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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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80841 No.80841 [Reply] [Original]

So I've decided tonight I will share something with /diy/.

I've seen many "how can i make some money online" threads. I've responded in bits and pieces here and there with general answers, but decided I'll sit down and spoon feed anyone who's interested a few thoughts.

Who am I? Who cares. the only thing that matters is to know I've played with internet marketing (IM) for years, had great success and great fails. The following information will be meant as a series of stepping stones to get anyone who is genuinely interested in IM into the mix, get their feet wet, and learn the basic principles. This is not a "become a millionaire" guide. This will teach you to make money online and help you learn the fundamentals.

PS: This picture is being used because another anon quoted my response in another thread to answer another person asking for IM advice, he used this pic, and seeing that someone took what i said and kept it is what has motivated me to do this.

>> No.80842

What you will need:
-new email account (to segregate your work to its own area)
-Hubpages.com account
-Squidoo.com account
-Associatedcontent.com account (now Yahoo Voices)*
-text editor (i like microsoft word)
-Google Adsense account

*I have not used this site in years, last i heard they still worked the same, if they no longer pay upfront for things then fuck them.

>> No.80844

1. create a pen name and sign up to the previously mentioned areas. You do NOT want to use your real name or an online alias you already use. You do NOT want anyone that decides to cheat you/play dirty in your niche/etc finding anything more on you than they can. I would recommend for future IM projects (consider this Project 1) to keep everything seperated. there are dirty players in the IM world and they will do anything to make you less competition.

there are 3 main styles of internet marketing:
-White Hat (Completely legit, by the book methods)
-Grey Hat (somewhat legit, "they MIGHT ban me if they notice" methods
-Black Hat ("Proxy up and use throwaway accounts, this is something they dont want me to do" methods)

We will be diving into a bit of all 3 categories here. Primarily staying in Greyhat territory that shouldnt yield any bannings as long as you follow along.

>> No.80847

2. we will begin our focus to try and get a bit of quick change to fund our work.
-come up with a niche you want to toy with. Dont put much thought into it. Like video games? we will do video games. Like wood working? we will do wood working. Been broken up with and its on your mind? We'll look into breakups.

Decide on something you want to "help" people with. Go into google and search "top 10 ways to _____", "how to _____" "Tips for ______" etc etc.

"Top 10 tips for getting over your ex"
"5 easy ways to make pudding"
"how to become a carpenter easy"

Whatever you choose, we want to focus on finding How to, Top 10, and other "informational" articles.

after typing it into google, you should find plenty of articles online over that topic. Pick the 3rd one (it doesnt have to be third, i just say that cause you never want to pick the first one). Copy and paste it into a text document.

>> No.80851

3. Begin creating your own content.

open another (blank) word document and allign the copied text on half your screen and the blank on the other half. Read the first paragraph once through. Start over. Read the first sentence. Stop. Re-write that sentence in the new document, changing it.

For instance.

you read:
"So you want to learn how to forget your ex girlfriend?"

you write:
"If you have read this, It's safe to assume you want to forget your ex girlfriend."

Repeat this process until you have completed the entire article.

Spellcheck this article, pretty it up any way you can.

The first time you do this it will probably take 30 minutes to an hour. Once you get good, you shouldn't take any longer to build it than it takes to read it twice. On average I can re-write a 700 word article in about 5-10 minutes.

Submit this new article to AC for upfront payment and wait. They will probably offer you 1.50 - 3.00 for it. Take the offer.

Repeat this process until you have around 20-30 dollars. With a bit of devotion you can accomplish this in a few days time.

This is called article re-writing or manual spinning. You now have the basics of creating fast, cheap and legible content.

>> No.80856

Keep posting bro, I am reading all of it. I'm sure other lurking anons are as well.

>> No.80857


>> No.80865

4. Refine your articles - Make more money!

So we know how to create quick content now. Now is the time to begin focusing on generating content that lures more eyes to it.

How do we do this? Through a process of using keywords/keyphrases.

Google "Google keyword tool". This is a site IMers use to find out popular google search terms. The generic idea is this:

The more you use a specific key term, the higher in google results you will be when someone searches for that term. Theres a billion factors that go into google rankings (working these factors is known as Search engine optimization, or SEO) but for now this is all you need to understand.

The reason we re-write the articles is because google looks very poorly on duplicate content, however it is a machine that just matches word for word setups, if you change the structure of what is said, but still says the exact same thing, google doesnt know you've cheated.

Lets say we just choose an article to copy titled "rank for google"

you will go to the google keyword tool and type in "rank for google" and look through the results it gives you.

we see the first result:
page ranking google
60,500 global monthly searches

hey, thats a LOT of searches, awesome! but how many results (ie competition) does that keyword have?

well, if we type it into google.com and hit enter, we see:
About 63,700,000 results (0.19 seconds)

Ohh, holy. crap. thats alot.

the point is to search for a nice area of decent searches with low results (preferabbly under 1 million, i tend to go for anything under 5 million)
it will take trial and error and tinkering, but eventually you'll start learning how to choose your own words.

>> No.80875

why are you telling people if it creates competition for you?

>> No.80878

For an example of discovering new terms:

"rank for google"

we've typed it in the keyword checker, and lets just assume (i havent checked) nothing good comes up. shit, what now? easy answer, we change the words we are looking at, but keep in the same niche.

from "rank for google" we can try things such as:
How to rank in google
google ranking tips
how can i rank in google
google rank techniques
google rank
search engine ranking
how to rank in google search engine

the list goes on and on. as you plug each of those into the research tool, you will get more and more choices. pick out ones with decent search volume (for first attempts anything over a few hundred searches a month is fine), then type it into google itself and see the total results, find one with decently low competition (again, below 10 mil for first run, as you get more serious about this hunt for under 1 mil, etc)

comprise a list of all keyterms/phrases you discover that are good. even if you dont use them now, you may want to use them later, and having a list on hand of juicy keyphrases is a great resource to have and stops you from wasting your previous effort.

