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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 38 KB, 561x421, 1379394672026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
840460 No.840460 [Reply] [Original]

I've got a mouse in my apartment, and from what I can tell it's just one. What's the best way to remove it (preferably alive, if possible)

>> No.840461

If the mouse looks like pic related, then I would do nothing.

>> No.840463

I had a weird thing for Gadget, as a child.

Enclosed trap with peanut butter as bait.

>> No.840465


Make a trail and lead it towards an open door.
Set up camp near open door and shut it when mouse leaves as to not attract more mice and worsen the problem :-) get some red bull and wait silently... like a predator.

>> No.840482


1. Get big bag of doritos
2. Eat big bag of doritos
3. Leave bag littered on the floor like a slob
4. Do internet shit until you hear bag rustling
5. Pick up bag with mouse inside, do what you will.

Works every time.

>> No.840504

>open door and shut it when mouse leaves

you dunno much about mice.. how do you think it got in originally, via UPS delivery? Closed door? mouse? - no problemo, senor. Unless lead-lined cave, even then, my money would still be on the mouse.

>it's just one..

- course it is. Very individual creatures, mice - *everybody* has got 'just one'.

The only reliable cure is borrowing a cat for a week. The mice (plural) aint gonna be alive at the end of it tho..

>> No.840509
File: 35 KB, 450x240, TheSecretofNIMHscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80's kids were all closet furries.

>> No.840511
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>> No.840513
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it is better to drive mice off or catch them live, because that way their fleas leave with them. if you kill the mouse then the fleas all jump off it and you have them to deal with.

1. get metal wastebasket (metal is important)
2. get a towel and drape over side of wastebasket: one end must be on the floor, the other end should hang down about 5" from the bottom of the wastebasket
3. get a piece of bread and 'dab' it along the towel, starting at the "floor" end, all the way to the other end, and then drop the bread in the wastebasket. put a small dish of water in there too (like a soda bottle cap filled with clean water). the mouse will drink a lot and not be able to jump as high
4. mouse will smell bread, climb up the towel and jump down into the wastebasket, and will not be able to get out. then you just dump it outside.

more will get in the same way that one did tho.
unless you get a cat--they will smell the cat and stay away.

>> No.840522
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>> No.840523

Me too.

I wonder what cartoon characters today's kids feel awkward attractions to? Most cartoons now feature child characters instead of animals. Does that mean today's cartoons are creating pedos the way '80s cartoons created furries?

>> No.840823
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This, and Pokemon.

>> No.842517

I know for a fact that Ms Frizzle and the Magic Schoolbus made a great deal of us into giantess and shrink scenarios.

>> No.842532
File: 76 KB, 600x600, pearl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder what cartoon characters today's kids feel awkward attractions to?
Probably pic related.

>> No.842600
File: 109 KB, 700x525, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia has a cult for Gadget.


They made this.

>> No.842606
File: 23 KB, 624x352, carl at computer naked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look, I like furry porn as much as the next guy, but...what the fuck, man.

>> No.842613

i have used 'pest stop trip-trap' successfully.

the real trick is finding a tasty treat to lure him into the trap. mice in my area really like bourbon biscuits, took me a few weeks of trying different things but we had a few mice over the past years and they all go for a bourbon biscuit straight away no question.

keep an eye on any humane traps, a trapped mouse will very quickly shit and piss everywhere once it realises its trapped

cats are great at catching mice outside or in the open, mice that hug walls and go under drawers and stuff (i.e. all mice) cats will just fucking stare at them most of the time or go scratching and knocking stuff over at night when you are trying to sleep and the mouse is out looking for food.

your best friend really is a webcam (motion active software to record) find out where it is getting in and out of your living area and secondly a can of expanding spray foam to fill in the gaps or holes he is using.

if your house is full of crumbs or something then another mouse could move in immediately.

don't just throw it outside either, it will smell its way back home, go at least 2-3 miles away. preferably like near a fast food restaurant or industrial area where it will find easy food in dumpsters.

be careful when you let it out too, even small mice can jump over a foot in height easily, when you open the box make sure you are ready for him to go immediately.

if you live in an apartment especially an old one and there are messy people above/below/near you then get used to your furry friends or move, not much more you can do.

