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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 22 KB, 537x355, the-fifi-u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7330 No.7330 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7356

That cornstarch pocket pussy breaks apart.

>> No.7395


>> No.7430

yeah, I was disapointed.

>> No.7445

it is impossible to get it out of the cup too.

I was thinking maybe I used too much starch and didn't heat it enough in my old ass microwave.

>> No.7494

can someone repost that diy

>> No.7552
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>> No.7560

what about this one

>> No.7580
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>> No.7591
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>> No.7604

Doesn't work, it breaks apart unless you have a 4 inch dong.

>> No.7620
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i'd put my penis in her

>> No.7622

Yeah I had no luck myself. But I always thought maybe I didn't cool it enough before trying to use it.

>> No.7631

How does it break apart? Does it tear? Crumble? If so from what point? I've never made one before.

>> No.7636


>> No.7643

That's funny because I was considering making one myself to test it out

>> No.7646

The whole thing crumbles apart under any sort of force. The worst part is that it's not elastic at all.

>> No.7650
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>> No.7670

I wonder if you could add another ingredient to give it more elasticity. Or make it out of something other than cornstarch.

>> No.7687

Well obviously. Fleshlights have to be made out of SOMETHING...

>> No.7702

I imagine that alginate would do the trick but trying to find it cheap is fairly difficult

>> No.7717
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a classic

>> No.7736

>not having a girlfriend, or even a fleshlight

>> No.7755

>>7656 here

It will fail because your pocket pussy will dry and will become brittle.

You can try to coat it before it dries, but MAKE SURE it's airtight or there will be yeast growing in that. (protip : gluten and water = yeast breeding ground)

but coating it properly might take it a step further from DIY, and not so economical .

Using flour instead of corchstarch makes it more flexible and more chewing-gum texture like(also makes the colour browner)

Though, there would be a way to store it, it is inside your freezer (beyond water solidification point), so water don't evaporate, and yeast don't form.

but it will eventually dry after some time as well (and you need to reheat it to use it)

I didn't know someone else thought of that and made a guide with pics.

>> No.7763
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how to make something like this?

no homo.

>> No.7777

This seems much harder than I would have thought.

>> No.7786

Also, Should you should try mixing some aguar in there.
I couldn't get my hand on aguar, but it will soften the structure. Just make sure it's well mixed with flour/cornstarch before adding water.

>> No.7787

>>7777 much harder

that's what she said

>> No.7788


>> No.7792

Sigh... shitstorm imminent.

>> No.7798


that is this board's motto

>> No.7808


>> No.7810


DIY's motto, yes!

>> No.7814
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I'm very lonely.

>> No.7815
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I found that this pillow I have that came with a sleeping bag (its inflatable) works best. It does not feel better in comparison to other things, but it gets a 10/10 for ease of cleanup and use. What I do is roll it and then secure it with some kind of belt or strap. I make sure that I get a loop around each end otherwise under max pressure (that I can inflate it to) it starts unfolding and the shape gets messed up. Then just inflate, fuck, and rinse. Pic related. This could work well with those floats you see for children that go around their arms (would still need something to strap around them to make it tight), but if your dick is bigger than 5 inches it can get messy since you will shoot outside of it.

>> No.7816
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>> No.7820
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>> No.7823
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Teach me how to make this.

>> No.7843

This is a SFW board
this thread is not SFW
enjoy your ban.

>> No.7848



>> No.7858


I used that to troll on /a/ 3 years ago. 0/10.

>> No.7898

I made a dildo out of 3 plastic cloths-hangers and duct and electrical tape.

>> No.7917

Boards with the Yotsuba B background are safe for work.


>> No.7918

Pic or it didn't happen

>> No.7923

Unless you get the mix right it ends up just being goop or too crumbly. I have tried twice with no success. Leads me to believe it's not entirely accurate.

>> No.7934


>> No.7942

I'll post the how to video instead.

>> No.7946

seems like it'd be easier just finding an actual girl to fuck.

