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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 68 KB, 360x360, alarmhouse (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
811167 No.811167 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short...

>Im a mechatronics sudent
>Im from México
>High insecurity rate
>Someone broke into my uncle's house a couple days ago

As a mechatronics student i know that i can make my own security/alarm system for my house.

I was thinking in some limit switches and buzzers for doors and windows, motion sensors for the yard, some ip cameras for the living rom and stuff like that. Maybe controlled with a microcontroller.

Im very familiar with electronic circuits/components/programming and i was hoping to hear some of your ideas, maybe you know some suitable components or diagrams for this proyect

Thanks alot and sorry for bad english

>> No.811169

All you need to do is make the house more difficult to break into than your neighbor's house. Some window and door bars, plain or fancy are normally all you need. The faster you get them up after a robbery the more it looks like simple paranoia instead of trying to keep valuables safe and makes it even less of a target.

>> No.811189


>> No.811192
File: 130 KB, 1248x648, 17-window-bars2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thieves don't give a flying shit about cameras. These people are fucked in the head. They do stupid things. Like breaking and entering. Cameras and buzzers don't do shit against them. They are not sexy, safe-cracking, diamond-thieving, cat burglars in tight jumpsuits. These are junkies who are too hopped up to care and need money for their next fix and they don't give a shit about anything you listed. They might not even see a camera or hear a loud alarm because of the mental state they are in.


You want to protect your place? Put bars up.

>> No.811248

Wrong. While they may be junkies they do give a fuck about not going to jail because then they cant get their fix anymore. If OP can make a convincing enough alarm (not some lame buzzer) something that seems like a legit home security system they might assume the police are on their way and leave. Probably after taking whatever is in arms reach.

>> No.811256


Thief detected.

With bars on the windows and doors you never have to take a single chance with "deterrents" like alarms and cameras.

>> No.811287
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One of these usually will do the trick, and if that doesn't work...shoot the fucker.

>> No.811322

Mexico has very strict gun laws.

>> No.811329

lol wut

>> No.811334

It's true, Mexico is pretty lax about most things; guns, however, are not on the list of things they don't give a fuck about.

>> No.811381

US Marine took a wrong turn and ended up in Mexico.
Was stopped and his personal weapons were found in the trunk of his car.
Went to prison. In Mexico, Says it wasn't nice.

>> No.811382

Its no coincidence that it has strict gun laws and high crime.

>> No.811394

no, real phone home alarm systems dont ring. they call the cops and the cops arrive while the perps are still in the house, unaware.

>turn your house into a prison

>> No.811451
File: 25 KB, 448x290, Scroll_grill_Abbey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn your house into a prison

That is what you would do. I wouldn't do that. I'd use wrought iron scroll work, so it wouldn't look like shit. You can get this sort of stuff for windows and doors.

>> No.811461

>took a wrong turn and ended up in mexico
not like theres a massive heavily guarded border to get through

>> No.811463

More like the alarm system phones a guard company. When the guard finally arrives, the burglar has already left. Well, unless the burglar is some starving bum who came to eat your food.

>> No.811482

Less so then you'd think.

>> No.811499
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>> No.811514

There isn't in most places. After 9/11 it did tighten up though. Pre-9/11 you could go across just about anywhere freely.

>> No.812181

Get something like a cheap smartphone and hook it up to your security system so it will
a)call cops, yourself, family, neighbors, biker gang etc
b)sensors and shit are nice for triggering alarms and such but..
c)Klaxon alarms will annoy neighbors and attract attention.
d)remember fire codes for auto-locking alarms.

Basically cameras and sensors can be used to trigger your alarm and autocall places. Even beam video to remote locations.

Get 3M window breaking-proof film. Will keep your windows from easily being broken into. Unless you regularly lower the upper portion of your windows, fix them to the upper portion of your window frames(makes it harder to jimmy your windows, a block of wood will Actually do something)
Electronic door jam for bottom and top of your doors to prevent kickins and other shit.

Want something that MIGHT make you and POSSIBLE the cops giddy???
Get some security ink sprayers, marked for this particular use, put them at points of entry/valuables, set to go off on intruders.
And just like those paint bombs put into bank heist cash bags. BANG. You are now market for jail.

>> No.812186

Seriously, stick and ADT sign in your window and on your lawn and reinforce your doors.

If a thief wants to get in they will get in. Unless you make it hard for them, then they will move on.

>> No.813576