>> No.842627

what is that? a clock? or a timer maybe?... I cannot see the chip #

I am rather disappointed.
I would expect another PCB-girl-type board from Russian comrades of most excellent technical skills...

Ya know, I was browsing a few of the electronic-shit-direct-from-China sites, and I must have seen arduno Unos in at least ten different color schemes. I'd bet if you could make a series of anime PCB-girl boards for arduinos, you'd sell at least a few of them. There's gotta be people out there collecting arduinos.

>> No.842652
File: 33 KB, 274x499, 2014-10-15-StarF1-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it isn't Star

>> No.842666
File: 916 KB, 1283x720, wendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can both be right

>> No.842706
File: 43 KB, 560x360, bucket-mouse-trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go easiest,and non lethal

>> No.842713

>I cannot see the chip #
It's an Atmel microcontroller. The logo is recognizable even at that resolution, and there's a crystal right next to it.

I think it's a shitty 24 hour binary clock that drives the LEDs with a matrix circuit. LEDs are in three rows with the bottom two labeled 1,2,3,8,16,32 for seconds and minutes. Top row only goes up to 16.

>> No.842715

>non lethal

3 murdered innocents

>> No.842751

Option 1: Get a cat
Option 2: Kill it with a trap

They don't stop coming in if they are alive retard. They have access and food source there.

>> No.842752

I'm guessing the antifreeze in the bottom is optional ...

>> No.842754

I had a mouse in my house a couple months ago. It shit all over the kitchen counter. I saw it once upstairs, and then once in the basement disappearing into a crack in a cinder block.

I purchased an old school pack of 4 mouse traps for $3 and a jar of peanut butter. baited the traps and left them in all 3 places. Had the mouse in less than 3 hrs.

It was super humane. I was worried about that. The trap caught the mouse across the neck and skull crushing it and mostly ejected an eyeball.

Humans and critters can live together, but finding mouse poop on the kitchen counter sealed the little fuckers fate.

I finished the peanut butter making pb&j sandwiches.

>> No.842762

don't risk your health over saving a mouse

I like em in the lab, but not disease carrying wild mice.
They shit in your food, and next thing you know, you have parasites in your eyeballs.

If you don't like the instant kill traditional spring mouse trap, there are glue type trap that work really well. be forewarned the glue is sticky, and trying to rescue them from the glue will likely tear their skin or legs off. It's a rather cruel way to go, but you'll hear them when they get stuck, they get vocal.
don't use poison. they would hide somewhere and die. Inside a wall for example, and it smells really bad for a month.

>> No.842768


Maybe he wants to keep it alive.
So OP can keep building new traps.

>> No.842771
File: 51 KB, 682x400, hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rodents are notorious /fit/ness buffs
the can't resist a good workout
might take a little peanut butter
to get them to notice a hamster wheel
but once they do, they'll spend a good amount of time on the wheel.

using a position sensor one the wheel
wire it up to your arduino
to monitor the mouse's workout
after 1000 revs, the arduino kicks on a relay
spinning up a motor attached to the wheel
5k rpm ought to keep the little fucker pinned against the bars.
battery operated of course, so you can then transport the wheel outside, before turning off the motor to release the bastard.

>> No.842773

fill your room with h2s and leave some cheese on the ground

>> No.842775

If you wanna get fancy, you could hitch the wheel to your quad copter. mind you the mouse will be spinning off center in the wheel causing significant vibration which could affect flight performance.
fly the wheel outside, and get it some altitude before turning off the wheel motor releasing the mouse. film his journey on the old go pro
and upload it to you tube, sou you can meet girls from peta

>> No.842776

>I would expect another PCB-girl-type board from Russian comrades of most excellent technical skills...

I don't seen any PCBs with Buddha and Jesus on them.
Gadget cult > All other religions.

>> No.842781

drop the mouse from the quad copter, at say 1000 ft and then quickly dive to catch him before he hits the ground. i wouldn't go more than 2000 ft, or the mouse might break a toe or something if you can't catch him in time.
keep practicing till you get really good at the catch and release

>> No.842782
File: 35 KB, 540x480, 1293790715044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about two quadcopters, playing ping-pong with a live mouse?
I would giggle for a week....