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File: 83 KB, 422x550, Traditional tea shop on Shu Yuan Men (Art Street), Xi’an, China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
771002 No.771002 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, quick question. I was wondering if dry bamboo maintains its springiness?
Green bamboo wont work for me because the project I'm working on requires it to last and not change over time (because the bamboo will eventually dry out)
Also, how do I maintain bamboo and stop it splintering after working with it? Do I oil it like normal timber?
Thanks and have a good day

>> No.771005


>> No.771007

need some advice too.. watching

>> No.771008


>> No.771011

not a wood person, so take this with a bit of caution, but, pile Ive got sitting here certainly aint 'springy', by any means.. also, it doesnt splinter, but will split fairly often, along a seam - still holds it strength remarkably well, even with multiple splits but, not sure you can do shit to prevent that..

As said, know nothing whatsoever about it, other than, have a pile of it sitting here, reasons unknown. Bear in mind this was also bought from a handler/importer and was well dried - if youre using fresher stuff? Your mileage may vary. All IMO, gotta be more exacter info in Google tho, no?

>> No.771013

im guessing yours is rotted though, the oil should prevent rotting thats my main issue
the bamboo i have out back is still srpingy but idk if itll last like that
Also, ive tried googling heaps and its been so fucking shit
like everythings to do with flooring and chopping boards D;
thanks for your info

>> No.771015

How about reading the fucking sticky?

>> No.771016

maybe lets look into bamboo made furniture

i saw some with burnt marks and coated in something like varnish

needs some research tho

>> No.771017

eh the problem with heat treating it like that is it goes brittle, i need the springiness.

>> No.771018
File: 61 KB, 410x273, Bamboo-Funky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe varnish coating after drying wont do?

inb4 check wich species you got there
there are lots of variations

>> No.771053

i have a variation in my background that is said to dont last very much

>> No.771284


>> No.771327

I haven't worked much with bamboo but, what I'd suggest is that if what you need is the tensile strength, you might need to mention more about what you're making, but I'm going guess you might be the guy who made a thread about yumi bows a little while ago or are interested in something similar, and a cut section of pole will probably act quite different than a full pole

but if I was doing this, I'd probably start with green and then attempt to seal in the moisture somehow, bamboo is pretty reasonably cheap so I'd try a handful of oils, waxes and clear coats, maybe even a good soak in an oil, to see how they hold up to the flexing as well as temperature differences with the different treatments (clear coats might flake off from moisture under them ect)

you also might be able to find out a little info from the suppliers of green bamboo to see if they know any ways to make them last longer