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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 39 KB, 462x600, bob-the-builder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7495 No.7495 [Reply] [Original]

I am so fucking excited, you guys. This board is going to me my new home, I know it. I'm not sure if it's okay to put self-improvement stuff in here, but if you guys would like some info on making college as easy as possible (for those of you with heavy workloads or want to improve your grades) then I can post a series on what I learned after failing at an ivy league school.

>bob is mascot of /diy/?

>> No.7511


>> No.7512

No, McGyver is.

>> No.7527

Red Green?

>> No.7523

Martha Stewart?

>> No.7550 [DELETED] 

Waiting for more "Yes I want help for school Ivy Princess"

>> No.7549
File: 28 KB, 461x480, timallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Tim the Toolman Taylor isn't the mascot of /diy/

search your feelings. you know this to be true.

>> No.7546

do it, faggot

>> No.7564

fucking this. duct tape is the god of tools. a single roll of duct tape can change the outcome of wars

>> No.7579

GTFO, duct tape does not make you a real maker. It makes you a pussy.

>> No.7582


>> No.7601

Gimme another yes and we'll make this shit happen

>> No.7614


>> No.7625
File: 26 KB, 615x345, 2BEST121ACC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you gonna get raped

>> No.7633


>> No.7642

We'd get Heidi out of that deal, so it's promising.

>> No.7641

Post it faggot

>> No.7660

Might give y'all my whole school folder. Has all sorts of goodies on how to be the best student. Anyway, here's my treatise.

* There is generally a downward slope in your effort/strength/grades, so try extra hard at the beginning—more than you think you should—as a buffer.

¤ Leave a huge margin on the side of your notes and write questions about the material in it. You may do this by simply folding the page. When in lecture, write them during or soon after class. When reading, write them before you write the answer to the question.
-helps you read actively→retain material better
-helps you find information from your notes (for homework
problems, projects, and papers)
-helps you study for quizzes and exams (instant study guide and gets you thinking about what might be asked on the exam)
-helps you review→retain material better

>> No.7665

* Remember, reviewing notes helps you understand, prepare for class, ace your work and exams (without trying as hard!) The less you have to look back at your book or try to remember lectures, the less time you take to do things and the better informed your thinking.

¤ Write better notes; improve your handwriting and the format in which you write them. This is way more helpful than you would think. You should consider:
-spacing (even spaces between words, don't let letters touch)
-tilt (straight up-and-down is easiest, consistency)
-topics/bulleting format (think of it beforehand and make sure it's consistent)

>> No.7672

¤ Plan to do your work two days ahead of its due date; plan your future work week ahead of time; note the immediate cycle of papers, projects, and exams for each of your classes in a place you will see.
-Once you have your work week set out, you can move things around (realistically) to accomodate events and avoid overloading yourself on any given day.
-There are a lot of great open-source programs, online services, and physical planners which can accomplish this effect. Keep it your weapon of choice open on your desktop when you need to work.
-lectures are much easier to pay attention to when you have read and done the work a few days beforehand instead of the night before. In some cases you can get away with simply annotating your book notes (in your large question margins, of course) instead of writing a whole new set of lecture notes. Both reading far ahead and annotating notes you have give you more brain time to actually understand what you're hearing.

>> No.7683

¤Break papers, projects, and exams into chunks or steps. Instead of stressing, turn them all into some totally manageable, utterly tame assignments.
-Do not make vague steps. Make sure that they are clear, and that their order has meaning.
-ALWAYS review everything on the last day. For large assigments, that means reading your written materials aloud as if presenting (to check for fluidity and clarity), spell-checking, and checking for consistency. For exams that means doing a cumulative skim through your notes, important topics, and important questions you may be asked.
-It really depends, but in general I make a four-day plan for papers and a five-day plan for exams. Projects completely vary.

¤ I have a treatise on writing papers, whether you have a basic idea of what you might write or are totally clueless. It may even help you if you're having trouble with a project, depending on what it is.

>> No.7691

* It's good to have a simple list of goals to look at every once in a while, and to commit to achieving most of them (I promised to complete at least 2/3 of mine)

¤ Keep a little notebook and pencil with you all the time. Aside from being mad useful for grocery lists, contact info of people you meet, cool things you hear about or think of, and other important stuff you never know when you might need to write down something real quick for class that you have to do immediately, or a website you have to go to, or some assignment that you want to do away from your planner and computer. Honestly, the possibilities are endless. It's just ridiculously helpful, and most electronic notes on your phone or netbook aren't quick enough.

