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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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750527 No.750527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, first time on this board! I want to make a bath-bomb that im gonna give as a late christmass gift. Prefferably it should have a raspberry "theme" (i dont know how to make bathbombs). It would be really cool if someone could tell me how to make these myself. The person im giving it to likes when it colours the water, and also when it contains leaves and stuff. A recipe or something would be appreciated!

>> No.750534

What is the difference between a bathbomb and a bubble bath?

>> No.750535

Go and fucking google it you shitlord. There are dozens of recipes out there.

>> No.750561


One kills you.

>> No.750564

Go to Vegas.
Buy bath bomb.from that place that.makes you gag.

>> No.750668
File: 15 KB, 460x276, 456561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see thread
>google video search bath bomb


>> No.750938

$7 per bath.
The fuck

>> No.751001

Sometimes I wonder about how these things have a market, then I remember how diverse and moronic the mass of people purchasing stuff is.

>> No.751005



I don't even have anything witty to say.

People actually buy this shit?

>> No.751023
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>$7 per bath

>> No.751024

I watched a video and it looks cool but I personally wouldn't flush that down my drain, no telling just what it is. I'll stick to good old soap and water thanks.

>> No.751036

Whores and their trinkets lads, whores and their trinkets.

>> No.751112

Sometimes, I think there needs to be laws against shit like this. Fuck capitalism.

>> No.751164

Yeah, they're pretty dumb but it's not like people don't spend tons of money of stupid shit all the time.

Cigarettes, alcohol, expensive cars, expensive tools, any type of brand loyalty, exotic foods. Basically anything except the essentials is excessive.

>> No.751169

>All these buttmad faggots because they can't into disposable income.

>> No.751226


You know what I buy with my disposable income?

Not waste it $7 balls of colored, 1-time use soap.

Fuck, I can appreciate spending money on some transient experience, but somehow I'm not feeling like throwing a piece of bubbling crap in your tub is worth it compared to...uh...damn near anything actually fun or entertaining.

It's one thing if you have literally so much money that you have to actually TRY to run out of it, but the vast majority of the population don't.

>> No.751231

For 7 bucks, there is not THAT much entertaining stuff you can do. See a movie? Bake cookies? Almost a month of netflix would be alright value I guess...But seriously what are you going to do for 7 bucks that is magnitudes of the enjoyability of a fancy schmancy bath?

>> No.751232

For OP: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+make+a+bath+bomb

>> No.751234

For $7 I can get several different types of heirloom seeds for my garden. From that I can grow more and more plants and save their seeds. I can eat, trade, and sell the produce.

I do that already, fyi.

>> No.751243

for 7 dollars you could buy one of these and throw it in the neighbours pool, much more entertaining than your bathtub. full of tang.

>> No.751244

Yall do realize that $7 won't even buy a drink in a bar in a big city right? PBR doesn't count.

I don't even.
>Dwight schrute pls go.

>> No.751302

my sides have ascended. That would be worth 7-14 USD if I could get it in lime/algae green.

>> No.751312

Would an assload of green food coloring give you the same effect?

>> No.751313

good point.

>> No.751314

Get red and get some kid to put it in his pocket for "good luck".

>> No.751459


>> No.751492

you could buy color and bubble bath and have many times more uses

>> No.751496


>> No.751497

>>fuck capitalism
only in this country can you get rich as a bathbomb salesman I guarantee it

>> No.751506

$7 can get you a sixpack.
Who the fuck actually frequents bars?

>> No.751508


>implying people are forced to buy these

>> No.751641

not getting hammered before you go to the bar in the big city.
not bringing in tiny bottles and pounding them down.
not bringing in tiny bottles and ordering a coke.

>> No.751644

looks mostly like someone had a bad case of the runs. I assumed bath bomb had something to do with taking a huge dump.

how is this relaxing. sitting in your own filth. gross.

>> No.752542
File: 1.70 MB, 6592x2480, Crater Lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me >>751234 here. I'm a home brewer. I make wine and mead. $7 buys a lot of yeast which I can reuse for around 15 time each without loss or change in flavor. That's about $0.80 per packet of yeast. I use 1 packet (5 grams) of yeast per 5 gallons of wine or mead. $7 can buy 8 full packets. 1 packet for 5 gallons of brew can leave me with enough new yeast to make at least 6 more 5-gallon batches. Each of those batches can make 6 more batches. This can continue for around 15 "generations" before it starts to change in flavor (which may be good or bad.)

So, 8 packets = 8 5-gallon batches (40 gallons) which can make 48 more batches from themselves (240 gallons more). Those 48 can make 288 new batches (1,440 gallons more) which themselves can make 1728 new batches (8,640 gallons). That's only 4 out of 15 generations of yeast. 15 generations would be 3,134,566,563,840 gallons of wine/mead made for the last batch. Which is a grand total of 3,761,479,876,600 gallons of wine/mead over the course of 15 yeast generations.

Basically, $7 can supply you with enough yeast to make 3.76+ trillion gallons of wine or mead (or beer I guess). That's 3.41 cubic miles of alcohol, just 0.71 cubic miles short of filling Crater Lake in Oregon (pic).

Or, you can buy a 1-time use bath toy that you flush down the drain when you are done. Your choice really.

>i'm sure my math is off somewhere, don't care though

>> No.752543

Normally, you wash off before getting into a bath to relax. The soaking is for your internal not your external.

>> No.752576

>See a hot bitch.
>Hey babe, take a sup from my tiny bottle.
Lol. Drinks aren't for you.

>> No.752577


>what is "an infrequent indulgence" for autistic retards

Do you consider a dinner at a restaurant moronic? What about a video game? """"The fuvk, $20 for a steak? People should be outlawed and capitalism shot!!!"""

>> No.752581


You sound a lot like one of those old times scam artists

>if this rabbit breeds twice a year at eight babies per litter, in under ten years you'll have a million rabbit pelts!!

>> No.752587

>re-using yeast.

tell me your secrets oh master brewer.

>> No.752746

The method you use is called, "yeast washing". There are lots of tutorials online and on youtube. Get to googling.

>> No.752747

Is it a scam that you are a lazy ass that doesn't want to skin 1 million rabbits?

>> No.752748

>Do you consider a dinner at a restaurant moronic?


>The fuvk, $20 for a steak?

Epic moronic.

>What about a video game?

There are many free video games and the paid for ones can be pirated.

>People should be outlawed and capitalism shot!!!"""

Where do I sign the petition?

>> No.752749
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> this poorfag foreveralone pleb thinking his opinion is worth shit.

At least you got all that sand out of your vagina eh Jessica?

>> No.752862

That must be the stupidest shit.

>> No.752869


I agree except for the food. Nothing wrong with going outside your culture and trying new things m8

>> No.752870

>expensive tools
Good tools cost money.

>> No.752877

>There are many free video games and the paid for ones can be pirated.

limit your choices by 99%, or just go steal things!

>> No.752879

I agree it's stupid but no one is forcing people to buy these things. Once you start enacting laws banning products for subjective reasons, it'll be the beginning of a slippery slope where many other things would get banned. This is what the 20th century communist regimes did.