on natural and low-impact, then I can't say much else and I haven't, if you notice.

But the idiots coming in and trying to discredit something already proven to the point that a BBC programme is making a special of it, that's absurd.

Let this thread continue without me. I just have a major interest in horticulture, and having done it all since I was a child on a ranch in Texas, I knwo what works well and what provides the most bang/income per buck.

>> No.88532

Hey OP. I'm very much interested in IM, however I don't have much interest in article spinning/maintaining a blog. Done it in the past (unsuccessfully) and even though I could probably do it better now, it was a bitch to keep up.

What are the other alternatives for someone to get involved in IM?

>> No.88535

Selling products through SEOd websites and/or marketing affiliate products through PPC.

>> No.88549

lettucefag, you claimed to have some fancy low light technology that allows "bypassing of photosynthesis" in your words. As far as I could tell, all you were doing is sprouting a bunch of seeds in water. How exactly is this a breakthrough technology?

>> No.88550


can you open a thread in 420chan since that isnt really allowed here? I am not being sarcastic.

>> No.88598


The tech allows for specialized waveforms to make plants grow to maximum expectancy.

These have been proven already.

>> No.88603

>not allowed here

Yea, no. That isn't happening. Over 40% of ads on this site relate to my shit.

>> No.88618
File: 111 KB, 186x330, 86d643702f41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're not really bypassing photosynthesis at all... that's just marketing speak. If plants are getting "specialized waveforms", they're still getting UV.

>> No.88752

Domain flipping: domain flipping can make some quick bank, but requires alot of attention and can be a gamble. you basically get lists of about-to-expire domains, and snatch the good ones up before anyone else, then resell them for a good profit. I personally have never done this but a few I know have with some nice success. none ever use(d) it for livable income, but seemed to be nice for "i want a few hundred bucks in a couple weeks time"

ebaying is also a non-article method that im personally tinkering with now. the tricky part is finding a product that people want that you can get at a good price to turn profit. (STAY AWAY FROM BOOTLEG)

going more blackhat theres cost per click, install, and view websites, using adwords for traffic. it requires alot of "tricky" methods to hide what your doing, but can yield pretty high results.

>> No.88842


>there is no UV lighting.

>totally ignorant of eloptics, not a surprise

>totally ignorant of quantum principles.

And this is why you're stuck on DIY asking about how to make money, instead of actually making it.

>> No.88853


>he doesn't understand how direct electrical stimulation works.

>doesn't understand waveforms aren't limited to just light emissions.

>> No.88860


You guys are all educated stupid. Proof:

>> No.89238

>implying I don't make money
>implying I even asked in this thread
>implying you're not delusional from all the weed you've smoked

>> No.89247
File: 102 KB, 255x197, 131741934096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "I'm the research director for a multiregional/multinational/multigalactic hydroponics company"


It's amazing how many times you've trolled with that line.

You are the definition of inferiority complex. But at least your lettuce still loves you.

>> No.89345

<- is not understanding how this plant talk is in an internet marketing thread

>> No.90490


>> No.90506

I screencapped the WHOLE thread last time, but the dimensions are 1347 x 8608. It's also 2.07 MB in size. 4chan won't let me upload it since the resolution is way too high. Also, I don't have photoshop, cropping unneeded posts from the original thread is a pain in MS Paint. Tips? Already tried saving it as a GIF and the size went up more than 3 MB.

>> No.90703

.jpg image, or upload to tinypic.com, or just drop the resolution a hair?

>> No.91951

holy crap that's funny. Try harder faggot.

>> No.92203

are you also the research director for a multinational buttplug company? please tell me more

sage goes where?