>> No.80880

I don't do these methods anymore as I've moved into different areas of IM. article writers are already in the billions of people, its not a big deal.

it also forces new ideas to be created, growth brings growth

>> No.80890

5. Expanding your money even more! MORE ARTICLES!

By now if your following along, you should have already made 20-50 bucks, which will mean you have written a LOT of articles. You should have learned how to create decent articles in decent time, and now we can expand into creating MORE, EASIER.

with your newfound method of discovering keywords, we can now take a single article that you choose to duplicate (we will be using "rank for google" article as an example from here on out)

we have researched and found 5-10 keyphrases that look juicy.

now, expand what you have learned. you should be able to pinpoint what keywords the articles you take are using now (they will use the same term over and over again) and you will now keep that in mind when manually spinning them, replacing the keywords they use with your own.

the optimal habbit (for me) has been to use 2-5 keywords/phrases per article, depending on its size. I normally target articles in the 500-700 word range, you should do. you dont want to spend too much time on any one article.

re-write the original article replacing its keywords with yours. instead of instantly submitting what you've created, use your freshly spun article as the "original" and repeat the process, re-wording it and replacing keywords with new keywords. do this until all keywords are used.

>> No.80900

you are now doing the following in order:
-think of a niche (topic to write about)
-locate base article on the web (to be copied and spun)
-spin the article into a fresh article for personal use
-spin the spun article x amount of times until out of keywords

You are now taking one web article, and getting 3-10 NEW articles out of it. if you were making 2 dollars off every submitted article, you now are making 2 * 10 = 20 dollars off of every one article you find.

on a fast note after i got the hang of things, i could spin these out in a few hours time.

however, you do NOT want to submit all of these on the same ac account. so what do you do?


Create new emails. Create new AC accounts. Link them accordingly to new paypals etc. Get your mom and dad to let you use them. Get a check payment on an account, etc etc.

You can google information on how to create "stealth paypal" accounts, I would go into detail here but its a bit of information for another thread another time. basically, figure out any way you can to get new paypals or borrow friends and families.

AC isnt dumb. They will notice you submitting 10 of the same type of "rank for google" articles, even if you re-word them. they are manually checked and you will start getting declined instead of getting offers.

but thats STILL not it, this is a growing pain as AC, even over multiple accounts, can and will notice spun articles being submitted. so what do you do? sit on them for a bit or get busy.

-gather 5 different types of articles on the web. we will call these the Web articles.

A. "rank for google"
B. "house train your dog"
C. "best PSP game of all time"
D. "How to hack your android"
E. "how to lose 10lbs fast"

>> No.80905

for each web article, use your newly learned manual spinning methods to create 5 spins (new articles you've made out of them) for each one.
This will create Articles A1 - A5, B1 - B5, etc

for every account, give one of each article to it and submit in alteration, never submitting 2 spins from the same web article on the same day.

Account 1: A1
Account 2: B2
Account 3: C3
Account 4: D4
Account 5: E5

Repeat the process once a day, mon-fri, and you will be submitting 5 articles a day, 5x5 = 25 articles a week, 25 x 2 = 50 dollars a week minimum.

scale this process up until you are submitting 5 articles per account, per day, monday through friday. never submitting two spins from the same web article on the same day.

This will create 5 x 5 = 25 x 5 = 125 articles a day, making 125 x 2 = $250 a week on a low note.

AC does not like duplicate content. Neither does any other article based website (for the most part)

however, they can only check for duplicate content in the same ways we can. by online research. We can take advantage of that with a bit of sneaky trickery:

find more article websites (i dont have any off the top of my head, quick googling can point you in the right places) that will pay ANYTHING for an article, who cares what it is. this is free money.

sign up to the site.

submit the SAME articles at the SAME time across websites. Why?

>> No.80908

please, go on

>> No.80909


>> No.80913

someone manually checks your article to make sure its decent enough for purchase. they then check to make sure its not duplicate content on the web (why we spin), however, google takes time to index all new content, could be 24 hours, could be a week, but until its actually ON the web, it wont show up.

This gives us a grace period. by submitting the SAME articles to multiple websites, they have no idea that we have submitted them to each other. They will BOTH take it, review it, see if its duplicate content, see that its original, give you an offer, post it and pay you.

you just made more money without doing any more work other than submission.

But why did i teach you to use keywords? To continue the process in other areas.

Hubpages and Squidoo have a very nice feature: They allow you to link to money makers (Adsense is what we focus on here) on your articles.

Create articles for AC as you have been doing, but add a 6th and 7th article spin every time you do it. Post one on hubpages and one on squidoo every time.

Also, interlink the hubpages and squidoo together, making one point to the other and vis versa. Why? it helps increase your SEO some. its not much but its worth it. Simply add a bit like "For more information you can refer to www._________.com" somewhere in there, be creative. make sure to be interlinking common niche articles.

>> No.80919

This will begin to build followers, pay attention to what is driving traffic (views) to your pages and what isnt niche wise. Tinker with layout styles, play with it as you build and you'll slowly get more and more followers. as they read your stuff, they click your adsense links. as they click your adsense links, you get a few cents. This doesnt seem like much but has great benifits:

once its there, it doesnt stop. I havent used adsense in YEARS, and to this day i STILL get 100 dollars a year from them simply because i worked with adsense for 6 months back 5 years ago. Imagine what it can make if you focus on it for the serious.

