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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 61 KB, 164x175, Whatfan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
745187 No.745187 [Reply] [Original]

I know you aren't my parents but i'm in need of some small help /DIY/.

But seriously, I need to know what these fans are. What you'd search to find something of the sort.

>> No.745188
File: 48 KB, 162x210, whatfan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second pic

>> No.745201

Looks like the fans they use in some paintball mask defogging kits. I'd email the manufacture and ask where they got them.

>> No.745270

Google reverse image search.

>> No.745363

Are you guys at all thinking?

I obviously KNOW where I got these pictures from.

Do you think they're going to tell me where they got these? I'm pretty sure they had them custom made, but I know there are things similar out there.
I did not ask who already uses them, I'm asking for a name or model of cylindrical fan setups.

>> No.745370

Why don't you take your pompous little attitude and shove it up your ass. We're not here to serve you and certainly not obligated to research shit for you.

If you try to act like a respectful adult you'll find you'll get much better results.

>> No.745371

..dont even bother anon, esteemed OP here is obv. a complete dick.

>> No.745410

I'm not a complete dick. Referring 'google reverse image search' is being a complete dick. It's like you think somebody is five. Did I say you're obligated to research something for me?

I was asking for help if anybody off the top of their head at a glance knew what it is.

Jesus christ you fucks are the reason /diy/ is turning in to such mustard gas shit

>> No.745448


> sticky says ask google first.
>op didnt ask google first
>this whole thread is a waste of time

>> No.745564


Hey, OP, you immature asshole. Learn to google.


They are manufactured for paintball equipment. Those particular fans are made by FLEXR. Learn to google.

>> No.745570

Op here. You're all complete fucking idiots. Get off of /diy/, being this dumb I doubt you do anything related to this board.

THEY'RE NOT MADE BY 'FLEXR'. Some kids put together a fan and battery system for paintball masks and called it FLEXR. FLEXR is the name of a product using these fans.
I am trying to find out a possible MODEL for a fan LIKE THAT.
You know how there are blower fans
Axial Fans

>> No.745574

As suggested before, you could email them and ask where their source their fans. That is assuming they aren't made FOR them, which if they offer the o my product with those specific fans, its possible they are.

When you ask here, there's a chance that no one knows the answer to a highly specific question. That's the best part of /diy/. After you find the answer, you could post on your thread and people would then know how to help next time around. If we don't know, we aren't going to do your homework. We helped as best we could. As far as I'm concerned, being an email or phone call away is there.

Alternatively, if you ordered their basic kit, you would have gotten the fans.

Don't be suck a prick :)

>> No.745575

> But seriously, I need to know what these fans are. What you'd search to find something of the sort.

I don't play paintball, so I don't know jack about it. But as a general rule, weird parts like this are often made specifically for the client company. I'm not sure you can find a circulator fan with exactly that footprint.

Check out the Miller Coolband. It's a welding hood fan which serves the same purpose as the paintball fan in the OP. The Miller uses more standard, easy-to-find components - it's basically a CPU fan that blows air through a short hose and through an air screen over the wearer's face & top of head.

>> No.745576

Just adding on to my post

They may be similar to a hydroponics fan or pump.

>> No.745583
File: 129 KB, 755x530, umadbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.745585

You're an asshole, OP. Learn some manners before you ask other people for help.

>> No.745591

rude autists don't get help anon.

>> No.745592

>rude entitled autismo is vulgar and bemused at the negative reception he gets everywhere.

/diy is not your mom and you're not in walmart. You're only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.745654

Look at all these samefags.

>> No.745787

I stopped here...

>> No.745825

>all these samefags

you did gud. OP is a gaping faggot who tries to bully others into helping him.
Fuck. That. Shit.

>> No.745834

OP is genuinely surprised at having his head flushed.


Mom told him he was cool. Lying bitch

>> No.746090
File: 52 KB, 500x406, fat heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb cunt OP - your revolting attitude is what turned people off. /diy is usually super helpful, no wonder americunts shoot up their schools.

>> No.746238

>Not having that school shooter fade.
Do you even white?

>> No.746291
File: 83 KB, 634x423, 1414227161684_wps_11_Hundreds_gathered_at_The_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the prayer vigils amerishots have. All those feels in one room. Group hug like seasame street.

>> No.746575

god op, i hope you kill yourself soon to rid /diy/ of your cancererous posts.

>> No.746705

found out which fan it was in like no time.
super easy, they even list it on the website.
its not custom made
and there are not a million different fans
you are rude and underage, paintball was a dead give away

why do you want to know what fan it is?
Because if you cant figure out the fan on your own. you wont figure out anything else, like the custom housing around the fan, ect

and thanks for the shittiest pics of this thing, a pic of the custom housing. fucking paintballers. always rude children.

>> No.747631
File: 27 KB, 375x229, 1417213933085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn you're a prick OP