>> No.7947

adding some agar agar powder would probably do the trick. Though it would still be much more fragile than a fleshlight or tenga.

>> No.7984
File: 159 KB, 296x296, spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a spaghetti one once. It was almost better than real sex. Here's what you need.

1 Mason Jar
1 Box of spaghetti noodles
Seran wrap
a pencil
some butter

Start out by making some spaghetti. Boil until the noodles are soft and squishy. Aldente is not recommended. When it's finished strain it and let it cool for a few minutes. You want to get the noodles at about body temperature. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP OR YOU WILL BOIL YOUR DICK. Have some spaghetti while you wait. You're in no hurry you horny littler fucker.

Pack the spaghetti down into a mason jar taller than your dick is long. really pack it in until it fills to the top. Check that it's not too hot with your finger and then cover the top with seran wrap. Use a rubber band to hold the wrap down to the jar if you have to. Then take the pencil and poke a hole in the top of the seran wrap and down into the spaghetti. Swish the pencil around a little bit to create a narrow opening. By now the spaghetti should be perfect body temperature. Melt some butter in the microwave for a few seconds and pour it into the hole you made. This is your lubricant.

Now just put that jar between some pillows or some towels or something and fuck it until your heart's content. It will be a little tight at first but as you fuck it it gets easier to thrust into. Kinda like a virgin. But you guys wouldn't know anything about that.

Happy fucking.

>> No.8013

how did you come to mind that it would be a good idea to fuck spagetti?
Im seriously wondering how that went

>> No.8023

That does sound fucking interesting.

>> No.8034


>> No.8040

How was it?

>> No.8048

as fucking retarded as that sounds, I really want to try it.

>> No.8057

Please tell me you ate that spaghetti after you finished. Wasting perfectly good food isn't cool man.

>> No.8068

Spaghetti Alfredo.

>> No.8117

two sponges in jar, rough side outwards against jar. Condom in between soft side of sponges, stretch over sides of jar, rubberband around jar. Lube up

>> No.8326


this works, however instead of condoms a cheaper alternative is latex gloves. Fitting your dick doesn't really matter with the sponges there, but you do just have to squeeze some lube in there.

>> No.8468

has anyone recorded/being willing to record himself while using a diy sex toy

>> No.8509

You just made this whole thread gay.

>> No.8518


>> No.8548


let's change that, has anyone recorded himself while doing one?

>> No.8586

>cornstarch fleshlight
don't put the cornstarch mixture in a cup.

>Put it in a ziplock freezer bag.
(The exact amount will vary with bag size, dick size, and desired tightness.)
>Make sure the bag is sealed.
>Fold it in half so that both the sides are together.
>Tape the sides together so that it forms a tube.
>(optional)throw it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds to warm it up
>Lube it up and enjoy
Remember to rinse it out if you plan to reuse it. You can get about a dozen good faps out of it before the plastic starts to fatigue. Contents of the bag will begin to grow mold after about a week or two. when this happens, throw it away.

>> No.8614

This is the best sex toy. It feels just like a pussy.

1. get friend
2. get naked
3. get him to close his legs tightly together
4. get on top and fuck his thighs

>> No.8692

godammit dude, why so gay?

>> No.8741


Apparently you have never had any actual pussy before.

>> No.8777

apparently you've actually tried to fuck a friends hips.

>> No.8906
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Oh god my sides

>> No.8967

Ive got one, its called my hand, using my hand I can apply any amount of pressure, speed etc, it really is the best sex toy imaginable.
I don't see why making it like a real pussy makes it more exciting, I mean the good part about sex is that you're doing it with another person right guys?

>> No.8986

If you buy a sex toy and use it in a fapping motion you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8997

How the hell was that what I implied?

>> No.9016

Because there's no real way to place your hand in a creative place and then proceed to fuck the guts out of it.

>> No.9261

Your move, sir.

>> No.9303


I am 12 and I know that feel.