8. So now you have learned how to create LOTS of articles FAST, and submit them for change. You also are building up repeating sustainable income from adsense as you go along. In the first while the adsense will mean nothing, but if you stick to it it alone can become something of amazing value.

so what do we do now? see a trend yet?

take some of that hard earned money and invest it. purchase an article spinner (again, it's been about a year since ive toyed with spinner softwares, but the last time i was in it there was a program called "The Best Spinner" or TBS, which has a free and paid version. get the paid version)

Spinning software is neat and effective, but not perfect. The reason you didn't instantly get told about this is so you can learn the fundamentals of what you are doing, which will allow easier transitions and goal achievements.

Learn how to use TBS, it will transform your life. Instead of creating 5-7 manual spins per web article, you can create HUNDREDS. I personally refine it to 20-50, as to avoid too much duplicate content.

>> No.80921
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but I'm still gonna do all this

>> No.80923

you have to take each spun article and proof read it. at this point, you can honestly hire some overseas chump to work for 10 cent per article proofread etc, hire on mturk or google SEO/freelancer websites and hire there. its cheap labor. just make sure to pay attention to what they do at first and weed out the bad ones from the good.

you should EASILY begin making 500+ articles a day, but holy SHIT what will you do with all those?

you COULD try and go into business with this, continuing your past work and just scale up the accounts, hire more people designated to simply submit articles for you, etc.

you COULD also decide to bundle articles together and sell them for 10-20 dollars to other IMers on IM forums.

personally though, I don't like that much work, and would follow a different route all together:

9. bigger and better things.

By now you should have re-written so many things you should naturally become comfortible with writing and creation. You've been actively re-writing items and thus becoming fluent with creation, and more than likely have thought of new ideas and topics to go after.

Invest in Dragon naturally speaking software with the money your earning.*
*this is not necessary as some such as myself type faster than we talk, others dont like typing so this comes in handy

begin creating your own 100% unique content. your quality as a IMr has just gone into a new level, your no longer a bottom feeder, but instead actually producing valuable content.

Think of the niches youve played with, which ones did you enjoy? which ones did you find personal interest in? focus on those, find something you like and know or want to know about, and begin creating your OWN content. follow that up with your spinning techniques and your sitting on article goldmines.

>> No.80926
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You! Shut up!
You! Keep talking!

>> No.80927

what you do from there is your own decision. you can continue to submit to hubpages, squidoo, AC, etc, but if you've manage dto come this far, focus on creating your own blog website. invest in hosting, think of a domain (use your keyword techniques to think of a domain with rich SEO value for your niche)

so now we're talking about creating our own blog...


okay so we've learned to be creative. we've learned how to spin articles. we have a hired force to do our dirty work. we have capital to invest. and we know what we like writing about.

when making a website, your domain name is a MUST.
if your trying to create a website about videogames, booksareus.com is NOT the domain for you. but "top10videogames.com" sure would be sweet.

research your niche and find a good keyword (high searches, low competition) that would look pretty as a website domain name.

a domain name is key, and demands high SEO results from google. if soemone searches "4 chan", they will instantly see 4chan.com. even against 364,000,000 results, and NO real indexed pages from google since everything buffers out, that will be the first result.

pick your niche, pick your domain, and set up wordpress.

Wordpress is a monster in itself to learn, its not too hard, fun, and quite capable of lots of things, but i wont go into detail on that now....

>> No.80929

*learn wordpress here and set it up*

okay, so now we have a wordpress, and we know how to make massive amounts of information. Sweet! what do we do with it?

that depends on your goals and your niche.

decide if you want to SELL something, or simply make $ off ads (banners, adsense, etc)

if you want to SELL something, what is it? do you want to sell your own product? do you think you have a good idea? or do you want to skip that.


this is a website with MASSIVE products for sale, mostly in the informative catigory for about every niche under the sun, some physical product but not much. make your decision over a product and then we move forward:

>> No.80931

OP, how much are you raking in per week and per month once you have this whole system set up and running?

>> No.80933


so we have something we want to focus on, ill be breaking this step into 3 catigories, created product, affiliate sales (clickbank), and ad revenue

A. Created product.

You know what you want to talk about, take this seriously, your product will make or break you. Just as I am doing here, being the authority over IM, do the same in your product. create an eBook that tells you the exact YES/NO's/WHATEVERS of what your talking about. know your shit, or at least fake it ;)

after the product is created, begin creating base articles to work with. make 5 unique REAL articles a day. spin them as you have been taught. post the original on your site, post the others to hubpages, squidoo, ac, etc. makre sure they are not SELLING, but INFORMING, just enough to entice the reader to check out more. add a link "for more information go to www.rankforgoogle.com" somewhere. be creative.

example: see how i've told you everythign to do? I also told you to buy TBS and dragon naturally speaking. anyone who follows this guide with success will probably take those suggestions as i even showed you how to make the money to buy them to begin with. marketing inside free information ;)

(note: obviously i make nothing for doing this, just pointing an example out)

get as MANY articles out on as MANY different sites as you can, all of them linking to one another, and in some way linking back to your main site, creating a giant spiderweb of interlinking articles across as many websites as possible. this builds your search engine results and drives traffic strait to your site.

>> No.80934

What are the chances and consequences of getting caught?

