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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 397 KB, 670x515, tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
782370 No.782370 [Reply] [Original]

At night I have to sleep with my tv on, and this bothers my roomate on the other side of the wall.

What could I put on the wall to help dampen the sound? The tv is mounted on a full motion wall mount. I was thinking I could cover whatever dampening material with a wall tapestry or something similar.

>> No.782374

> At night I have to sleep with my tv on

I bet you don't. Save some damn electricity and go see a sleep specialist.

>> No.782376

I have tinnitus. I bet you know best though.

>> No.782378
File: 126 KB, 1081x810, 1394704802320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IDK put some acoustic foam titles on the wall or something

not only will it reduce the noise through the wall but it will also make your room harder to detect on passive sonar

>> No.782380

I dunno about him, but I have similar sleep issues where I have chronic nightmares if I don't have sufficient human background noise.

>> No.782390

maybe missing something here, but, wtf is up with a radio? prob 5w vs 50w as well.

>> No.782391

Use a fan or a white noise generator. There is no reason you have to use a TV. Not to mention the light from it will cause your quality of sleep to decrease.

>> No.782485

I'm not really asking for suggestions on how to deal with tinnitus. Different things work for different people.

Can we talk about sound proofing?

>> No.782516

But the root problem is your tinnitus, not the tv or the roommate.

But okay... The principles of sound proofing a wall are mass and isolation. Isolation can be achieved by building a double wall, or hanging the drywall with isolation clips. Mass can be achieved by double-layers of drywall. If you just want to "put something on the wall", you can add mass to a wall by hanging a heavy rug on it, or put bookcases in front of the wall and fill them with books.

>> No.782522

Cover your wall in empty egg cartons. The softness of the material and the ridges created by the egg cups should prove sufficient. My friends did this to move their garage band inside without pissing off their roommates. It's also really cheap, if you already eat eggs.

>> No.782528

Oops... Just googled it. Apparently it's a piss-poor soundproofing method. Sorry!

>> No.782530

Not your problem lad.

>> No.782532


Use a radio instead like the others say, less power usage and no light emittance to disturb your sleep hormones.

But true sound proofing is expensive as fuck, if you have a radio atleast maybe you can position it closer to your head (quieter) and away from his wall.

>> No.782534


A radio or white noise is unnatural, not something I ever use. It would just remind me that I'm trying to block out the ringing, which would keep me from relaxing. Ive tried everything, the tv helps. A fan helps as well, but its cold here now. During the summer I do use a fan.

Can we forget I mentioned tinnitus? Lol. I would like to be able to stay up late and play vidya without waking my roomate up on the other side of the wall. I can't really hang a giant slab of dry wall, so I guess the next best bet would be a thick carpet between the tv and wall, would you guys agree?

>> No.782542

There are some spray-on sound deadeners out now. Lizard Skin, SprayDead, Boom Mat makes one too. I know a guy who works at Advance Auto who says they just got some in, but I don't know the brand. If you're in the US, check out automotive places like that.

If you want something roll-on, again look at Boom Mat or Dynamat. Butyl rubber roof roll sold at construction supply houses is the exact same thing as Boom Mat and Dynamat, and if you can buy small quantities, it's a lot cheaper. That might work.

Finally, you may need to relocate your TV, or get a small receiver that can you can place elsewhere in the room to play stuff closer to the pillow, where it might be quieter.

>> No.782545

>Chronic nightmares
See a therapist

>> No.782546

Hang drapes and curtains.

>> No.782562


>because a Walkman and some earbuds obviously wouldn't resolve your hypochondria

>> No.782569
File: 28 KB, 524x336, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At night I have to sleep with my tv on

Oh, you're one of THOSE faggots?

>> No.782580

>At night I have to sleep with my tv on
Thats a really expensive nightlight mate. Maybe man up or invest in a cheap clock radio.

>this bothers my roomate
Maybe get a job and move into a studio apartment. That way no one else has to put up with your bullshit.

>I have tinnitus
Probably from sleeping with your TV on all the time. Either that or your just a candyass. Its 50/50 at this point.

>> No.782687
File: 68 KB, 634x373, smugfrogissmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to be able to stay up late and play vidya without waking my roomate up on the other side of the wall.

Sounds like you need some headphones OP.

>> No.783501

put the tv on the opposite wall, away from roomate

>> No.783836

Lower the volume :')

>> No.783841

I feel as though layering the egg-crates optimally might be sufficient.. Maybe.. Along with fabrics

>> No.783928

They sell noise generators that play fan sounds. I use one, it's pretty good.

>> No.784768

>The tv is mounted on a full motion wall mount.

It's probably conducting the sound through the mount and wall. Insulation on the wall won't fix this.

Get a pillow speaker or headphones.

>> No.784776

Buy a Marpac, quit buying electric white noise machines you dummy.

>> No.784883

Heavy drapes or curtains will prob work best. Position your head and tv to the furthest point from your roomate and wall. Like in the opposite corner.

>> No.784890

MUH nightmares.

Get the fuck over them, and learn to enjoy them. and if they bother you that much, you will soon find out how to stop them..

For me, its 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3. counting in my dream, and I wake right the fuck up. been having nightmares for as long as I can remember.

but I've figured out, that I can change my nightmares by how I sleep. such as, sleeping on my arm, sleeping with my feet/legs exposed from the covers, sleeping with my feet hanging off the edge of the bed. sleeping upright. sleeping face first.

Or my favorite one.. Sleeping with something against my back. causes me to have some really weird poo-related dreams. ever since I'm little I've had this dream.. I'm in a bathroom stall, take a shit. then grab the shit from the toilet, and play with it... Luckly, now I know how to stop such silly dreams.

>> No.784895

The dumbest, most expensive way to solve your problem is to look in to soundproofing. Even if you spent all the money, to soundproof that particular wall the sound would get carried through by other means.
You're looking at soundproofing your whole room, and that's fucking retarded.