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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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811568 No.811568 [Reply] [Original]

how efficient is this? and does it work? some fucking pleb on youtube claims that it works and can go as low as 50 degrees. I'm a bit skeptical. its just a little fan and some fucking frozen bottles of water. has anyone made this?

>> No.811569

It works pretty good, I suggest only one hole unless you use a pretty powerful fan

>> No.811571

but what amount of a normal zised bedroom does it fill?

>> No.811574

You'd have to make a huge one. It's range is about the range of the air coming out, as in you only feel cool if it's blowing directly on you.

>> No.811578

shit sucks then... this fucking youtuber made it seem as if it replaced a small air conditioner for a room. So a styrofoam about the size of a desktop won't do?

>> No.811597

Works wonderful-
Co2 is great for air refreshning aswell, really cleans out a lot of particles

>> No.811606

I made one for a friend without air conditioning, pretty easy to make but only has the range of the fan. The only way i see it cooling the whole room is if you have it draw a ton of air in and directly through condensers or ice. You'd be better off with a real one.

>> No.811620

>how efficient is this?
not very
>and does it work?
well sure--it's going to cool the air at least a little,,, but it won't work anywhere near as good as even a small window AC unit will, nor will it be cheaper to run (assuming you are making the ice in your own freezer).

the DIY air conditioner is a myth, there are none worth building

(-and it must be summer again--the "how to make cheap air conditioner?" topics are starting up-)

>> No.811670

Let's say you can fit twenty four 20oz bottle of water in there and they're all frozen at 0f

that's 480ozs or 13600 grams of water
specific heat of ice is .5cal/g-C, and water is 1.0

raising the temperature of the ice from 0-32f is 17.78c change. so 13600*.5*17.78 = 120904cal

air has a specific heat of .24, and lets assume you have a 10'x10'x8' room which is 27,000grams
Congratulations. you lowered the temperature of the air in the room by 1 degree.

But this completely ignores all the things and mass in the room acting as thermal sinks.

fans use electricity to turn motors which spin your fan blades. Of course they're not terribly efficient. Let's assume 70% efficiency just for the sake of entertainment. Your cheap made in taiwan fan doesn't get anywhere near that pinnacle of achievement however.

Desktop fans consume about 25watts of electricity. 30% of which is lost to heat. or 7.5 watts. I estimate it would take 2hours to melt all the ice which is itself 13000 calories (10% of your cooling capacity)

And let's not even get started on the amount of energy your freezer will pump into the house trying to freeze that ice. (pro-tip: it's in excess of 3 times the cooling effect you gain)

These things are Shit. They add humidity to the air and just generally do not provide any significant bennefit for all the effort and work needed to set them up, run them, and maintain the chilling medium.

You're much better off drinking the ice cold water to stay hydrated. Plus all the ice cold water in your stomach needs to reach equilibrium at some point and will achieve such by taking heat from your core. Avoid caffeinated products which can act as diuretics. Reduce the amount of clothing you wear. to increase exposed skin surface area for perspiration. And finally invest in a highly efficient ceiling fan.

>> No.811680
File: 126 KB, 854x480, borat_ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grams, feet, celsius and farenheit
hey anon, love the math and all, and you clearly make the point well. But please use either SI, maybe even imperial if you cant help it, but for the love of god don't mix them like that.

OP, this guy is right,despite hist post giving me engineering aids

>> No.811686

US is best nation. very good yeah.

It's amazing to me that it's the engineers and architects that have the biggest problem with units.

>> No.811692

I'm glad that you tried to use science.

But you completely neglected the role that evaporative cooling plays.

Get out the psychrometric chart, and do the calculation again.

>> No.811719

I found it's more effective to soak myself in alcohol, it evaporates so quick you feel like you'r skin is freezing. Fire hazard aside, it's very refreshing.

>> No.811730

one nigga you gonna die in a fiery blaze
two that shits gonna dry skin out so bad like your whole body is just gonna turn into a callus

>> No.811766

I made one of these for my dog. I put it so it blows air into his kennel. It works absolutely fantastic for that, but I actually use it because it was the only thing I could find that would really cool him down after a long run in the Summer without dropping the temperature of the whole room.