>> No.80935

currently not doing any article writing methods. at my prime i was making 100/day off this exact method. I've since moved on to different things as I stopped enjoying it. I was fortunant enough to make a friend whos dad was a -badass- internet marketer who tought me what he called the "bum marketing method", which basically tought you how to build an online empire from 0 investment.

now on with the information

>> No.80936

in my experience, as long as you play smart (use proxies on accounts etc) zero. IF you get cought, the worst that happens is your hubpages/squidoo/ac gets banned, and you create a new account w/ new paypal info. DO NOT DO CLICK FRAUD ON ADSENSE. adsense is a bitch to get back into once your banned, even using blackhat means. don't fall for click ring bullshit, stay legit on that. Adsense doesnt care if those websites ban you, you can still use it wherever, but if you fraud them, they will kick you out in a heartbeat, and they WILL catch you if you try.

another EASY step to begin venturing into selling your own product (if you get serious in this, you will begin making products as fast as you make articles) if your having trouble:

while following this guide, take notes over EVERYTHING you do. record your actions, make videos of it, when you've reached the final step and created your own website, bundle it up nice and pretty and sell it to other internet marketers as a money making method, provide free reviews to the bigshots of the forum (5-10 free reviews), and watch the money roll in. this is a classic way to make a few hundred to a few thousand (they stop buying eventually), get your feet wet in creating product, and building your name within a community as a reputable person for future sales of future services/products

>> No.80937

B. affiliate sales.

this is the same as A, only you are not investing time into building a product. find a product you like, see if you can create an order page on your site directly, if not simply make your blog a giant "article site" that links to your product affiliate link, and do everything else the same as method A.

this creates one SUPER SEO ranked article site (your blog), that demands attention, and pushes purchase of a product on another site, thus yielding you money via referal

>> No.80938

C. Ad revenue

we are going to focus on adsense here, but there are many other ad type choices to consider (banner space, other ad companies, etc)

basically the same as A , only instead of pushing people to purchase a product, you are GIVING them all the information, in bits and pieces of course, to get them to keep coming back.

always update your site regularly. google and traffic likes this. do not post 100 articles at once (this applies to all 3 methods), but instead set up blogging timers so you are updating your page once a day, twice a day, etc automated. set 500 articles in it on a timer, and be good for the year with auto-updating.

simply set your adsense up and research (with the adsense tools provided) what is working at what isnt. in my experience, a slim horizontal line across the top (below the banner, next to the first body of text) and another ad on the right works best.

this can generate hundreds and hundreds and thousands and thousands of dollars over time, take it seriously. its a slower starting process, but the end results are WELL worth it as the product will never die, since there is no product, just information.

And I think thats it for now. Any questions?

>> No.80949

My country isn't on paypal list, any other ways I could get the money?

>> No.80953


Theres alot of people in your situation. The most popular methods for fixing this problem:

-have a relative in the states that will let u use there information. be legit cause you dont want to screw them.
-go to SEO/IM forums and look for someone willing to let u use there info for a profit. lots of low level IMers are after making ANY money they can, and if you offer a few bucks to them for basically nothing, theyre game. Be careful though cause they can steal everything from you
-find alternative websites that allow different means than paypal, i dont know any off the top of my head

>> No.80954

That's all I really wanted to say
And, if you're not writing articles right now, what are you doing to make money (if it's not too personal)?

>> No.80957
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Would it be possible to spin this into an article?

Seriously though, this is a badass guide, and since I'm already somewhat well learned in a popular niche, this has astounding potential. Thank you, good sir, for educating these denizens of the internet.

>> No.80965

Your welcome anon :)

as for what im doing now:
I am a computer technician by my 9-5. I havent been in IM on a serious note in about 3 years. started tinkering again with it as a hobby for about 3 months, seeing what has changed, new things that work, old things that dont (its ever changing)

I'm quitting my job at my company (just put in my notice today) and going to persue a few online goals to become my own online empire again:

-ebaying and online sales: Discovered my personal hobby [unnamed for obvious reasons] + internet marketing = LOTS of money, appearently no one in my hobby knows IM, cause theres no competition and with just 1 day a week for the last 2 months i've been able to become a top competitor, i plan to grow this and around February become the ultimate authority for what I'm doing.

-I also plan to follow up a second venture, which will be local computer repair, using IM methods to create a website based around bringing in local traffic. had this idea for a few years but devotion to the company stopped me from doing it. This will be more related to this guide as I will have my own website and oodles of SEO done to make it the top site for local computer repair, already scoped out the competition, going to be easy pickings.

Why not? I figured someone would think of this. yes, this is completely possible to spin into articles. technically you could re-write this nice and pretty as i just fast paced it, bundle it up pretty and have a product to sell even (a "online marketing ebook")

it happens all the time, normally the people who do such a thing die fast as they dont really know what theyre talking about and cant promote the product right. beyond that, i didnt go into massive details over waht to do so there still learning to be had, at which im sure you'd want to add your own things to this information.

and your welcome as well anon2 :)

>> No.80981

Is it possible to direct traffic towards a site that has the potential to grow into a community and/or entity unto itself?

>> No.80983

I'm this guy. The traffic would be directed to the site using the steps you have listed.

>> No.80998
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Yes. Most every KNOWN website out there uses the principles of SEO.

the basic idea of SEO is:
- create base site (where you want the traffic to go, be it your own website or somethign your promoting or whatever)
-create webs that trickle into it via links.
-make it as big as possible.

the more DIFFERENT web domains that refer to your site, the more it likes your site for whatever term youre targeting. theres lots of variables here, how popular the site thats linking to you is, etc etc, but thats the idea

attatched is a basic concept of link wheels as it is called. the structure can vary, but the idea is the same:

>> No.81019

Seems like it's worth a try;
I look forward to becoming one of your competitors.

Heed my words anon...
You will regret leaking this information.. mwaha

>> No.81021

Having that many paypals seems like a hassle; is there anyone who knows a way to avoid that

>> No.81022

i've been told you can simply link multiple emails to the paypals. but stealth paypaling is a very popular thing in blackhat IM

>> No.81023

I would do this, except it reminds me too much of this comic:
or the library of babel:

Basically just adding more and more nonsense and nothingness to the void of the internet.

