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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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765946 No.765946 [Reply] [Original]

So i quit smoking and have two bags of loose tobacco
What are some uses for loose tobacco other than smoking it

>> No.765951

Extract nicotine, poison insects.
Or sell/give them to another nicotinist.

>> No.765954
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>> No.765964

Bee stings.

>> No.765977

Learn from Phillip Morris, sell it to someone who smokes. Turn that liability into an asset bro.

>> No.765980

You quit smoking like it was fucking easy. how did you do it?

>> No.766008

You just stop... being a pussy.

>> No.766018

Well sorta
I used to smoke a lot when I was 17 but stopped because after a year of smoking I was sick of it
I recently turned 18 ( In January)
And figured I would roll my own cigarettes because it always seemed cooler to me.
After buying a bag I didn't like the flavor so I bought another with good flavor but it just didn't do anything for me
Since then I haven't smoked and figured it would be better just to not form the addiction again

>> No.766021

>just to not form the addiction again

Stop while you are ahead.
You were never actually addicted, you fucking lucked out especially since you seem to not want to smoke.

The whole "I can stop anytime" thing doesnt last too long, cigarette addiction creeps up very quietly.

Stop while you are ahead.

>> No.766023

No I was honesty super addicted
I used to work out in the fields during summer and would blaze though a pack a day and would get head aches if I didn't smoke
But being the addict that I am I over did it and would end up vomiting after the first time vomiting I would hurl with every cigarette
So I had to quit

>> No.766030

no, you were honestly not addicted in the slightest.

i've tried accupuncture, accupressure, hypnosis, nicotine replacement gums and patches, i've tried lazer therapy, cold turkey, zyban and just plain old will power. yet here i am replying to you whilst trying to light a ciggie nearly 34 years after i thought "ah i can give this up whenever i want to"

>> No.766039

>You're wrong

Honestly, maybe OP was addicted, but that doesn't matter. You don't have to play "who was more addicted to tobacco" and see who's cooler.

OP, the important thing to take away from this thread so far is to not get addicted. Sell the bags and don't smoke.

>> No.766040

after so many years the smoke just sinks down into your bones. I'm 8 years in and I think I'm screwed.

there is nothing else to do with tobacco except to smoke it. unless you believe in super natural shit, i've heard old folklore that people would leave piles of tobacco on tables and in the corners or rooms

>> No.766041

I don't know anybody who would want to buy them
I don't want to throw them away. I just want to know what diy stuff I can do with them.

>> No.766042

to keep away bad spirits.
forgot to finish that post because I am drunk.

>> No.766205

You can make a biodegradeable pesticide.
Put in water.
Filter after 2 hours.
Spray on plants.
Be carefull, thou. Nicotin is easily asborbed throu the skin, so you can poison yourself pretty easyly.
The best use is to give it to a homerless person and brighten his day.

>> No.766330

It's actually just a willpower thing.
patches, therapy and nicotine replacements are a small boost that can help or entirely do it for some people.

But if you have smoked for too long, they're not gonna do jack shit. It'll then all be on the individual smoker.

>> No.766434

You can eat it to kill internal parasites.

>> No.766761

Quitting smoking is hard as fuck. But in the end, it is nothing more than a fight of will power.

I have been a smoker myself. I started smoking around 17 years old, but I wasn't addicted the first years. I remember a period where I smoked two cigarettes a day, and that's all. One day I forgot to buy a pack. And I quit smoking just like that.

Around 20, though, I started smoking more and more, around 6-8 cigarettes a day. I tried to stop smoking, and it was hard as fuck... The pain, the nerves, the addiction... I could just give up and leave in the middle of the night to go to the only place selling cigarettes at such an hour : The crappy train station neighbourhood.

Actually, I never tried any substitute for quitting smoking. I just found any occasion to stop my routine and used my willpower. I stopped entering tobacco-selling stores. I tried to ignore it, or persuaded myself it was a filthy place...

The first week is the worst. You feel bad. Your are angry for anything. You can't enjoy anything because your body feels so tensed. Even sex sucks, because you can't jump on your cigarette just after.
But after a few days, you realise you're just being a jerk, and that your body isn't craving nicotine anymore. The worst thing is meeting smoking friends, going out for a drink, or staying alone at home. All of these are occasion to remind you you should smoke.

The longest period I did without smoking was 6 months two years ago. I resumed smoking because "Hell... Why not. I know how to quit".

Last november, I tried a new method : I quit both cigarette AND coffee the same day.

It was the worst week of my life. The headache was terrible. I couldn't sleep. I was hugely irritable.
I did all of this thinking "If I cannot handle quitting cigarette, I can just resume drinking coffee."