>> No.811776


takes one btu to raise the temp of 1 pound of water 1 degree... it also takes 144 btus to convert 1 pound of ice at 32 degrees into 1 pound of water at 32 degrees... a pint of water weights a pound.. a pint has 16 oz's in it... so really... if you started with 5 pounds of ice at 0 and ended with it at 70 and liquid, you'd only be pulling out about 1070 btu's... which is nothing.... a cheap window air conditioner can easily remove 5000 btu's... per hour...

so to keep up with a small window air conditioner you'd need 5 of these.. and you'd need to swap them out fresh every hour...

>> No.811777

and thats assuming that you have enough airflow to raise the entire 5 pounds of water up to 70 in under an hour...

>> No.811808

>evaporative cooling

Reno nevada, sure, we'll go with that

Atlanta Georgia? Lets add even more moisture into the air!

>> No.811828

isn't the imperial system originally from UK?

>> No.811840

What evaporative cooling when OP has made space 100% humidity?
fucking idiot trying to be "smart".

>> No.811843

I'm thinking about installing something like this in my car, except I have a little fan with a copper coil I'm going to pump the ice water through. Is something like that going to cool well enough to make a difference without it being directly pointed at me?

>> No.811865
File: 190 KB, 1972x956, chill_breather_ur489u24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking about installing something like this in my car,
it could help (for a while) if you make a vest for circulating the cold water through.
these things started out being used in F1 racing, but you can buy them now too-

i still think my breath-cooler is the best mini-AC idea, tho I admit that I have not tried it. [pic related]
the reason is that:
1) if you can only cool the air off a little bit, then
2) you need to expose as much of your skin surface to that slightly-cooler air as possible to shed body heat--and
3) the inside of your lungs has way more surface area than the outside of your body does.
...So breathing cooled air should lose much more body heat than just blowing that same cool air on the outside of your body.

(Q) "but why not just cool all the air in the room, and have cool air both inside and outside you?"
A: because that's exactly what you cannot easily build: a device that is powerful enough to chill ALL the air in the room.

>> No.811894
File: 154 KB, 500x375, 3422012685_b5947cf7df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An efficient way to cool yourself is to cool your neck. Major arteries and veins pass near the surface, so it's as close to directly cooling your blood as you can get.

An DIY neck cooler is easy to make... Make a tube of fabric, put plant-watering-beads inside (don't fill it, the beads expand), and soak it in water. As the water evaporates from the beads, they get cool. The fabric will get damp, but not soaking wet.

>> No.811903


I have a store-bought version of that neck cooler. it's like 0.1% effective at cooling you.

>> No.811910

I have a store bought version and its fucking fantastic. Leave it in a bucket of ice water. Its the difference.between am unbearable 120f work day and a pleasant one

>> No.811919

why not wear a wet cap?

>> No.811930

well I would not trust this shitty youtuber, he has cheated his "fans" before by faking results.

Stop watching and flag all his videos for copyright violated music. He is a shitty maker.

>> No.811960
File: 20 KB, 300x318, kid_cooler[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those things are great in the heat. Toss it in the ice chest when the sun goes down and you're set for the next day.

When I'm visiting friends in Vegas and it's 113F just standing ankle deep in the pool makes it bearable.

Neck, pits, crotch, wrists and ankles are what you try to keep cool when you have a high fever.

>> No.812240

Does anyone have a link to a solar peltier cooler setup that can be mounted through a wall/window? (Heat dissipator outside, cooler inside)

Preferrably with minimal parts (peltiers, Al cooler, fan, solar panel)

I have seen a few online, but they are all-in-ones, which if run in a room will bring up the overall temperature.

>> No.812636

it's not for me, its for a summerfag

>> No.812639

how do you know who it is

>> No.812858

common this is 4chan are you really surprised that there are people on here that can find a youtube video when they have a whole frame of it?
His channel is household hacker and he is know to make stuff that seems as if it works (diy sound amplifier, paper plate & penny speaker, charge you iPhone with an onion and Gatorade, make hover shoes) but really don't.
He also has videos that show how to fake stuff.
This channel is more something to link to to troll your diy-wanabe friend. Nothing he sais should be trusted.

>> No.812859

Definitely not going to make a retard vest that I have to put on every time I get in my car and take off every time I get out.