>> No.81025

99% of the net is repeated nonsense. thats the point (if you read the entire thing) of why i transition you into a learning curve where you begin creating your OWN stuff.

>> No.81079

sure hope someone saves this

>> No.81103

I have a whole series worth of moderately original content that I'd like to publish (It's mostly real estate advice. I started making notes just as reference for when I buy myself a home, but I might as well turn it into something!).

The first problem is, there is so much re-spun crap out there, I can't see how I could make my content stand out enough.

The second problem is, I'd rather publish it and be done with it. I have a full time job, I don't want this to become another job.

>> No.81334

Unfortunately, this isn't a guide that would help you or your content become known without a fair amount of work. Try putting a book together using whatever time you have or want to sink into the venture, or just do what you want. This is just bias advice from a wannabe writer.

I plan on it. Just a few sceenshots would suffice. Might as well put in minimal effort to create an easily distributable guide for the chans.

>> No.81391

Did you actually read anything? "make my stuff stand out from the other re-spun crap" is the keyword usage section. you research, find keywords that have decent search volume with little competition, and take them over.

as for not wanting to devote time into this and making it another job: then IM isnt for you. Either you devote yourself to it and take it serious and succeed, or dont and make a few cents without really every accomplishing anything. IM isn't by any means instant or easy, if it was then everyone would do it and there'd be no point to me writing this.

>> No.81521

thx bro

>> No.81535

Nice write-up OP. Is writing/spinning articles is the best way to start getting traffic to a new site?

>> No.81537

"the best way" is an opinion that differs between everyone. There's also different KIND of traffic. What your project is designed to accomplish will change what kind of traffic you really want.

this method is designed to bring in authentic unique SEO traffic. meaning the average person thinks "ohh i want to loose 10 pounds", googles "loose 10lbs fast" and stumbles across your website, due to your SEO usage bringing you to the top.

Yes though, Personally, I believe authentic SEO traffic is the best type as its a real possible customer base, not junk traffic.

>> No.81796
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Question for you OP:
I linked here from the other thread where you posted.
Recently my family took on the idea of affiliate marketing.
They are looking to me as the "computer guy" and asking that I figure it out for/with them. I have no idea how to create a website other than say squarespace.
They have bought into a program titles Commission Crusher.
My web of trust addon has returned a poor reputation warning.
Have you heard of this network? Can you refer me to trusted networks? I have the ability to learn whatever I put my mind to and am willing to do this full time. (Running Ubuntu11)
Your advice here is greatly appreciated. Also your timing is impeccable! lulz

>> No.81811

clicked into the website. never heard of it before. i notice this:

"Now it's your turn to start using a program that actually works! No more Bull Sh*t from all these Internet Guru's who sell stuff that doesn't actually make anyone money. The only person who makes money on 99% of these products is the guy selling the product. That's not the case here. My program actually works and I'm excited to help you. Get ready to start making real money online."

Primarily this part:
> The only person who makes money on 99% of these products is the guy selling the product.

i facepalm when i hear about IM noobies buying into shit like this. he says it himselfa nd isnt lieing. the only person making money off that product/program is himself. if he had a secret method or tool that makes him millions, he wouldnt sell it to you at 40, 50, or whatever hes asking.

anything he has/tells you about is readily available on the internet for free, its just a matter of finding it.

tl;dr: get the fuck out of that. those things are bullshit. google for SEO/IM websites and join forum communities. EVERYONE in your family (since they all want to do it) should spend countless hours reading what is discussed in the forums. ask questions. and most importantly: ACT.

dont bother buying worthless programs that promise to guide you step by step to riches

>> No.81816


just skimmed it a bit more. scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you see this:
>Attention: Before you continue, please note that your credi chard charge will show Clickbank or CLKBANK*COM.

if you read what i've written here, you will see i mention
clickbank here: >>80929

this is nothing but an internet marketer that has joined an affiliate program and done basically, exactly what ive talked about here.

im glad you posted, this is a great learning example for both you and anyone who reads this:

the poster that asked me this question has admitted his family has bought into this product. guess what. the product is from clickbank, something i've mentioned here as a means to selling. whats this tell you? this shit works, so if your hesitating then get up and start already. the proof is in the pudding.

>> No.81818

THAT'S what I have been trying to tell them!
Googling SEO/IM now.
Thank you OP. You can probably tell, I am seeking guidance.

>> No.81855

a few great starting places (my personal 2 favorite) are DP and BHW. googling will find them

>> No.81860

>Create guide for making quick bucks easy
>Base it on a scam that's been saturated since 2008
>"But you can still make money if you have several paypal accounts!"
>Just google something that will bring you no results other than an e-book to buy
>It's an integral part to scaling up so that you can actually make money on the idea
>It works! No risk! Trust me!

Nice one.

>> No.81868
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I feel so disillusioned right now.

>> No.81874
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>Create guide for making quick bucks easy
the point of this guide isnt to teach you any one "quick easy money" method, but to teach you the basics of internet marketing. keyword research. writing. article spinning. product creation/selection. publishing.

>Base it on a scam that's been saturated since 2008
wheres the scam? article spinning? none of what i've explained is illegal in any way, simply against the rules of some websites who are already ripping people off. hense why i mention this IS "blackhat".

>"But you can still make money if you have several paypal accounts!"
no argument there. refer to first response of "not meant to be a complete pefect method, meant to teach"

>Just google something that will bring you no results other than an e-book to buy

>It's an integral part to scaling up so that you can actually make money on the idea
all internet marketing is about scaling up a working method. point one out that isnt. nothing is ever going to be a "i sold 1 thing to 1 person and they bought it for 10 million dollars". this applies to real life business as well.