>> No.9374

does anybody know how much a two part silicone would be to try making something out of that?
i'm guessing you'd be better off buying a real sex toy at that price but just have no idea.

>> No.10181

That feel when you discover conditioner as lube.

>> No.10276

this one actually feels really good.
and it's easy/cheap

>> No.11465
File: 58 KB, 378x378, 1297172206892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even better if soak the towel in warm water first.

>> No.11582

>fuck me silly DUDE

>> No.11603



>> No.11980

One day someone on here will come up with something so great sex will pale in comparison and the fate of humanity will be sealed.

>> No.12137

Worthy of a bump.

>> No.12223

Any diy sex toys that aren't just pussies?

Bored schlicking with hand.

>> No.12253


Go buy a cucumber. You have it so easy

>> No.12279


Nah, tried that and a banana. Needs more texture and come hither motions.

>> No.12355


just put a textured condom on it then

>> No.12384
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anything that has a nice texture to your tastes. I used to use a smooth deodorant before I bought a dildo. Careful with the cap, though.

Alternatively, I think that filling a condom with whatever you may find that suits the shape can be good, too

>> No.12456



enjoy your yeast infections

>> No.12581


Yeah, I thought about different sorts of containers but wasn't really sure. Also a no go on the condoms, instant dry desert the moment that happens.

>> No.12801


You can always just buy a neutogena wave. It vibrates and only runs about $10-15

>> No.12840

oh, vibrating household objects.
why you don't argue when a female friend insists a particular console controller is "her" controller.

>> No.12857
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I hope you wash your remotes often

>> No.13014
File: 69 KB, 269x228, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friends ask why viva pinata is always on my profile as recently played
>mfw I flatten land with a shovel

>> No.13019

get a condom and get some liquid latex, pour the latex into the condom (lube the inside first) wait for it to dry/harden/solidify, remove from condom, enjoy dildo

>> No.13044

I really wanna make a suction sex toy or something like that but i dont have any of these materials... dammit.

>> No.13460


>> No.13566

I have made in the past a vibrator.
Used the handle of a dead welding iron, attached a small electric motor from a dead toy, attached an eccentric weight to the motor shaft.
some cable, batteries, and have fun.

Also, did the same with a smaller motor from an old portable cassette player.
Added an eccentric weight, put everything inside an "egg" from a Kinder Surprise (or whatever you call them), some 60cms cable through a very tight hole.
Close the egg, seal the joint with tape.
Add batteries/switch at other end of cable.

Switch/battery in pocket.
Go about your day.

Switch on.

Fun times.

>> No.13594

*soldering iron.

>> No.13624

By the time you get done with those homemade pocket pussies, you could've gone to amazon and gotten a head honcho.

>> No.13632

Kooky klicker

>> No.13670



also This seems much harder than I would have thought.

>> No.14117


Here's one I saw just yesterday.


>> No.14201

Look you guys its quite simple. Place both your hands together and stand up. Lube those hands and place them in a stationary position. You then continue to start fucking your hand.
For women anything will work. I did a quick glance around my room and found dozens of objects that I could put in my theoretical vajay/anus if I so chose to. Some ideas? one of the larger vibrating toothbrushes, a pen from Rochester University and the legs to my chair. Also try taking the seats off you're bikes.

>> No.14226

When the materials cost as much as the finished product, and a DIY version is massively inferior, you just buy the fucking onahole. You can get some for 5 bucks that will last forever, as opposed to ruining a glass or cutting up a bunch of shit that will last a couple of uses and then fall apart. Not to mention the difference between a textured tunnel and a generic smooth one.

>> No.15744

i have a rack with a shelf that sits perfectly just below my dick.
i always splat some lube on it and then spread it with my flat right hand so both are equally lubes.
after that i place my cock on the lube, press down with my right hand from the top and fuck my hand and the shelf.
it's good. it really is.

>> No.15744,2 [INTERNAL] 

By a medium chickhen and fuck it like made