¤ Network. Find people, meet them. Meet with teachers. Meet with friends. Meet with professors you don't even have a class with. Meet with graduate students mentioned in cool articles you read about. Have phone meetings with important people who are far away. Do this all the time.
-Fact: you aren't really going to get the cool jobs or internships through job fairs and online applications. Networking is THE way you do the coolest stuff. No, not just in college. This is a lifelong deal. But college is the most valuable and the easiest time to do it.
-Fact: you aren't really going to be listened to if you've gotten in trouble in some way or another and don't know anyone of importance. Networking allows you to cheat the game and bend rules.
-How to network:
1. Find the contact information of someone who would be cool to talk to
2. Come up with a basic objective for what you want to take away from a meeting with them. Plan some questions and topics to go over.
3. Contact them (BE COURTEOUS) and describe who you are, what you would like to know, and how kind it would be of this person to share their expertise.
5. Follow up (voicemail, e-mail) Thank them.

>> No.7703

That's what I have so far. Now, if I could only get ubuntuone to log me in, I might let you guys have my whole folder. Does anyone want it? It's a couple of my writings, some things saved from /adv/, and a bunch of helpful stuff from other places including my school.

>> No.7706


>> No.7726

Thanks OP, I'm really loving this board. I'm a new freshman in college and I'm not prepared for it at all. Gonna compile all this into a word document

>> No.7738
File: 40 KB, 350x452, cornellnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's this for you all, it should be relevant.

>> No.7751

Not bad... Not bad at all. Perhaps not quite a guide, but it's got some points. May the god bless you with lots of titties for your efforts.

>> No.7745

Don't bother, I'll give you a link to the whole folder. I plan on making a small infographic later, something you could hang on your wall to keep it in mind.

Condensed version or full version you guys? Condensed contains the essentials.

>> No.7743

Yes please

>> No.7756


>> No.7760

I would love to do all of these things, but god damn I'm so fucking lazy I don't even manage to read them through.

>> No.7783

yeah full

>> No.7794
File: 27 KB, 350x240, gordon-gekko-from-wall-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Greed is good. Both. If possible.

>> No.7827

Just essentials are for pussies - might do it all the way, if you're wasting the time on us anyway

>> No.7852
File: 473 KB, 456x454, idontthinksotim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7892

It's the extra mile, basically. A guarantee that you will make at least B's. I wish I had done all these things before I made all those C's and that F at Cornell. It's not finished, either. I need to add something about office hours and e-mailing professors.

Working on it you guys, so be patient. There are like 27 files up in this beyotch

>> No.7964
File: 467 KB, 1000x1085, fdde4c7bf28f1c342b89040bfef356b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally say Chuck Greene from Dead Rising 2 should be ONE of the /diy/ gods. Who else would think of using half the shit he did to kill off zombies?

Alternately, Tim from Tool Time.

>> No.8024


>> No.8017

bump for time

>> No.8012

Keeping this thread alive for OP.

>> No.8046
File: 127 KB, 315x293, close up 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interested, I found a .pdf and a .doc while surfing the web, combined they have over 40 pages filled with lifehacks and protips.

have fun han/diy/men:



>> No.8060

MacGuyver you fuckers

>> No.8074


>> No.8113

I made a mistake. Do this:
Go to ubuntuone.com
Sign in as diy@mailinator.com
password "4Chanlovescock"
Then go to files

>> No.8105

So what are we supposed to upload?

>> No.8139

Why didnt you just .zip it up?

>> No.8141

much appreciated broslice

>> No.8142

any way to download in one shot?

>> No.8143

Because it's just as it is in my sync folder and I don't want to have such a hard time changing it if I want to.

>> No.8150

MaxGyver is the only correct answer for the mascot.

>> No.8163

Ok, ok, gimme a minute.

And while we're at it, somebody give me a better site for sharing folders and files. I've never had to do this before.

>> No.8165

Gotchya, good thinking.

>> No.8174


>> No.8183

You could try dropbox, but not very much storage for free.

>> No.8201

Can he be it? Maybe he could!

>> No.8218

Okay, here you are.

>> No.8220
File: 39 KB, 448x462, tumblr_latrj9Iriw1qeu412o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emmett Brown. He made a fucking time machine out of a Delorean.

>> No.8239


>> No.8240
File: 54 KB, 277x375, likewatread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you. Sending love through each keystroke of this post.