>It works! No risk! Trust me!
the only risk is publsihing sites banning your account, and paypal deciding not to work with you (in the event that you decide to make stealth paypals and somehow get busted, which i have not explained how to do)

Legally, there is nothing here of any danger.

Be ignorant more, thx.

Pic attatched to show how little i know. FYI this is just me testing the waters with my new method that will be complete in february, changing things up etc. days with no transactions are days i had everything shut down.

god I wish i knew what i was doing T_T

>> No.81903

Wow, you made $200 in two weeks! With that kind of money, I could pay off my mortgage in no time!

>> No.81910

Why are you so mad, bro?

>> No.81914


I'm just glad you're posting this.

I work for a real company and we make bank off of all of these people that fall for this shit.

>> No.81993

Stealth paypal is integral to this hustle, Because without it, the $2.00 you'll get per article makes the AC scamming obsolete since 2008.

Problem is, doing a google search like you asked only brings up an old post on BHW and an e-book to buy.
Kinda funny.

I'm sure it's a better book than all those other gurus are pushing.

>> No.82078

again, this is simply test running. 2 months from now that 200 bucks will be 1.5 - 2k.

how is it hard to comprehend that with IM you have to tinker and build?

also only allowing for a very small flow of traffic at the moment so I dont become overwhelmed while fine tuning. About 1/10th available traffic

i have no idea what your talking about, i simply said google BHW and DP, and have specifically said to NOT buy stupid IM ebooks. yes, BHW has a selling section where people sell just that, but did you bother to LOOK at the site itself?

also, just checked myself by googling BHW, all i see is a direct link to the site, no ebook. wtf did you even google?

grats working for someone. IM'ers do it because they want to make there own company. bet your company didnt instantly start making bank just like any other.

the trolls are abundant tonight.

>> No.82095

It's nice that you make money doing this, but you could do something a lot easier with little investment, the stock market.

>> No.82094

Ignore all the trolls OP this is some good shit

>> No.82097

already do, most IMers do once they get off the ground.

>> No.82101

Hm. You don't seem as scammy as I thought at first.

It's just that googling "stealth paypal" brings up scant results.
And it's like the key to wrenching any kind of bucks out of AC anymore.
Outside of that, sure this is an old, beaten up idea, but it might get some new guys thinking about IM, which is the point, yeah?

Anyway, I may have jumped the gun framing you as a guru.

This nigga just called the stock market easy.
You have to do constant research, just like marketing. And it's slower.

It's legit, though. Or as legit as exploiting the third world can be.

>> No.82104

I'm avoiding talking about stealth paypals simply because it teeters on illegal, as stated I want to simply stay in blackhat territory.

as for this method in itself, yes, just like you said. the point is to teach people the fundamentals and make a few bucks while going at it. at the point of growing into multiple paypals etc, i've recommended to move into creating your own site instead, for obvious reasons.

beyond the morality of cheating AC, its simply more profitable to use content you create yourself than to give it to someone else for 2 bucks once your at the point of "holy crap i have TOO MANY articles"

1 article getting 1 adsense click a day = 3.75 a year. if you follow this method and create 50+ articles a day, create a website w/ adsense or even using hubpages (note they take 50% of the adsense income, that's the trade for using their site, which is fair imo)

50 x 1 = 50 cents a day, 15 dollars a month, reoccurring, forever as long as the article is up/traffic stops cause the niche dies.

2000 dollars a month goal, 2000/15 = 134 days of work and suddenly you have reoccurring, "i don't work anymore and get 2k paychecks a month", which can last for years on end.*

*this is kinda what i did to myself during my 100/day status. I got to that point, was stoked, but wound up getting a new 9-5 job, thinking my shit would stay on auto pilot. it trickled down and real life got the better of me to where its 100/year, which honestly, isn't bad considering i haven't touched it in 5 years.

btw: thx for the ...guess we can call that an apology. no harm no foul. and by NO means am i a guru. there's PLENTY of guys making 1923749823749 times what I'm making, and it makes me jealous >.<

>> No.82114
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OP is a god.

>> No.82132

Hey OP. I am a health care professional looking to move out of the hospital and to market my skills directly to the consumer and possibly to insurance entities.. Is there any recommendation you could make for me? Obviously, grey and black hat are out, as my professional license is at stake here. Essentially, I want to use the POWAH of the internet to drive my medical service business.Suggestions?

>> No.82150


The thing is, in the time it takes me to do that, I could have probably written it myself without any help. Especially if its an area I already know about. I see what you're saying though.

>> No.82160

I maybe dumb OP, but what do you call "making a product" ? You mean creating my own article, that I'll spin to make more money ? How this will give me more money ?

Non-English native here, so even if I can read English without problem, I don't always understand the subtle differences

Thanks for all this thread btw !

>> No.82165
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op is a pretty cool guy

>> No.82166


Then you should re read it. because he explained it well.

good luck

>> No.82178

OP mentioned joining some web communities. Above all else, I would recommend joining warriorforum, and if you are serious about pursuing IM, then shell out the $37 for lifetime access to the private "War Room." The amount of value in the knowledge those guys share with each other on that forum is insane. I have a War Room membership. They're always giving away free copies of the info-products that they sell thousands of copies of for $5 to $20 on the public forums of the same website. They also share free marketing software.