It was the 8 november 2014. I smoked only 2 cigarettes in november. One I took from a friend when leaving her party. The other was a half smoked cigarette I picked up on the ground...

>> No.766829

Haew you tried e-cigs,you can slowly lover your nicotine and eventualy get down to 0 nic

>> No.766997

The myth is low power vonsumer ecigs are as bad as cigarettes, only high watt hobbyist devices have a good rate of getting people to quit, but not many people quitting want to learn how to coil and wick.

>> No.767000

Use it as a pesticide.

>> No.767019

I can quit smoking but not now because of stressful situation. Some other month maybe

>> No.768362

Makes a good pesticide for the yard and garden if you boil it really strong till it looks almost like coffee and filter it.

>> No.768377

Basically this. Some people have a more addictive personality. Some people have more will power.

Everyone knows at least one person who has quit cold turkey and everyone knows at least one person who has been trying to quit for years.

>> No.768871

Vaporize it

>> No.769184

You can use it as a poultice on bruises and hickeys, says the book of Mormon...

>> No.769219

I used e-cigs to quit twice. Mostly just used them because you could use it anywhere with no scowling prudes or whatever, but eventually they just make me sick and I stop for a few days and since I don't have any actual tobacco on hand it makes it much easier (always have to finish them before the day you quit or else you've "just gotta finish the pack" or whatever).

As far as the uses, pesticide and poison are pretty good uses for it. Also supposedly you can shove tobacco/tea into a wound to stop the bleeding as a temp-patchup kinda thing. IIRC they teach soldiers to pack the wound with tobacco if they've got it because it's a coagulant but I may not be remembering correctly.

If it's just a baggy you'd better hope it would dry out before you need to stuff a wound with it. If you don't have a need to keep insects off plants or poison someone then just either divvy it up into smaller baggies and hand it out or if you're lazy just give all of it to one homeless dude.

If it's in a can/jar you could always just save it for a rainy day. Even though I quit I've got a few unopened cans of the good stuff stashed away for such a thing.

>> No.769220

>I can quit smoking but not now because of stressful situation. Some other month maybe
Yeah, you can't quit smoking. I've heard quite a few people with this sentiment and it's always the same - they can't admit they are addicted to something because it would harm their self-image of being totally disciplined.

>> No.769376


Nah, you just dont have any willpower.

Just deal with the fact that as a human beeing you are weak and don't actually want to quit. And if you started smoking 34 years ago, its pointless to quit now, something has to kill you, might as well be cigs.

Nicotine actually does have quite an addictive side, its not just a mental addiction, so the patches do help. Except that after 34 years of doing something you not only are completely mentally and physically addicted to it, your daily routines involve smoking, and you probably have smoking ingrained into muscle memory. Quitting now is harder than qiutting after a few years even, because your whole body is now programmed to smoke.

You could still do it if you had some willpower tough. But you need to use your brain for that and be a man.

>> No.769395

Yeah. That's it. I'm quitting. Its not like i'm gonna die from quitting anyway. I'm not being tortured anyway. Its just mind over matter. Time to exercise! Push-ups! Endorphins! Woooo! I just wish I have a private 1-vs-1 kung-fu tutorial! Fuck! Dear lord make my mind busy you son of a bitch!!!!!!!!
"Dear God if you were alive we'd kill you" - Manson

>> No.769397

I just got new ejuices this week. Strawberry, strawberry kiwi and lemon. My god they are delicious. I just dont understand why anyone smokes anymore.

>> No.769507

I haven't had a cancer stick since January 13th. I've smoked now for a little over 20 years. I'm doing it cold turkey.

I honestly want to kill people.

>> No.769526

quitting was easy for me

I got sent to a loonybin that had a no smoking rule for a month

just go somewhere where you physically cant access the cigarettes

>> No.769541

I was in turkey for 2 weeks thinking i could use my vacation as a place to quit smoking. Nope. Jesus christ even the kids smoke in turkey

>> No.769952

Boil it and use it as an organic insecticide in your home garden if you have one.
Be careful not to touch the resulting material tho. Nicotine poisoning is no fun.

>> No.769981

Become an apiarist and use it to smoke your bees.

>> No.769985
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0.1/10 for effort

>> No.769990
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Roll a god damn spliff.

>> No.770000

I don't know what's wrong with that. Go out, find a colony of bees, douse them in smoke and take them home. Instant apiarist.

>> No.770045

I stopped after a large psilocybin dose. Not only did I gain perspective on the fact that I was poisoning myself, the actual taste and smell of the tobacco became repulsive to me. I believe there is both something psychological and physiological that happened to my brain.

There is some decent evidence to support this as well.