>> No.8257

definitely this

>> No.8271

Forget about ubuntuone, it was messy. Everybody see here:

>> No.8304

I feel I will be spending a lot of time here.

>> No.8330

Don't we all.

>> No.8400

The megaupload links aren't working right now.

>> No.8440

I just got it to work, try again.

>> No.8445

Downloaded everything in the thread, worked fine.

>> No.8458

It's just you.

>> No.8467

MacGyver and Doc Brown come with the best theme songs.

I suppose tony scraps-in-a-cave stark might be an option, but that was more a one time thing.

I mean, listen to this shit: you can practically HEAR things being made. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNl9M5TxGC8

Which reminds me, why does no website present DIY work as a montage. Montages are how you know things are being done over time.

>> No.8499

OP! Are you still at Cornell or did you drop out?

>> No.8554

Jesus Christ no, I didn't drop out. I had to take classes elsewhere for a semester, I'm going back in January. (Unless they're super dicks. I mean, they did kick me out over failing a single class, so...) I plan to royally kick ass.

>> No.8582

fyi I'm getting all A's now and taking more classes than I was at Cornell. I will let /diy/ know in January if stuff goes wrong.

>> No.8597


>> No.8602
File: 13 KB, 345x240, macgyver2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a vote for macgyver

>> No.8662

Yes, reading this shit now, good shit.

>> No.8721

Could someone reupload full version somewhere? I dont know why but its not letting me download. Never had this problem before.

>> No.8815

Either wait a while or login to Ubuntuone with username diy@mailinator.com and password 4Chanlovescock

>> No.10434

We got too many bad-asses to pick from so we are going to have a pantheon of diy Gods.

>> No.10486
File: 29 KB, 260x195, HandyManny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey there /diy/! Como estas?

I heard you guys were looking for an official mascot so I hurried right over. I also fixed the tripcode issue and the image servers on my way over.

>> No.10551

Need more crew from Ask This Old House

>> No.10583
File: 19 KB, 300x422, gadget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Gadget Hackwrench posted
The FUCK is wrong with you people?

>> No.10731

op, I appreciate all you've posted. I'm a guy that got 700s in each section of his sat, but my hs gpa was only 2.9 & I dropped out of 2 state colleges. I don't plan on going back until I'm over-prepared.

>> No.10746


>> No.10747

Yo Momma wants you back Wilmer.

I suggest we go with Doc Brown. He'll find a cure for Parkinson soon....I just know it.

>> No.10754
File: 168 KB, 700x900, man with beard of cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or McGuyver.

No faggy british/beaner cartoons please

>> No.10782

So, we've got...

>Bob the Builder
>Tim "The Toolman" Taylor and Al Borland
>Red Green
>Handy Manny
>Gadget Hackwrench

Anybody else?

>> No.10794
File: 59 KB, 393x492, 968532524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10830
File: 29 KB, 250x381, Norm Abram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norm Abram, carpenter on the tv show This Old House and host of The New Yankee Workshop.

but that's if we were being serious.

>> No.10822
File: 15 KB, 306x319, DocBrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doc Brown.

Don't forget he is also the master of Toons.

>> No.10849
File: 101 KB, 616x584, Screen shot 2011-10-23 at 7.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the pantheon list so far, from the last thread.

>> No.10857


>Bob the Builder
>Tim "The Toolman" Taylor and Al Borland
>Red Green
>Handy Manny
>Gadget Hackwrench
>Norm Abram
>Doc Brown

Not really sure about MacGuyver, but I'll throw him in since a lot of people seem to want him in.

>> No.10868
File: 117 KB, 500x331, 461611988_9a59f057ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buahaah! someone else said Norm! i dont care what the consensus is, I'm still utilizing mr abrams on this board every chance i get.

look at this guy.

>> No.10903
File: 189 KB, 1083x277, Screen shot 2011-10-23 at 8.16.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you all didn't get the memo.

>> No.10913
File: 34 KB, 450x410, post-norm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Norm, you almost done making the posts?"

"Yeahp, almost done."

>> No.10925


>> No.10927

You fags are the worst part of every board. Go get tripcodes and circlejerk each other on AIM already.

>> No.10935
File: 18 KB, 548x420, 46546542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10944
File: 101 KB, 415x295, rgdiymad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10967
File: 49 KB, 923x885, dr-nick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board already has a doctor, everybody!

>> No.11027
File: 77 KB, 260x300, 0509s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh, honey, you slept late so I made you this."