>> No.82231

what is the "service" exactly? Grey/blakhat is NOT out of the question. Spinning articles is considered blackhat because its not 100% unique content on every article. if you write your own original base article, all you are doing is making a ton of unique content with a twist in how its created. nothing about that is wrong or chances your medical license.

let everyone understand this: blackhat is not illegal in any way and will not get you in trouble. the worst it will do is make an online account like paypal/adsense ban you. blackhat and illegal/fraud are two different things.

as for your question, do everything i said here, but instead of choosing different niches, focus on health care. instead of promoting anything besides yourself, ONLY promote yourself (this means get your website up and running).

id suggest going through this guide once as is just to get the feel for things, then a second time around with nothing but your own services in mind.

>> No.82234

hey man more power to you. I thought hte same thing myself (writing always came easy to me) but when i actually started IM i quickly discovered "fuck me i cant do this fast enough" and article spinning became a godsend.

secondly, theres only so much unique content in that squishy brain of yours. eventually you get writers block, or just mentally winded. in later steps when your supposed to be making 50-200 articles a day, that is IMPOSSIBLE to do manually on your own. so spinning has its uses.

spinning isnt even considered cheating if your writing your own articles and publishing across the web for simple backlinks, at that point its just real marketing.

>> No.82236

by "creating your own product" i refer to yes, writing your own "article", however that specific article will be about 20 pages long, give every little bit of information for whatever the niche is, be packaged sexy in a ebook, and only given to someone who pays you.

when going full fledged into this (with your own product) this is the step sequence:

-think of niche
-create usefull product for it (20 page ebook etc)
-create home base website where product will be sold
-create dozens of hundreds of thousands of articles all across the web, interlinking in a web so to speak until they all trickle down to links to your base website

>> No.82238

hello fellow IM fag.

I agree with you about warrior forum. I've heard great things about it, only skimmed it a couple times myself though. Don't really know WHY I never stuck around to that place though. guess its just habbit lol

>> No.82526

bump so this doesnt 404

>> No.82557

I understand now, thanks you so much.

>> No.82560

This needs to be compiled in a Word document and uploaded somewhere.

>> No.82563
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>this thread


>> No.82568

How did you discover your craft?

>> No.82580

Complete and utter B.S.

I have been working on my own for ten years and can smell scam a mile away.

>> No.82692

Alright, with your extra spidey senses tingling, explain how this is BS or a scam.
It requires a hell of a lot of effort to actually make money this way. This is in no way a get-rich-quick scheme.

No one is asking for money; if OP is affiliated with the two firms mentioned in this thread that charge for their services then he (or she) has failed.

If I had any suspcions, they would be to do with the pretty bad spelling and grammar mistakes that pepper OP's writing. For someone that writes as much as he says he does; I would expect him to know the difference between your and you're.

>> No.82776
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Just wrote three articles for AC, we'll see how this turns out. Thanks for the info OP, I didn't even know this was possible.

>> No.82919

I guess if OP is scamming, he must own yahoo voice, squidoo, google and microsoft... Those were the only sites he promoted. Between you and me, I doubt if the owner of all those companies, or anyone with any large stake in them has much time to post on 4chan.

OP, thanks for your replies. I am an RN, and I am looking to start a home care agency that could focus on ex-mining and ex-military workers who have been exposed to radiation or byproducts of radiation. Some of it will be skilled nursing care, other parts of it could include general ADL (activities of daily life) care, and possibly hospice and whatnot. My concerns of my professional license are that anyone can make a claim against a nurse, and the board of nursing in looking into the claim, can come down on a RN on the basis of ethical violation alone, since ethics are not easy to objectively measure.

I feel I can use this system to furnish my own articles though, and just spin them. I feel comfortable providing my own information in various forms until I get to my desired target audience.

Thanks for this thread.

>> No.82923

>I guess if OP is scamming, he must own yahoo voice, squidoo, google and microsoft

I was assuming he was in with aspkin.
By the way don't fucking buy an e-book because there's no other information you can google. Especially if you were fed the keywords.
Think about it.

>> No.82924

I've written OC for AC and helium. I make about thirty or forty a month total from both. I only write OC though, and don't like being spammed over by people like OP. But it does work.

and if you are actually a good writer, you could do this without the need to copy anyone else's work, too.

I make more from helium than from AC.

>> No.82945

Why would you write completely original content for two bucks an article?

>> No.82953

rest assured, OP is not a scamfag.

I'll tell you what is a scam though.

those acai diet pills and google money kits a while back.

$35 bucks a sale. Life was good.... until the FTC shut it down. lame

>> No.82961

that's AC, helium pays by how many people read it, article stays up forever. so every month from about a hundred articles, I get paid about thirty bucks. every. month.

I haven't written anything new in over a year and they still pay monthly, due to people still reading my stuff.

>> No.83222

How will the IRS look on activities like this? I want to make a chunk of cash, but if the IRS gets on my ass, I'll but up shit creek without a paddle.

>> No.83268


Why can't it just be reported as income? The only crime is if you didn't report it, right?

>> No.84556

If you have to bust your ass to cheat its not really cheating. I guess this is a good way to go if you have no talent for anything else and are in front of a computer anyway.

>> No.84606

Using the information OP shared with us. I'm thinking about writing a bunch of articles on the SEO/IM subject. Wouldn't it cause all companies involved to change their routines?


>> No.84644


get a paypal debit card and use that to spend your earnings. for the longest time you didn't even need to give them a social security number to get one, and now they only use it to prevent people from getting a bunch of them

i used to sell a ton of shit on ebay and got away with running tens of thousands of dollars per year through that debit card without reporting any income to the irs.

you just can't spend the money on anything that is attached to your real identity, like postpaid cell phones, credit card bills, mortgages etc. otherwise the irs can catch on.

>> No.85079


proofreading is key. i don't proofread for speedy shelled out information for a chan board. :) I also have to admit ive always been a horrid spammer. tis why i saidi like microsoft word, easy spellcheck. also - cold fingers

gj jumping in head first! action is always the best course to take when "thinking about" trying something. if they get rejected, simply take what they tell you and edit your articles properly. eventually you'll get what they do and don't
like and not have to worry about it anymore.

I dont even know what aspkin is...lol

there was -so- much talk about this last year or two. I never got into it myself but couldn't read ANYTHING without hearing about it. this was during my hiatus from IM though

under 600 bucks and your fine. when you reach 600 in a years time you have to A. report to the IRS, or B. use "alternate means" to make it start over, ie starting new accounts etc. personally i'd suggest to just go legit and pay your taxes on it.

as I (and many) have stated, this is not a get rich quick scheme. this is designed to teach you. even if you dont know dick about writing eventually with this method you'll become fluent enough to go legit.

Doubt it. "Article writing" info how-to's etc are already in the kabillions. you're idea to use it to "change the game" has long been done.t he beauty is out of every 1000 people that read this stuff, 1 might act, so its already about as saturated as it can get and not going to change

>> No.85080

Last I heard, ebay/paypal now report your earnings to the govt themselves if you break X thresh hold (i dont know the number) so that's not really even an option now. I've gone completely legit myself and would recommend the same.

as for those saying i might be bullshitting to push my own product:

the things i've mentioned are TBS and dragon naturally speaking, not counting major million dollar websites.

I have provided no real links, meaning no affiliate sales. They wouldnt have a clue even if i DID get any of you to go buy it. even as a referrer with me telling them "anyone from 4chan that buys is from me", IF They accepted that, 99% of you people would google it, making it impossible to figure out who i got to buy it.

as for AC, adsense, etc. as stated by someoen else, if i was with those companies, i wouldnt be wasting my time in 4chan to get 1 or 2 signups.
k (which im not)

>> No.85082


Countless hours of reading and attempted IM on said products. I've probably tried to sell a couple hundred different things, the ones that i like/do well i stick with, anything not performing/personally dont like working with i toss

Some people like to actually research the product etc etc. my personal habbit is just go. fromt here if i like it ill keep it up, or else ill just stop that run all together

>> No.85107
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Thank you for this thread OP.

>> No.85110

umm, viral marketing?

>> No.85118

What are some excellent sources online for building a professional looking Wordpress?

>> No.85121


I personally just googe'd/youtube'd wordpress as needed. "free wordpress templates", "how to install a shopping cart into wordpress" etc etc as I went along.

beyond that, general tinkering/testing with formats until I figure out what pushes sales and what doesnt

>> No.85122


forgot to namefag

>> No.85167

staying completely moral, write your own base articles and spin them. there's nothing immoral about doing such a thing, and technically, just about every known website does this.

>> No.85180

>you should EASILY begin making 500+ articles a day

it sounds like any other boring ass shitty job, the fact that i'm making money underhandedly instead of through a paycheck doesn't make it any more appealing.

>> No.85185


this is basically the life of any author - spend effort writing an article/book, then spend 100x that effort trying to sell it to people, only these methods are greyhat IM shit but require just as much work as anything else
no thanks.

>> No.85188

I see you've missed the part about repeat income. the beauty of IM is once you get things up and running, many (including the one ive shared) require little to no daily upkeep to keep the money flowing.

adsense is a great example. follow this information and publish on your own blog. once you get it up and running you work a week a year to generate 500+ new articles (outsource it if you like), set it to automated posting for daily updates, and forget it.

ie 6 months of work 5 years ago has yielded me 100 dollars a year once it died out (continuing to this day), not counting the sales and larger adsense payouts i got when it was fresh.

I will say this yet again since theres so many ignorant people in here: this is not a get rich quick scheme. this requires work and dedication. but as with any other IM venture, if you really try, you can create something amazing income vs work wise.

and yet again: this isnt a method shared for fast cash. this is a method shared to TEACH YOU IM.

>> No.85224

Bump so I can read properly when I'm home

>> No.85366

Same. On cell phone.

>> No.85373

How does it calculate the clicks for the add? Surely you couldn't use a proxy to click your own ad.

>> No.85396

not really sure what you're talking about?

if your refering to where i point out the adsense revenue methods:

No, you do not click your own ads. as stated before do NOT do click fraud on any level as you WILL get busted. the entire point of all this was to generate real converting traffic, ie people will find your publishing and click on your ads out of there own nature, thus giving you profit.

not sure how you missed that

>> No.85654

Correct. never click fraud even through a proxy account.

>> No.85676

OP: Can you go over stealth paypal accounts?

>> No.85692


sorry but I wont be discussing that as it teeters on fraud

theres better ways to do things than to go to that level. think of this as a business, by going into such extremes you start looking like a back alley jewerly salesman, try to think more along the lines of "established company store"

>> No.85696

OP: Just starting here. Can you submit the same article to the Hub page and the AC account? I think you can, and they wont know?

>> No.85716

Thanks for all the info OP! I'll look into doing this more...legit (no offense)

>> No.85727

Did some one say click fraud :3?

Virgin Mobile broadband 2 go generates a new ip every time you connect. by new.. I mean ENTIRELY NEW. and it's located in utah or something.

I get caught up with " You've been banned from 4chan, for posting such and such as anon" and have to disconnect and reconnect to the web, it then regenerates an ip and are good to go.

That plus a proxy, you're fucking good to go.

Don't do it he says? There's absolutely no way to get caught in this manner, especially when it's bought and used from a private seller :) 40$ a month unlimited data too btw. not bad

>> No.85751

Bump for what is quite possibly the greatest thread I've ever had the pleasure of coming across...